
Currently #52

Hello all!

Happy Wednesday! I can’t believe we are at the end of April. It feels like the month just began and now we are already looking towards summer plans. May is always a hectic month between the end of the school year, gearing up for a new season and wrapping things up as we transition from one season to another.

Here’s a look into life lately and what I’m currently up to. New this month, since I have been doing so much cooking, I added a cooking section to the currently posts, you can find out more below!

What I’ve Been Up To: The month began or technically ended with Easter! My whole family was home for the weekend.

Easter mass

Over a few days, we attended Church services, watched dyed eggs, ate lots of Easter chocolate, and enjoyed family traditions and dinner. We packed a lot into a few days together.

Egg dyeing
Easter dinner
Easter treats
And movies

I spent the evening in Cleveland for dinner in Little Italy, nothing better than a spring night in the city with delicious food!

Spring nights in the city
Delicious dinner!
And tasty appetizers!

April also brought the once-in-a-lifetime event of viewing the Total Solar Eclipse! It was an incredible experience that I got to witness at work.

Such a cool moment

I also enjoyed lots of spring walks and time outside.

Signs of spring!

What I’m Wearing:

I showed you this pink jacket for dressing up for work, but here it is for a casual look with jeggings, a crisp, white t-shirt and ballet flats.

Bright and cheery for the Solar Eclipse!

What I’m Reading:

The Sweeney Sisters was such a cute and fun read. It’s about three sisters who come home after their father dies. As they prepare for his funeral and to sell their family home, they learn they have a fourth sister. The three sisters grow closer and start to bond with their new sister. Each of the sisters are going through their own problems and stressors but they sort them out together. I loved reading about how a loss brings a family together. I also loved how one of the characters was named Elspeth, too funny! I have read other books by Lian Dolan and was excited to pick up this one too.

Wellness was a heavier read. I heard about Wellness from a few other blogs and was interested in the book about a couple who after being married for 15 years starts to drift apart. The book goes back and forth between the past and present. There are a few side stories that take place that I found to be a bit confusing and hard to follow at times. I also read the book on my phone when I had time, so that may have made my reading experience not as enjoyable. It was also very heavy with psychological themes, which isn’t what I’m used to reading. Overall, the book was good, but not my favorite. If you have read it, I would love to hear your thoughts on it.

Dear Edward was a book that I couldn’t put down once I started it. It’s all about a young boy who is the only survivor of a plane crash. He loses his entire family and is forced to start over with his aunt and uncle. The book goes back and forth between the plane crash and the present day as Edward grows up. I loved reading about his journey from a young boy to a young adult. This book was raw, emotional, beautiful and filled with so much hope. There’s a series on Apple TV based on it and I watched it once I finished it.

The Beginning of Everything- This was a charming book about a girl who is squatting in an old house that gets purchased. The owner lets the woman stay there as long as the woman promises to help renovate the home. The two become friends and toy with the idea of a relationship. I loved the relationship between the landlord and the tenant. I also loved all the references to the the United Kingdom culture. Definitely a cute book to curl up with.

The Good Part– This was a book that I finished on a rainy afternoon that I related to in so many ways. It’s all about a girl in her mid-20s who is feeling rundown and wants to skip to the good part of life when she has everything in order. She ends up waking up in her 40s with a life that isn’t her own. She must navigate her future life while she tries to get back to her old life. Such a cute book that takes place in the UK. I loved every minute of it.

We Run the Tides is by Vendela Vida. It’s all about a group of girls who after stop being friends after they disagree about an incident they witness. One of the girls ends up getting kidnapped and that changes everything. Themes of friendship, betrayal, coming of age, and seeking attention are all found in the book. It wasn’t my favorite book and I found certain aspects of the plot to be confusing and hard to follow, but overall, I’m glad I read it.

What I’m Watching:

Besides watching my weekly shows like Grey’s Anatomy and the Masked Singer, I have been making my way through books and watching the series or movies based on them. It’s been fun to do this as a comparison and to see which ones I enjoy over the other. I did this with Dear Edward (which I’ll get into more on Friday and I’m currently doing this with another book I’m in the middle of reading.

What I’m Cooking:

Taco Soup- I started out the month with a taco soup recipe I found on Pinterest. I have made variations of taco or tortilla soup, and this was a new one. You can cook it on the oven or in a slow cooker. I chose the slow cooker option and was happy with my decision.

Stir Fry- A shrimp stir fry was healthy and affordable and filling. Just mix rice and veggies you have on hand and a protein and you are good to go. I went with frozen shrimp and I was able to pull together this meal in 15 minutes.

Balsamic Chicken with salad and rice- Such a quick recipe when you marinate the chicken and then pop it in the air fryer for 20 minutes.I also added a salad with homemade croutons, and roasted chick peas and rice. Yum!

Homemade Peanut Butter Cookies

Homemade Lobster Bisque Soup with Crab Cakes and Salad- A delicious seafood night that had me dreaming of New England.

Air Fryer Bagel Bites-Such a super easy snack that’s healthy too!

Chicken Casserole, a meal that was filling and fast to make and was a crowd pleaser.

What Inspires Me- I have been inspired by all the spring vibes on Pinterest, from home decor to flowers.

Spring vibes!

I also have been inspired and working on gratitude instead of stressing. This past month has been a busy and stressful one and I have been TRYING to approach stress with a grateful mindset and focus on the good rather than the bad. I also have been working on finding pockets of joy every day (the sunshine, a walk with my dogs, a home cooked meal) to combat any outside stressors I can’t control.

A quote from Near in the Night by Emily Ley

What I Accomplished– I accomplished a lot this past month from family time at Easter, to meeting up with friends, a few fun date nights, and really being present in the moment. I also had a few big work projects get checked off my list which felt so good.

Even my dogs got in on the Easter fun!
Weekend date nights

Goals from Last Month-I really wanted to make more of an effort to get outdoors more in nice weather and I accomplished that. I also wanted to continue to check things off my Spring Bucket List and by and large, I’m doing a good job with that as well.

First ice cream of the season!
Spring walks

Goals for this Month– May is a busy month! Over the next 31 days, I have birthdays to celebrate (including my own), my brother’s graduation, siblings moving home for summer, the end of the school year and then Memorial Day and the unofficial start to summer. It will be a busy month but I’m looking forward to everything it brings.

That’s a look into life in April. I hope you have a wonderful month ahead!


Currently #16

Hey guys! Another month is coming to an end, I can’t believe May will be here next week…I am very excited for next month because it means we are getting closer and closer to summer. I’m looking forward to spending more time out in the sun.

This month I have been spending as much time as I can outside both in and out of work.

Here’s a look into my life over the past month. 

What I’m up to: This month was all about welcoming spring! The month started out with Easter preps! We dyed eggs and went to Easter mass and saw family. It was a much more normal celebration compared to last year when we were all in a stay at home order. I’ve also wrapped up a few work projects which was a great sigh of relief and the I’ve been spending a lot of time outside! Going on walks before or after work has been a favorite of mine!

Easter morning…one of my favorite traditions
And you can’t celebrate Easter without an Easter basket.

What I’m wearing: The weather has been funky, some days it’s been in the 70s, other days its been in the 40s, so that makes dressing for work tricky. Luckily, I know the power of layers! But my latest favorite is this trench coat from J. Crew! I got it for Christmas, and I couldn’t wait for spring weather to start wearing it. It is the perfect spring jacket that can be dressed up or down. I have worn it over my work dresses but also with leggings and jeans. Here’s a few of the looks. 

One of my favorite trench coats from J.Crew! Here it is all dressed up! And my little pup jumped in the photo!
Here it is dressed down a bit with leggings.

What I’m reading: Reading has been my go-to to start or end the day. In the past month, I finished The Tenth of December, I listened to it on audible and you can read about my experience with audiobooks here. It’s a collection of short stories with different moral lessons. It was a good read, but it wasn’t my favorite.

I also read Growing Boldly by Emily Ley. You  can read my full review in last week’s post.

One of my favorites of the month!

And then I read And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie. This was my favorite book I have read recently. I loved the concept, the mystery, the intrigue and the characters. It was soooo good and definitely one of my favorites of the year so far. 

I couldn’t put this one down!
My weekly book club dates are a highlight of my week!

What I’m Watching:  My weekly shows are starting to wind down.  This is Us wraps up in May, this season has been so good and I have enjoyed seeing how the show and cast has adapted to Covid. Grey’s Anatomy has been my favorite this year, from seeing how first responders and hospital staff and doctors deal with Covid, to lots of stand alone episodes and Meredith on the beach with TONS of INCREDIBLE guest stars, wow, this season has been fantastic!  A Million Little Things has been good and fun to keep up with. Those have been keeping me busy. Besides those shows, I just started watching Offspring, its about a family and their dynamics as adults. It’s very funny and light hearted on Netflix. 

What I’m Loving: Even though we had some chilly weather last week, I am loving the warmer weather and taking advantage of the sunshine. Last weekend I picked flowers when I was out for my walk. It was beautiful! On another note, I have been obsessed with Taylor Swift’s (new?) album. It’s bringing me back to my middle school days. 

What Inspires Me: I am inspired by spring colors and the changing seasons. I have so much hope for a much more normal summer and I can’t wait to start making my summer bucket list. I am also inspired by Pinterest lately, from quotes, to seasonal things, cooking, and home décor. It’s been so fun to browse a bit every night. 

Going for walks has me craving spring.

What I accomplished: I’ve been really happy with my new hobbies, from reading and cooking. It’s been such a fun and creative outlet. Plus, I’m really happy with some of my recent pieces at work and some fun opportunities. Also, by far my favorite accomplishment was getting my Covid-19 vaccine, I’ve been following the story and covering dozens of vaccine clinics for months and I was thrilled to finally get my vaccine (or the first dose at least). 

A behind the scenes look on the job.

Goals Accomplished from Last Month Last month, I definitely accomplished my goals of being outside more. I have been trying for walks several times a week. I don’t make it a to-do, but enjoy them as they come. The past few months have been super hectic, so I was happy I got the chance to slow down more. I also got some bonus time in there with my extended family which was such a surprise and much needed since we haven’t seen each other much due to the pandemic.

I was out in Pittsburgh for a family commitment and went to Pizza place, best pizza I’ve had in a long time! Yum!

Goals for the New Month: May is my birthday month! I’m so excited to celebrate 23!!! I also can’t wait for the official kickoff for summer with Memorial Day weekend. Most importantly, I’m looking forward to getting my second covid shot next month. One more step to normalcy!!!

That’s a recap of my life. Nothing too exciting, but some of the best things in life happen during the simple days. What are you loving nowadays?