Wanna know what a typical Tuesday is like for a college student? Well, you are in luck. I documented through photos a day in the life (last Tuesday 10/10/17.) Granted, every day is different and unexpected things happen but, here’s a peak into my life. Just a warning! I’m not that exciting! Today was pretty average, some days are busier than others.

Breakfast after quiet time. I am into milk and dry cheerios right now. Healthy and hearty. I eat while I am starting on work.

Getting some blogging done, emails returned, and editing papers for classes. If I have any tests, I do a quick review too. This time allows me to get some work done without distractions. Also, if something comes up I have some spare time to fit it in.

After getting caught up and ready for the day. It’s time for a little down time before the day begins. I’m currently binge watching Friends, and I’m loving every minute of it. Plus the 20 minute episodes are perfect for a little tv time.

Class #1 for the day. Children and the Media Studies. We had group presentations on research studies. My group went today and it was a successful class.

Class #2 Creative Writing, in class we talked about Micro fiction and Fantasy vs. Reality.

Lunch Break!! For lunch I ate pasta and broccoli. A balanced meal in the middle of the day.

Notice how I haven’t mentioned the gym yet? That’s because due to a full day on Tuesdays and Thursdays I don’t go to the gym in the morning. I try not to overbook myself and leave free time in my day if I need it. Also I give my body a break after working out every other day. I do go to my Pound Rockout Work out class at 5:00 when I can make it on Tuesdays where I am heading now. Beautiful day on campus.

So from 7:00-9:00 is a bit of a blur. I finished homework, got organized for the next day and went over what things I had planned. I showered and relaxed. I even watched another episode of Friends which doesn’t happen often. It was nice to have an easier day and with my class being cancelled I got more done!

And good night. I try to go to bed between 10:30-11:00. It doesn’t always happen, on days when i can get to sleep a few minutes earlier…I love it!
And there you have it! That’s a typical Tuesday for me, classes, work, friends, unexpected surprises, There is never a normal day. The day when I am not running in three different directions, is when you should be worried about me. If you are ever not feeling productive. Just document your day and you will see how much you get done. Trust me, you will be surprised.