
Currently #49

Hello everyone!

I can’t believe we are at the end of January. This was a slow month, but in all the best ways. I spent more time indoors, reading, taking it slow, starting new hobbies and getting back into routines. I still tried my best to get outdoors as much as possible, but Mother Nature made that difficult at times. Winter is often a time with hibernation, and I’ve done that in my own way over the past few weeks. 

Walks in the wintertime

As we wrap up the first month of the new year, it’s time for a new Currently. Since this has been a quieter month, I don’t have too much to share, but I still want to show you what has brought me joy and happiness over the past few weeks.

Let’s dive right in:

What I’ve Been Up To: I have been slowly chipping away at my winter bucket list. I have been doing lots of reading, enjoying time cozied up by the fire, I started a new show and I have been enjoying lots of soup. Trying new recipes was one of my New Year’s Resolutions and I am proud of the recipes I have tried thus far. 

When the weather has cooperated, I have been still running and have been really enjoying it. A few weeks back, I ran over five and a half miles, which is the furthest I have gone. I was surprised to learn that I enjoy running in the cooler weather as opposed to the warmer temperatures.

My longest run to date.

This month has also been nice in terms of getting back into a routine. As much as I love the holidays and extra activities and fun, it is nice to get back into a good rhythm with less distractions and extra things added to the calendar.

What I’m wearing: This month hasn’t been too exciting in terms of outfits. I’ve been spending a lot of time at home which has led me to wear comfortable clothes like leggings and hoodies. My purple sherpa from Old Navy has been getting a lot of extra use lately.  I wore this sparkly number for New Year’s Day at work. These were all three separate pieces that I tied together in outfit, and I loved the end result.

What I’m Reading: My “To Be Read” stack keeps growing, but I have been making headway with those books and other title that look fascinating to me. 

Mrs. Queen Takes the Train by William Kuhn tells the fictional story of what would happen if Queen Elizabeth II left the palace and spent the day traveling through England. The story follows the Queen’s decision to leave and follows her along her journey to a place that has a special place in her heart. Throughout the book, the reader will also meet all the people who try to track her down and bring her back to the palace. Plus, the queen makes some friends along the way. I read this book as I was finishing The Crown and it was such a fun companion.

The Celebrants by Steven Rowley- This book follows the story of five college friends who, after their sixth friend dies, make a pact to hold their own funerals to show much they are loved in the world. The concept of the story was fascinating to me, and I loved how every friend had their own funeral when things weren’t going well for them in life. The book follows them through the years and in between the ups and downs of life. The last funeral they all attend turns out to be one of the most important. Overall, the message of the book stuck with me and I would definitely recommend it.

The Senator’s Wife by Liv Constantine is a drama/thriller that involves a senator and his new wife and some of the challenges and drama they go through, especially when she starts to get very sick. The story is through four different perspectives as the events unfold. The middle and ending were so good that I kept looking for pockets of time to read more, that’s when you know it’s a good book. 

What I’m Watching: After six seasons, seven years and 60 episodes, I finished the Crown. It was such a wonderful series to follow filled with rich history, beautiful fashion, and stellar acting. I learned so much about the Royal Family and Queen Elizabeth. Although I was sad to see it end, I really loved how Peter Morgan wrapped it all up. If you watched The Crown, what did you think of the ending?

Six Feet Under– I started watching Six Feet Under this month and have been really enjoying it. It’s an older show that was on HBO and is now on Netflix. It follows the story of a family whose father dies and the wife and children and left to navigate life without the head of the household and the owner of a funeral home. I have heard about this show for years, so it’s been nice to finally watch it.

Meet the Parents– I mentioned this in a Friday Favorite’s post but wanted to bring it back here. My boyfriend and I watched all three Meet the Parents this month and it was such a fun way to spend the month. If you are looking for a sign to watch old comedies, this is it.

What Inspires Me: I have been inspired by all the cooking and new recipes I have been trying. A few years back, I made it my goal to cook one meal a week. Recently I have been slipping, I have been baking once a week, but the cooking has taken a backseat. This year I wanted to get back to trying new recipes and I have been pleased with the results and been inspired to look for more recipes.

So far this month I have made homemade wedding soup, stuffed pepper soup, and Mediterranean Chicken Teriyaki Bowls.

Wedding Soup
Stuffed Pepper Soup
Hawaiian Chicken and Veggie Bowls for the win!
Corn and Clam Chowder soup

I also did some entertaining and put together this spread of snacks. 

We love a good spread

On days off, I sometimes like to enjoy a brunch and omelets are always my go-to. 

A good breakfast spread
My day at work had me making pizza for the first time..this was the end result…
Fresh cookies on cold, winter days

Besides cookbooks, Pinterest is my favorite place to find new recipes and try new meal ideas.

What I Accomplished: Over the past month, I have started my New Year’s Resolutions. That includes making my meals and teaching myself the piano. It has been a slow start but I’m grateful for every opportunity I get to sit down and learn and practice. 

Warm soup on a cold day

I also have met up with several friends after the holidays which is always a good feeling to catch up with one another.

Goals From Last Month: Some of my goals that I wanted to accomplish this month were getting back into my routines, start establishing my new goals for the year and take advantage of the slower days. I also have been working every day on the Simplicity Challenge through Simplified.

One of the spaces I organized through the Simplicity challenge

I’ll be sharing a full report on it soon once the month is up. This month has also taught me to find movement in different ways indoors. When I can’t always get an outdoor run in, I have been running on the treadmill, hitting the bike or even slowing my body down with yoga. I have been enjoying exploring different ways to move my body.

We love finding different ways to move

Goals for This Month: As we look towards next month, I am looking forward to celebrating both Galentine’s Day and Valentines Day. I love everything red, hearts and love, so I can’t wait to find little ways to show the people in my life how much I care for them. I also want to continue to make time for my hobbies in my life whether it’s with reading, piano, or running.

Lastly, I want to continue to embrace the cold and enjoy all the cozy vibes by lighting candles, using the fireplace and really slowing down and being intentional with my time. 

That’s a look into life lately. Tell me: how have you been enjoying this past month and how are your New Year’s Resolutions going? Let me know in the comments below!

Let's Look

Let’s Look: Top Comforts

Hello All and Happy Wednesday!

It’s the second Wednesday of the month which means it’s time for our final Let’s Look of the year as I link up with Erika and Shay

This has been my first year participating in Let’s Look and it’s been so fun. Not only do I love sharing glimpses into my life, but I enjoy reading about other people’s lives too. Here’s a look at all the topics we covered for the past year.

Last month, in November we talked about stocking stuffers, October we discussed our biggest fears, in September, we talked about evening routines, August, we talked about our worst habits, in July, we talked about new favorite summer finds, in June, we talked about best travel tips, in May, we talked about our morning routines, in April, we talked about pet peeves, in March, we talked about Amazon purchases, in February it was about our medicine cabinets.

Today’s topic is perfect for this time of year, we are talking about favorite comforts. I love every season for different reasons, but there is something special about the Christmas and winter season that makes you want to cuddle up and get cozy.

Whether you are getting cozy for Christmas or looking to stay warm in the winter, here’s my top comforts.

Flannel Sheets in the Winter– A few years ago, I picked up a pair of flannel sheets to use in the wintertime and they are a comfort that has brought me so much joy. I only use them around the holidays, so when I take them out, it makes them even more special. They provide extra warmth; they make my bed feel a bit fancier and they make my bed look a bit more festive too. We spend hours every day sleeping in our beds, so it’s important that we make that space comfortable and cozy. 

Fuzzy Blankets– If I’m curled up on the couch with a good book or movie, chances are I have a warm blanket to go with it. I love a good throw blanket, not only are they practical, but they also make a great decor item. I have them draped over chairs, beds and couches. I use them all twelve months, but I get the most out of them in the winter months.

Throw blankets can add a lot to a space.

Seasonal Candle– Another way to make a space comfortable is by lighting a candle. Although, I light candles year-round (typically florals in the spring and summer and harvest/festive in the fall and winter) candles make a space extra cozy when it’s chilly outside. A candle sets the mood in a space and can make it more inviting, festive, or cozy. It also cancels out smells and odors which is a game changer if you have pets or just finish cooking a meal that has an aroma that lingers. I love to light a candle in my room when getting ready or relaxing, in the family room when people are visiting or watching a show or in the kitchen after cooking. You can purchase a candle without breaking the bank and it adds a lot to the ambiance of a space.

Festive Drink- If I’m looking to create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere, a warm drink will most likely be included. I enjoy hot chocolate in the winter, hot cider in the fall and then in the summer I enjoy a flavorful tea. Hot cocoa is my favorite holiday drink, I add some peppermint or candy canes for some extra flavor and to make it a bit more festive.

All festive drinks this time of year.

Good Book or Movie in the Background– After you have your drink poured, blanket handy and candle lit, it’s time to enjoy all these comforts. I like to enjoy them by reading a good book or watching a movie or tv show. I tend to get comfortable and cozy at the end of the day after the chores are done and work is on pause until the next day. Whether it’s for an hour or fifteen minutes taking time for yourself is so important and getting cozy and comfortable can only make it better.

That’s a look into my top comforts, nothing to exciting or special, a lot of things you probably have around your home, but they are little ways to elevate your space and help you relax and unwind a little especially this time of year when it can get extra busy.

Tell me: what are your top comforts? Let me know in the comments below! Have a great Wednesday and I’ll see you back here on Friday!


Currently #39

Hello all! Happy Wednesday and Happy end of March! I wish this month felt like more like spring, but it felt more like winter. To put it in perspective, we got more snow in March than in February and we didn’t even get that much snow.

A look at March in terms of weather!

That being said, I am ready to welcome spring with open arms. The sun has been out more, the days are longer, it’s just good vibes all around. Here’s a look into life recently.

What I’ve Been Up To: This month has flown by with a mix of slow days and busy weeks. This month, I’ve ventured out for the first local zoo trip of the year. I’ve also tried some new recipes, caught up with friends for dinners or long overdue facetime calls and enjoyed some time outdoors, even in the chilly weather. I’m looking forward to fewer layers, sneakers instead of boots for walks, and not heating up my car in the mornings in April, or I’m at least hoping.

First Zoo trip of the year
Weekend drives and breakfast sandwiches

What I’m Wearing: I have been making it a point to wear brighter colors to channel my inner spring even on the colder days. I got this soft green dress from Calvin Klein from Marshall’s and it’s already been a favorite of mine this year. I love the sleeves and the color, a great combo for Spring.

Green for Spring!

I’ve also been pairing neutrals with brighter colors for work, like a pink sweater with a tan skirt. It breaks up the neutral colors and makes you get in the spring spirit.

A spring skirt and top combo
Green has been in heavy rotation this month!

What I’m Reading: I’ve been reading lots of books over the past few weeks as I spend more time indoors. 

Here’s what I have been enjoying.

Carrie Soto is Back– I finished Carrie Soto is Back and enjoyed it more than I thought. It follows the story of a tennis player looking to return to the court to claim her title as champion. I learned a lot about tennis, endurance, and hard work. I really appreciated the relationship between Carrie and her father. There’s a lot about female empowerment, family ties, and some romance too. It’s a bit different than some of TJR’s other books, but I really enjoyed it.

It Ends with Us– I started another Colleen Hoover book. It Ends with Us is a serious drama which follows the story of a young woman who falls in love with a neurosurgeon, he seems like the perfect catch, but there’s more that meets the eye. This also comes as her first love comes back in her life. Will she choose her new love or first love? You will have to read to find out. In more good news, a few months ago, it was announced that it was being made into a movie with Blake Lively and Justin Baldoni. I can’t wait to watch.

What I’m Watching: A lot of shows that I follow released new seasons so I’ve been catching up on some of my favorite shows. I’m caught up on the new season of YOU, which was filled with murder, mayhem, mystery and of course cliffhangers.

I’ve also watched Daisy Jones and the Six on Amazon Prime which I really loved. From the music, to the character and plot lines, I think they did a great job going from the book to the screen. I was so sad when it was over, but was so satisfied with the ending, even with some changes.

The cherry on top was having the new season of Ted Lasso come out. I really enjoyed the first two seasons and have been loving season 3 so far. I’m so glad the new season is back! You can catch that on Apple TV.

What Inspires Me: I’ve been inspired by lots of cooking and baking. I’ve been trying to bake or cook something every week, I’ve mostly been aiming for new recipes but have worked to perfect some family favorites. Here’s a look at some of my favorites from this past month.

One pan chicken, sausage, potatoes and veggies.
Blueberry muffins
Cinnamon roll bars
Rice Krispy Treats
Chocolate drizzle sea salt popcorn
Taco soup!

What I Accomplished: This month has been so productive from getting yearly check-ups done, hair cuts, tackling big work projects, and catching up with friends who were home on spring breaks from university programs. I also got some quality family time in with both of my brothers home on Spring Break. It’s been a packed full, but such a good month.

Fresh cut for Spring
Hot cocoa and early spring drives.

Goals from Last Month: This past month, I wanted to do my best at creating memories both indoors and outdoors. I celebrated St. Patrick’s Day with our community parade.

St. Patrick’s Day parade in town

I enjoyed Maple Fest in our community, by heading to local sugar houses and enjoying lots of maple treats and of course, syrup!

Learning the process
Successful maple fest

I also went to see a performance of Riverdance. I tried to make the most of the month and I think I succeeded.

Time spent cozied up with my favorite for-legged friends!

Goals for this Month: I can’t wait to enjoy all things Spring, from Easter, to fresh flowers, outdoor walks and kicking off my Spring Bucket list. I’m so excited for the new season and month and everything it brings.

Goodbye Winter..hello Spring!

That’s a look into life recently. Lots of indoor time between reading and catching up on shows. Some time outdoors with walks with pups and friends and trying new things, like recipes.

Nights have been spent by the fire

Tell me: what’s something you’ve enjoyed and savored over the past month? Let me know in the comments below!