Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #77

Hello All!

Happy Friday!

I hope you had a great week! I like this time of year since it really forces you to slow down and rest. I’ve been spending more time indoors, reading, cooking, and watching movies, however, I do miss getting outdoors for fresh air but right now, 32 degrees doesn’t seem too pleasant to enjoy. I’ve also been doing my best to catch up with friends after the holidays. I got to see friends before things got busy in December, but now that things have calmed down, it’s been good to get back into a routine of seeing my people.

Warm soup on a cold day

As we finish up another work week, I’m sharing a fun batch of favorites from the past week as I Iink up with Erika and Andrea for this week’s Friday Favorites.

I have a mixed bag of things I’m loving and using this week. 

Family Switch– Have you seen the Family Switch on Netflix? I had it on my watch list for a while and some of my family members and I watched it right after the holidays. I was really looking forward to seeing the movie since the concept looked cute and I liked the casting. The movie was good, but not great. There were some cheesy and unrealistic parts and lines, but the overall the message was cute. The movie follows a family whose bodies and personalities all get swapped with one another right before Christmas. The theme of the movie is all about living in someone else’s shoes and learning from each other. This would be a good family movie or a good movie to have on in the background if you are working on other projects. Tell me: if you have seen it, what did you think of it?

New Journal-New year, new journal. Every year I get a different journal and I take my time picking it out, based on what I want to reflect on or what I need it for. I got this journal for Christmas, and it fits exactly what I was looking for in a journal for this year. It’s organized a bit more like a planner, so you can use it as a planner if you choose,  but you can fill out your monthly goals and dreams, there’s a spot for daily musings or writings and there’s inspirational quotes and stickers found throughout the book. I always do my journaling in the morning and I’m looking forward to filling out this journal through the year.

New Room Scent– The Christmas scents are done and now it’s time for warm, winter scents. Snowflakes and Cashmere is my new wall flower scent. Like many scents I enjoy, this has a subtle, sweet scent that isn’t too overpowering. I did a post a while back, but I always like to have some scent in my room, whether it be a candle burning, a wall flower plugged in, or a diffuser going. I never have them all operating at one time, but I change them out depending on what I’m feeling and what scent I’m going for. I like the freshness a wall flower provides and how it can automatically elevate a space based on scent. 

Meet the Parents Series– This may seem like a silly favorite since it’s far from new, but it’s a favorite for me this week. My boyfriend and I have been making our way through the Meet the Parents series on Netflix. I have only seen parts of the movies, but we decided to sit down and watch them together over the course of a week after work and on the weekends. One of my favorite things about streaming services like Netflix or Amazon Prime is finding older movies to watch or re-watch. We have been loving watching these movies from the early to mid 2000’s, from the one-liners to the quirky family dynamics, it’s been such a fun watch. If you have any classic comedies or dramas that you enjoy, drop them below!

Green Concealer– I have red undertones in my skin complexion so I often use a green primer or concealer. I had been using NYX green concealer, but when the store didn’t have any in stock, I decided to give Maybelline’s green concealer a try and have been very pleased with how it’s been working. I like how smooth the stick goes on my face. It blends in really well and it works well with the other products I use on my face, from skin care to makeup. I’ll use this stick until it runs out and then I will decide if I want to go back to NYX or stick with this.

That’s a look into what I’ve been loving and what has been working for me. Tell me: what are some things you have been loving this week? 

 I hope you have a great weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #68

Hello All! 

Happy Friday!

This week flew by. November has been filled with work projects and events, seeing friends, preparing for the holidays and lots of deep cleaning and organizing. It’s been busy but I have been loving and embracing this slower season before the chaos of the holidays begins (which I love too).

Here’s a few things that I have been loving as I link up with Erika and Andrea or a fun roundup of Friday Favorites!

The Bodyguard-This is an older show, but new to me. Have you watched or heard of The Bodyguard. It came out in 2018 and is a limited series on Netflix. It’s all about a bodyguard for a government official in Great Britian, however, she starts receiving threats once he is assigned to her detail. She is targeted by bombings, shootings and car accidents, but the question remains, why? There’s only six episodes so you can easily binge through it in a week or over the course of the week. I personally finished it in a week but could have finished it sooner if I had more time. There were some major cliffhangers through the series and lots of plot twists. Themes of government corruption, espionage, PTSD, and love were all found in the series. Definitely worth the watch!

New Black Leggings– I have been on the hunt for some solid black leggings to wear around the house or when running errands. I found an inexpensive pair at Marshall’s, and I have been loving them. They are fleece-lined, but also thin so if you do decide to wear them in warmer weather, you won’t be sweating in them. They are soft and almost conform to your legs, so it doesn’t feel like you are wearing leggings. They one downside is that they aren’t high waisted, but I wasn’t necessarily looking for a high waited legging, but besides that, I love them!

Purple Sherpa-I have been on the hunt for a sherpa since the beginning of the fall, but never found what I was looking for when it comes to putting something on a chilly day. I popped into Old Navy last week and found lots of good deals (more coming in the next few weeks) but I finally found the sherpa I was envisioning, and it was a huge win for me! Here’s some of my favorite details, first, I love how warm and cozy it is, perfect to pair with leggings, jeans, or even sweatpants. It was a great price and style, and lastly, I fell in love with the color. I don’t have too much lavender, so I’m looking forward to bringing a new color in my wardrobe.

New Mascara– I am always trying out different brands when it comes to makeup. I have my favorite products that I use all the time (hello Sephora foundation and concealer), but for other products like mascara, I like to change it up and try new things. I saw this Maybelline mascara advertised on the TODAY show and wanted to try it. It has a thinner and smaller brush which I like since it lengthens your lashes and separates them more. I like the coverage it provides and how it doesn’t clump easily. I only need a coat or two and then I’m good to go. It’s fairly affordable and I can get it from most drugstores and big box stores. 

S’more Popcorn– Rounding up this edition of Friday Favorites is some S’more’s popcorn. We picked up a bag of this flavorful popcorn for a fundraiser and I was excited and intrigued to try it. In my opinion, there’s not a strong S’mores flavor found throughout the bag. There is seasoning on every piece of popcorn, but it’s not exactly marshmallow, graham cracker and chocolate. I would categorize this popcorn more as a sweet and salty mix. There’s a lot of flavors and it’s great to munch on during a movie night or for a post lunch snack, but I wouldn’t choose it if you just want the S’mores flavor. Regardless, it was still tasty and a great snack.

That’s a look into some of my favorite things from this week. Some snacks, some clothes and some beauty products!

Tell me: what are you looking forward for the final weekend before Thanksgiving? Let me know in the comments below!

Happy Weekend!

Let's Look

Let’s Look: Stocking Stuffers

Hello All! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great week so far and enjoying a bit of calm before the crazy. I always enjoy the few weeks in November after Halloween and before Christmas. I take those weeks as time to gather myself after the sugar rush of Halloween, simplify fall decor and start prepping for Christmas whether it be by creating gift lists of who to buy for, making plans for the holidays or browsing the stores for ideas. I don’t go into full on Christmas mode until after Thanksgiving, but I do enjoy a little prep work. 

One thing that has been on my mind is stocking stuffers and little gifts for friends and family which ties in perfectly with today’s Let’s Look prompt as I link up with Erika and Shay

As always, here’s a recap of the prompts from this past year. 

Last month, in October we discussed our biggest fears, in September, we talked about evening routines, August, we talked about our worst habits, in July, we talked about new favorite summer finds, in June, we talked about best travel tips, in May, we talked about our morning routines, in April, we talked about pet peeves, in March, we talked about Amazon purchases, in February it was about our medicine cabinets.

I love little stocking stuffers on Christmas morning and an extra gift for friends and family when I am giving them out.

Growing up and to this day, we always enjoyed opening up our stockings on Christmas morning. It was the first thing we would open early in the morning. Our stocking stuffers changed as we got older, but they usually had some Christmas chocolate or candy, a gift card or two to favorite spot, a new tooth brush, some little toys, gadgets,or practical items and maybe some small gifts, like pens, stationary, a new charger etc. 

I always loved seeing what fun little items I would get in my stocking.

Whenever I am shopping for friends and family, I typically have my eyes open for a one main gift for people and then when it comes to friends, I may throw in some extra goodies or stocking stuffers in their bag or present.

A look at all the gifts going out to others.

Here’s some of my favorite stocking stuffers or extra gift ideas for Christmas:

  • Gift Cards (I always love to support local, so maybe buy a gift certificate to a favorite local coffee shop, book store, restaurant or apparel store)
  • Holiday snack mixes or candies (There’s nothing better than enjoying a sweet treat around the holidays- stock up on festive chocolate, holiday bark or any other treat and distribute it amongst all your gifts- this can be as easy as getting holiday chocolate kisses and putting them in every gift bag or you can go complex with a local chocolate).
You can never go wrong with a holiday mix
  • Hot Cocoa and Marshmallows (Another little gift you can buy in bulk and distribute amongst your gifts. Buy a big pack of lots of smaller packets of hot chocolate, buy candy candy canes and marshmallows and add them to each gift so people can enjoy a warm drink around the holidays).
A warm and cozy gift!
  • Homemade cookies (I am a big baker especially around the holidays. If you have a lot of extra cookies, consider making up a small plate or bag and adding them to each gift. It’s a thoughtful, homemade gift and you are sharing your talents with others.)
I love giving out homemade cookies to friends!
  • A favorite thing you enjoy (If you have a favorite item that you can’t live without, consider buying it in bulk and sharing it with your girlfriends for them to try it out. Do you love a new hand cream? Or can’t live without a specific charger or hair accessory, if it’s not too expensive, consider buying it for your close friends and have them try it out too. )
You can never go wrong with gifting a favorite item!
  • Travel size body care items- (This can be a fun extra gift to get for your girlfriends. Stock up on holiday or winter scented mini versions of body lotion, spray, chapstick, or facemasks and treat your friends to a mini spa night. It’s an affordable way to treat your friends.)
Travel size beauty products are always a hit!

These are just some suggestions when it comes to extra fun gifts or stocking stuffers. I typically don’t spend too much on stocking stuffers since I’m buying bigger gifts, but these are just some fun suggestions for some extra Christmas and holiday cheer. 

Gifts from last year wrapped and ready to go out!

Tell me, how do you handle stocking stuffers and extra gifts? Do you go all out or keep it small?

Let me know in the comments below!

I hope this gives you some inspiration as you start your holiday shopping. 

See you on Friday for another edition of Friday Favorites!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #50

Hey guys! Happy Friday! I hope you had a great week and are gearing up for a weekend full of sunshine, long days, and some summer fun! After a busy last week of heritage festivals, a concert and time with family, and visiting friends out of town, I was ready for a calmer week and weekend. 

I have been finding new places to hike, getting outdoors is one of my favorite parts of summer!

As I get ready for this weekend, here’s a look at some of my favorite things from this week as I link up with with Erika and Andrea!

Scamanda podcast– If you think I’m a few weeks behind on this first favorite, Scamanda it’s because I am! I saw it listed on a few other Friday Favorite blogs a few weeks ago and realized that if everyone else was listening to this podcast and raving about it then it must be good, and it did not disappoint. There’s eight episodes and two bonus episodes. It’s all about a woman who started a blog about her battle with cancer, however, the more the blogs, the more her story doesn’t add up. I only listen to a handful of podcasts and this was the first crime/drama podcast I listened too, and I really enjoyed it. I listened to it when I went on runs, went out of town and just in the car. Once I started, I couldn’t stop. If you are planning on hitting the road soon for a trip, I highly recommend this podcast.

New Candle Scent– I feel like the past few weeks have been all about new scents, but I’m not complaining. It’s just the time of year where I am swapping out all the scents, from body sprays and lotions to wall flowers and candles. I promise I don’t use the wall flower and candle at the same time. This new scent is perfect for unwinding at the end of the day. In my opinion, lavender and lemongrass are such soothing scents that they immediately put you in a calming state of mind, hence the name. I typically light a candle in the morning when I am getting ready for work or at the end of the day when I’m relaxing or doing computer work and this scent has been the perfect companion to relaxing.

Lancome Setting Powder– One of my co-workers recommended this beauty product from Lancome, when I am on camera, and I have really been pleased with the results. I do my makeup at home, before I head into the office, but often touch up my makeup before I go on air. I have been using this setting powder every time to take away any sweat or shine and touch up my face and give it a fresh look. It only takes a few seconds to dab my face and takes away some of the shine on my cheeks. If you are looking for a product to take away some of the shimmer and shine, I recommend this one.

Hair Spray Protector– I briefly brought up this product from Ulta Beauty on Wednesday, but I wanted to share more about it today.  I tried this new sample UV heat protection spray from Ulta Beauty when I was on vacation and have continued to use it since I got home. I use a curling iron or straightener five days a week for work, so I am all about protecting my hair from heat. I love how with a few spritzes of spray I protect my hair and as a bonus it has a great smell. I use a lot of product in my hair daily from shampoo, conditioner, volumizer, hair spray and UV protection spray, so while it can be a hassle to add another product to the mix, I’m glad I’m using something that is adding an extra layer of protection. Plus, because this is a sample, if I didn’t love it, I didn’t break the bank by trying it.

Tennis Skirt– I never thought I would be a tennis skirt girl, but here I am. I have really grown to love tennis dresses and skirts this summer. They are so easy to throw on after a day of work or on a day off.  This pale blue tennis skirt is from Amazon and was super affordable and durable. The nylon material is great for hot days. You can dress it up with a cute blouse if you want, but I would tend to wear it dressed down with a workout shirt or regular t-shirt. I would pair this outfit with sneakers, sandals or my-go to this summer, Birkenstocks!

That’s a look into some of my favorite things this week. A little bit of beauty, something to listen to on the road, and some cute clothes. As we make our way through July (which needs to slowwwww down) tell me, what have you been loving this week? Let me know in the comments below!

Have a fabulous weekend!

Let's Look

Let’s Look: New Favorite Summer Finds

Hey everyone! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great week. Last weekend, I was in Pittsburgh to see Ed Sheeran in concert. It was my second time seeing him perform and loved it. I loved his set list, the atmosphere and the songs. I had been looking forward to seeing him again and it did not disappoint.

View from our seats
Always a good time to enjoy a concert in the summer
One more concert shot

It’s the second Wednesday of the month which means it’s time for another Let’s Look as I link up with Erika and Shay.

Here’s the past Let’s Look topics of 2023

In June, we talked about best travel tips, in May, we talked about our morning routines, in April, we talked about pet peeves, in March, we talked about Amazon purchases, in February it was about our medicine cabinets.

This month’s topic is all about New Favorite Summer Finds. I have found lots of things I have been loving this summer that I have shared a lot of with you in different posts. This post has all my favorite summer finds with links in one stop.

Without further ado, here’s my 2023 Favorite Summer Finds:

Super Goop– I wear Super Goop almost every day. It goes on super lightweight and it adds a bit of shimmer too. I love that the sunscreen protects you from the sun and acts as a primer for makeup which I found to be super helpful too. On days when I know I am going to be outside all day, I always apply it to my face, do my makeup and then I am good to go. From work days to weekends, this is always the first thing I put on after I wash my face.

White Baseball Cap– I love a good baseball cap and I have several in from different places and colors, but I was looking for a white one to wear with lighter colors and outfits. I happened to kill two birds with one stone when I found a white one in New York City. I loved the simple NYC logo and the fact it came in white. I wore it almost every day when I went to the beach and I have worn it out and about in the summer too. I love the lighter color for summer and it reminds me of trip to NYC too. 

Tennis Skirt– Another outfit favorite this summer has been this pale blue tennis skirt. I was influenced by Shay Shull for this skirt. It’s so easy to throw on after being out in the water or running errands. The material is Nylon, which is great for hot days. You can dress it up with a cute blouse or dress it down with a workout shirt or regular t-shirt. I like how you can wear it with sneakers, sandals or flip flops. Such a fun way to switch up an outfit. An amazon purchase for the win!

Tennis Dress– Seaking of Amazon wins, this tennis dress was another Amazon find courtesy of Shay Shull. This dress (which comes ith shorts) is  easy to throw on and it’s made from Nylon so it’s good for being around water. It comes in so many colors, but I love the light blue. I’ve worn it with sandals and my birkenstocks, but you can easily wear it with sneakers too. Plus, it goes great with a white baseball cap. I love the cut and style and runs true to size.  This was the perfect fun outfit to add to my fun clothes wardrobe. 

Birkenstocks–  Speaking of sandals, after seeing the trends for years, I finally decided to hop on the Birkenstock bandwagon and I’m so glad I did! I was on the hunt for a pair of sandals I could throw on if I had to run out to get the mail, hit the store, wear by the pool or just go for a walk and these were just what I was looking for. I love the rubber material (perfect for the pool) and white color. They are so comfortable too. I wear them multiple times a week, from watering plants to taking out the trash and running errands. They have been my go-to all summer.

New favorite summer shoe!

Dress Sandals– These have become my favorite summer dress sandal. I picked up a pair from T.J. Maxx and I am obsessed. I have worn them to work, to church and out to events and date night. I love the color, the straps and the best part is how comfortable they are! They have great support and you can wear them for hours. I know they are in style and a major trend and I am on board.

UV Hair Spray– I have talked about using new products or sample products when I am on trips or vacations and when I went to the beach last month, I tried this new sample UV heat protection spray from Ulta. I really liked how it added an extra layer of protection for my hair and how easy it went in. Plus, as an extra bonus, it smells really good too. I always like trying new products as samples before I purchase them to see if I want to invest in them. 

Those have been some of my favorite summer items over the past few weeks. Some clothes, some products and some items. Overall, these are things that I have been using weekly if not daily this summer. Tell me, as we make our way through July what are some things you are loving?! Let me know in the comments below!

I hope you are having a great week and a great July! See you in two days for a new edition of Friday Favorites!

Fabulous living

A Few Favorite Things

 Happy Wednesday! I hope your week has been going swimmingly. 

As a child, the middle of June always felt like the official start to summer, once school was out. Now as an adult, once Memorial Day weekend arrives, it feels like the summer can begin. 

Even though I just put my bucket list out last week, I’ve already made some headway with summer fun. So far, I’ve enjoyed a trip to the drive-in, grilling and cook outs and eating by the water. Needless to say, it’s already been a very good start to summer.

Seeing the new Top Gun Maverick at the drive-in.

Speaking of good things, today, I wanted to share some things I’ve been loving lately. I’m all about using things that make my life easier, so if I find things I love, then I’m going to share it with you.

Here’s some of my favorite things:

Shoe Eraser: I love wearing white, almost as much as I love wearing black, haha! I wear a lot of white shoes and sneakers in the summer, but one of the things I found was the more I wore them, whether out and about or running errands, they were getting dirty or scuffed up. I got this shoe eraser for Christmas and it works incredible. It’s almost like a magic eraser that you can use for walls or marks. The shoe eraser works great on sneakers and softer leather shoes. I’ve had dirt and scuff marks on shoes and after adding some water to the eraser and lightly scrubbing, the scuff marks are gone. I’ve seen these erasers at Dollar Tree and Amazon, so they are fairly easy to find. If you wear white sneakers, these are a summer must.

You can see how much dirt and scruff was on the shoe.

Ear Bud Cleaner: If you wear headphones, whether they are air pods, other wireless ear buds or wired ear buds, these ear bud cleaners are super helpful. Again, I got this for Christmas and have used it so much, these different tools that you can use to clean your ear buds with, from brushes, to fine tooth combs and event ones like a tooth pick. After cleaning out my headphones, I immediately noticed a difference in the sound. I also wear an earpiece for work and used this little tool kit to clean my ear piece and it was night and day when it comes to the quality of the sound after cleaning. If you are a frequent ear bud user, you may want to consider grabbing this. 

Definitely worth the buy!

Hair Dryer Headband: This next one is more for the ladies. Whether you shower in the morning or night, this headband is a game changer when drying your hair and keeping your hair away from your face when using a face mask, washing your face, or even doing makeup. I don’t use it every night but when I’m pampering myself a bit or I need to dry my hair a bit faster then this is my go-to. There’s also essential oils in the wrap which makes the experience of getting ready a bit more soothing. 

And who doesn’t love a cute bow?!

Silk Pillow case: I’ve been reading about these pillow cases for years and got one for my birthday. I’ve been using it for over a week now and I’ve been loving it. Based on reviews, it helps with your skin and hair and prevents wrinkles, all major wins for me. I’m still new to using it but have been very pleased with it so far. Have you tried a silk pillow case? If so, what are your favorite part about using it?

A favorite way to get to sleep nowadays.

That’s a look into some of my favorite things right now. Some fun, some practical, what are some of your favorite things you are loving in the summer months? Let me know in the comments below! Have a great rest of your week!

Fabulous living

Five Favorite Things

Hello hello! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are week’s are going well. I don’t know about you, but I’m SO ready for spring. We had a 70 degree Sunday last week and it was absolutely beautiful. I got out for a walk with no snow on the ground and got to soak up some sunshine. Even that taste of sunshine has me craving spring even more.

I always love my routines and rhythms, but I always like to try new things. Today I’m sharing five things I’ve been loving. They are a mix of products, snacks, make up, and fun things. 

  • Simplified Wellness Journal (one of my New Year’s resolutions this year was to focus more on my well-being and health and wellness. In addition to working out, I’m putting more emphasis on eating right, getting enough sleep and making sure I’m more well-rounded for my physical and mental health). The Simplified journal helps keep everything organized and help you track your workouts, how much water you drink, what you are eating and how you are taking care of yourself. If you are looking to put wellness first, this is a great resource, but you can easily keep track of your fitness and health goals in a regular notebook or journal.
I use my Wellness Journal every day
And a look at the inside
  • For makeup lovers: Since I wear a lot of makeup for my job, I stick with what I know and what works for me. However, I do like to change it up and try new things. I got this lipstick from Covergirl at Target and I love the dark pink color, It’s long lasting and I love how it goes on.
My new favorite color

  • For snacks: I always like to try different snacks and trail mixes. I saw this smores bark from Target and thought it looked fun and tasty and boy was I correct. I love anything with chocolate and the crunch of the graham crackers, the only problem is you want to be careful not to eat them all in one sitting. Haha!
A tasty favorite!!!
  • For technology lovers: Last week I did a post about my Apple Watch and what I loved about it. Since I wear it all the time even at work I purchased a few bands to switch out for dressier occasions. I bought a gold and a silver band that really dresses up the watch.
A look at the gold watch band.

A look at the silver band.
  • For shoe lovers: I love a good heel and since I wear them all the day, I love a sturdy heel too. I have been searching for years for a blue heel. I wear a lot of blue, from dresses, to pants and skirts. I have been searching for a blue heel for years and I finally found a pair at DSW. Here they are! They are very comfortable, sturdy and affordable. They also have them in different colors if you want to change out the colors.

That’s just a few things I’m loving right now. Definitely a mix of fun things and affordable too. What are some things you are loving right now?

Fabulous living

Fall Favorites

Hey everyone! Happy Tuesday. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. This past weekend I headed home to surprise my family. They were definitely caught off guard. After spending a few days at home, I feel so refreshed. It’s amazing what a few days of change of pace and routine can do for you. I am also realizing that sometimes slow is better than being on the go all the time. I can’t believe that we are halfway through November. I will be graduating in ONE month which is so exciting but also so hard to believe.

The next several posts will start a new series all about my college experience, they are a mixture of reflection posts as well as being in the moment about things going on. I have been planning these posts for so long and I am so excited to finally share them with you. Before we get to that, I wanted to catch you up on what I’ve been loving. I did a summer favorites post, a few months back. You can read it here. Now, that we are into a new season, I figured it was time for a fall favorites post! Let’s get to it!

Favorite Music: There has been so many new albums out that I have been listening to nonstop.  Joshua Radin’s Here, Right Now has been a must listen. I have also been finding a lot of good stations on Amazon Prime to listen to, I am loving Mellow 70’s for when I need some background music or Top Rock songs for the gym. I love the oldies by goodies. I am holding off as long as possible to start playing Christmas music

Some of my favorite playlists of this season

Favorite Binge Worthy TV Show: I am loving Modern Love on Amazon Prime. Have you seen it?! It’s a mini-series based on New York column. Every episode is a single story all about finding different kinds of love in the everyday life. I love the concept of it and it’s an all-around feel good story. I would definitely recommend it, if you have already seen it, which was your favorite story?!

One of my new favorite mini series

Favorite Drink: I have been drinking all the hot apple cider and hot chocolate these past few weeks. I am also all about lemon water with mint. So refreshing, but with the colder weather I love the hot drinks. 

Favorite Food: Once again with colder weather I love some hot soup, whether it’s with lunch or dinner, it’s a hearty meal that keeps you warm and full. I also have been enjoying warm and buttery crossiants. There is nothing better than warm soup or a warm drink and something savory to go with it.

Favorite Beauty Products: In the summer, I am all about minimal makeup and neutral colors. I have my makeup routine down to a science, most of the time I go for simple bronze and highlighter with mascara. I am also going for a darker lip color or a neutral color. 

Just a quick snap shot of my makeup from the past week-simple and neutral

Favorite Fall Activity: Between school and work, I have been enjoying all the fall fun things to do, from fall fests, pumpkin patches, and corn mazes. I am looking forward to celebrating the holidays in the next few weeks with Light up Night, and gift exchanges. But for now I am loving the season I am in.

I went to a corn maze a few weeks back and I loved how the sun hit the corn

Favorite Spot: Whenever I have been on the go this semester, so I haven’t had much time to sit and relax. I am trying to enjoy my last few weeks of college whether it’s doing things with friends or just catching up. I am being present and making every moment a memory. 

I was heading to the gym early one morning and loved catching the sun rise

That’s a little recap of what I have been loving and what my favorite thigs are. What are some things that you are loving this fall?!


Favorite Beauty Products

Hi friends! Happy Tuesday!

Today, I’m sharing something every girl loves and uses; beauty products!! Whether we are loyal to one brand or we use a bunch of assorted brands. We all have our favorites! Some beauty products, I stick to one brand and only use their products, other times, I use a variety of brands. Today, I’m sharing my top beauty products, what I use them for and where you can get them.


I have very sensitive skin and I use a lot of various products to wash, moisturize and keep my skin clear. However, whenever I am in the mood to pamper myself, this is my go-to face mask. I have tried a few different brands, but this one works best with my skin. This is the Miss Spa: Charcoal clarifying mask. There is one sheet mask per package, you put it on for 15-20 minutes and then remove it. Your face will feel refreshed, smoother, and most definitely clearer. I got this from Target and they carry other masks as well, but the charcoal is my favorite. All masks are between $5.00-$10.00. This is a great pick me up for your face.

My favorite mask to unwind after a long day


I won this lip scrub and balm as a giveaway from The Chic Mamas. Go check out her blog for all things fashion to mommy and me! I was looking for something that both exfoliated my lips and made them smoother and this answered my prayers. This is the Sara Happ Exfoliate Scrub and One Luxe Balm. I put on the lip scrub after I get out of the shower and once it is moisturized in, I put on the one luxe balm. They both come in different scents, I have the Sparkling Peach lip scrub and Lip Slip Balm. Now they are a bit more expensive, but they last a long time. I use them every day and have had them since Christmas and you can’t even tell I’ve used it. I highly recommend the pair set.

The Best Lip Scrub and Balm. I use it daily!


I love taking care of my nails. My favorite brand is Chrome Girl Nails, I have talked about why I love the brand before, you can find it here! They are 8 Free which means there are no harsh chemicals. They carry nail strengthen products like the base and top coat, the nail lacquers themselves, and nail polish removers in delicious scents. Although, Valentine’s Day may be over, you can still wear red, pink, and white for the rest of the month. This trio is perfect for a date night or a day at the office and it’s on sale! The nail polish is a bit expensive but it’s long lasting and there are always sales. Once you wear Chrome Girl, people will be turning heads at your nails.

Wearing a bright green to jump start to spring mode.


We have all heard that eyes are the opening to the soul, but what about eye makeup? I always try to accent my eyes especially since I wear glasses. I recently purchased Kylie Jenner’s Kylie Cosmetics, Kyshadow,  Burgundy Pallet and fell in love with it. The colors are neutral, so you can wear it out for a night or just running errands. The colors are highly pigmented, so what you see is what you are gonna get. The price wasn’t too crazy and a lot of the time, Kylie Cosmetics offers free shipping which makes it even easier to purchase things online. Now, I get a majority of my makeup from Target or Ulta Beauty, but every once in a while, I like to treat myself and I was pleasantly surprised with how much I use the Kyshadow Pallet. It was definitely a good purchase.

LOVE the packaging

The Burgundy Pallet

  • Skin (Concealer)

I don’t know about you, but concealer is my best friend, 99% of the time. It took me a while to find the right concealer that worked for my skin, but I found my match with Neutrogena’s Concealer stick.  I have it in Fair due to my light skin type. I put it on and then smooth it out with a makeup sponge. It goes on smooth and stays on the whole day, I rarely have to reapply. I get mine from Target but they also sell them at Ulta Beauty and Giant Eagle. It runs pretty low on price so I’m not breaking the bank to buy it.

The best concealer!!!

There you have it. My favorite beauty products. Now, those are just my favorite and I use a variety of products.*** This post was not sponsored by any of the brands I shared, I am just sharing my true feelings about these products. What are some products you can’t live without?!