Fun Ways to Organize Let's Get Cooking

Meal Prepping Ideas

Hey everyone! Happy Wednesday! I hope your week is going smoothly and you were able to enjoy Galentine’s Day with your girlfriends or Valentine’s Day with your significant other.

I did a post last year with ideas for lunches. You can find it here. I am on the go during the work day, so having an easy lunch ready to go, makes my days smoother. I typically plan out my meals on my weekend. I’ll see what things I have in my pantry and fridge to make meals from that before I go shopping. In addition to a main meal, I’ll typically pack a few snacks and sides. 

In the winter months, it can be easy to get into a routine or rut when it comes to meal ideas. 

I tried a few different recipes and meals lately for lunch and I wanted to share them with you today! Here’s some meals I’ve been loving. 

I’ve been making soup a lot recently, I can make a big pot and then save it and store it and then enjoy it for a week for lunch at work. So far this season, I made a Chicken Noodle Soup and then a Shrimp Avocado Medicine Soup both from Jessie James Decker’s cookbook, Just Feed Me. Both have been tasty and hearty and fill me up during the work day.

Chicken Noodle Soup
Shrimp Avocado Medicine Soup

After I finished making my Shrimp Avocado Medicine Soup, I had some leftover frozen veggies and quinoa, so for the following week, I used the veggies and quinoa to make a stir fry that lasted me all week. Another nutritious, tasty and hearty meal.

Meal prepping! I make a big bowl and then divide it up for a week of meals.

Rice and veggies is always a go to for meals for lunches. I tried out a new recipe for Cilantro Lime Rice from Jessie James Decker’s cookbook, Just Feed Me. I added some broccoli and my divided it up for a week’s worth of lunches. Yum!

Flavorful and healthy!

Some weeks, I’ll change up my meals and buy a few snack packs that are easy to throw in my lunch. My snack packs include grab and go guacamole with some carrots or cracker and some cheese or grapes. It’s well balanced and is easy to eat on the road. 

A look at my meals for this past week.

In addition to my main meal, I’ll include a trail mix, some crackers, or a granola bar, sometimes even a cookie or two.

A look at my storage for snacks and my meals.

Sometimes, I have all my ducks in a row and I am killing it at meal prepping, other times, I’ll eat leftovers from the night before for lunch, but it’s all about balance and not wasting food. There’s nothing worse than throwing away good food that hasn’t been eaten. 

My storage bags I got for Christmas have come in handy!

If you are stuck in a rut when it comes to your meal prepping, I hope this post gives you some inspiration. 

What are some things you like to put in your lunch? Let me know in the comments below!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #4

Hey guys! I’m back with another week of Friday Favorites where I link up with Erika and Andrea! There was so many things that I loved this week, it was hard to narrow it down to just five favorites. Without further ado, here we go!

  • Sephora Eye Shadow Palette-I’ve shared before how I’m trying new makeup samples and I got this eye shadow palette from Sephora. This is one of my first Sephora products and I am loving it! I love the colors and how well they blend and stay on. Really pretty shades for the fall and winter months.
  • Wall Flower– I had some coupons from Bath and Body Works and had to stock up on some body care items and had a coupon for a free wall flower. I’ve always used a diffuser with essential oils in my room and loved them, so I never considered a wall flower. I decided to try one out and wow-I love it. The scent is long lasting and it’s not too powerful either. I will definitely be getting more scents for the different seasons. Right now I have Eucalyptus and Mint and it’s so soothing.
Look at the cute succulent plant, love it!
  • Healthy Lunch Options-With a new season and month here, I’m looking to make healthier meal choices. One way I’m doing that is by choosing better foods for my meals. Here’s a look at my lunch from this week. A packet of guac, some multigrain crackers, cheese and carrots. It was well balanced, I got a mix of sweet and salty and it filled me up. I’m on the hunt for more healthier lunch options. If you have any ideas, let me know!
A look at my lunches for the week!
  • Look Both Ways– This was such a cute Netflix movie that I watched last weekend. It tells the story of a young woman on her college graduation night and how one decision changes her life. The movie follows the two directions her life takes. Really cute movie and perfect for a girls night in.
  • Emily Ley’s New Book-Last week, I was talking about Emily’s large note pads from Simplified and this week, I get to talk about her new book, Sure as the Sunrise. I was so excited to learn she wrote a devotional. I already pre-ordered it and I can’t wait to read it and incorporate it in my daily routine. You can pre-order yours here!

That’s another look at some favorites for this week! What have you been loving recently? Have a great weekend!