Fun Ways to Organize

Goal Setting

Hey guys! Happy Wednesday.

As we make our way through September, I always feel a sense of nostalgia of back to school and being back in the classroom. As much as I love my job, I sometimes do miss being in the classroom and being a student, but it’s all a part about growing up.

I’m a big believer in setting goals and to-do lists. Even as I write this post, I have a to list of things I want to get done while I’m in work. 

I found it helpful to write out things I want to accomplish whether they are big or small. Plus, there’s always a sense of satisfaction when it comes to marking things off a list and seeing hard work pay off. 

Here’s my tips on how to accomplish goals (big and small):

  • Write it down

I find it helpful to write down daily, weekly and monthly goals. In my planner, I always write down my goals for each day and because I have a weekly layout, I can see what things I want to accomplish across the seven days. I always use Emily Ley’s Simplified planner. This helps me stay on track for the days, but in case I don’t get something done on a Monday, I have the next day to get it done. As far as big plans goes, writing down big plans or goals on a post-it note or in a journal where you will see it, keeps it in front of your mind always. 

A look at my planner
  • Set realistic goals

I’m all about following your dreams and having the world be your oyster, but I also know that you need to work hard to get there. Here’s an example: if you want to be a performer, that can’t happen overnight. But if you take lessons, practice, perform at small venues, share your music online and on social media and network, then the dreams of being a performer could become a reality.  Dreams are possible if you set goals to get from one step to another. Dreams take years to accomplish, but if you get goals to get there then it’s possible. I love seeing how accomplishing small goals can lead to big changes. 

  • Allow your Goals to Change

It’s great to have a plan, but don’t be afraid to be flexible if your plan changes. I filled out a journal/book after I graduated college and it was called “In Five Years”, it was all about where you wanted to see yourself in 5 years. It was exciting to see what dreams and plans I had and where I saw myself in the future, but I also know that life happens and plans change. I think it’s important to set those big goals but also be open to the future and the possibilities it could hold.

I’m a very Type A, OCD person, so I’m all about staying on top of to-do list and goals. I think setting and accomplishing goals is a great way to achieve your dreams while also being realistic. 

What are your tips of accomplishing your goals?


Currently #20

Hey guys! I can’t believe we are at the end of summer. This summer flew by! Even though I’m not in school anymore and I can still do things outside into September and even October when the weather is nice, it’s still sad to think summer is winding down.

This month has been extra busy but also lots of fun! Here’s a look into my life lately.

What I’m up to: I’ve been busy making lots of trips to see friends. From dinners, to shopping and lunches, and the weddings. One of my best friend’s got married last weekend, I was one of her bridemaid’s and it was so fun getting to celebrate her these past few weeks and this past weekend. There’s nothing better than celebrating love with people who you’ve known for years. Work has kept me busy too, but I’m in a really good place in life, so I can’t complain!

Work always takes me to different spots. One day it took me to the pool on a hot summer day!

What I’m wearing: I’m trying my best to wear all my summer clothes and dresses before it gets too cold. I have been wearing lots of bold and bright colors. I’ve been also wearing some short sets and blouses on my days off too! 

Wearing some bright color at work

What I’m reading: I have been reading a lot! I finished, One Summer in Paris. It follows two women, one from England and one from the United States as they meet while both in Paris for the summer. It’s about friendship, love, the City of Love, finding yourself. I really enjoyed it! I also read the actress and comedian, Retta’s autobiography. It’s about her life journey to where she is today and how she got into acting and comedy. It was a fun and light read. It almost felt as if she was reading it to me. I’m currently working on Tina Turner’s autobiography, Happiness Becomes You, it’s been very informative and have learned a lot about this singer. 

What I’m Watching: Ladies and gentlemen, I finished Offspring. I really loved it! It was so fun and light- hearted and the perfect spring/summer show to watch. I definitely recommend it on Netflix. I also blitzed through Outer Banks on Netflix too. It’s a teen drama, but I watched the first season during Covid, so I had to continue it. It was really entertaining!!

Season 2 was soooo good!!!

I’m watching some movies before I start another series or before my fall shows return. I watched The Last Letter from your Lover, it was very good and a great period romantic drama. 

A movie win in my book!

What I’m Loving: I’ve been loving lots of time outside, whether it’s a trip to the zoo, and ice cream date or an afternoon by the pool. I’ve also been enjoying lots of summer meals, like salads, salmon, and snacks by the pool too. 

A delicious combo of salad and salmon! Yum!

What Inspires Me: I’ve been inspired by being more mindful. I’ve started to do mindful breathing in the morning. Every morning I always do some reading and journaling and prayer but I’ve started to add some breathing exercises, just to be in the right mindset before I start the day. I’ve noticed it has been helping start my day off on the right page. 

My mindfulness journey so far

What I accomplished: I’ve gotten to see so many friends and I have loved it.  I also loved celebrating one of my closest friend’s big day! I saw some family earlier this month too which was lots of fun! It’s been a busy but a summer filled month! I also got lots of pool days in too!

Even my dog Reese got in on the pool action.

Goals Accomplished from Last Month My goal was to keep enjoying summer and I mostly certainly did that. I’ll have my summer recap coming up soon. I love to see how much I accomplished both on and off my list! Stay tuned for that story coming up!

Fresh flowers are a favorite summer must have of mine!

Goals for the New Month: As much as I hate to admit it, next month will be all about the transition from summer to fall. I’m looking forward to this last few weeks of summer and spending as much time as I can outdoors.

That’s a recap of August, it’s been a busy but fun month. How’s your last full month of summer been?!