Fun Ways to Organize

How to Keep Yourself Organized

Hello Friends!

We are halfway through January, finally. I don’t know about you, but January always seems to drag for me. Today, I’m sharing my tips on how to organize for the new year. Whether you have everything colored coded like myself or can barely remember when you have a doctor’s appointment these tips can help your life run smoother for you.

  • Have a planner or calendar or both. As a college student staying organized is a priority. I have a large desk calendar for my room and a small day planner that goes wherever I go. I like the layout of the big calendar, so I can look ahead at things but it’s always convenient to have a small pocket planner with me. I typically write most of my assignments in the smaller planner since I refer to it throughout the day. Although it takes time at the beginning of every semester, I write every test, assignment, meeting, and due date in BOTH my pocket planner and desk calendar, so I am always on top of things. Hard work at the beginning pays off later.
My big desk calendar with all the important information written down, from assignments, meetings, work. It’s all in one place and color coded.
My planner goes wherever I go and once again its color coded for every class
  • Color Code. I can’t stress the importance of color coding. I have a colored pen for every class I take, typically I have it match my binder as well. For example, my advertising strategies binder is blue, so I take my blue pen and write all the assignments and projects in both my planner and big calendar. I do this for every class. I typically reserve a bright color like red to write down important meetings or unexpected thing that may come up. Not in school anymore? Not to worry this system works great with kids, have a separate color for each of your children and write all their activities out on the calendar in that pen. It makes finding things on the calendar easy.
Post it notes and colored pens are crucial when it comes to organizing.
Matching a colored pen to the colored binder makes it easy to spot things on the calendar.
  • Post It Notes. Post it Notes are my best friend. Whether its for little reminders, a to do list, or just marking a page in a book, I always have post it notes handy. A trick I have used to college is to write everything I need to get done each weekend on a post it notes and cross stuff off as I go, at the end of the weekend, throw it out.

    I write everything I want to accomplish on a post it note and cross it off as i complete it each weekend.

I work best when I am organized, and these are just a few ways that have worked well for me. What ways do you keep yourself organized? What are your favorite products you use to stay on top of a busy schedule? Let me know in the comments below!

Fun Ways to Organize

Planning for a Trip (or Planning to Come Home)

Hello! Hello! Happy Tuesday friends!

As the holiday season winds down, college students, like myself are heading back to school. Back to school means bringing lots of your belongings to your dorm room. Everyone hates packing whether you are in college or not. We worry if we over packed or if we forgot something. My school is a few hours away, so I don’t travel home often. I tend to go home just on breaks. After traveling to and from school for two years now I have a system that works for me when packing. This system would also work when packing for business trips, family vacations, or weekend getaways. Here’s what works best for me.

  • Make a list. Make a list of everything you need to bring and how much you want to bring of it. For example, 5 t shirts, 4 shorts, 1 sundress. Be specific with your list as well, instead of writing jewelry, write gold necklace with hoop earrings. This makes it easier to identify what you are packing and its easier to organize your belongings when you are coming home. I write out a list when I’m planning what to pack and use it the whole trip and when I am leaving to come home to make sure I have everything I came with. *Tip for college students packing to go home*: make a list of things you need to buy or bring when you are at home. It helps to get all your shopping done at home and come back to school with a stocked dorm.
My latest list of things I need to get while I’m home
  • Only bring what you need. Whenever I plan to come home, I plan out exactly what outfits I want to wear. I also have clothes at home, so I try not to over pack or pack doubles. For example, I don’t bring sweatpants and hoodies home since I already have them. Also, when you are planning your winter vacations, prioritize what things you want to wear. Don’t forget to check the weather to make sure you plan accordingly for whatever Mother Nature has in store for you.


  • Plan what you want to do. Whenever I come home, I have a separate list for things I want to get accomplished. Things such as doctor appointments, seeing friends, or activities are all examples of things I write down. Whenever I come home, I try to space things out, so I’m not waiting till the last day to do my shopping, seeing friends and getting everything done. The same goes for when you are traveling. Make a list of everything you want to see or do while you are away.

    A list of everything I want to accomplish when I’m home!

As I plan to head back to school this week, I always keep these things in mind. There will always be stress in our lives, but if we can plan ahead to avoid these stressful situations it makes all the difference.

Fun Ways to Organize

How to Organize: Your Backpack

With back to school in full swing, it’s time to take advantage of organizing the things we use every day. Let’s start with the backpacks.

Head back to school in style!

Whether you are a mom with a fifth grader who likes to collect everything under the sun, a freshman in high school trying to navigate the halls, or a sophomore in college who’s just trying to get by, this post is for you.

Our backpacks become a place to throw whatever we want in it. Pencils? In the backpack. Tissues? In the backpack. Dry cereal that you forgot to eat for breakfast? In the backpack. Before we know it, we can’t find anything in the mess we take everywhere with us.

I always like to clean out my backpack and give it a good washing before every school year. I have bought my backpacks in the past from L.L. Bean or Lands’ End and they last a long time. They come in fun designs, are durable, and machine washable!

After it’s finished being cleaned, I put the essentials in, the things that never come out. This can vary for everyone, but for me I always like to have these things accessible always. I always carry…

  • Tic tacs or gum (Fresh breathe always!)
  • Spare change (Always good to have emergency money)
  • Tissues (Fall and colds are right around the corner)
  • A snack (trail mix or something dry to eat in case I’m running around and don’t have time for lunch.)
  • Pencil Case (yes, I still have one even in college-where else am I going to store my pencils, pens, and highlighters)
  • My Planner (A must have for everyone. You can never be too organized)
  • An umbrella (you never want to be caught across campus in a thunderstorm without one)
  • An extra empty folder (I use this if I am collecting papers throughout the day to ensure they don’t get crushed or wrinkled)

I alternate my books and binders depending on the day and the classes I have. If they are not in my back pack they are sitting on my desk. I try to keep things in the same spot, so I can always find them.

I appreciate  a clean backpack so I know where everything is. I don’t like clutter so I keep things in separate pockets to keep them organized.

Now, it’s your turn! What essentials do you keep in your backpack? Or moms, what things can’t your little ones live without? Let me know in the comments below!!