Fabulous living

Why it’s Okay to Eat Alone

Tuesday Thoughts…

Although, I am only a sophomore in college I have grown a lot in the time I have been in school. I have learned more about what I want to do in regards of a career, I have learned more about myself as a person, and I have become more independent. Whether, you go to school across the country, a few hours away from home, in your own city, or just by commuting, college is all what you make of it.

By choosing a school that is a few hours away, I don’t have the opportunity to go home whenever I want. It forces me to stay during the long and sometimes boring weekends and find a routine that works for me. Most weekends, I can be found in the gym, doing homework, watching movies or grabbing a meal or two on my own.

During my first year of college most of my friends lived close by and went home on the weekends. Although I was alone for most of the time that didn’t stop me from living life. I didn’t stay in my room alone all weekend, I went out and did things.  I went to Sunday Mass, hit the gym, went to movie nights, and ate meals by myself. Yes, eating alone was uncomfortable at first but the more I went alone the more confident I got. I felt comfortable going to movies alone and being the only one at the gym early on Saturday mornings. When I would go to dinner by myself I enjoyed the silence, in world that is filled with noise, distractions, chaos, and technology, it’s okay to be by ourselves for a few minutes. I like deciding when I wanted to eat and how long I want to stay.

Now, for the record I don’t eat by myself every day, I have my girlfriends who I eat my lunches and dinners with daily and who I can count on for girl talk. Even though I have found people who stay on campus with me and who I can count on to grab brunch with, it’s such a good feeling to know that I can eat by myself and be okay with it.

I know this is not for everyone and it can feel awkward and uncomfortable but give it a try. You may appreciate the silence and the solitude. Some of my most relaxing times are when I am alone with my thoughts. If the feeling of sitting alone scares you, bring a book to read while you eat or call a girlfriend up to chat while you finish eating. Give it a try, you never know you may like something if you never try.