
Currently #23

Hi everyone! Happy Thanksgiving Eve! I hope you are getting ready for your Thanksgiving feasts! Whether you are heading to familyā€™s or doing all the cooking yourself, I hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving.

Iā€™m looking forward to being able to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family and having the day off! Granted, Iā€™ll be back in work the next day, but having a day off will be wonderful.

I always like to be as open with you all as possible, so this past month hasnā€™t been too exciting. A lot of work, family time, watching movies and pretty routine things, I didnā€™t even take many picturesā€¦blogger fail. Nonetheless, hereā€™s a look at whatā€™s currently going on. 

What Iā€™m up to:Ā Itā€™s been a productive and busy month at work, from starting the month with the election, we had our annual food drive at work, and just on Monday, I led another roundtable panel. Between work, Iā€™ve enjoyed time at home, watching movies, relaxing and planning Christmas gifts and goals.

A behind the scenes look of when I go live.

What Iā€™m wearing:Ā Glasses! Surprise, I had to revert to glasses for about a week and had to forgo eye makeup, it was definitely an adjustment to go for the more natural look especially at work, but it was good to change it up. Thank goodness I had bought some new, cute glasses too. In other news, I have been wearing long-sleeve dresses and even had to break out the turtleneck.Ā 

A look with glasses before work.

What Iā€™m reading:Ā Ā Iā€™ve been working my way through ā€œAll the Light We Cannot Seeā€, itā€™s a beautifully written book about World War II and childrenā€™s perspectives on it. Itā€™s taken me a while to work my way through it since itā€™s so heavy, but Iā€™ve really enjoyed it so far.

What Iā€™m Watching: Iā€™m still enjoying Community and watching that when Iā€™m need of a laugh. Iā€™ve also been watching a few movies, some new and some classics on Netflix and Amazon Prime too. 

What Iā€™m Loving:Ā Besides work, Iā€™ve been excited for the upcoming holidays, from Thanksgiving to Christmas. I canā€™t wait to see family for Thanksgiving and decorate for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving. Iā€™m also looking forward to celebrating all the Christmas traditions too.Ā 

I saw this when I was shopping and had to laugh.

What Inspires Me: Iā€™ve been inspired by all the Christmas dĆ©cor and gifts that Iā€™ve seen in the stores. Iā€™ve done some window shopping but havenā€™t started any major shopping. Thereā€™s something about seeing giftwrap and bows in the stores excited for Christmas and all the traditions.

Seeing this come out is getting me even more excited for Christmas!

What I accomplished:Ā Iā€™m feeling super accomplished after getting lots of work projects done. I have started some Christmas shopping and planning. It was great to start ordering some things too. I also got much needed rest.

My little buddy enjoying time on the couch.

Goals Accomplished from Last Month Iā€™m happy I got to enjoy some bursts of warm weather, like going for a walk and enjoying the changing leaves. 

Some of the leaves from my walk under my desk.

Goals for the New Month:  My plan is to get my holiday shopping done early, so I donā€™t have to worry about things coming in late and then Iā€™m looking forward to Christmas traditions and celebrating holidays with my family.

Thatā€™s a look at my life the past month, itā€™s not too exciting, a lot of work projects, and a mix of family time and relaxing. How are you spending Thanksgiving?

Fabulous living

2020 Recap

Hi everyone! I hope you all had an enjoyable Christmas and holiday weekend. Although, I spent more time at work during the past few days, I was very glad I got to spend time with my family before and after work. The holidays may have looked different this year, but I still love everything that comes with them from the prep, the gift giving, the baking, and the traditions.

I donā€™t know about you, but I am ready for 2021, a lot of good things came from this past year, but Iā€™m ready for a fresh start, new beginnings, and new goals. Check back in next week for my goals for 2021, Iā€™m still working on them but Iā€™m excited for what the new year. 

In years past, I would typically have a long post with lots of things I did, places I went and people I met, and many memories made, well, this year turned out very different than I planned, so my recap looks different. 

In the past year, it feels like it just started and at the same time, never happened, almost like a blur. I never thought my first year working in news would look like this, but it truly was a historical time to be reporting. Iā€™ll have more on my first year in news in the coming weeks as well.

Back to looking back on 2020, the year started out by jumping straight into work. I learned a lot during my first weeks and I made some of my closests friends during my first month at work.Ā 

I also bought my first car in January which was very exciting.

My first car!

In March, before the world halted, I was able to see some of my college friends which was fun and great to catch up. One week later, the world paused, as country by country closed their borders, states shut down, businesses closed their doors, students and adults all began working from home. It was definitely a weird time. Work kept me busy. I covered latest developments and cancellations, worked from a second location most of the time, handled daily news conferences and dealt with constant information while so many things got cancelled.Ā 

Seeing friends one week before everything shutdown

The spring brought extra time with family as everyone worked at home, it was nice that even though I would be busy at work, I still got lots of family time, time that I may not have gotten without the pandemic. I got to work on my first week long series about businesses reopening which was so special to highlight businesses that I know and love.Ā It also brought covering the morning after riots happened in our downtown.

The morning after riot coverage

The summer brought lots of time spent outside walking, running, swimming and eating outside to support local restaurants. After more things opened up, I was back in the gym 5 days a week which I loved for my physical and mental health. The summer reminded me to stop and enjoy the little moments in life.

Beach day and a day trip, lots to time spent outside

I got to see a few friends, masked and socially distanced and some family, again all masked and six feet apart. 

Seeing friends socially distant

The fall brought lots of stories about schools going back, including my own siblings. It also brought lots of the historic Election coverage, from visits to Erie and working on Election night, to seeing ow our next President would be. 

Covering President Trump coming to Erie.

The fall also brought the passing of our sweet pup, Hershey Kiss.Ā 

My sweet Hershey Kiss

At work, I got to anchor my first show and I have filled in on the desk since then, a goal I have been working towards for months and I continue to grow and get better. 

Anchoring my first show

The winter brought getting ready for the holidays, making new traditions and memories, and seeing some of the first vaccines distributed here in Erie. 

All my gifts wrapped for Christmas

Throughout 2020, I worked on every single holiday, worked every shift, tried new roles, and got better at my previous roles. 

2020 brought lots of binge-watching, hello Tiger King, 30 Rock, Emily in Paris, Schittā€™s Creek, The Crown, and more! 

It brought more family time, lots of facetimes with friends, making new friends and starting a new relationship. 2020 you werenā€™t so bad after allā€¦.2021, I am ready for you!