Fun Ways to Organize

Goal Setting

Hey guys! Happy Wednesday.

As we make our way through September, I always feel a sense of nostalgia of back to school and being back in the classroom. As much as I love my job, I sometimes do miss being in the classroom and being a student, but it’s all a part about growing up.

I’m a big believer in setting goals and to-do lists. Even as I write this post, I have a to list of things I want to get done while I’m in work. 

I found it helpful to write out things I want to accomplish whether they are big or small. Plus, there’s always a sense of satisfaction when it comes to marking things off a list and seeing hard work pay off. 

Here’s my tips on how to accomplish goals (big and small):

  • Write it down

I find it helpful to write down daily, weekly and monthly goals. In my planner, I always write down my goals for each day and because I have a weekly layout, I can see what things I want to accomplish across the seven days. I always use Emily Ley’s Simplified planner. This helps me stay on track for the days, but in case I don’t get something done on a Monday, I have the next day to get it done. As far as big plans goes, writing down big plans or goals on a post-it note or in a journal where you will see it, keeps it in front of your mind always. 

A look at my planner
  • Set realistic goals

I’m all about following your dreams and having the world be your oyster, but I also know that you need to work hard to get there. Here’s an example: if you want to be a performer, that can’t happen overnight. But if you take lessons, practice, perform at small venues, share your music online and on social media and network, then the dreams of being a performer could become a reality.  Dreams are possible if you set goals to get from one step to another. Dreams take years to accomplish, but if you get goals to get there then it’s possible. I love seeing how accomplishing small goals can lead to big changes. 

  • Allow your Goals to Change

It’s great to have a plan, but don’t be afraid to be flexible if your plan changes. I filled out a journal/book after I graduated college and it was called “In Five Years”, it was all about where you wanted to see yourself in 5 years. It was exciting to see what dreams and plans I had and where I saw myself in the future, but I also know that life happens and plans change. I think it’s important to set those big goals but also be open to the future and the possibilities it could hold.

I’m a very Type A, OCD person, so I’m all about staying on top of to-do list and goals. I think setting and accomplishing goals is a great way to achieve your dreams while also being realistic. 

What are your tips of accomplishing your goals?