
Currently #18

Hey guys! Happy Wednesday! I can’t believe we are at the end of JUNE!!! Where has the month gone??  These past few weeks have been packed with fun, family time, and lots of fresh food. YUM! I have so much to share with you. Let’s get started!

What I’m up to: I’ve been marking a lot of things off my summer to do list. From seeing friends, doing family activities and going to my favorite summer spots. From ice cream dates, to our family vacation and end of the school year traditions. June has been packed, but so fun. 

Summer smores and bonfires go hand and hand

What I’m wearing: I did a post a few weeks back about some of my favorite summer outfits. You can find it here. We went on vacation last week and I will have a post about what I wore on vacation in the coming weeks. For work days, it’s been lots of sleeveless dresses. For off days it was been t-shirt dresses and short sets. Super easy to put together and comfortable for being outside. 

Here’s one of the dresses I wore!

What I’m reading: I’ve been on the fiction train when it comes to books. Some of my favorite reads have been about travel, friendship and love. No surprise there…haha. I like to really escape. I just finished The Paris Wedding for our book club…it was so good. It told the story of a girl who goes to her ex’s wedding in Paris. I love the description of Paris and reading about what happens when these ex’s are reunited. I’m currently working on The Bookstore at the Beach. It’s the perfect summer read by the pool or ocean. It’s about three generations of women and the secrets and struggles that they are working on while spending the summer together. I’m only halfway through but I’m loving it so far.

What I’m Watching: If you have been following this blog for a while you know I take forever to watch a show…like for someone who watches a series in a month, it will take me 3 months. That being said, I’m still watching Offspring, which is soooo good. I’m also catching up on season 2 of Lupin on Netflix, again a very good show too! 

What I’m Loving: I’ve been loving the summer weather and spending time outside and making more plans with friends. Now that more people are vaccinated it makes travel and seeing friends and family much easier! Also I’ve been loving all the fresh fruits and veggies that come with summer too. Plus who doesn’t love a summer salad. YUM!

My favorite summer pasta salad. Recipe coming soon!

What Inspires Me: I’m inspired by our return to a sense of normalcy. This summer feels almost like things are back to normal. I’m also inspired by new life with fresh flowers and taking things a bit slower in the summer months too.

Grilling at the beach was something new I tried this summer!

What I accomplished: I am making the most of summer. I’ve also been working on some fun work projects and making plans more plans for summer. We also celebrated my youngest brother graduating from elementary school too which was fun. We had been at the same school with 4 children for 18 years. It was sweet send off.  

Goals Accomplished from Last Month Getting some time away with my family was much needed and so fun! We went to one of our favorite places and I can’t wait to share some pictures soon!! 

Just a taste from our family vacation… 😉

Goals for the New Month: Continuing with my summer bucket list. I can’t wait to see more friends, do my summer activities and relax with family at the end of the day! I’m also starting a new role at my job which I’m super excited about. Also, the Fourth of July is quickly approaching which is a favorite summer event for me too! 

I tried a new local crepe spot this summer…yum!

That’s a recap of my life. Lots of family time, crossing off things from my summer bucket list and enjoying the outdoors…it’s truly the best days of summer. 


Currently #8

Hi everyone! Can you believe we are already to the end of August?! Where has this summer gone? In some ways this summer has flown by and I have gotten to fit a lot in whether it is family time, friend time, lots of walks and time outside. But at the same time, I haven’t been able to do a lot of things with coronavirus which has made this a very different summer. Overall, I have many memories from these past few months and I can’t wait to share them soon. As one month ends, it’s time for another currently update! Here’s a look into the past month. 

What I’m up to: This  month has been about all the lasts before school is back in session for my brothers, although I won’t be heading back into the classroom, it definitely feels like summer is winding down and it’s time to get all the last minute things done like ice cream nights, day trips, barbecues and late nights. I’m trying to spend as much time outside as I can before it’s back inside for fall and winter. 

What I’m wearing: I have been trying to wear all the bright colors before summer is over, hello yellows and blues and pinks and greens. Also, since I have been upping my workout routine I got some new gym clothes and that has given me even more motivation to work harder in the gym.  

A snap shot from work but just an example of a bright color I am wearing

What I’m reading: My reading goal for this summer will not be met. I have read some really goo books this summer but haven’t been disciplined at just reading. I am hoping with colder weather coming I will be more inclined to curl up with a book on my days off. My summer book review is coming soon!!

What I’m Watching: I’m still watching 30 Rock as a do work or get ready for the day. It is one of my summer goals to finish it but we will see if I can make that happen. I am almost done watching The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. It has been a great thing to watch at the end of the day, it’s funny, it’s serious, it’s something light and a great summer show to watch before my  fall shows hopefully come back soon…

What I’m Loving: I have been loving working out, I started going to a gym when I started my job back in the winter and I loved going, then coronavirus hit. Now, I have been back in the gym, five days a week since they reopened at the end of June and I am loving it. I can feel myself get stringer each time and it’s the best way to start my day.   

What Inspires Me: I have been inspired by all things fresh and clean. There is nothing better than having a clean desk at the end of the day or marking everything off your to do list. I also have been inspired to be more intentional with my time. I am good with the big things like working out or catching up with family or friends on the phone but when it comes to the little things I’m not so good with it. For example, I don’t have time to read a book but I can scroll on facebook for an hour…I am inspired to work harder with my time. 

What I accomplished: I have accomplished a lot of summer bucket list items and getting a lot of one on one time with family and friends. On my days off I love to spend some extra time with my younger brothers before they head back to school. I also try to do bi-weekly facetime calls with friends besides texting daily. There is nothing better than seeing some friends virtually and really devoting time to family and friends one on one. 

Goals Accomplished from Last Month: I have done a really good at feeling productive especially on my days off or before I go to work. I always have a daily to do list of both work and fun and I love checking things off of it. I also got a lot of time outside which was awesome and I checked even more things off my bucket list for the summer.  

Cutting fresh flowers and being outside is something I will miss about summer

Goals for the New Month: I want to be able to spend the last few weeks of summer outside as much as I can especially when it comes to grilling and swimming and just being outside. I also want to get more reading in, I feel like I have been doing great with balancing, work, family, relaxing, gym, tv etc. But if I can get a little bit more reading in I would love it. 

That’s just a look into this past month, checking things off the to do list while also making lots of summer memories. For example, I had ice cream twice in one day because why not its summer?! Here’s to enjoying the last few weeks of it. What are you looking forward to getting done in the next few weeks?!

Fabulous living

A Day in the Life (2/28/18)

Hello All!

I hope your Tuesday is off to a great start. I’m on Spring break this week, so I’m taking full advantage of resting, relaxing and being home.

Last semester I shared a look into my life as a college student, with a new semester and schedule, I’m sharing an updated look at a day in the life. Last Wednesday, I documented my day and here’s a sneak peak into a “typical day”

I start my day at 6:15, bright and early.

I head to the gym around 6:50. This was the sky as I walked to the gym. It’s always so quiet and peaceful in the early morning.

This is my playlist at the gym. This best of the 80’s playlist has been on repeat for early mornings at the gym. Thank you Amazon Music.

After I got back from the gym I ate some trail mix and milk for breakfast.

After I ate, I did some journaling and did a daily Lenten reflection. I always try to set aside some time every day for prayer and reflection.

I did some work and reviewing for a few midterms I had this week before class.

I am currently binge watching Parks and Rec in my free time,so While I was getting ready< i got a quick episode in.

Outfit for this Spring-ish weather.

Heading to class at 10:00, nothing but blue skies this last day of February.

My first class was Digital Media, a video production and editing class.

At 11:30, I headed to Music Appreciation, where I had a midterm.

I grabbed a quick lunch with my friend Shay, and I forgot to snap a picture. After lunch, I headed back to my dorm to get some work done before my afternoon classes.

Taking notes and working ahead for a few classes in between classes.

I headed to Advertising Strategies at 3:00 for class, we worked on updating resumes in class.

After class ended at 4:15, I headed to the library to get some reading and notes done before dinner.

Dinner with my bestie, Shay! It was mac and cheese night which is a favorite. Fun Fact: we saw each other in the gym at 7 am, in class, at lunch, and dinner. This is why she is my unofficial roommate.

After dinner, It was homework time. Editing papers, reading, and preparing for class tomorrow.

After showering and getting ready for tomorrow. I chose to unwind by watching Seal Team at the end of the day.

Heading to bed, or so I thought…turns out 30 minutes later, the fire alarm went off since someone burnt something. After spending 30 minutes outside it was time to head back in and back to bed. So much for a typical day!

And there you have it, that’s a day in the life. No day is ever normal as you can tell by the things that can thrown at me throughout the day. I hope you enjoyed a peak into the day in the life of a college student. See you on Thursday!