Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #102

Hello everyone!

A happy Friday to you! I hope you are having a great week as we make our way through July! I am looking forward to a busier weekend between seeing some friends, a big picnic and hopefully some time outside. Let’s just hope the weather cooperates. Fingers crossed! It’s been a busy week, so I am looking forward to the weekend.

Everything is in full bloom and I am one happy gal!

It’s Friday which means it’s time for another Friday Favorites as I share some highlights from the past week with you as I link up with Erika and Andrea.

This is a mixed bag of food, sunshine and products! Let’s dive right in!

Family Walks– Family walks have been a favorite for myself and my family over the past few weeks. We have been trying to take advantage of the warm weather and walking at different parks and trails throughout the area. Whether it’s a long walk in the woods or a short walk on pavement, it’s been a fun way to get in some exercise, spend time together and get outdoors. It’s also been fun to explore the area and different parks too.

One of the spots we have walked

Happy Place Series Announced– Emily Henry is one of my favorite authors. I have read all her books and one of my favorites is Happy Place. It was released last summer and it was announced a few weeks ago that there’s talks about making it into a series through Netflix with Jennifer Lopez at the helm. You can find the article here. I’m really excited to learn more about the project. Although only a few details have been released, I’m itching to see how it compares to the book. I have mixed feelings about making books into tv series or movies, but this one I’m very excited about!

Such a fun, summer read!

Brunch with Babs Cookbook– I am really proud by keeping up with my new year’s goal of trying to cook one new meal a week. I get ideas from Pinterest, Cookbooks and blogs. I have really been having success with Celebrate with Babs cookbook. It’s from the online account, Brunch with Babs, which is all about lifestyle and homemaking hacks.

Here are some of the recipes I have tried and had success with.

Apricot ham and broccoli salad
Strawberry Salad with Grilled Chicken

New Car Scent– I did a recent car cleaning and decided it was time for a new car scent. I try to swap out scents every six to eight weeks. Since we are in full on summer mode here, I decided Tiki Beach was the perfect summer scent. It’s not too overwhelming or overpowering, but it does leave your car smelling fresher and like a pina colada. Yum! Thank you, Bath and Body Works!

Cocoa Oatmeal Treats– Another food related item for you this week. I am a big lover of Hershey’s and saw this recipe on their website for their cocoa oatmeal treats. They are super easy to make and would be perfect for a summer picnic. They are no-bake cookies and only contain a few ingredients like oats, milk, sugar, cocoa powder, and peanut butter. I thoroughly enjoyed them for a “healthier” treat.

That’s a quick roundup of what I am loving this week. Some snacks, new releases, and products. How has your July been treating you? Any fun plans? Let me know if the comments below!

Have a great weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #78

Hello all!

Happy Friday!

I hope you had a great week and have something fun planned for the weekend. I can’t believe we are looking ahead to the last weekend of January. This month went by so fast, I have a love/hate relationship with January. I love the clean slate and freshness that comes with a new month, but I don’t like the cold and how after the holidays there’s not as much to look forward to. I try to put things on the calendar or make plans so I have something to look forward to in the winter months. That being said, I am looking forward to February and a new month.

Fresh cookies on cold, winter days

This week’s roundup of Friday Favorites is giving me something to smile about and look forward to. 

Here’s some of my favorite things this week as I link up with Erika and Andrea.

New Candle– There’s no better pairing than a cold, snowy, day and a warm, burning candle. I have been using this candle, Winter, from Bath and Body Works all month long in the morning and night. It’s hard to describe the scent, it’s not overpowering with fragrance. It has a subtle, natural scent, that’s perfect for a fresh start. It definitely smells like nature with some of the notes. Although I use it in my room, it would be great in a common space like a living room or dining room too. I don’t often purchase candles from Bath and Body Works due to the cost, but I couldn’t wait to try this one I got for Christmas.

 Maestro– Have you watched Maestro yet on Netflix? It tells the story of American composer, Leonard Bernstein. Bradley Cooper, directed, produced, and starred in the movie that has already gained nominations at several different award shows. I heard a lot of mixed reviews about the movie, and I was anxious to see it for myself. I learned a lot about Bernstein; his life, his music, his marriage and personal life. I thought there would be more about his music and work as a composer, but the movie focused more on his marriage and the relationships he had. The movie was interesting, and I learned a lot about the man that had a lot to do with the music we still listen and recognize today. My biggest takeaway was how much Cooper transformed into the character. He deserves all the awards for this role. 

Favoriting Photos– This isn’t a new concept by any means, but I found a new life hack and wanted to share it with you. Favoriting photos on my iPhone has been such a game changer for me. I use my camera a lot not only for taking planned photos, but also for taking photos of things that are important and don’t want to forget. Having important photos saved in one spot makes it so easy to find things. I also create folders for my photos for projects too. But, if I need to save a password or username or important photo, I know it’s saved in one spot. This is a great tool for helping organize your photos.

Mini Notebooks– By now you probably know I am a huge fan of Simplified. I use their planner daily and some of their products too. I have several of their mini notebooks but didn’t know the best way to use them in my life. At the start of the year, I finally came up with a great system to use them. I was constantly finding myself grabbing scrap paper or post-it notes to write down to-dos or reminders and would either end up losing the papers or I would end up with several post it notes. I decided to use one of the notebooks to put all the lists in. Each week I start a new page and write down any extra to-dos that need done over the course of the week. In my planner, I write down specific to-dos for each day, but I use my mini notebooks almost as a brain dump for all the extra things that need done. I have a running list in one spot and I’m not constantly writing down notes on random pieces of paper. This has been a huge help for me this year.

Matching mini notebook and planner

New Car Scent– I promise this is my last favorite thing of new scents, but it turned out that all my scents got swapped through this month. It seemed like the theme was new year/month, new scents. I always like a fresh and refreshing scent in my car. This Eucalyptus and Spearmint scent was just the thing I was looking for when I wanted to update my scent from Bath and Body Works. The scent is a bit stronger which I prefer especially if I’m driving around or if I have food or something heavily scented in my car. I always love a refreshing smell and this didn’t disappoint.

That wraps up another round of Friday Favorites. As we wrap up this month, I hope you find something that brings a smile to your face. I always try to remind myself that we can find joy and happiness in the smallest and most mundane things in life.

Have a fabulous weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #64

Hello All! Happy Friday! I hope you had a great week. I can’t believe we are one week out from Halloween weekend! This month has flown by, but I have made the most of it between fall walks, apple picking, baking and fall fests!

Hello Fall!

It’s been a great month and it’s not over yet. Today’s roundup is all things fall as I link up with Erika and Andrea or a fun roundup of Friday Favorites!

Pinterest Boards– Kicking things off with all things fall, my Pinterest boards reflect how I feel about fall and they bring me so much JOY!  Give me all the fall vibes, from nature photos to recipes I want to try, cozy scenes indoors and book and movie recommendations. I go through phases where I am always pinning things up for ideas or inspiration or I am not on the app at all. I’m currently pinning all the fall things, all the time. I love to go on Pinterest at the end of the day for inspiration and to unwind. Here’s my page to follow along, not just for fall but for recipes, fashion, home decor and organization.

SO much JOY!

New Room Scent– New season, new scent! Does this scent not scream fall..honeycrisp apple for fall?! I love apples and and the fresh and sweet scent they bring and I know this was the perfect scent for the next few months for fall! Whenever I have it on, I am drawn back into an apple orchard. Bath and Body Works is my go-to for all the sweet scents, they always get me with their deals for lotions, car scents, body spray and candles.

The perfect fall scent!

Near in the Night– Emily Ley’s latest book, Near in the Night just came out and I can’t wait to dive in. I’m still deciding if I want to start it now or wait until the new year to begin, stay tuned! This is a companion or part two to her first set of devotionals, Sure as the Sunrise. I loved starting my day with Sure as the Sunrise, after some journaling and quiet time and I was thrilled when she announced she had a set of 100 nighttime devotionals coming out. Ley is such a talented writer and I have loved all the different genres of books she’s penned and published. I’m looking forward to ending my day with some quiet time and devotional time and can’t wait to start Near in the Night.

Stuffed Butternut Squash-My boyfriend made Stuffed Butternut Squash for a date night in and it was delicious. The perfect fall recipe. I asked him to share the recipe if you are looking to try it!

A delicious fall meal!


2 acorn squash, halved and seeded

1/2-3/4 pound ground sausage of your choice

½ teaspoon salt and pepper, more or less depending on seasoning of sausage

herbs and spices to taste, depending on which ones pair with the sausage of choice

¼ cup breadcrumbs

1/3 cup milk

1.5 cups cooked rice, ideally cooled

1 diced bell pepper

½ diced onion


  1. Combine all ingredients except breadcrumbs.
  2. mix well and divide into squash halves.
  3. Top with breadcrumbs and a melty cheese if desired, very lightly drizzle oil or spray tops of each
  4. Place squashes into lightly oiled baking dish
  5. 5) Bake covered at 350 for one hour, then uncovered for 30 minutes 

Sitting in Bars with Cake– If you are looking for a movie for girls’ night or a mother-daughter night in, I have you covered. I found the movie, Sitting in Bars with Cake on Amazon Prime and watched it with my mom, it looked so cute and fun. Two young best friends living together in LA head to bars with cake as a way to make new friends and guys while making memories along the way, what more could you ask for in a movie?! I loved the story of friendship, seeing them make all these unique cakes and creations, but the movie had a lot more depth than I realized. This was a tearjerker and really showed the power of friendship and how it endures all. Make sure you have tissues on hand when you watch you have something sweet to indulge in, because the movie will leave you hungry!

That’s a quick look into what I have been loving this week, lots of fall favorites, from scents to inspiration, recipes, and movies! Tell me, what have you enjoyed the most about the fall season? Let me know in the comments below! Happy Fall Friday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #49

Hey guys! 

Happy Friday! I hope you had a great week! This week was a busy, between being back to work after some days off, the Fourth of July in the middle of the week and then visiting some friends on days off.

Time spent with friends in the sunshine!

It was packed full but in the best way. Summer is all about making memories and I certainly have done that this week!

Everything is in bloom his time of year!

I’m excited for this weekend for some fun activities too! More on that next week. Anyways, I hope you had a great week and have something fun planned this weekend.

Now, that I have you all caught up on life. Here’s some things I’m loving this week, a lot of these things are things that I loved and used during my family visit to the beach last week. Buckle up, here’s some fun, summer favorites as I link up with Erika and Andrea!

Tennis Dress– I was influenced by Shay Shull for this Amazon tennis dress. While I am not a tennis player, I love how easy this dress is for the summer to throw on for a day of errands or coming out from the beach or pool. It’s easy to throw on, it’s made from Nylon so it’s good for being around water. It comes in so many colors, but I love the light blue. I’ve been into blue this summer and this was the perfect fun outfit to add to my fun clothes wardrobe. 

Pearl Hoops– If you remember, I got a pair of gold hoops around Easter and have been wearing them a lot for work. For my birthday, I got a pair of pearl hoops that really elevate your every day outfit. I have worn them with dresses for work, to shorts and blouses. They add some fun, bling compared to pearl studs. They can really dress up a cocktail or work dress. For example, on this day, I wore them with a blue and white polka dotted dress. So fun! They would even be great for a summer wedding!

Such a fun statement pier of jewelry!

Happy Place– I love the author Emily Henry! She has written some of my favorite beach reads from People We Meet on Vacation to Book Lovers and Beach Read. Happy Place may be one of my new favorites! I loved the plot line of six friends reuniting in their favorite spot for one last summer trip together and one of the couples pretending they are still together when they have broken up. The personalities of the friends, the description of the setting and the nostalgia had me craving a week at the lake. I read this book on vacation and it was the perfect beach read. If you haven’t read this book yet or any of Emily’s books, you are missing out and I highly recommend picking up one of them this summer!

Such a fun, summer read!

New Wall Flower scent– I love lemons! From the scent, to the flavor, to any foods. At the beginning of the season, Bath and Body Works unveiled some new scents including a sweet tea and lemonade scent. I loved the concept of the combo, but they are sold out of lotions and soap and candles. However, they still had some wall flower scents and I was able to get one. This is the perfect summer scent. It’s refreshing and not too overpowering. I use it in my bedroom, but I think it would great for a kitchen or a family room. I have tried a lot of different scents but this may be one of my favorites. The best for summer!

Smells like summer!

The Night Agent– I know I talked about this show on my Currently post last week, but I figured it deserved its own spot on Friday Favorites! The Night Agent on Netflix  has been such a fun and dramatic show to watch in the summer. There’s mystery and suspense and of course some romance too. There are definitely some intense parts but it’s been a fun show to watch nightly in the summer. Have you found any new shows that you have been loving this summer?

Another summer show!

That’s a look into life lately and what I’m loving! Some fun vacation finds and things I’m loving as we make our way through July! 

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!! See you next Wednesday!