
Fit Bit Versa Lite Review

Hey everyone! Happy Wednesday! I hope you had a great weekend and start for your week. Last week, I shared that I had to bite the bullet and buy a new fit bit. I got my first one three and a half years ago, I wrote a blog post about my experience with the Alta HR here. Their life expectancy is a year so I was more than happy that it lasted this long.

I decided to go with the Fit Bit Vera Lite Edition. I knew what I wanted with a the fit bit, I wanted something that would track my steps, calories burned, exercise, sleep, and receive notifications. 

I have been happy with how the Versa Lite has worked out so far. The battery is long lasting, I typically charge it when I’m relaxing and I don’t need to wear it to track my fitness or steps. 

The alarm clock on it super helpful for when I’m sleeping, I still have an alarm on my phone, but having an alarm right on your wrist works great.

The bigger screen face is one of my favorite parts, when I get a call or text I can read them full message and not just a preview, like my old one. I love how my phone and my watch can sync up. I can see more notifications on my watch such as remidners or calendar. 

The exercise feature is my absolute favorite, but it’s something I need to always remind myself about. The fit bit tracks your exercise, whether it’s a work out, walk, run, bike, or training. But, the key is remembering to start the work out so it tracks it. 

I have found my fit bit to be very accurate when it comes to logging my steps and heart rate. 

I’m a competitive person, therefore, I always try to hit 10,000 steps a day, it was much easier in college when I was walking to and from my dorm to campus, but this summer I have been trying to get in a morning work out and a walk in, sometimes both happen, other times it’s one or another, my fit bit helps holds me accountable to my fitness goals. 

I’ve always been a fan of fit bit and their products and I have been happy with my new Versa Lite so far. What are your favorite fitness products and if you have the Versa Lite, what are your favorite features? 

Enjoy the warm weather this week and spend some time outside!


Favorite Health and Fitness Apps

No matter how long you have been following my blog, fitness and staying healthy is a huge part of my life. Whether it’s eating healthy or working out several times a week, I make my health a priority. One of the ways that I keep my health in order is with the help of fitness trackers and apps. Last year, I did a review of my Fit Bit, you can find that here.Today, I’m sharing my favorite health and fitness apps. 

Fit Bit App

 I’m going to keep this short and sweet, first, you don’t to have a fit bit to have the app, I used the app before I had the watch. This is by far my favorite fitness app. It tracks your steps, miles walked, calories burned, and how active you are. It also sends you all notifications whether it’s calendar reminders or text messages or phone calls, it’s super helpful. The app also allows you to track your food and water intake, your weight, and then one of my favorites, your sleep. Tracking my sleep is super important to me. When you wear your fit bit to bed, it monitors how long you are asleep for, and how much time you spend in light sleep, deep sleep, REM, and are awake. It gives you a sleep score every night too. I always find it interesting to see how rested I am. If these are all priorities for you, then this is a great investment. 

The Fit Bit home page with all your stats
Here’s the sleep tracker

Health (Apple version)

If you are Apple die-hard fans and like to utilize everything with Apple, then this would be the App for you. You can use it with the Apple Watch, like the fit bit app, it tracks your steps, miles walked, sleep and how active you are. You can still utilize this app without having the apple watch, I did the same but found it wasn’t as accurate without having the watch on you. For example, my fit bit is more accurate with my steps and working out because I always have my watch on, however, since I don’t have an apple watch the health app isn’t always up to date. If you are an apple lover or have an apple watch, this is the route for you.

The Health app through Apple

Sleep Cycle

The sleep tracker through Sleep Cycle

This falls into the health section of apps. Like I said, I am always intrigued about measuring my sleep. This app is great for tracking sleep, you just turn it on before you go to bed and make sure it’s near you when you are sleeping. It will track how awake you are and how restless you sleep. It also doubles as an alarm clock too. This app is free and it’s simple to use. If you don’t care as much about the fitness and want to focus more on sleep, this is the app for you. 

These are my favorite apps for health and fitness, I will admit that I use the Fit Bit app the most since it meets all my needs and I utilize everything it offers. What are your favorite health and fitness apps? 

I hope this post encourages you to get out there and be active. Have a fabulous week!