Fabulous living

December To Do’s

Hi All!

I hope you all had enjoyable Thanksgiving’s at home with your families. I know for me it was so nice to be home for a few days, relax, see family and enjoy the holidays. I always love Thanksgiving, from the food, to the family, and the relaxing day.

I also had some fun getting a start on the holiday baking. I had a few events that I had to bake for at school for Christmas and I was happy to make some for family too. I made some double chocolate chip cookies and peanut butter kiss cookies.

My favorite recipe for everyone’s favorite cookies
Peanut butter kiss cookies
The finished product

Now, that Thanksgiving is over, I can finally get into the Christmas season. I know December is going to fly by, so today I’m sharing the things I hope to accomplish this month.

  • Finals 

All college students can agree that once we make it through finals, we can truly enjoy the holidays. My finals week doesn’t look too bad, it will mostly be papers, portfolios and a test thrown in the mix. Hopefully it shouldn’t be too painful. Thanksgiving break definitely gave me the rest I needed to get through the next few weeks.

It may look empty now, but this finals week will fill up fast
  • Christmas Shopping

I have to give myself a pat on the back. I have been killing it at the Christmas gift game this year. I have done a lot of shopping online with the help of Amazon. It has been so easy to browse when I am free and add things to my shopping list (for others) or wish list (for myself) when I see something that interests me. Next week I’ll be doing a more extensive post all about Christmas gift system, but for now I hope to get all my shopping and wrapping done early on, so I can enjoy the Christmas season.

A look into my Amazon wish list, you know you are an adult when your list consists mostly of books…no shame!
  • Enjoy the Christmas Season

This is something I want to work on both at home and at school. I really want to enjoy the Christmas season and not rush it, I’m hoping to get in some gift giving nights with my friends at school, I have gifts for all my friends, and I am involved in some gift exchanges too. I want to also take it slow after the semester is over, that means watching Christmas movies (the classic and the Hallmark ones), making Christmas cookies (YUM), and listening to Christmas music (not going to lie, I have already started to listen to Christmas music. Haha)!

I already got some Christmas spirit in with Light Up Night a few weeks ago
My Go-To Christmas Playlist

I really want to be more present this Christmas season, that means trying to take it slower, be more intentional and fit as much Christmas stuff in as possible. What are some of your Christmas or December goals? Enjoy the last few days of November and bring on the Christmas jolly and joy!

Fabulous living Fun Ways to Organize

How to Study for Finals and Prepare for the Holiday Season

It’s the most wonderful time of the year….or worst if you are a college student like myself. Finals week is upon us. Time to grab those note cards, pull out the highlighters, and make those study guides. Whether you are studying for finals, or if you aren’t a college student, making your Christmas lists, here are some tips to stay organized this time of year.

Studying for Finals:

-Prepare in advance. – Look to see when your finals are scheduled and plan out of when you want to study for them.

Here’s my day planner. I write down every assignment, meeting, and final down so I don’t forget anything.

– Prepare on your own. – Read through both your notes and textbooks and make your own study guide so you aren’t going back and forth between book and notebook.

-Seek help. – Although we don’t always like to admit it, we sometimes need help. Go to a tutor if you need help in a subject. See your professor with questions you may have while studying. Organize study groups to make sure you are covering all the information.

-Take Care of Yourself. – Finals and the end of the semester are stressful. But don’t forget to take care of yourself. You won’t do well on a test if you are half a sleep or if you are sick from not eating healthy. It may be tempting but try not to skip meals and allow yourself for enough sleep or take a nap if you need to.

Preparing for Christmas:

I am always on my laptop, these post it icons make it easy for me to remember what things I have going on from finals, homework assignments, and extra things I need to get done. Like my Christmas gifts. I like to have it all in one place

-Make a List (and Check it twice). – Make a list for everyone you want to buy gifts for. Think relatives, coworkers, friends, any gift exchanges. You don’t want to leave anyone out on your list.

-Plan out your Gifts. – Do some research and plan what gifts you want to purchase and for whom. This saves time walking around a store waiting for the perfect gift to find you.

-Buy then Wrap. – Get all your purchasing done then wrap your goodies. Put on a Christmas movie and wrap while you relax. It’s easier to wrap everything at one point rather then wrapping things separating at different times.

-Enjoy the Christmas Season. – The holidays can be stressful but It’s important to remember what really matters; family, friends, Jesus. Take time for the family traditions and make memories.

I hope these tips help with preparing for your finals or your Christmas shopping. It’s the most wonderful time of the year, be sure to spend it well with friends and family.