Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #37

Happy Friday Friends! It feels like Springtime here! The sun is out longer, I’m not wearing layers upon layers when I head out the door and flowers are starting to bloom. I love this time of year!

First signs of spring

As we make out way into another spring weekend, I’m sharing some of my favorite things with you from the week as I link up with Erika and Andrea!

Easter Fun!

I know we are a week past Easter, but I wanted to share an easy recipe! We always make a traditional Easter Bunny cake! We use a box mix to make to circular cakes and then here’s how you get the bunny shape!

Bake your two cakes in two circular pans.
Take one cake and cut two angles to make the ears for the bunny face.
Use the other for the bow
Ice, decorate and enjoy!

Sea Salt Crackers– I picked up these crackers when I was out and was looking for a new flavor for my lunches. I love to pair these crackers with cheese, apples or salads. I love the consistency and flavor of the pita and sea salt. I am always on the hunt for new flavors and tastes and these check all the boxes. If you are looking for a new cracker, definitely check these out.

Rose Water and Ivy Wall Flower– As the seasons change, it was time for a new wall flower scent from Bath and Body Works. For spring , I’m using Rose Water and Ivy and I’ve really been enjoying it. I love the sweet and fresh smell it gives off. I also swapped out my plug-in for a new one with sleeker look. I’m excited to use this more in the coming weeks.

Greenwich Park– My co-worker shared Greenwich Park by Katherine Faulkner with me and I loved it, I finished it in less than a week! It’s the perfect mix of drama, thriller and mystery. The story is told from different perspectives of the characters. The book follows a story of a woman who meets a fellow first-time mom in a pre-natal class, the two women become friends until the new women has a hidden agenda and some secrets and connections to the protagonist and her friends and family. The book starts out fairly slow but picks up towards the middle and end, so if you re thinking about quitting, stay with it.

Emily Ley’s Podcast on Friends– I listen to Emily Ley’s Simplified podcast every week. She covers different topics about life, organizing, cooking, motherhood, finances along with guests every week. Last week, she released a podcast about friendships and the different kinds of friends. Her message was all about how there’s different friends for different parts of your life or seasons. This podcast really resonated with me, I definitely recommend the Simplified podcast for regular listening but also for this specific episode.

That’s a look into some of my favorite things from this week. I hope you have something fun planned for you this weekend! Happy Fri-yay!!!