Fabulous living

Things I’m Looking Forward To…

Hi everyone!

Happy Wednesday! I hope you are making it through the midweek slump, we are halfway to the weekend, which is much needed, in other good news…it’s March!! Anyone else had a tough time making it through the end of February?!

Last week, we got a day of sunshine and temperatures above 50! I had no idea how much I needed to feel sunshine and warmer temps, it was a definitely a burst of sunshine…no pun intended. Hehe….I am counting down to warmer weather and spring time even though we have a long way to go. 

One of my favorite blogs that I read every day is Carly’s. She has been blogging since college and writes about everything from fashion, food, lifestyle, home living and more. I love to start my days with her blog.  She did a post about things she is looking forward to after the pandemic and I loved the positivity, I wanted to try it for myself. To read her post, click here. The whole point is to think about what fun things you are looking forward to once things back to a semi-normal.

Here’s some things I’m looking forward to…

-Seeing people: I’ve kept my bubble of people fairly small this past year, mostly only seeing immediate family, a few close friends in the summer and co-workers. I’ve been able to talk to friends thanks to Facetime and Zoom way more frequently which has been such a blessing. I can’t wait for the day to see friends in person and give them a hug. Isn’t it weird how much we miss physical touch when we can’t have it?!

One of my last visits with my friend, Danielle, before Covid hit.

-Spontaneous Trips and Travel too: Right before the pandemic hit, I was visiting friends in Pittsburgh and then a week later we all got shutdown…I can’t wait to plan spontaneous trips and visits with friends on my days off. I want to enjoy myself and not be worried about being too close to people, going to another place and being concerned about getting others or myself sick. I also am looking forward to seeing more family. I was able to see some on the summer when cases were down, but once fall and winter hit, I’ve been hunkered down at home. Plus, I have a whole list of places that I want to explore and see, I’m hoping to do more of that once things settle down.

Looking forward to more travels in the future.

-Concerts: Although, I haven’t been to too many of them, there is nothing like live music. Although, it will take a while to get there, I’m looking forward to live music again and the whole concert like experience. 

One of the last concerts I went to was in 2018 and it was Ed Sheeran, I can’t wait to be get back to concerts in the future.

-Community Events: It may seem silly, but I miss the community atmosphere of my hometown, spontaneous meet-ups and nights spent out. In the summer there are always weekend activities and festivals and it’s always a fun time to see friends and neighbors out and about. 

 The most important is to get as many people vaccinated and to keep doing what experts are telling us, all to put an end to Covid-19. In a time full of loss and suffering and pain, it’s so nice to look on the bright side of things and dream about getting back to a semi-normal. If I have learned anything from this pandemic is how much I appreciate and love the little and simple things in life. It’s crazy what things we take for granted. 

What things are you looking forward to in the future?