Fabulous living

A Few Favorite Things

 Happy Wednesday! I hope your week has been going swimmingly. 

As a child, the middle of June always felt like the official start to summer, once school was out. Now as an adult, once Memorial Day weekend arrives, it feels like the summer can begin. 

Even though I just put my bucket list out last week, I’ve already made some headway with summer fun. So far, I’ve enjoyed a trip to the drive-in, grilling and cook outs and eating by the water. Needless to say, it’s already been a very good start to summer.

Seeing the new Top Gun Maverick at the drive-in.

Speaking of good things, today, I wanted to share some things I’ve been loving lately. I’m all about using things that make my life easier, so if I find things I love, then I’m going to share it with you.

Here’s some of my favorite things:

Shoe Eraser: I love wearing white, almost as much as I love wearing black, haha! I wear a lot of white shoes and sneakers in the summer, but one of the things I found was the more I wore them, whether out and about or running errands, they were getting dirty or scuffed up. I got this shoe eraser for Christmas and it works incredible. It’s almost like a magic eraser that you can use for walls or marks. The shoe eraser works great on sneakers and softer leather shoes. I’ve had dirt and scuff marks on shoes and after adding some water to the eraser and lightly scrubbing, the scuff marks are gone. I’ve seen these erasers at Dollar Tree and Amazon, so they are fairly easy to find. If you wear white sneakers, these are a summer must.

You can see how much dirt and scruff was on the shoe.

Ear Bud Cleaner: If you wear headphones, whether they are air pods, other wireless ear buds or wired ear buds, these ear bud cleaners are super helpful. Again, I got this for Christmas and have used it so much, these different tools that you can use to clean your ear buds with, from brushes, to fine tooth combs and event ones like a tooth pick. After cleaning out my headphones, I immediately noticed a difference in the sound. I also wear an earpiece for work and used this little tool kit to clean my ear piece and it was night and day when it comes to the quality of the sound after cleaning. If you are a frequent ear bud user, you may want to consider grabbing this. 

Definitely worth the buy!

Hair Dryer Headband: This next one is more for the ladies. Whether you shower in the morning or night, this headband is a game changer when drying your hair and keeping your hair away from your face when using a face mask, washing your face, or even doing makeup. I don’t use it every night but when I’m pampering myself a bit or I need to dry my hair a bit faster then this is my go-to. There’s also essential oils in the wrap which makes the experience of getting ready a bit more soothing. 

And who doesn’t love a cute bow?!

Silk Pillow case: I’ve been reading about these pillow cases for years and got one for my birthday. I’ve been using it for over a week now and I’ve been loving it. Based on reviews, it helps with your skin and hair and prevents wrinkles, all major wins for me. I’m still new to using it but have been very pleased with it so far. Have you tried a silk pillow case? If so, what are your favorite part about using it?

A favorite way to get to sleep nowadays.

That’s a look into some of my favorite things right now. Some fun, some practical, what are some of your favorite things you are loving in the summer months? Let me know in the comments below! Have a great rest of your week!