Fabulous living Fun Ways to Organize

Getting into a New Routine

Hey everyone. I hope your week is off to a great start. One of my goals for the new year was to get into a new routine and even though it has taken me some time, I have finally gotten into a good rhythm. 

My new work schedule is Wednesday to Sunday 9:30 – 6:30, so a pretty normal schedule, but my “weekend” falls on Monday and Tuesday. 

It has been different to have actual days off, in college my weekends would be spent working or doing homework, now out of college, there is no more homework, studying or papers to be written. It’s refreshing to not have to worry about running in different directions at all times, I get to focus on my work, being with family, catching up with friends and most importantly, taking care of myself. 

During my first month of work I wanted to make sure I got used to a new job, now that month has passed, I knew it was time to get a good schedule in order. I wanted to get back to working out and hitting the gym, having a day to run errands and get things done, have time to relax, catch up with friends and find some new hobbies. 

During my work week, I get up early, and will start my day off with the gym during week days, head to work for the day, come home, spend time with family, get dinner and get ready for the next day and relax a bit, nothing too exciting.

During my days off, I’m looking to make one day my productive day which would include running errands, getting things done, laundry, planning outfits for the week, doing any shopping or getting appointments done. The other day would be a day more for relaxing, meeting up with friends, relaxing, or doing something fun. Now, will this work every week? No, some weeks my schedule could get changed or things come up and life happens, and I’m okay with that. I really wanted to start getting into good habits as I start my career and I think getting into a good routine is extremely helpful for me. I keep all my to-do lost and things to get done in my Simplified Planner, you can see my post about getting organized here.

Having a good routine in place helps me feel more relaxed and balanced between my home and work life. 

What are some things that you have in your daily routine that helps your life run smoother?

I am also looking for some new hobbies to try besides reading, binge watching the latest shows on streaming services, working out, and this little blog.

I hope you all have a fabulous week and weekend. 

Fabulous living

2020 Resolutions

Hey everyone! Happy hump day, or for me it’s my Monday. With my new job, my schedule is Wednesday-Sunday. So, my weekend is Monday and Tuesday. 

Today, I wanted to dive into New Year’s Resolutions. You can see my goals from last year here.The three things I wanted to accomplish was be more positive, don’t sweat the small stuff, and be more social. Looking back, I can say that I accomplished all those things, with 2019 being my last year in school, I really tried to make the most out of it and being present. When times got tough, I made sure my mentality stayed the same and I stayed positive and realized everything happens for a reason. This also pushed me to not get stressed with the little things in life and instead, focus on the grand scheme of things. Lastly, I made sure I made the most of my time in college by being social. I am still going to make this a priority as I work by making sure I make my friendships a priority in this new season of life. 

Now, onto 2020 resolutions. I have four things that I want to focus on this year. 

-Less Screen Time. I know this will be an easy one since I started working full time. When I am at work, I focus solely on work and when I am at home, I want to work on being present and not being distracted on my phone. I want 2020 to be a year when I put an emphasis on quality relationships and not be distracted by technology. 

-Lose Weight. In 2020, I want to put my health first and that means eating better and changing up my workouts. I want to feel my best in this new season of life. I did well in college about being healthy when it comes to my lifestyle and I want to continue that in this year

-Save Money. This goes along with my new season of life. Now, that I have a big girl job, I want to start being smart with my money. I want to make sure I am saving money and not spending it on frivolous things, for example, instead of stopping for a bagel on the way to work, take the time to make something for myself before I head out the door. It’s small actions like that which can make a big difference. 

-Establish a new schedule.Finally, the biggest goal for the new year. Get into a new routine, working life is different than college life and even though it’s been an adjustment, I am loving it. But, there is still work that needs done. I want to get into a new routine, so I am using my time wisely when I am working, at home or having days off. 

I am so excited for what 2020 has in store for me. I feel really good about where I am in life and what I’m doing. I can’t wait to learn and love this year not only about myself but also about others around me. 

What are some of your resolutions for the new year?