
Currently #56

Hello All! Happy Wednesday and happy September!

 I hope you had a wonderful and fulfilling Labor Day weekend. Whether you said goodbye to summer, had one last cookout, or it was just a normal weekend, I hope it filled you with what you needed. I typically round out every month with my Currently post, where I recap the past month, but due to TWO posts about my trip to Italy, we are starting the month of by recapping last August.

Here’s what the eighth month of the year looked like for me. 

What I’ve Been Up To:

August began with our family’s trip of a lifetime to Italy. We saw Rome, Florence, Venice, and Capri. You can read about our time away in two parts. If you missed it, part one can be read here and part two can be found here. 

Once we returned it was a bit of a whirlwind with people starting new jobs, moving, or heading back to school, plus throw in getting back to work and you have a busy few weeks. However, we still managed to squeeze in some end of summer fun!

I enjoyed a final Guardians night game of the season. This was the second one I went to this year and third overall, and they won the night game!

Guards win!

I also enjoyed lots of walks to some of my favorite spots around my home.

Our city had their annual festival that I both worked at and got to attend. Their chalk walk is one the highlights of the event and some of the artwork was incredible. 

I enjoyed some summer staples with burger, fries and ice cream by the water.

Plus, we made a stop to our County Fair where we saw the livestock, vendors, and enjoyed some fair food too!

I also found some new spots to run and hit a new record for distance.

Overall, it was a packed full month in the best way possible.

What I’m Wearing:

I wore a lot of shorts and lightweight tops while I was on vacation that I could mix and match. This helped me save space while packing and it was convenient for the hot days we experienced.

I did have a few fun outfits, like this white set which was a skirt and top and this long, flowy dress from Old Navy. This dress felt great in the cool evening.

We had a few days of cooler weather, so I did break out the long sleeve shirt and shorts combo for days off. I know I will be wearing this combo often as we go through the transitional weather coming up.

I even got to wear my go-to white blazer before Labor Day for work. 

What I’m Reading: I read so many books this past month due to my travels, so I have lots of recommendations for you. Let’s get into them:

Hotel Nantucket- I read the Hotel Nantucket by Elin Hilderbrand to start off the month. It’s all about a woman who is tasked with hiring a staff and running a hotel for the season in Nantucket. If you have read any of Hilderbrand’s other works, you will find some Easter eggs and references to her other works. This book featured an ensemble cast with so many different personalities and a supernatural element too. This was a fast read for me and definitely worth picking up to read on your next vacation.

The Second Chance Hotel– Sierra Godfrey’s The Second Chance Hotel was the perfect book to have on my phone while we were on vacation. I was able to read it while we were traveling from place to place on trains, boats or planes. I always like to have a book on my phone so I have something to read if I’m waiting for something as opposed to scrolling mindlessly through social media. Back to the book, it follows the story about a young woman escaping her life and traveling across Europe, she’s about to end her trip in a small town in Greece, that is until the hotel she is staying at falls into her and another guest’s lap. They decide to run it for the season, but when her old life is calling her back, she must decide if she wants to stay in Greece or return to America. It was such a fun, travel read and so good to enjoy in the summer! 

Flying Solo– I listened to Flying Solo by Linda Holmes while I went on a lot of runs or walks over the past month and it was good, but not a great read. It’s about a woman who goes to clean out her great-aunt’s house once she dies and comes across an item that has a bit of a mystery to it. While she is cleaning out the house, she reconnects with an old boyfriend, spends time with her childhood friend and has a few moments of self discovery along the way. The book went in a few different directions which made it hard to follow as I was listening to it, so that may have changed my feelings about the book if I read it. But there were also some parts that were hard to relate to as the woman was in her forties and still looking for love and I’m not at that point in my life. It was a good book to listen to, but it wasn’t my favorite.

First Lie WinsFirst Lie Wins by Ashley Elston is a mystery and thriller that keeps you guessing. It’s all about a woman in a new relationship, but there’s a twist, she didn’t meet her new man unexpectedly. She was meant to meet him. Without giving too much away, this is a spy/undercover thriller with lots of different characters that bounces back and forth between the past and present, so you have to pay attention while reading, however, it’s a great change of pace if you are looking for a palette cleanser between books.

Sandwich– I had heard about Sandwich by Catherine Newman from several different bloggers and decided to give it a try and ultimately it wasn’t the best book for me. It’s all about a woman who goes on her traditional family vacation to Cape Cod with her husband, growing children and ailing parents. The book runs the course of the week and is told from the mother’s perspective about where she is at in life and her feelings about what she has accomplished. The writing was very well done and I loved hearing about the traditions and settings, but it was just hard to relate to as a young woman.

What I’m Watching– I haven’t had too much time to watch tv but I have been enjoying a few movies and tv shows including:

Emily in Paris-. Season Four began with five episodes, each about 30 minutes each. You can binge them all at once or spread them out like I did to make them last longer. The fashion, storylines and drama was upped this season and it didn’t disappoint. Emily had some incredible outfits this season.

This season was so good!

It Ends with Us– My best friend and I both read the book and we decided to make it a girls date and see the movie, It Ends with Us. There were definitely some changes between the book and movie, but I’m glad I read and saw them both. I think the casting was well done and it was cool to see the characters come to life on the big screen. 

What I’m Cooking– I didn’t do too much cooking since I spent a lot of the month traveling, but I have enjoyed some tasty stir frys.

I also have been grilling out toward the end of summer. I do have a few new cookbooks that I have yet to go through and plan on making some recipes from them soon!

I also made the delicious grilled chicken salad. The salad had cucumbers, radishes, oranges and grapes. It was so filling and healthy too!

What Inspires Me– A friend sent me this reminder and I think it’s so important to keep in mind as we head into a new season of life and to remember to slow down. 

Also, for anyone heading back to school or to the classroom, another reminder too!

What I Accomplished– I crossed off  almost everything off my summer bucket list. Here’s a look at it currently.

I also hit my goal of running 9 miles this month which I was very proud of. 

Goals from Last Month– This month was so busy between our family trip and soaking up the last bit of summer and going through some transitions, I was so happy to have made it through the month.

My garden has been coming along well and although, I didn’t get as nearly as many veggies as I hoped, I still got some!

Goals for this Month– After a busy summer, I am looking to getting back to some of my old routines and establish new ones. I am also looking forward to spending more time with friends and maybe coming up with some new hobbies or things to do.

Post work runs brought me down to the water.

Whew, August was a packed full month and this is just a look into it. I hope this next month brings new routines, rhythms, and adventures, but most importantly, growth. What are your goals for the month ahead? I would love to hear them. 

Have a wonderful week, see you back here on Friday!


Italy Part Two

Welcome back and Happy Wednesday!

I can’t believe August has come to an end. School is back in session and fall will be here before we know it. I typically save the last Wednesday of the month for my Currently post, but that will be pushed back a week, so I can shared part two of my trip to Italy.

At the beginning of the month, my family and I embarked on our first big international trip and went to Italy. I shared part one last week and you can read about it here.

Today is all about part two. We left off with our day trip to Venice.

Day Six was a calmer day after a day of travel. My brother and I started the day with a run which was such a good way to start the day.

We then got breakfast at the hotel and packed up our things for the next hotel. After breakfast we did some more sightseeing.

I’ll be missing these Italian breakfasts

We started the day at St. Mary Major, one of my favorite churches from the last time I visited.

I loved the architecture and the fact we could walk there.

The gorgeous church

After look at the church, we took an Uber to the Keyhole where you can get a unique perspective of the city.

A unique view of Rome

It was also near where I stayed when I came in college. We got to see some of the churches near Saint Anselmo and saw some incredible views of the city too.

After spending some time in a quieter part of Rome, we made our way back to the city to see the Tomb of the Unknown Solider.

We then walked flights of stairs and took an elevator to see some incredible views of the city. 

An overview of the city
More views
And even more views

After, snapping some photos, we made our way to the Pantheon.

Then made our way to the Piazza Novena for lunch at a Mediterranean restaurant where I got a delicious chicken and hummus wrap.

At this point, we switched hotels for our trip, we stayed in Rome but moved to a quieter part of town.

Our new neighborhood

The hotel was gorgeous and the best part was the pool which was much needed after several days in scorching temperatures!

We relaxed and cooled off by the pool and then got cleaned up for dinner.

We walked to a steakhouse nearby. We split some appetizers and I enjoyed their fresh salad and meatballs and tiramisu for dessert. It was so nice to walk back after dinner.

We then called it a night since we had a big day planned. 
Day Seven started early as we had to catch a 6:00 train to Naples.

Early morning views
With breakfast
Arriving in Naples

Once we arrived, we took a 7:30 ferry to Capri for the day!

Our ferry

We arrived at 9:30 just in time for our 10:00 boat tour of the island.

First sights of Capri.

A lot of early morning travel but it was so worth it.

This was one of my favorite days of the trip! Capri was packed with lots of tourists.

Our boat driver told us over 20,000 people visit every day! The island is very small but there’s so much to see. We spent four hours on the boat and got to see the whole island. We got to go swimming twice, once near some cliffs and then in some caverns. It was such a cool experience. It was so hot out that the water felt so refreshing and it was so clear too. This was an experience I’ll never forget.

After our boat ride, we did some shopping and eating.

We got their traditional lemon sorbet, which was lemon sorbet in a lemon, it was so refreshing in the heat.

After some more window shopping, we made our way back for a 4:30 ferry back to Naples.

Gorgeous views

We had to catch a 6:30 train to Rome. We enjoyed some snacks on the train and before we knew it, we were back in Rome.

It was a long day full of travel, but so worth it! It was one of my favorite days of the trip.

Pictures don’t do it justice
Simply stunning

Day Eight had a slower start due to how busy the previous day was. I started the day with a walk and then we went to church at an American church near the Vatican.

After mass, we went to to do some shopping and went to get our items blessed and listen to the Pope give his weekly address.

Seeing the Pope again

It was so cool to see Pope Francis twice in one week alongside thousands of other people.

After spending time at the Vatican, we went to the Jewish Ghetto for lunch and to see the spot was Julius Cesar was killed.

We split lots of snacks for lunch and I got a Chicken Caesar salad too.

And lots of snacks!

I also indulged in a pistachio cannoli for a treat! It hit the spot.

After looking at some of the ruins, we made our way to the Olympic stadium which was so cool to see in person even if it had been decades since they were last played there.

My mom and I did some window shopping at a few high end stores and got one last gelato to cool off.

I went for snickers in a cone, the perfect afternoon treat.

We went back to the hotel and cooled off in the pool and then got ready for one last Italian dinner.

We walked to a spot nearby where I order bucatini and tiramisu for dessert, they did not disappoint! We walked back to our hotel and enjoyed the beauty that Rome had to offer at night.

Our final day started with a a walk in a nearby park followed by breakfast and getting to the airport to head back home.

One last walk in Rome
One last breakfast

The ride home was long but books and movies kept me entertained and then we were back home and back to reality. 

Back to the states

I had such an incredible trip to Italy with my family. As we endured 100 degree days and consumed lots of water, and walked dozens of miles, we enjoyed delicious food, rich history and made an abundance of memories.

It’s truly time I would not trade for anything. We are all getting older and continue to go in different directions, which made this trip extra special. 

Ciao Roma, I’ll be back. 

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #106

Hello everyone!

Happy, happy Friday! I hope you are having a great week and soaking up the remaining days and weeks of summertime! August has been busy so far, but I’m doing my best to really be present in the summer moments since I know they are fleeting. I am still on vacation with my family, but I didn’t want to leave you hanging without a post for today.

summer has been so sweet, which has included lots of time outside!

Here’s a few things I have been loving over the past few weeks as I link up as always with Erika and Andrea for another edition of Friday Favorites!

Trail Mix– Fun, seasonal mixes and foods are my weaknesses especially when I see them on display at stores. I picked up this trail mix recently from Giant Eagle. It was a sweet, salty, chocolate and peanut butter all mixed together, how could I resist?! Although, not the healthiest, it was certainly tasty. I have been enjoying it with my lunch when I am craving something sweet, yum!

Travel Toiletries– You may recall my post from a few days ago as I talked all about my day trip in Montreal. It was such a fun whirlwind trip, but I got very little sleep. One of my favorite things to do when I travel is try different beauty products and samples. I tried some travel toiletries while I was away including a Jet Lag face mask by Summer Fridays. I applied this after one of the overnight bus trips and was pleasantly surprised with how well it worked. It was a great pick-me-up for my face and skin and I felt refreshed. I also tried a few other makeup towelettes to remove oils and creams and was happy with the results too. I could definitely see myself purchasing more products like these for travel in the future.

Eye Mask– After I got back from my day trip, I spent the day getting my life back in order, including my beauty routine. I got these eye masks as a gift from a friend from Target and have been using them every once in a while, especially when I am looking to give my face a break from heavy makeup and products. I really like how they truly stick to your under eyes and they get rid of puffiness. They didn’t cause too much irritation to my skin or eyes which was a huge win since I have sensitive skin. Even though I got these as a gift, I definitely plan on purchasing them on my own in the future.

A Simple Favor– I mentioned this movie a few weeks back on my Currently post, but felt as if it deserved a spot on a Favorites post too! I really enjoyed watching A Simple Favor with Blake Lively and Anna Kendrick. I know it’s a few years old, but I’m glad I got around to watching it. It follows the disappearance of young mom and everyone is a suspect especially when more secrets come out about her and her past. There was some funny moments, but I loved the mystery and intrigue peppered throughout the plot.

Emily in Paris Trailer– I love the Netflix series, Emily in Paris and was so excited to see the new trailer dropped for its new season. Emily has to make a big decision this season and I can’t wait to watch it all unfold. I am also looking forward to the Paris setting, drama, friendship, and of course the fashion! This show provides such an escape for me and I can’t wait to have it back. If you missed the trailer, you can watch it here.

That’s a look into life lately and what I have been loving. Tell me, how are you soaking up the last few weeks of summer? Have a great summer Friday! I’ll be back to reality by next week!