Fabulous living

Finding Happiness Every Day

We have all had those days when it’s gloomy outside, our outfit isn’t working, we over commit and we are left with nothing but stress. We let everything pile up around us until we are left completely overwhelmed. I may not be able to change the weather or help free your schedule but I can show you where to find happiness every day. These are five easy ways where I find happiness in every day life. We are all humans and mistakes happen and some days are harder than others, but it’s important to remember to stand up again and keep moving forward. I hope this helps you find some happiness in your lives.

  1.  Play Good Music. Blast your favorite   Pandora station and dance around. Put on some soothing music when you just need a break. When I really need a pickup up, this is my favorite Pandora station. Sometimes we just need to let go and let God take over.

    My favorite station
  2. Talk to a friend. Whether it’s your best friend or your mom (or if that’s the same person), stop the texting and have a phone call or Face Time session. Talk about your latest tv show you both are watching or what’s going on in your lives, or even plan an activity. Whatever you talk about it will take you mind off what you are stressing about. Reminisce and relive your favorite moments.

    Friends always make things better
  3. Read a book. Sometimes we need to step away from everything, even technology. Pick a up book you keep telling yourself you are going to read but haven’t started yet. Get lost in a world besides your own. Flip through your favorite magazine. Do something for you.

    My next read
  4. Go for a Walk. Step away from your stressful day and just spend time thinking and being one with nature. Let your mind wander and then come back to the task with a fresh set of eyes. We all feel happier after spending some time with our own quiet thoughts.

    Beautiful morning walk
  5. Do something you love! Whether it’s eating your favorite snack, grabbing lunch with a girlfriend, or catching up with your favorite show. Take that time and do something you will feel relaxed and happy with.

    Smiling is the easiest way to spread happiness

Well, there you have it. When I am in a rut, I turn my frustrations into joy. To leave you with a quote on the Tuesday. “What’s broken can be mended. What’s hurt can be healed. And no matter how dark it gets, the sun’s gonna rise again.” -Meredith Grey


Fabulous living

Pinterest: Success or Fail?

I love baking, and trying new things. I was home for Fall Break a few weeks ago and besides being home and seeing my family, I wanted to try some new recipes. I hit up Pinterest and a few of my favorite blogs for some ideas.

Here’s the first one I tried. You can see the full recipe here. It was a delicious fall treat for October.  Here’s a quick recap:

All you need are some apples, crescent rolls, cinnamon, brown sugar, nutmeg, all spice seasoning  and butter.

You are going to lay out all your crescent rolls all spread out on a sheet of wax paper on a cookie sheet.

Slice your apples and peel the skin off if you so choose.

Apples and butter mixture

In a bowl you are going to melt your butter and mix in the sliced apples.

Crescents with the mixture on them

In a second bowl you are going to mix brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and all spice and then you are going to spread it over each crescent roll.

Rolling crescent rolls with the apples and mixture

I used the large crescent rolls so I put two apple slices per roll, in the future, I am going to put more than two because I found while eating them there was too much pastry and not enough apples.

Ready to be put in the oven.

You are going to roll the crescents up, put one coat of the melted butter over top each roll and put some of your mixture on top of each crescent. Bake it for 28 minutes at 350 degrees.

Ready to eat for delicious fall treat!

Take them out and cool. Eat them warm for a delicious fall treat.

I hope this gives you some ideas for fall treats. I ate this as a dessert but they would also be great as an appetizer or lunch snack. Give it a try and let me know what you think of it. What are your favorite fall snacks?