Hello all! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great week so far! This has been a busy, but fun week for me! We had the Super Bowl on Sunday, tomorrow is Galentine’s Day, but I have been celebrating all month long with friends but setting up one on one dates with friends and then this weekend is Valentine’s Day. I’ll be out of town for a weekend getaway which I’m excited about too!
Here’s how I have been celebrating the month of love!
Enjoying lots of sweet treats!And baked goods too!
Love is the topic for today’s Let’s Look as I link up with Shay and Erika!
Today the topic is How We Work on Our Marriage. Since I’m not married, I switched the topic to how I work on my relationships, with friends, family, and my boyfriend.
Let’s start with friendships! I cherish my friendships with my gals, whether they are near or far away. One of the biggest ways that I maintain my friendships is by being consistent with my friends with routine dates or check-ins. Besides sending random texts or check-ins with my friends, I try to set up weekly or monthly dates depending on our schedules. Life can get busy, but having something on the calendar is important for holding each other accountable. For example, my one friend and I have monthly facetime dates. We talk at the end of the month for about an hour and catch each other up on all our life happenings. We will still occasionally text through the month, but we save all the girl talk for our facetime dates since we live far away from each other. When it comes to friends who live in town, my friends and I try to see each other once or twice a month for a walk, coffee date, or meal. For me and my friends, having something on the calendar keeps us in a good rhythm of visiting one another.
When it comes to my family, I live at home with my parents and one brother (the other two are grown and out of the house or in college). Family dinners are super important to us, we always make time for each other and love to hear about each other’s days. I love the connection that sitting down for a meal offers. When it comes to my brothers who aren’t home, besides texting, I try to call and check in about once a week. We talk about our weeks, what’s new and life in general. I love the connection that a phone call or facetime offers as opposed to a text.
Lastly, my boyfriend. I keep my relationship pretty private. But we have been together for almost five years and every day is better than the last. We have grown and learned a lot through our relationship. We met through work and worked together for a few years, before he decided to make a career change and now we are going long distance. We have learned a lot by going the distance and grown in our relationship too. The biggest thing I have learned is the importance of communication, whether it’s something that’s good or bad, being upfront and honest with one another has been so helpful when we are hours apart. We talk and text through the day and try to visit each other once a month and when we are together we try to have a balance or doing things and just doing mundane things. Having good communication skills, putting each other first and giving our best effort are top priorities for us.
Relationships are so vital to our lives, whether it’s friendships, family, or significant others. I try to maintain relationships the best that I can and in ways that works best for me. With Valentine’s Day just days away, how do you maintain your relationships? Let me know in the comments below! Have a wonderful ramp up to Galentine’s Day and Valentine’s Day! Sending you lots of love!
Happy Black Friday! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving surrounded by family, friends or loved ones.
Here’s how I celebrated the day!
I started the day with our Turkey Trot 10K and hit a new PR!
I made it home to watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.
We enjoyed Thanksgiving with family and had a relaxing afternoon.
I’m not a big Black Friday shopper, I may do some browsing, but I don’t go all out. Our family typically decorates for Christmas today, which is one of my favorite traditions. I’ll be sharing some photos next week.
Before I start decorating, I wanted to share some favorites with you today as I link up with Erika and Andrea. Just head’s up, there’s a lot of holiday favorites once again! Let’s dive in!
List of Holiday Movies and Shows– Speaking of the holidays, there’s nothing that goes better with a Christmas cookie than a hot cup of cocoa and a holiday movie. I came across this list from TVLine of all the traditional holiday movies and specials and when they will air. I can’t wait to add them to my calendar and watch them all as the season progresses. This would be a great page to bookmark and refer to through the season.
Wicked– I saw Wicked when it came out last weekend and I was blown away. I think they did a great job with the casting. I loved the costumes and the cinematography as well as the setting. I definitely think it lived up to its expectations. It was a longer movie, but the music, singing, dancing, and plot moved it along. I know I will be listening to the soundtrack for the foreseeable future.
Phone Holder– I got a phone holder to prop up my cell phone at work and it’s been a game changer. I am always on my phone at work and for years I have just had it next to me or propped up on random items, but now having something to prop it up so I can see things on my phone has been a huge help. I even got it for free at an event which makes me even happier.
Night Agent Trailer- A lot of my favorite shows that I follow on streaming services are getting ready to return for new seasons including the Night Agent. The show is all about an overnight agent working for the government who is forced to step up and take on a new role to save the government from going corrupt. The first season was really good and I’m excited to see what the second season will bring. You can watch the trailer here.
New Starbucks Drink– Calling all Starbucks fans! Did you get your free red cup last week? I know I did! It was pretty warm, so I opted for a refresher as opposed to a warm drink. I love Starbucks refreshers in the summer, I typically drink a Mango Dragonfruit Refresher with Lemonade in the summer. I opted for the Merry Cran Orange Refresher and I loved it! It was refreshing, but also very fall-like. I love the taste of fresh cranberries! What’s your go-to Starbucks holiday drink?!
That’s a look into life lately and what I’m loving. What have been some favorites of yours from this past week? Let me know in the comments below!
It is the week before Thanksgiving and boy, is this month moving fast, even with Thanksgiving being a week late, it has still been a busy month. I just got back from a weekend away which was so nice to getaway. Plus, some holiday decor was already up which made me very happy and get into the Christmas spirit!
Airports all decked out for the holidays!
Today’s post is more reflective as I’m sharing what I’m thankful for. I do these posts every year and they are such a good time to share my gratitude for everything I have and the people and experiences I have in my life.
First and foremost, I’m thankful for my incredible family, supportive friends and compassionate boyfriend. I don’t have the words to describe how lucky I am to have such a strong and loving support system.
My family is always there for me during big milestones or everyday moments. I am so lucky to have such a close-knit family that eats dinner together every day, calls and checks in with each other regularly, and loves to laugh and support one another.By working in my hometown, I am able to spend even more time with my family and it’s something I don’t take for granted.
My boyfriend is one my best friends and favorite people in the world. I don’t share too much about my relationship on my blog to keep things private, but he is one of the best things that has happened to me. He is so supportive, selfless, understanding, hardworking, funny, and pushes me to be my best in all that I do. He encourages me in work and is so supportive of my hobbies and interests. He celebrates the big milestones in life, but also acknowledges the importance of mundane moments. He loves my dogs as if they were his own and goes out of his way to make sure I feel valued and heard. I thank God every day that he came into my life five years ago on Thanksgiving Day (another reason to be thankful).
Montreal- one of the many places my boyfriend and I traveled to this year!
I’m also so grateful for my understanding and kind friends. I have stayed close with different friends from different stages and areas of life. Whether we catch up weekly in-person or over Facetime each month, I’m so lucky to have people in my corner who cheer me on, understand my fluid schedule with work and who put in the effort for our friendship.
Getting outdoors and taking walks with friends is so good for my soul
I’m so grateful for my good health and the health of my family and friends. This past year has brought losing loved ones and some illnesses and every day, I’m so grateful that I am healthy and so are my loved ones. I’m also thankful for medicine, good doctors and research and technology to help fight these diseases.
When times get challenging, I’m thankful for my faith in God. I know that I can always depend on his unwavering love and that he will guide me through life’s most challenging and most joyful moments. I’m grateful for my parents for making sure a relationship in God was a priority in my life growing up.
In times of doubt, trusting in God is so important
This year has been a year of change for me and I’m grateful for the new people who have come into my life to show support and provide guidance.
I’m thankful for a job that I love waking up and going to every day. I love that I have co-workers that have become friends to me. I’m also grateful for a job that challenges me, but also teaches me things around the world. Every day brings something new to my life and I’m so lucky that I get to call it my job. I also hit the jackpot by being able to work in my hometown and work in a community that means so much to me.
My job has taken me to pretty cool places and experiences.
I am so grateful for all the adventures and hobbies that bring me so much joy every day. I have tried new things this year and continued to enjoy activities that give me a creative and freeing outlet. Things like running, reading, baking and cooking bring me so much joy and balance in my life. I have traveled a lot this year to new and familiar places and I’m so lucky for the opportunity to see so much of the world and create lasting memories with family and friends.
This past year has been filled with adventures, new beginnings, reconnecting, challenges and staying true to myself and I’m so grateful for it all.
I have much to be thankful for this year.
With Thanksgiving just over a week away, tell me, what are you thankful for this year?
Happy, happy Friday! I hope you are having a great week and soaking up the remaining days and weeks of summertime! August has been busy so far, but I’m doing my best to really be present in the summer moments since I know they are fleeting. I am still on vacation with my family, but I didn’t want to leave you hanging without a post for today.
summer has been so sweet, which has included lots of time outside!
Here’s a few things I have been loving over the past few weeks as I link up as always with Erika and Andrea for another edition of Friday Favorites!
Trail Mix– Fun, seasonal mixes and foods are my weaknesses especially when I see them on display at stores. I picked up this trail mix recently from Giant Eagle. It was a sweet, salty, chocolate and peanut butter all mixed together, how could I resist?! Although, not the healthiest, it was certainly tasty. I have been enjoying it with my lunch when I am craving something sweet, yum!
Travel Toiletries– You may recall my post from a few days ago as I talked all about my day trip in Montreal. It was such a fun whirlwind trip, but I got very little sleep. One of my favorite things to do when I travel is try different beauty products and samples. I tried some travel toiletries while I was away including a Jet Lag face mask by Summer Fridays. I applied this after one of the overnight bus trips and was pleasantly surprised with how well it worked. It was a great pick-me-up for my face and skin and I felt refreshed. I also tried a few other makeup towelettes to remove oils and creams and was happy with the results too. I could definitely see myself purchasing more products like these for travel in the future.
Eye Mask– After I got back from my day trip, I spent the day getting my life back in order, including my beauty routine. I got these eye masks as a gift from a friend from Target and have been using them every once in a while, especially when I am looking to give my face a break from heavy makeup and products. I really like how they truly stick to your under eyes and they get rid of puffiness. They didn’t cause too much irritation to my skin or eyes which was a huge win since I have sensitive skin. Even though I got these as a gift, I definitely plan on purchasing them on my own in the future.
A Simple Favor– I mentioned this movie a few weeks back on my Currently post, but felt as if it deserved a spot on a Favorites post too! I really enjoyed watching A Simple Favor with Blake Lively and Anna Kendrick. I know it’s a few years old, but I’m glad I got around to watching it. It follows the disappearance of young mom and everyone is a suspect especially when more secrets come out about her and her past. There was some funny moments, but I loved the mystery and intrigue peppered throughout the plot.
Emily in Paris Trailer– I love the Netflix series, Emily in Paris and was so excited to see the new trailer dropped for its new season. Emily has to make a big decision this season and I can’t wait to watch it all unfold. I am also looking forward to the Paris setting, drama, friendship, and of course the fashion! This show provides such an escape for me and I can’t wait to have it back. If you missed the trailer, you can watch it here.
That’s a look into life lately and what I have been loving. Tell me, how are you soaking up the last few weeks of summer? Have a great summer Friday! I’ll be back to reality by next week!
Happy Wednesday! I can’t believe we are at the end of April. It feels like the month just began and now we are already looking towards summer plans. May is always a hectic month between the end of the school year, gearing up for a new season and wrapping things up as we transition from one season to another.
Here’s a look into life lately and what I’m currently up to. New this month, since I have been doing so much cooking, I added a cooking section to the currently posts, you can find out more below!
What I’ve Been Up To: The month began or technically ended with Easter! My whole family was home for the weekend.
Easter mass
Over a few days, we attended Church services, watched dyed eggs, ate lots of Easter chocolate, and enjoyed family traditions and dinner. We packed a lot into a few days together.
Egg dyeing
Easter dinner
Easter treats
And movies
I spent the evening in Cleveland for dinner in Little Italy, nothing better than a spring night in the city with delicious food!
Spring nights in the city
Delicious dinner!
And tasty appetizers!
April also brought the once-in-a-lifetime event of viewing the Total Solar Eclipse! It was an incredible experience that I got to witness at work.
Such a cool moment
I also enjoyed lots of spring walks and time outside.
Signs of spring!
What I’m Wearing:
I showed you this pink jacket for dressing up for work, but here it is for a casual look with jeggings, a crisp, white t-shirt and ballet flats.
Bright and cheery for the Solar Eclipse!
What I’m Reading:
The Sweeney Sisters was such a cute and fun read. It’s about three sisters who come home after their father dies. As they prepare for his funeral and to sell their family home, they learn they have a fourth sister. The three sisters grow closer and start to bond with their new sister. Each of the sisters are going through their own problems and stressors but they sort them out together. I loved reading about how a loss brings a family together. I also loved how one of the characters was named Elspeth, too funny! I have read other books by Lian Dolan and was excited to pick up this one too.
Wellness was a heavier read. I heard about Wellness from a few other blogs and was interested in the book about a couple who after being married for 15 years starts to drift apart. The book goes back and forth between the past and present. There are a few side stories that take place that I found to be a bit confusing and hard to follow at times. I also read the book on my phone when I had time, so that may have made my reading experience not as enjoyable. It was also very heavy with psychological themes, which isn’t what I’m used to reading. Overall, the book was good, but not my favorite. If you have read it, I would love to hear your thoughts on it.
Dear Edward was a book that I couldn’t put down once I started it. It’s all about a young boy who is the only survivor of a plane crash. He loses his entire family and is forced to start over with his aunt and uncle. The book goes back and forth between the plane crash and the present day as Edward grows up. I loved reading about his journey from a young boy to a young adult. This book was raw, emotional, beautiful and filled with so much hope. There’s a series on Apple TV based on it and I watched it once I finished it.
The Beginning of Everything- This was a charming book about a girl who is squatting in an old house that gets purchased. The owner lets the woman stay there as long as the woman promises to help renovate the home. The two become friends and toy with the idea of a relationship. I loved the relationship between the landlord and the tenant. I also loved all the references to the the United Kingdom culture. Definitely a cute book to curl up with.
The Good Part– This was a book that I finished on a rainy afternoon that I related to in so many ways. It’s all about a girl in her mid-20s who is feeling rundown and wants to skip to the good part of life when she has everything in order. She ends up waking up in her 40s with a life that isn’t her own. She must navigate her future life while she tries to get back to her old life. Such a cute book that takes place in the UK. I loved every minute of it.
We Run the Tides is by Vendela Vida. It’s all about a group of girls who after stop being friends after they disagree about an incident they witness. One of the girls ends up getting kidnapped and that changes everything. Themes of friendship, betrayal, coming of age, and seeking attention are all found in the book. It wasn’t my favorite book and I found certain aspects of the plot to be confusing and hard to follow, but overall, I’m glad I read it.
What I’m Watching:
Besides watching my weekly shows like Grey’s Anatomy and the Masked Singer, I have been making my way through books and watching the series or movies based on them. It’s been fun to do this as a comparison and to see which ones I enjoy over the other. I did this with Dear Edward (which I’ll get into more on Friday and I’m currently doing this with another book I’m in the middle of reading.
What I’m Cooking:
Taco Soup- I started out the month with a taco soup recipe I found on Pinterest. I have made variations of taco or tortilla soup, and this was a new one. You can cook it on the oven or in a slow cooker. I chose the slow cooker option and was happy with my decision.
Stir Fry- A shrimp stir fry was healthy and affordable and filling. Just mix rice and veggies you have on hand and a protein and you are good to go. I went with frozen shrimp and I was able to pull together this meal in 15 minutes.
Balsamic Chicken with salad and rice- Such a quick recipe when you marinate the chicken and then pop it in the air fryer for 20 minutes.I also added a salad with homemade croutons, and roasted chick peas and rice. Yum!
Homemade Peanut Butter Cookies
Homemade Lobster Bisque Soup with Crab Cakes and Salad- A delicious seafood night that had me dreaming of New England.
Air Fryer Bagel Bites-Such a super easy snack that’s healthy too!
Chicken Casserole, a meal that was filling and fast to make and was a crowd pleaser.
What Inspires Me- I have been inspired by all the spring vibes on Pinterest, from home decor to flowers.
Spring vibes!
I also have been inspired and working on gratitude instead of stressing. This past month has been a busy and stressful one and I have been TRYING to approach stress with a grateful mindset and focus on the good rather than the bad. I also have been working on finding pockets of joy every day (the sunshine, a walk with my dogs, a home cooked meal) to combat any outside stressors I can’t control.
A quote from Near in the Night by Emily Ley
What I Accomplished– I accomplished a lot this past month from family time at Easter, to meeting up with friends, a few fun date nights, and really being present in the moment. I also had a few big work projects get checked off my list which felt so good.
Even my dogs got in on the Easter fun!
Weekend date nights
Goals from Last Month-I really wanted to make more of an effort to get outdoors more in nice weather and I accomplished that. I also wanted to continue to check things off my Spring Bucket List and by and large, I’m doing a good job with that as well.
First ice cream of the season!
Spring walks
Goals for this Month– May is a busy month! Over the next 31 days, I have birthdays to celebrate (including my own), my brother’s graduation, siblings moving home for summer, the end of the school year and then Memorial Day and the unofficial start to summer. It will be a busy month but I’m looking forward to everything it brings.
That’s a look into life in April. I hope you have a wonderful month ahead!
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and loved ones. I hope the day was filled with loved ones, good food, and lasting memories. I enjoyed spending the day with extended family and continuing some traditions too. I also ran my first Turkey Trot which was so fun!
Turkey trotting!
Yesterday was all about Thanksgiving and today is all about getting ready for Christmas by decorating our home.
A delicious, Thanksgiving spread!
This weekend we will be enjoying a second Thanksgiving dinner with my immediate family which I am looking forward to.
Baking season has begun!
Today’s Friday Favorites post is a mix of holiday fun, some shows to binge watch and a good movie, there’s certainly something for everyone as I link up with Erika and Andrea .
Book Club: The Next Chapter– My mom and I had a girl’s movie night a few weeks ago and watched Book Club: The Next Chapter. We saw the first movie when it came out a few years ago and we thoroughly enjoyed the sequel. It follows the four friends as they embark on a long overdue trip to Italy, however, no trip is complete without a few hiccups. There’s some fantastic one-liners, beautiful scenery and above all, great message about friendship. We watched it on Amazon Prime and I would definitely recommend it for your next movie night.
The Crown Returns-The first part of the final season of The Crown came out last week and I started watching it right away. Without giving too much away, it begins right where the last season left off. I think Peter Morgan has done a phenomenal job with the series and this past season. I have been following along with Elizabeth Holmes’ Crown commentary. She provides so much insight and information about The Royal Family and The Crown. You can find her here if you want to follow along more.
The Crown is BACK
Halloween Candy Cookies– I am always on the hunt to try new recipes and I found one from another blog and had to try it. If you still have some Halloween candy lying around or if you want to go buy some candy, this is such an easy and tasty recipe. It’s basically a chocolate chip cookie dough recipe with any of your favorite candies. I added Milky Ways, Twix, M&M’s, kisses, and chocolate chips. I opted not to add any peanut based candies due to allergies, but these cookies were a hit! Here’s the recipe if you want to try them for yourself.
Apple TV Christmas Special– From Halloween to Christmas, I am getting into the holiday spirit with Apple TV’s Christmas Special. If you are a fan of Ted Lasso, you will love this special. There’s appearances from the cast of Ted Lasso, there’s singing, dancing and Christmas cheer! Here’s the preview if you haven’t seen it yet. There’s Christmas specials are always so creative and fun. I’m looking forward to the lighting of the Rockerfeller Christmas Tree next week. Now, that Thanksgiving is over, I’m in full on Christmas mode.
Festive Christmas Shirt– Speaking of the holidays, I got a new graphic t-shirt to wear leading up to Christmas. I always have luck with festive t-shirts from Old Navy. I picked up this shirt along with a few other articles of clothing a few weeks ago. I love adding some holiday cheer to my wardrobe even if it is only for a few weeks out of the year. These festive shirts bring me so much joy. There’s so many different patterns and styles, there’s something for everyone. Also, as a side note, Old Navy’s pajama collection is great this year, there’s something for every member of your family-including pets!
Had to get my pup in for a photo too!
That’s a look into life recently. Some movies, baking, binge-worthy shows and getting into the holiday spirit!
It’s Thanksgiving Eve! Is it just me or did the holiday sneak up on you too?
These past few weeks have been the calm before the holiday rush. I have been spending days off doing lots of fall cleaning and organizing. I cleaned out, donated and sold so many items that I had outgrown or wasn’t using anymore. It feels good to have clean spaces before I bring out all the holiday decorations. More on deep cleaning tips to come in the new year.
Before we get to Christmas, we have to focus on Thanksgiving! I’m looking forward to spending time with my family. Everyone will be home for the weekend which will be great to get some quality family time and honor some traditions too.
As we look towards the holiday, I am reflecting on what I am thankful for this year.
As the year began, I didn’t know what the year would hold: change, new beginnings, things sticking to status quo? For the most part, this year has been filled with routine, new hobbies, travel, family time, friends, and creating memories.
I have so much to be thankful for and could list a hundred things, but to save both you and I from a litany, here’s the top things I’m thankful for:
Loving family– I don’t know where I would be without my family. I am so fortunate to have such a loving and supportive family and the fact I get to see them every day as an adult is something I don’t take for granted. I have gotten so much bonus time with my parents and younger siblings as an adult by living at home that I am truly grateful for. Whether we are on vacation together or just sitting around the dining room table, the memories made are ones I truly cherish. This past summer, my family and I all were home under the same roof and the older I get, I know that won’t be the case forever. However, no matter where I am or what I am doing I will always have the love and support of my family with me.
Memories from family trips!
My boyfriend– I have kept my relationship with my boyfriend pretty private over the past few years, but I am so lucky to have such an incredibly supportive and loving person in my life. He’s caring, hardworking, understands my job, gets my humor, is so accommodating and overall, supportive. He will get up early to read my blog every time I have a new post, he notices the little things and goes out of his way to find ways to being unexpected moments of joy to my day. He plans incredible dates whether it’s 24 hours in NYC or a lazy day of childhood movies and junk food. I couldn’t have asked for a better or more supportive boyfriend.
The sights and sounds of NYC
Supportive friends-Whether near or far, I’m so lucky to have such wonderful friends in my life. I try to be consistent with my friends by doing weekly check-ins via text or monthly meet-ups. I have different friends from different stages of my life and I know I can always count on them to show up when I need them most, whether it’s a funny meme, some advice, or just a good long walk, I know my friends are always in my corner.
Girls night with my friends!
My pets– Keeping this one brief, there’s no better feeling than coming home after a long day and sitting on the couch and petting a dog. They know what you need by just nuzzling their head on you. They provide instant love, they give the best kisses and they really allow you to let your worries fade away for however long you need.
My loving pups!
My faith- Life has its ups and downs, but my faith and trust in God is always there. I’m thankful for my parents for instilling a good faith in me at a young age. I’m so grateful for all the blessings he has given me and how he always, always, always, looks out for me no matter where I am in life. Even when the path may seem unclear, I always put my faith and trust in God.
A good education– From grade school to high school and college, I am so thankful for my educational foundation to get me to where I am today. From the practical skills in the classroom, to the life skills outside of the classroom, my teachers and classmates have helped shaped me into the person I am today. I also got my love of learning from the classroom. One of my favorite parts of my job is learning something new every day and I got that love of learning from going to great schools and having wonderful teachers and role models.
A job I love– I am so lucky that I get to wake up and go to a job that I am passionate about and love every day. I always tell people that I landed my dream job right out of college and that’s the honest truth. I get to do what I love, in a place that I love, with some incredibly smart and talented people. I find fulfillment and joy each day in my work and I couldn’t be more grateful that I found my niche. I have talked to friends who don’t have the same love or passion for their jobs as I do and in those moments, it makes me feel more grateful that I hit the jackpot doing something I love.
New hobbies– This year I have found so many new hobbies that have brought me so much joy. Besides my love of reading, I have developed a love of running (which I never thought would happen). I have gotten physically stronger over this past year and I’m proud of my endurance.
One of my latest runs
My garden was a labor of love this summer, but I loved being able to eat the vegetable I grew over the summer, and I loved the sense of accomplishment of seeing hard work pay off.
My last haul from the garden.
I also have enjoyed all my time in the kitchen whether it be baking, trying new recipes of dinner, or learning family recipes. Not only has it been a good skill to learn, but it’s also been so fun too!
Some of my creations.
Good health of myself, family and friends– My health and the health of my family and friends is something I don’t take for granted. There’s so many illnesses, diseases, and viruses in our world and I’m so grateful that I am healthy and happy along with my family and friends. I’m also grateful for doctors who do what they can to help provide answers to health problems.
So much to be grateful for!
New opportunities to grow and push me out of my comfort zone– Even when things can get challenging, I am grateful for the hard and uncomfortable moments in life because that’s when we see the biggest growth in ourselves and others. I’m grateful for new adventures, new opportunities and experiences. Whether positive or negative, I’m grateful for every moment that got me to where I am today.
SO many moments of joy this year!
I have a lot to be grateful for this year. I don’t know what the next year will bring, but I’m thankful for every moment of 2023.
Twenty-five, a quarter of a century, a full blown adult.
These are a few of the things that have been running through my mind over the last few weeks.
Let me back up, I turn 25 next week and it’s a milestone birthday filled with all the emotions. Excitement, anticipation, nostalgia, and a bit of fear too.
Growing up, I always thought when you turned 25, you were officially an adult. No longer a child, teenager, or even young adult, but a full-fledged adult, and you had to have it all figured out.
Spoiler alert, I’m almost 25 and I don’t have it all figured out and I’m okay with that, in fact, I’m glad I don’t have it all figured out. I’ve learned you don’t have to have it all sorted out quite yet.
Your twenties are all about growing and learning and taking risks and seeing where life takes you. My first half of my twenties were filled with graduating college, moving back home, starting a career, going through a pandemic, getting promoted, making new friends and meeting my boyfriend, that’s a lot of change for five years.
But, let me let you in on a secret, I have loved every bit of it, even the stressful days or the moments filled with unknowns. I’ve learned so much about myself and from those around me and I’m so happy where I am today. I’ve learned to savor every moment spent with family, whether it’s a major holiday or a Tuesday night dinner (just ask any of my brothers, I always comment how special it is that we are all together-and it drives them nuts.) I’ve also learned to be open to new opportunities, but to trust my gut and how it’s okay to say no to things if they don’t feel right. I’ve learned friendship works both ways and some friendships aren’t meant to last forever, some are only meant for a season, while others are forever.
Most importantly, I’ve learned to savor and love the little things in life, whether it’s a morning walk, a coffee with a friend or even going through an evening routine. The little things in life are often the things you will remember the most.
Now as I embark on the second half of my twenties, I am eager to continue to see how I can grow more and what things I can learn about myself. I’m also interested to see where I will be at age 30. Will I be married? have children? Living in the same city? So much can change in five years, but I also now so many things will still be the same. I know I will have a loving family by my side, I know I will have supportive friends and a caring boyfriend. I’m excited to see where these next few years will take me and how I will grow and change. I always like reflecting as big milestones come and go to see how far I have come and what I’ve learned.
As far as what this year brings, I don’t have any big goals for this next year, I want to keep doing what I’m doing. I want to keep working hard at my job, putting family and relationships first, making sure I’m taking care of my body and self with different hobbies and I want to make sure I’m taking every opportunity available. Because my birthday falls in May, I’m halfway through my 2023 New Year’s Resolutions and so far they have been going well, definitely room for improvement in some areas, but I have seen progress in other realms.
My birthday falls on Memorial Day and I’ll be working so I’m not quite sure what the day will hold, but I’m excited for what year 25 will bring!
Happy Wednesday! I hope your week’s are going well as we settle into January. As we make our way through winter months and spend more times indoors, I’m always on the look for different activities that are fun and inexpensive.
This makes the cold, winter months a little more bearable. If you are looking for some fun, winter date ideas, look no further since I have you covered.
Here’s my Winter Bucket List for 2023
-Go Skiing
-Bookstore Date and Coffee Shop Date
-Go Ice Skating
-Read by the Fire
-Winter Walks
-Go to a Museum
-Go to the Movies
-Try a New Recipe
-Board Game Day
-Go Sledding
-Go to a Hockey Game
-Declutter my Spaces
-Enjoy Hot Cocoa
-Try a New Outdoor Activity
-Tackle a Project
-Bake Something New
-Entertain Friends
These are just some suggestions of things to do on those gray, gloomy days. I am always looking for things to do for fun that don’t break the bank and that don’t take up a ton of time. If you are in need of some winter fun, I hope these ideas help. What’s on your winter bucket list?
I hope you had a wonderful holiday week and weekend with family, friends and loved ones. It was so nice to spend some extra time with family, slow down just a bit and get reset for the new year. I am someone who loves a fresh start and the promised hope of a new year.
I already have my new journal and devotional ready for the new year. I purchased Emily Ley’s “Sure as the Sunrise” last year and couldn’t wait to begin it on the first of the year. I love her books and I couldn’t wait to dig into her devotional. The days can get busy and overwhelming at times which is why I like to start my days with some journaling, reflection and reading.
As we begin a new year, I like to set some resolutions for the next twelve months and reflect on my resolutions from last year.
Before we jump into the new year, here’s a look at my resolutions from last year. You may remember, I broke them up into four categories: Physical, Spiritual, Professional and Lifestyle. You can read the full post here, but just as a recap.
For physical, I wanted to continue with daily workouts and incorporate more vegetables in my diet. I did very well with keeping up with working out daily and even tried to get in some form of movement on days I couldn’t get in a full workout and I am SO proud to say that I ate more vegetables Every. Single. Day. and often times twice a day. From, salads, to sides with meals, I could definitely feel a change in energy levels when I added more vegetables in my diet.
For spiritual, I wanted to carve out more time for my faith life and I did a good job with that for the most part, but I know there’s always room for improvement.
For professional, I wanted to get more creative with my storytelling and I started out strong but waivered a bit as they year went on. I am looking to get back on track for the new year.
For lifestyle, I wanted to use more sustainable products and I did a very good job at that. It also didn’t hurt that a lot of stores went to a no plastic bag policy which helped me use my reusable bags more.
My motto for last year was “Build the Best version of myself” and I think I really found my routine and rhythm last year and I loved having more structure in my life and a normal year after the past few years of craziness. Now that we are all caught up on last year, let’s get to this year.
My motto of the year is “Embrace the Change” I don’t know what these next 52 weeks will bring, I’m certain, there will be some change, new beginnings and new routines and I’m ready to embrace it fully. I am someone who loves the status quo and who doesn’t do well with change, so I’m going to try to be more flexible and adaptable and not get so hung up on my schedules or routines. This is easier said than done, so we will see how this goes.
Here’s a few resolutions I have for 2023:
Eat Healthier and Run a 5K
I have been doing better by making healthier food choices, but I want to do a better job with it this year. I find myself mindless eating and indulging and I want to do a better job at being more mindful with my eating habits. I also want to try and run a 5K. It may not seem like a huge deal or accomplishment, but I hate running and I want to push myself out of my comfort zone and try to see if I can run a 5K. (We will see how it goes).
Take Advantage of Local Parks and Spots
I love traveling to new places to walk and hike, but there are so many hidden treasures in my own backyard, and I want to take advantage of them more this year in all seasons. I try to get outside as much as possible and I hope that I can take enjoy the beauty that’s in my own community this year.
Plan to Do More Things on Days off
I am a planner through and through and this year I want to do better with planning more things to do on days off or weekends with friends and family. I have been doing such a great job with staying in touch with friends consistently both at home and those who live further away and I want to continue to plan events or activities to do with loved ones on the weekends. Plus, this also gives me something to look forward to in the dark winter months when life tends to be a bit quieter.
Continue to Grow in My Profession
Every year, I am looking to continue to get better at my job and in my career. I plan to do this by pushing myself to tackle challenging stories and topics. I also want to try to step out of the box and get more creative when it comes to storytelling too and take every opportunity that can help me grow.
I know more resolutions will come to me as they year goes on, but I like to use this a good starting block for the new year. I really enjoy looking back to see how far I have come and what changes I have made. It’s also fascinating to see how I continue to evolve and grow as I get older.
Here’s to a year of change, flexibility, family, growth, and love.