Fabulous living

Things That Make Me Feel Like Me

Hi everyone! A VERY happy March to you! The countdown to spring is on, as we are only weeks away from the start of the new season, even if it doesn’t quite feel like it quite yet. We had a stretch of temperatures in the 40’s which was an instant mood booster, but then snow returned. There is hope and promise in the air. Is it bad that I’m eager for the rain that Spring brings just because that means a break in snow? I hope not! I have been soaking up time with friends over the past few weeks which has been so fun and much needed for the soul too.

Pastries and coffee with friends is always a good mood booster in the middle of the week.

The new season means a fresh start and today’s post goes nicely with that as I’m sharing the things I do every day that make me feel like me. I am currently on the road for a work trip and even though it is exciting to be traveling, it can also come with stress. Whenever, I am gone, whether it’s for work or pleasure, there’s a few things I try to incorporate every day in my life that makes me feel like me.

If I go without one of these for a day, will the world keep turning? Absolutely! But these are little rituals I like to incorporate every day to make me feel like the best version of myself.

  • Quiet Time– I like to begin every day with some quiet time and that includes journaling, prayer time, working on a word search to keep my brain sharp, reading a few pages of a book, and Wordle to keep my streak alive. I like to take my time and ease into my day with this quiet time, sometimes, I take ten minutes for my quiet time, other days, I take forty-five minutes. It all depends on how much time I have. I love starting my day with some me-time.
No matter where I am, I always try to get my quiet time in
  • Movement- Whether it’s a lift at the gym, some yoga after work, a good run, or even just a walk. Getting some sort of movement is critical for me. Bonus points if I can get outdoors for one of these activities. I love being able to move my body and I don’t take it for granted. I feel energized after I get some sort of activity whether it be easy or hard. It’s a mood booster and stress reliever for me. 
Fresh air and some sort of movement brings me so much JOY!
  • Balanced Diet and Lots of Water– If I could only drink water for the rest of my life, I would be okay with that. I go through lots of tumblers every day with water. I drink it at the gym, I drink it hot with lemon in the morning and at night and all through the day at work. I love how refreshed and full water makes me feel. I also try really hard to eat a balanced diet with fruits, vegetables and proteins, plus something sweet too. I’ve never been much of a breakfast person, so lunch and dinner are my meals of the day. I love to see a colorful plate filled with fruits and veggies. I feel better physically and mentally after eating a filling meal, but don’t get me wrong, I do love to enjoy my sweet snacks throughout the day. 
We love a colorful plate!
  • Deep Breathing and Meditation– Life can get hectic which is why taking a few moments for mediation at the start and end of my day helps me stay focused and balanced. I have been using the app Insight Timer at the end of the day to help me unwind which has been a huge help too!
Insight Timer keeps me focused to mediate every day
  • Socializing– I’m your typical Introverted/Extrovert. As much as I love my quiet time in the morning and at night. I also love to spend time with my people. I call and text with my boyfriend every day and get to see my family every day, which is such a blessing. I love gathering around the table at the end of the day to talk about our days. Family is so important to me and I cherish my time with them. Plus, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention my incredible friends. Although I may not see or talk to them every day, catching up with friends nourishes my soul. I have recently been reconnecting with old friends and it’s so nice to catch up on what everyone is up to in life. 
Happiest with my people!

These five things make me feel like me in the best possible way. I can obviously go without these for a day or two, but I feel like the best version of myself if I incorporate these into my daily life.

 As we look towards a new season, what are some non-negotiables for you? I would love to hear from you. Although, I’m on the road, I will be back for another Friday Favorites in just two days! See you then!

Thanks as always for stopping by and Happy March!

Let's Look

Let’s Look: How We Unwind During the Holidays

Hi everyone! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great holiday season as we make our way through the second week of December. I’ve been having a great start to December and I hope you are too. We are recovering from a massive snow storm, so needless to say, it definitely feels like Christmas.

So much snow
Even more snow
It wouldn’t stop

Here’s a look at what I have done so far to celebrate the Christmas season.

Watching the tree lighting in NYC
Holiday Baking
And Wrapping

All year long, I have been linking up with Shay and Erika for Let’s Look as we share different parts of our lives. Here’s a look at the topics we have covered in 2024.

In January, we talked about How We Clean Our Closets.

In February, the topic was Things We Do Every Day

In March, it was all about what’s in our Grocery Carts

In April, we chatted about our Quiet and Prayer Time.

In May, we talked about Summer Staples.

In June, we shared our Summer Schedules.

In July, we chatted about our favorite TV Shows and Podcasts.

In August, we learned about our Pantry Staples

In September, we shared Easy Weeknight Meals

In October, it was all about how we Prep for the Holidays.

In November, we talked about Gift Guides for Guys 

For our final Let’s Look of the year, we are sharing how we unwind during the holidays. The holiday season can be a magical, but busy time of the year. You have all your regular things to get done, plus make some holiday magic, and additional holiday to-do’s to get done. Needless to say, it may be the most wonderful time of the year, but it can also be an overwhelming time.

Here are some ways I try to unwind during the season.

Make a Gift Giving Plan– I always feel better with a game plan and that takes the stress away. I like to set deadlines for making my list of who I have to buy for, when I want to have my wrapping done and when I want to give gifts out to people.

Schedule Christmas Activities– Life can certainly get busy during the month of December, I make sure to put things on the calendar for must-do activities. For example, there are certain things that are spur of the moments activities, like see Christmas lights or watch a Christmas movie. But other things like see a Christmas show or bake Christmas cookies or gift exchanges should be put on the calendar. 

Don’t Add Unnecessary Things to the Calendar- With so much already going on, December isn’t the month to add more to the calendar, save the doctor’s appointments or or unnecessary appointments until after the new year to save you stress and to free up your calendar.

Do Things that Bring You Joy- There can be a lot of pressure around the holidays, especially when it comes to making Christmas magic. Don’t feel like you have to do it all. Only do what brings you joy. If you don’t have the time or desire to bake dozens of cookies, don’t do it. Save yourself the time and pressure and only do what you have time for and what you want to do.

A hot chocolate bar and movie night brings me joy!

Delayed Gratification– A lot of work comes with the holiday season, put in the time and effort now, so you can relax and enjoy the holiday season and relax and be present later. The last thing you want is for everyone to be relaxing and you still be working. Get all the to-dos done early on, so you can be present and remember the reason for the season.

Work hard to relax later!

I also try to carve out little moments every day to enjoy the season, whether it’s with festive mugs in the morning, Christmas scents, or holiday music at all times. These are little ways I like to sprinkle in Christmas cheer all season long. How do you unwind during the holiday season? Let me know in the comments below! I hope you take the time to unwind and relax during the holiday season and take some time for yourself. 

Family time is the best time!

Enjoy the Christmas season and remember the reason for the season.

Fabulous living

Christmas Bucket List 2024

Hello Everyone! Happy Wednesday!

 I hope you are having a wonderful week and are enjoying the Christmas season. We got a ton of snow, needless to say, it’s been a winter wonderland.

 I don’t know about you, but since Christmas is only a few weeks away, I’m doing my best to enjoy everything this season has to offer, while doing all the daily things. We decorated for Christmas last week and it put me in the best mood.

There’s so much to celebrate and accomplish and only so much time. My favorite way to make sure I’m enjoying the season to the fullest is by making a Christmas Bucket List. 

Here’s what I hope to accomplish this Christmas Season:

  • Decorate for Christmas (room and home decorations, scents, and mugs)
  • Listen to Christmas Music
  • Watch Christmas Movies (Cheesy ones and the Classics)
  • Read Christmas Themed Books
  • See a Christmas Show/Performance
  • Christmas Shopping and Wrapping
  • Send out Christmas Cards
  • Go Skiing
  • Go Ice Skating
  • Exchange Gifts with Friends
  • Bake Christmas Cookies
  • Try a New Christmas Recipe 
  • See Christmas Lights
  • Enjoy a New Christmas Activity
  • Light a fire and Enjoy Hot Chocolate
  • Get a Tree and Decorate it
  • Give Back to Others
  • Build a Gingerbread House
  • Celebrate Christmas and New Year’s

There you have it! My Christmas Bucket List, I know I will be spending lots of time with family and friends too! I love creating a goal list to hold me accountable and to give me ideas of things to do on days off or weekends. Tell me: what do you plan to do ahead of Christmas? I am always looking for new ideas of things to celebrate the Christmas season. 

Have a wonderful Christmas season and I’ll see you back here on Friday!

Let's Look

Let’s Look: How We Prep for the Holidays

Hello all! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great week as we made it to hump day! I don’t know about you, but it is full on fall here, we have had rainy days, leaves falling and some sunshine peaking through, but the changing weather is getting me excited for the next few months.

Cool crisp fall mornings

This year has been flying by, I can’t believe we are already at the second week of October. It’s time for another Let’s Look, where we share different parts of our lives. Each month, I link up with  Shay and Erika to share my thoughts on different topics. 

Here’s what we have covered so far this year:

In January, we talked about How We Clean Our Closets.

In February, the topic was Things We Do Every Day

In March, it was all about what’s in our Grocery Carts

In April, we chatted about our Quiet and Prayer Time.

In May, we talked about Summer Staples.

In June, we shared our Summer Schedules.

In July, we chatted about our favorite TV Shows and Podcasts.

In August, we learned about our Pantry Staples

In September, we shared Easy Weeknight Meals

This month, the topic is how we prep for the holidays. I love all the seasons, summer is by far my favorite, but I do enjoy the “Ber” months…September, October, November and December. There is so much to look forward to, from the holidays, traditions, extra family time, and festivities. 

Fall, one of my favorite times of the year

As we get closer to the holiday months, I’m sharing how I prep for all the fun and I hope you will share some of your holiday prep hacks too! I don’t have my own home or family yet, so how I prepare may look a little different.

I always like to prep for the holiday seasons, by creating bucket lists, by writing a bucket or goal list, this ensures that things that I want or hope to get done, get accomplished. Some are big activities and others are little outings or things I want to cook or bake. For example, my fall bucket list includes celebrating Halloween, Thanksgiving, watching festive movies, enjoying holiday treats and Halloween activities.

I don’t know how I will celebrate Halloween on the actual holiday, but I do plan on making some festive treats, decorating and enjoying some Halloween movies. 

Some fall treats from last year

As far as Thanksgiving goes, we typically enjoy the holiday with family and then we have our own Thanksgiving dinner the weekend after. Preparations for Thanksgiving looks like figuring out what traditional dishes will be made, baking pies, and doing some decorating around the house. These are subtle ways to celebrate the holiday. There’s so much cooking and baking that goes into Thanksgiving that it is nice to just enjoy the time with family. 

A delicious, Thanksgiving spread!

Christmas always comes with the most prep. Once again, I make a Christmas bucket list of things I want to do around the Christmas season, from ice skating, baking cookies, shopping, looking at lights, and decorating. I like to make the most out of the Christmas season.

Prep for Christmas starts with decorating the day after Thanksgiving, it’s a tradition we have been doing for years and it’s always one of my favorite things.

I will also make a master list of people I want to buy for and set a budget. I keep a running list in my phone of who I need to buy for, what the gift is, the status of it, and how much I spent. Once all the gifts have arrived, I take time to wrap them all and watch a holiday movie. This method always keeps me organized.

I love to bake cookies around the holidays and one of the ways that I prep is by making one or two types of cookies a week leading up to Christmas. I will share some with family after I bake them and then store the rest for the holidays. This method ensures that I get all my baking done, but I’m not stressed getting it done.

After all the prep is done, it’s time to enjoy the holidays and relax. There’s only so much prep you can do, what matters is the end result and spending time with family and loved one around the holidays. They will be here before we know it, so I want to know what hacks you have to make the holidays smoother? Let me know in the comments below! Happy Holiday Prepping!

Fabulous living

On Turning 26

Hello All!

Happy Wednesday! I can’t believe we are at the end of May already!? Where has the month gone…time truly needs to slow down.

Over the weekend and on Monday we celebrated Memorial Day, although I had to work, it was still nice to get family time and remember all those who served our country.

Memorial Day spread

Today is my birthday and while I will be working, I am looking forward to incorporating some celebrations throughout the day. I’ll be getting my free birthday drink from Starbucks, enjoying dinner with my family and then enjoying some of my favorite hobbies on my day off. Nothing too exciting but doing some of my favorite things that bring me JOY! Kendra Adachi aka The Lazy Genius has a podcast episode about the importance of celebrating your birthday and planning it the way you want to enjoy it. You can listen to it here.

Although I love a good surprise, I do think it’s sometimes better to plan your own activity or dinner so you know you will enjoy it. 

I truly love celebrating birthdays, holidays, and all the special occasions, whether it’s a graduation, promotion, or life event. I think it’s important that we acknowledge these milestones in our lives even if we don’t feel like making a big deal out of it. 

Celebrating 25!

As I turn 26, I definitely feel like I am more adult than young adult. When I turned 23, I felt like I made the switch from young adult to adult and since then, I feel I have only continued to grow and mature from there. Over the past few years, I have become the most comfortable in my own skin and I have been confident in myself in the decisions I have made. I really got into a comfortable pattern and routine of work, family time, spending time with friends and growing in my relationship with my boyfriend. I found new hobbies that brought me joy like growing a garden, running, reading, and learning piano.

As much as I love the life I have created and nurtured, I know that we all need to go through some change and growing pains in our lives. 26 is going to be that year for me. I have some big life changes coming in the next year or so, which is exciting but also terrifying. As someone who loves and thrives off a routine, change is not easy for me, but I know it’s necessary for growth. In the times of uncertainty, I have to remind myself to stay true to who I am. In the scary times, I try to put things in perspective and realize change is temporary and we adjust and overcome whatever adversity we are facing. 

25 was such a good year for me in regards to happiness, adventures, career growth, memories, and trying new things. It was by far one of my most memorable years. I am excited to see what 26 brings, although, change can be scary, it’s also where we learn the most about ourselves.

Here’s to another year around the sun, a year of happiness, friendship, family, love, growth, change and embracing the JOY found in every day. 

26, I’m ready for you!

Currently Uncategorized

Currently #47

Hey Hey! Happy Wednesday! I can’t believe we are days away from December. This month was a slower month for me in terms of activities and events, but it still flew by. I think a lot of that has to do with the fact Thanksgiving was early this year. Regardless, I hope you had a great Thanksgiving and are ready for the Christmas season, I know I am. I have my holiday candles burning, my Christmas throw blankets are out, and I am using all the festive mugs, life is good!

All decked out for Christmas

As this month winds down, I want to share what I have been up to recently as we flip the calendar from November to December.

What I’m Up To-This month has been filled with fall walks, organizing, and lots of baking and cooking. We had some snow this month, but it has been mostly chilly, yet sunny. I have been trying my best to still get outdoors to enjoy the dry conditions for as long as I can. There’s nothing better than some fresh air and sunshine with the leaves changing in the background.

A beautiful fall morning!

I also have been doing a lot of baking and cooking as I have been trying both new and old recipes. 

Lots of time spent in the kitchen!

Finally, I spent almost every Thursday this month doing major cleaning and organizing. My mom and I tackled all the spaces, from cabinets to closets and storage areas. It was never out intent to do a big declutter, but once we started, we couldn’t stop. It felt great to donate a lot of things we weren’t using ahead of the holidays.

A look at some of our donations

I ended the month by celebrating Thanksgiving!

A delicious, Thanksgiving spread!

What I’m Wearing– I don’t have too many fun outfits to show off from this past month since my days off were spent in grubby clothes cleaning. However, after cleaning and reorganizing my closet, I was able to create some new winter outfits with items I have. I have been wearing this red jacket from Old Navy a lot. 

You can’t go wrong with red jacket!

I know I will be wearing a lot of the next few weeks.  I also did an Old Navy haul this past month. Here’s some of the pieces I got and I have been loving.

This is also what I wore for Thanksgiving last week.

What I’m Reading– Some months I have great reading months and other months they are not so great. I read a few books this past month and while they were good, they were great nor my favorites.

I started the month by reading The Girls of Summer by Katie Bishop. The story goes back and forth between the past and present about young college-aged girls in Greece who get wrapped up in some adult situations. They don’t realize the severity of their situations until they are adults and consequences happen. As grown women they work to try and make amends and come to terms with their young adult mistakes.  The book was very serious and dealt with a lot of heavy topics, I found parts of it interesting, but most of the book, I just felt bad for the characters.

Dirty Laundry by Disha Bose is all about a group of women in Ireland who are all trying to one up each other, but all have their own secrets and hidden agendas. When one of the women in the small-town winds up dead, everyone has a different motive for wanting her dead. The book follows each woman and their lives as mothers and wives and it turns out not everything is as it seems. I though the book was good but got confused as it flashed back and forth from past and present and jumped between characters. In my opinion, the book wrapped up way too fast, I was waiting for a who done it moment and it came and went so fast and then the book was over. 

 Love and Luck by Jenna Evans Welch is a companion book to Love and Gelato, you didn’t have to read Love and Gelato to read this book, but there are a few references to the first book. The story takes place in Ireland as a brother and sister in high school decide to take a road trip to a music festival instead of following a plan to take a trip to Italy. I really liked how the setting of Ireland was depicted and I liked seeing the relationship between the brother and sister evolve. I really enjoyed this book compared to the first two I read.

Every Summer After by Carley Fortune- This was the second book I read by Fortune, but the first book she wrote. It takes place in a small town in Canada. This book also goes back and forth between the past and present as a young woman goes back to the lake that she grew up spending her summers. She is reunited with a former friend/flame of her past and through the book, the reader sees how these two characters went from best friends to strangers. I really enjoyed this book, from the character development to the setting and storyline. It definitely had more of a summer feel to it but can be read during any time of year. I’m glad I ended this month reading wise on a high note. Next month will be all about the Christmas books.

What I’m Watching– This month marked the return of a lot of series. I kicked off November with Selling Sunset. I’m not a big reality tv fan, but I can’t help myself with it comes to Selling Sunset. I started this show for the houses, but stayed for the drama. It’s been interesting to see the dynamics between the women in the office change through the seasons. I really love how they have a reunion at the end of the season too.

My favorite thing that I watched this past month was The Crown. I had so many questions going into this season and found the first four episodes of Season 6 to be moving, somber, but also really beautiful. It was almost eerie to see what Diana’s life was like in her final weeks and how the world reacted to her death.

I also started to watch some of my favorite Christmas movies now that we are in the Christmas season.

Like Rudolph!

What Inspires Me– I have been inspired by all my time in the kitchen. I also have been scouring Pinterest and cooking blogs for new recipes to try.

Here’s some of the things I have been making in the kitchen

 Banana protein balls

Halloween candy cookies

Peanut butter cookies

Chocolate chip cookies, Double chocolate chip cookies, mint cookies

Chicken and Veggie stir fry

Lots of breakfast foods

What I Accomplished– I feel so accomplished after all the cleaning and organizing and donating my mom and I did this past month. 

A look into some of the spaces we organized

I also ran another 5K on Thanksgiving which was fun, despite it being chilly. It was my first Turkey Trot and I loved it.

Turkey trotting!

I also got to thoroughly enjoy the holidays with my family which is so nice.

Nothing says Thanksgiving than by watching the parade.
Our Thanksgiving Dinner at home

Goals from Last Month– I really got to enjoy quiet days at home before hustle and bustle of the holidays. It was the perfect time to recharge and get things down before life gets crazy around the holidays, but I’m really looking forward to my Christmas bucket list and doing all the holiday traditions. Plus, I started my Christmas list for others and I’m excited to start my shopping too.

Fresh fall flowers to brighten up a clean space

Goals for this Month- My goal for the last month of 2023 is simple, enjoy the holidays, enjoy the family traditions and be present in the moment. More times than not, I find myself trying to do all the things and not being present and enjoying the holiday moments. This year, I want to do a better job of planning things out, so I get them down but also really enjoying the moments and savoring them, whether it be holiday baking, making a gingerbread house, watching Christmas movies or wrapping gifts. My goal is to be intentional and present with my time and energy.

Someone is enjoying the holiday spirit

That’s a look into life lately. The calm before the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season.

Tell me: as we prepare to welcome December, what are you looking forward to next month? Let me know in the comments below!

Happy end of November!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #53

Hey everyone! Happy Friday! I hope you had a great first week of August. These past few days have been fun with activities and adventures and the fun continues tomorrow as I am running my first 5K.

Getting in all the runs before tomorrow!

I’ll be sure to share all about it in the next few weeks. I’m excited, but a little nervous too. Every week for Friday Favorites, I love sharing some of my favorite things from the week with you and this week is a heavy food week of favorites! Grab your pen and paper as we dig into this week’s Friday Favorites as I link up with Erika and Andrea!

Cinnamon Chocolate Chip Cookies– I haven’t done baking in a long time simply because I have been spending so much time outdoors and because on warm days, the last place you want to be is in a hot kitchen. However last week, I was inspired to bake and wanted to try a new recipe. I found this recipe from Baked Abundance for Cinnamon Chocolate Chip cookies and I thought they were the perfect warm treat. Although they are not a traditional summer treat, I couldn’t resist trying them. Now, they didn’t turn out like the photos, they were still delicious. I love the mix of cinnamon and chocolate chip. These would be a perfect fall treat, but they would be great anytime of year. You can find the recipe here if you are looking to try them for yourself.

Fresh baked cookies are good for the soul and stomach!

Fox’ ‘Special Forces” Season 2 Cast– The season two cast for Fox’s “Special Forces” came out this week. If you remember, I watched this show last season and really liked seeing celebrities, athletes, and actors all compete in various obstacles to see if they have what it takes to be a special forces operator. I know I could not do all the different challenges that the recruits could do each day. The cast for this season looks really good. I’m excited to see if Tom Sandoval, Savannah Chrisley, Brian Austin Green and even Blac Chyna have what it takes to be a special forces operator. The new season comes out on Monday, September 25. I can’t wait!

Love and Gelato– This book was recommended to me by a friend and it was one of the cutest books I read in a long time. Love and Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch follows the story of a young girl who loses her mom and her mom’s dying wish is for her daughter to go to Florence and reconnect with people from her mother’s time when she lived there. This book checks all the boxes for a cute rom com book. Dreamy city, beautiful description, incredible Italian food and desserts, and a little romance too. I blitzed through this book and was so sad when it came to an end. After reading this book, you will want to book a trip to Florence.

The sweetest summer book!

Charcuterie Boards– I have been into Charcuterie Boards all summer long. They are so easy to put together for entertaining for friends and family or they are great for a one person meal. I love seeing what’s in my fridge and using what I have to put together a meal for lunch or dinner. You can add whatever you want to your board, I typically like to include some kind of fruit, some veggies, cheeses, some meats and then nuts or crackers. These boards are also great if you have had a long day and are looking to clean out your fridge too. Here’s an example of a recent board that my boyfriend and I enjoyed. So many delicious and healthy options on one plate.

A healthy and filling meal!

Wordle– I know I am way late to the party on this one, but this summer I started playing Wordle and I’m addicted. I never got hooked on it months ago when it first came out, but this summer, I got on the Wordle train. I try to do it in the morning before the day gets away from me, but sometimes it doesn’t always happen. I like the challenge of trying to figure out each day’s word. It’s been such a fun brain game to enjoy this summer. 

My recent stats!

And that’s a wrap on today’s Friday Favorites. Lots of food, a new read and some games. This weekend will be fun between my race and then time with family. Tell me: how are you spending your weekend? Let me know in the comments below! Have a great weekend!


Currently #42

June, where have you gone?! I can’t believe we are at the end of another month. There were certain times that this month felt slow and sweet and then I blinked, and I was planning things for July. These past 30 days have been filled with lots of walks, books, grilling, sunshine, and summer adventures. I have been making my way through my summer bucket list and doing more things that weren’t on the list. As we prepare to flip the calendar. Here’s a look at what’s Currently going on in my life.

What I’ve Been Up To: Through the entire month of June, I have been marking things off my summer bucket list. From day trips, to picnics, walks and time outdoors, I have done a lot. 

This month, I made a trip to Columbus, where I went to the zoo and state park for grilling and a beach day. 

Columbus Zoo!
More animals- I loved the polar bears!
And gorillas!
And finished the day at the beach!

I also enjoyed playing mini golf and trying a new to me pizza shop and park for a walk.

Pizza in the park!

Picking strawberries was on my summer bucket list and I accomplished that and made seven jars of jam in addition to lots of fresh berries to eat.

Strawberry picking day!
Our haul!
Some of the end results!
And strawberry shortcake too!

Another big highlight of the month was my birthday present from my boyfriend, more on that in the coming weeks!

Here’s a tease for where I went…

I rounded out the month with a trip to the beach to visit family and it was so good to see relatives and get some time by the water.

The shores of New Jersey!
The boardwalk!

What I’m Wearing: Besides your typical shorts and graphic t-shirts on days off, I did a big summer clothing haul at the start of summer and have been wearing new pieces to work. Lots of bright colors and patterns, plus quality clothing coming your way too.

One of my new dresses. I have been wearing lots of pink!

I also have been wearing lots of short sets too! Like this one!


What I’m Reading: I got a lot of books for my birthday and have been slowly making my way through them.

I started this month with Best Served Hot. I saw this book on display at the library and was immediately drawn in by the plot and checked all the boxes for a good read! Rom-com, takes place in a big city, and talks about food! The story follows a food critique and a food influencer as they try out different restaurants in NYC, first as competitors and then on a collaborators. The best and dare I say, worst part of the book was the details of all the foods they were tasting. The description was so vivid, which just made me hungry while I was reading.

I also read Our Missing Hearts by Celeste Ng. I really enjoyed her book, Little Fires Everywhere and I was excited to read this book. I will admit, it was a heavier novel, but I learned so much about the Asian American culture and customs. It’s all about the lengths a mother will go to protect her family while doing what she thinks is right. Themes of unconditional love, sacrifice and coming of age are found throughout the book.

I also read Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals by Oliver Burkeman. This book takes a scientific approach to productivity and time management. I am all about maximizing my time and being as efficient as possible. This book was more research based and didn’t have as many tips or advice about management, but I still found it interesting. I appreciated how the book focused on time management through history and ways we can be make the most of our time on Earth.

What I’m Watching: I haven’t been watching too much tv as I have been doing my best to be outdoors as much as possible. I have watched some good family movies, like Air and A Man Called Otto.

Family movie night!

I also finished the series, Ted Lasso which was really good. I think the series wrapped up very nicely and I like how everyone’s storylines had closure. It was such a fun show to binge and watch week to too.

I also watched The Night Agent on Netflix. This was only ten episodes, with which episode lasting about 45 minutes. It was a mix mystery, intrigue, action, drama, and thriller, those are all good things I’m looking for in a series. I would recommend it if you were looking for a new show to binge watch.

The new season of Outlander is back! I have been making my way through season seven every week when their episodes air. 

Outlander is back!

And Just Like That Season 2. The girls are back with And Just Like That! I really enjoyed season one and have been enjoying what season has brought. It’s also been a fun show to watch weekly. 

What Inspires Me: I’ve been so inspired by summer fun! From outdoor meals, walks, trying new recipes and celebrating milestones.

Walks by the water

I also have been getting my runs in weekly and have enjoyed feeling stronger with each run I go on.

My longest run!
Delicious summer meals!
Picnics by the shore

What I Accomplished: This past month has been all about welcoming summer and really trying to be present in the moment.

Summer grilling and salad

I’m always trying to find time to sneak in time outdoors, whether it’s visiting a bit longer outside after a meal, reading outdoors instead of inside or finding time to go for a quick walk. 

Slow mornings reading outdoors.

Goals from Last Month: I kicked off my summer bucket and have been proud of the progress I’ve made so far which has been a win.

Enjoying all the fresh foods!

Goals for Next Month: Keep enjoying summer! I know it may not seem like much, but I really am trying hard to be present in the moment and soak up the sun, go swimming, grill, go on picnics, and make memories!

More grilling nights with lots of salads and fruits!
And more fresh salads (do you sense a trend here?)

The older I get the more I know how sacred family time is, so I’m doing my best to spend as much time with family as I can!

The beach all quiet in the morning.

I also have a concert planned and plans to visit friends! I’m looking forward to seeing those plans through. Plus, a lot of our local fairs and festivals gets underway in July so I’m looking forward to checking those out too!

Ending June with ice cream.

That’s a look into what’s Currently going on. A whole lot of summer lovin!  How have you been spending your summer? Let me know in the comments below!

Fabulous living

Summer Bucket List

Hello all! Happy First full week of June! I feel like summer-mode was activated over Memorial Day weekend and it’s only gotten better from there. From summer walks, ice cream, grilling and family time, I have a great feeling about this summer!

Every season, I always like to share a bucket list with goals and ideas I like to accomplish. They range from date ideas, to activities with friends and family and some personal goals too. 

I got a lot of things accomplished from my Spring Bucket List, but carried a few things over to my Summer Bucket List.

Here’s a look at my Spring Bucket List and what I accomplished.

Spring Bucket List

Now, that we are leaving the Spring season and entering the summer season, it’s tie for an updated season bucket list.

Here’s a look at my Summer Bucket List:

-Beach and Pool Day

-Farmer’s Market

-Seawolves Game

-Heritage Festivals


-Tend to my own Garden

-Use Kitchen Aid to Try New Recipes



-Night Picnic

-Columbus Zoo

-Family Trip

-Go Someplace New

-Time with Friends Outside

-Summer Sleepover


-Sibling Dates


-New Place to Hike

-Visit New State

-Run a 5K

-Try New Recipes-Lavender Lemonade

-Ice Cream Dates

-Entertain and Visit Friends

-Meal and read by the Water

-Fruit Picking


-Amusement Park

That’s a look at my Summer Bucket List. A lot of local, fun, activities that I can do with friends, family and even by myself. I love crossing things off a list and having ideas to do on summer days. My goal for this summer is to soak up as much time as home with my family, siblings, friends and boyfriend. 

Summer 2023, I am ready for you!

Tell me, what is on your summer bucket list?!

I can’t wait to see what this summer brings!


Currently #35

Hello everyone! It’s the last day of November. I don’t know about you, but I’m already in the Christmas spirit. I’ve already started to decorate and I have my holiday bucket list ready to go, I’ll be sharing that next week.

I’ve really enjoyed November. It’s been a mix of a flurry of activities and slow days at home. With that being said, I’m looking forward to the next month of holiday fun! Let me give you a recap in this month’s currently. 

What I’ve Been Up To: The month started with lots of time outdoors, from walks, to collecting leaves and time indoors with lots of baking. I enjoyed baking brie, peanut butter cookies, banana bread and soup. I can’t wait to start baking Christmas cookies. The month ended with celebrating Thanksgiving and getting ready for Christmas.

Hello fall walks!
This month was filled with lots of baking.
Thanksgiving with my Family.

What I’m Wearing: Nothing too exciting on the clothing front, it’s been colder and we have seen snow, so I have been wearing more long sleeves and layers. I scored a great deal on some jeans at Old Navy. I have been hunting for a pair of straight jeans and found them at Old Navy. If you are looking for a variety of styles and cuts, consider looking at Old Navy.

Layers have been my go-to. Also a look at my new jeans from Old Navy.

What I’m Reading: I’ve been on a roll with good books. I’ve read some mysteries, some thrillers and a handful of love stories. Here are a few of my favorites.

The Last Mrs. Parrish– The Last Mrs. Parrish is a suspenseful book with a touch of mystery and intrigue. It follows the story of a young woman who wants to befriend a wealthy woman to get close to her husband. The first half of the book is told from one point of view until it switches to another character’s perspective, and you see the story through an entirely different lens. This book will make you angry at some of the characters, but you won’t want to put it down at the same time. 

The Younger Wife– The Younger Wife by Sally Hepworth follows the story of a heart surgeon who decides to remarry even though his wife is still alive and has dementia. His grown daughters aren’t on board at first, but come around to the idea, that is, until they uncover some secrets about their parents. From the father and mother, to the young bride to be, and the grown daughters, it turns out, everyone is keeping secrets. 

One True Loves– This is another Taylor Jenkins Reid book. It follows the story of a young woman who loves her husband when his flight goes missing, it takes her a while, but she moves on and meets someone else, she’s happy and engaged until her husband is found and returns home. It’s up to her to figure out who her one true love is. This story is about love, loss, growth and finding yourself. I breezed through this book in four days. In fact, I finished the last hundred pages in one sitting. A cute, love story with a twist.

My goal is to just read Christmas books for the next month, I’ll let you know how it goes.

What I’m Watching: I finished watching season 5 of the Crown and LOVED It. I already can’t wait for the final season, but I don’t want it to end. I also have been watching Gilmore Girls in my free time, but I know I’ll be watching lots of Christmas movies soon. 

What I’m Loving: I’ve been loving everything that gets me in the Christmas spirit. Stores are already decked out with holiday displays, Christmas music is playing, snow is falling, these are just a few things that have me excited for next month. 

Fresh snow doesn’t hurt either.
Getting into the holiday spirit.

What Inspires Me: I’ve really been enjoying the quiet time before the busy season. I’ve read a lot of good books, I’ve enjoyed time with friends and lots of cooking and baking.  Leaning into some of my hobbies has centered me when things get busy or hectic.

The beautiful sunset as I was running errands last week.
I’ve also been enjoying lots of baking…here’s some pre Pumpkin pie mixture.

What I Accomplished: Despite the cold weather, I still managed to get in some outdoors walks when I could. I know I will have to rely on my indoor activities like yoga or more time at the gym, since I won’t be able to get out as much in colder temperatures.

My sweet pup after a morning walk.

Goals from Last Month: I really enjoyed slowing down and celebrating Thanksgiving with my family and some traditions. I also made my list of who I need to buy for Christmas, which makes me feel ahead of the game.

Enjoying some snacks with family.

Goals for this Month: I can’t wait to enjoy all things holiday and Christmas. My brothers will be home from college and I can’t wait to spend some family time with everyone. I also want to get a lot of my buying done early, so I’m not rushing around at the end when Christmas is here.

Hello holiday cheer!

That’s a look into life recently.  A mixture of work, hobbies, family time, traditions, and holiday cheer! I can’t wait to see what December brings.