Happy June! I can’t believe we are already into the sixth month of the year and making our way through 2022.
As we embark on a new month and in a few weeks, a new season, I figured it was time for a summer bucket list.
I love goals and I love to do lists, in order to maximize my time in the summer and have fun, I enjoy creating bucket lists. This bucket list is a mix of free and inexpensive things around my hometown and region of things I want to do this summer. Some can be done multiple times, others are a one and done kind of deal. If you are on the hunt for fun things to do this summer, feel free to steal an idea or two from the list.
I love to support local spots and community events, so I’m hoping to do that more this summer. I also like to use the summer season as a way to slow down a bit, less appointments and to-dos and more time to rest and go with the flow (one of my goals for my 24th year!)
Sumer Bucket List for 2022
This summer I hope to accomplish as many of these things as possible and do more activities that goes beyond this list.
Here’s a look at my summer bucket list:
Heritage Festivals/ Fairs
Day trips
Beach Day
Pool Day
Celebrate Fourth of July
Time with family
White Turkey
See college friends
Go Someplace New
Meal by the Water
Food tour
Winery/Wine Tasting
Happy Hour/ Ice Cream Hour
State/National Parks
John Russell Brewing
Mini Golf
Amusement Park
Outdoor Concert
That’s a look at some things I hope to accomplish this summer. What are some things you are looking forward to this summer?
Hey guys! Happy Wednesday! If I had to describe this month in one word it would be rain. We had so much rain, when we finally got our first day of sunshine, I couldn’t be happier. I’m all for a rainy day here or there but not for a month of summer. But the good news is we have had plenty of sunny days since then. Here’s a look into my life this past month.
What I’m up to: I’ve been doing a lot of indoor activities and seeing lots of family and friends. I saw family over the Fourth of July which was great. I also went to my high school reunion with some friends that I’m still close with. I also saw some college friends too. It was a busy month, but I was so happy to do so many things and see so many people. I also took on a new role at work, it’s been fun to learn new things!
Behind the scene at work
What I’m wearing: I got some new work dresses from Amazon. I can’t wait to show you them soon in. post in a few weeks! For days off, I have been wearing lots of shorts and tee shirt sets and of course a few easy throw on dresses. Here’s my past posts on summer looks and vacation looks.
One of my Amazon purchases!
What I’m reading: I finished The Bookstore on the Beach. It was definitely a fun and summer read. It was a lot deeper than I thought, there was a lot of challenging issues that were tackled. I really liked how there was a lot about the relationships between mothers and their daughters. Speaking of women, our book club book for this month was called The Secret Lives of the First Ladies. It was a fun historical read. The writing was very modern and light. It almost felt as if you were having conversations with them. I learned a lot about the wives of the men who helped run our country. It also was interesting to see how much these women endured through their lives. I’m currently reading One Summer in Paris, I just started but it’s already looking to be a great read.
What I’m Watching: Before you ask, yes, I am still watching Offspring, butttttt I’m on the final season! So hopefully this is the last time you read about it. But in all seriousness, it’s been a wonderful show. I’m so glad it was recommended to me. It’s a great show all about family dynamics and all the things they go through. It’s been a perfect show to watch in the spring and summer. Season 2 of Lupin was so good! I loved the ending. It felt like the first episode. It’s a must watch if you haven’t seen it yet. I also am catching up on Virgin River. It’s such a cute and classic Hallmark-y show on Netflix. It’s been such a light summer show. Definitely recommend if you are looking for a summer show.
What I’m Loving: I’ve been loving the simple things. With all the rain these past few weeks, I’ve loved taking time to read more, curl up and light a candle or watch movies or tv shows. But when the rain breaks, I love getting out for a walk or just sitting outside. Plus, nothing says summer like some fresh flowers or an ice cream cone! Taking summer adventures have been fun too!
Heading to the Botanical Gardens in Cleveland has been a fun summer adventureAnother shot of the botanical gardens
What Inspires Me: I’m inspired by all the green after the rain. Everything looks so much more alive after a storm. I’ve also been inspired by supporting more local spots for meals and treats. It’s been so nice to see the community out and about more this summer and enjoying food at home!
Enjoying a summer brunch outside
What I accomplished: I’ve loved being able to see so many friends and family this past month. That has been a huge accomplishment. I’ve also gotten adjusted to my new routine and schedule which has made life much easier.
Goals Accomplished from Last Month I got to celebrate the Fourth of July after work with family and friends. From yummy food, to fireworks, and seeing people. It was one of my favorite days of the year. I’m also getting lots of things done on my summer to do list.
Fireworks on the FourthMy little pup getting in the Independence Day spirit!
Goals for the New Month: Enjoy the last month of summer! Luckily, I don’t have to go back to school but my siblings will. It’s been so nice to have another summer home with them. I can’t wait for more time outside and in the sun and continuing to see family and friends
A tasty meal outside supporting a local spot is my idea of a perfect time!
That’s a look into my life this month. What things have you been doing this past month. Let me know!
Happy Thursday and more importantly, Happy Fourth of July! Today is such a special day not only to remember those you gave their lives for our country. They paid the ultimate price for our freedom. The Fourth of July is one of my favorite summer holidays. My family and I always throw a big picnic with swimming, grilling, and family. What more could you ask for?!
If you are still looking for a last minute outfit or some yummy treats to take to your picnic, you can check out this post here. If you are throwing a family picnic, you can check out this post all about planning for your party!
Today’s look of the day is so versatile, you can wear it to a casual Friday at the office, a low-key dinner get together, or even a more dressier picnic. If you have been following my blog for a while, you know how much I love to wear outfits on more than one occasion.
I love these white capris. Perfect for an early day at work, family barbecues, drinks with the girls, or a day shopping. I got these at American Eagle a few years back and I have gotten so many uses out of them, truly one of the best purchases from American Eagle.
This blue and white blouse is from Old Navy that I got on sale. I have worn it to work before with dress pants, but I love how it looks dressed down with capris. I may even try a pair of white shorts with it.
Lastly, these slip-on shoes have been my go-to for the summer. They really add a pop to any outfit you are wearing and they are comfortable. I got this pair at Marshalls. I love all the unique things I find there.
Where would you wear this outfit out to? Work? Date night? Family picnic? Let me know.
Have a wonderful and safe fourth of July!
Always remember…land of the free because of the brave!
Happy Tuesday. I found this fun quiz/ survey from Mix and Match Mama’s Blog. I love learning things about other people, especially fun or unique facts and I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to do one for myself. I borrowed some from Shay’s blog and made up a few on my own. Let’s get to my three favorite things!
MOVIES (This one is soooo hard-but current favorites)
A Star is Born
Such a good movie
Life Itself
Again, another life changing movie
Love Actually
One of my favorite movies of all time especially around Christmas time.
Year of Yes
Another life changing book
Grace not Perfection
Grace Not Perfection- an inspiring book for all
Pride and Prejudice
A romance that never gets old
One of my favorite shows of all time
Grey’s Anatomy
Old photo but I can’t get enough of this show
This is Us
Another fantastic show
Chick-Fil -A
Rome, Italy
Hershey, PA
Getting away for a bit at my favorite place-Hershey, PA
New York City, NY
One of my last visits from NYC, can’t wait to go back soon
Paris, France
London, England
Dublin, Ireland
Christmas morning spent well, the tree all lit, a warm cup of hot chocolate and time spent with family
Forever thankful for family on Thanksgiving
Fourth of July
Rocking my Red, White, and Blue for the 4th
A closer look at what’s in my purse
Phone Charger
My favorite fall dessert made by my mom
Warm, homemade chocolate chip cookies
Chocolate cake
Apple Crisp
I always like to read after a long day
Do my Nails
Nothing makes me feel better than a fresh coat of polish
Watch a movie/latest tv show I’m binge watching
Such a good mini series that I just finished watching
Well there you have it, some of my three favorite things. If you guys liked it, let me know and I will do it again, this was so much fun and it really made me think about my favorite things. Pick a few things and add your responses to the comments below! Have a great start to your week!
Hello friends!! Happy belated Fourth of July! I was not a fan of having the Fourth of July in the middle of a week. I was working on Tuesday and now I am back to work today, so between work and the holiday it is a very busy week. The Fourth was a very fun holiday. I was able to see family, friends, eat good food, and relax. Even though, it has been a packed full week, I’m very happy with how it has turned out.
Since, it is back to work today, I’m sharing another one of my business casual outfits. I have worn this outfit this past week at work, and it was perfect for on the go. Not only is it stylish but it is comfortable and professional looking. Let’s get started.
Pretty in pink for work
Last week I raved about these pants and I am wearing them again with a much different outfit. These pink dress pants are from GAP, I love the color, but they also come in blue, black, and khaki. A color for every need you may have. I like how they look more like a dress pant and not a jean or tight like a pair of leggings.
I matched my pink pants with this pink, black, and white dress blouse. I got this blouse from Marshalls on sale!! My favorite store plus a sale-what more could you ask for!? I love how it goes with the pink pants. I have also worn this top with a pair of white capris to bring out the white more in the top.
Lastly, I paired a simple pair of black flats with this outfit to top off the outfit. I got mine from Old Navy and absolutely adore them! As much as I love my wedges or heels, I wear flats at work since I go to different places every day and I am constantly on the go-not the ideal place for heels.
Always good to have a sweater with you
In case you get cold easily like me, I always throw a cardigan or light sweater to wear. I brought a white short sweater to wear in case I got chilly. It’s always good to be prepared at work or on the job.
I hope you all had a wonderful and fun day with your families and friends celebrating the Fourth of July. Have a great weekend ahead. See you on Tuesday!!
Hello and Happy Tuesday! Tomorrow is the Fourth of July. It’s crazy that we are already in July! Is it just me or is summer flying by?!
One of my favorite things to do in the summer is entertain! I love having friends, family, and relatives over for a barbecue, swim or just to catch up. We always like to celebrate the Fourth of July with a big party with family and friends. I have learned a lot about hosting and entertaining from my parents especially my mom, these are things that I will use when I have my own place one day. Here are a few things I have learned about prepping and hosting summer dinners.
-Plan ahead
It may seem daunting to plan a picnic or dinner party. But don’t get overwhelmed. Plan what things you need to get done and how long it will take you, this comes in handy for time managing. Also, no matter the size of your party-lists is your best friend. Make lists for food you need, decorations, guests, or any paper products you have to get. It’s also smart to have a menu in mind for your food. Keep in mind to use what you have. If you already have food at home use that before buying more food. Be sure to take inventory before you go shopping. With that in mind, keep your eyes open for things on sale. Maybe you don’t have a picnic coming up but if paper plates are on sale, pick up a stack for later,
-Have others help
If you are hosting a big barbecue with lots of families and friends, don’t be afraid to accept their offers of help. If someone asks if they can bring something-say yes. They will feel good that they are doing their part to help. There can never be too many appetizers or desserts. This also makes your guests feel appreciated for helping out and it allows you to try new recipes. Who doesn’t like to try new things?! Making a list will also come in handy when keeping track of who’s bringing what.
-Enjoy yourself
After all the hard work is done be sure to enjoy yourself. Don’t worry about cleaning up while your guests are still eating or talking. Be present and enjoy the company. If something doesn’t turn out the way you planned, don’t sweat it the only person who will notice is you. You have worked hard for your party so enjoy yourself with your guests.
I have loved to help my parents through the years to help plan and put on parties and get-togethers. What tips or advice do you have for when it comes to putting on and celebrating the holidays?! I would love to hear anything you have to offer! Have a safe and memorable Fourth of July! God Bless America!
I hope you are all enjoying time with your family and loved ones celebrating America’s birthday. Before I hit the pool and picnics, I wanted to share a few of my favorite things to have on the 4th.
Whether you are taking a dip in the pool, heading up to the lake or just tanning in the sun, a bathing suit is a must. I found this Red, White and Blue bikini at Target for under $20! It was a steal. I can’t wait to wear it! No outfit is complete without your nails so be sure to sport some red, white, and blue nail polish!
Got to love sporting some Red, White, and Blue
Decorations are a must for any holiday. I love buying little American flags to decorate the gardens with. They are patriotic, affordable, and are easy to decorate with.
Lastly, nothing screams 4th of July like tasty food. There is nothing better than grilling and having everyone bring a dish to share. I have a few of the desserts saved on Pinterest and I’m gonna give them shot. I’ll let you know how they turn out!
Gonna give this one a shot!
Some yummy desserts!
Now, enough reading my blog and get out and celebrate our nation’s birthday. Be sure to thank a veteran while you are out. I’ll be back on Thursday to share my fourth of July look along with how everything turned out! Happy 4th of July!