
Currently #62

Hello everyone! Happy Wednesday! We made it to the end of February! I don’t know about you, but this month moved a lot faster than January, which I was very happy about. I feel like we are getting closer to the end of a very long winter. Some months are more eventful than others, but I’m afraid this month is not as exciting as past months, but it was still good nonetheless and filled with some travel, lots of VERY good books, and catching up on shows. Here’s what the past 28 days looked like.

What I’m Up To: This month involved some time outside for walks when I could, but February was an icy month.

I got away for a long weekend which was so fun and much needed.

I got away for the long weekend and the change of scene was so nice!
I got to see the Atlantic Ocean again while I was away too!
And made it home safe and sound!

I also got to celebrate Valentine’s Day leading up to and on the day.

I also got a haircut and switched up my hair style

What I’m Reading: I had such a good reading month! I can’t wait to share some of my favorite reads

The Secret Book of Flora Lea- The Secret Book of Flora Lea by Patt Callahan is all about two sisters in World War II who get sent to live with another family during the war. One of the sisters goes missing and years later the other sister reads a book that contains all the made-up stories she told her sister growing up. After all these years, is her sister still alive and where has she been? This was a great historical mystery. Mix and Match Mama picked it for her January Book Club and I devoured it!

From Here to the Great Unknown– Lisa Marie Presley and Riley Keough wrote this memoir about their lives and Elvis’. I learned so much about the Presley family and life behind the camera. It was so fascinating and led me to listen to some Elvis music because of it. Such a good read!

Leading WomenLeading Women by Nancy O’ Reilly is a compilation of essays written by women for women. They highlight the struggles and victories women encounter in life, businesses, and in careers. I read it over the course of a few days, but I think it would be better read a little bit every day and not all at one time.

The Lazy Genius Kitchen– Kendra Adachi’s second book, The Lazy Genius Kitchen is all about the best way to use your kitchen. She goes through ways to organize and essentialize your kitchen that works for you. She also breaks down different kitchen terms and phrases. If you are a kitchen pro or you have never had your own space, I highly recommend this book. 

Half Marathon: You Can Do It– Jeff Galloway’s Half Marathon: You Can Do It is a beginner’s guide to running and running a half marathon. I am planning to run a half marathon this summer and learned so much from this book especially when it comes to training and preparing. He talks about his run-walk method and proper ways to train and prepare for a race. I found myself taking notes and photos as I was reading.

The Art of Stillness- As someone who is always on the go, this book really forced me to slow down. I read it when I was traveling and I found it fascinating to learn the importance of slowing down. The Art of Stillness by Pico Iyer

Young and RestlessYoung and Restless by Mattie Kahn was a book I had on my shelves for ages and I just got around to it. It’s all about different girls who made their mark on history in different ways. I loved learning about these women’s stories and the impact they had on society. A great topic as we enter Women’s Empowerment month.

What I’m Watching: A lot of my favorite shows came back for new seasons, so I spent time catching up on several shows.

Night Agent- Season 2 of The Night Agent on Netflix  brought new characters, a new mission, and lots of edge on your seat moments. The first half of the season was a bit confusing and slow with lots of new characters, but the end of the season tied all the storylines together. The finale opened the door for new questions and a new mission.

Sweet Magnolias– After an intense show like The Night Agent, I needed a pallet cleanser and Sweet Magnolias on Netflix provided that for me. This season had lots of sweet and unexpected moments and even some drama. I liked seeing how some of the relationships unfolded and how the characters grew from different situations. Overall, a good season.

Scamanda– I listened to the podcast about Scamanda in 2023 and was excited to learn a documentary would be made about it through ABC. I really enjoyed the four part series. It was interesting to put names with faces and I think the creators did a great job at covering everything the podcast did and more.

 American Manhunt- O.J. Simpson– My boyfriend and I watched this four part series about O.J. Simpson. I have always known about the O.J. case and I liked the light this series shined on Simpson and his case. I really liked how they interviewed some of the key people for this series on Netflix. 

Masked SingerThe Masked Singer is back for season 13. This hour-long show always provides a good laugh and keeps me guessing who’s under the mask. There have been some pretty good reveals so far this season and I’m excited to see who wins it all!

What I’m Cooking/Baking: This month has been filled with a mix of baking and cooking!

I almost got this mug but held off

Homemade Brownies– I made Ina Gartner’s outrageous brownies. They were good but not great. I’ve tried a few different homemade brownie recipes and have yet to land a winner. Until then, I’ll keep trying different recipes.

Grilled Cheese and Homemade Tomato soup- We have had a stretch of cold weather and soup and grilled cheese is a perfect go-to. I tried Emily Ley’s homemade grilled cheese and tomato soup and it was so easy and hit. I can’t wait until her cookbook comes out!

Roasted Shrimp and Orzo– Another Ina Garten recipe for the win. I made her Roasted Shrimp and Orzo and really liked it. It was healthy and filling and very easy and can be made in any season.

Cheese and Spinach Bake– I made the bake as a side dish one night and it was so filling and healthy too. The recipe is from Brunch with Babs. It’s spinach, cheddar cheese, and cottage cheese with some egg. This would be great for a brunch or a dip!

Baked Chicken with Sweet Potatoes and Salad-A filling Sunday night dinner with lots of nutrients.

French Silk Pie was a new recipe for me and it was a hit!

Margarita Chicken Soup is always a good call on a cold day!

Homemade Hummus and Chicken Gyros- It was Greek night with lots of tasty and savory bites!

Chicken Caesar Club Sanwichs– This was such a hearty and tasty meal that was a hit!

What I’m Wearing: 

Since February is the month of love. I tried my best to wear as much red, pink, purple, and white as possible.

Layers for cold days
All pink for Valentine’s Day
A more casual look
The neutrals for more winter weather

What Inspires Me: 

After such a gloomy and gray winter, any day with sunshine is good day! I also have been inspired by putting more of an emphasis on my health by going on more walks and making healthier choices too!

Some reading inspiration
And some love inspiration for the month of love!
Some desk inspiration and motivation

What I Accomplished– I am still making my way through my Winter Bucket List, but I still have things that need crossed off over the next few weeks.

I got out for some outdoor running time!

Goals from Last Month– I was able to see all my friends for some one-on-one dates, virtual, and in-person. I also got to celebrate Valentine’s Day and do some traveling too!

Some cute Valentine’s Day details
And some sweet treats!

Goals for Next Month– I am READY for warmer weather, getting ready for spring and to see my brothers who will be home for Spring Break!

That’s a look into life as of late. A lot of time indoors, self care, and some socializing. I’m looking forward to brighter days ahead. What about you?! How was your February!? What were some highlights for you? Let me know in the comments below! Happy Wednesday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #121

Hello everyone! Happy Friday! It is the Friday before Thanksgiving. The holiday being so late this year is really throwing me off, so I have already begun to do some of my holiday prep, since I know December will fly by.

Signs of Christmas have already been popping up!

I hope you have something fun planned for the weekend, whether it be festive or not. The past few weeks have been busy between work, family commitments and some trips too, so I am looking forward to a bit of a breather before the holidays. 

You know winter is getting close when you see frost in the mornings.

Today’s post is very holiday themed and I have a feeling the next several Friday Favorites will follow suit, here’s a look at what I’ve been loving this week as I link up with Erika and Andrea.

Holiday Sweatshirt– I always love my festive graphic tee shirts to wear around the holidays. One of my local grocery stores had a bunch of seasonal items out for display, including sweatshirts. I thought they looked cute, but didn’t buy any. For the next several days, I kept thinking about the apparel and decided to go back and buy one and I couldn’t be happier with my decision. I love the colors and the fact I can wear it through the winter too, and not just on Christmas. 

Start of Holiday Baking– Since Christmas is weeks away, I have begun my holiday baking. As a way to make sure I don’t get too overwhelmed with the thought of baking dozens of cookies the week before Christmas, I started a new system last year that I will continue to use this year. I love to bake and typically bake one type of cookie or dessert a week. Now, through Christmas when I do my weekly baking, they will mostly be a family favorite cookie, and I will share half and save the other half. This way, people are still enjoying a homemade item every week, but I have cookies for the holidays. I am slowly making my way through my cookie list. A few weeks ago, I made my Halloween Candy cookies (it’s a sugar cookie with leftover pieces of candy) and they were a hit. I can’t wait to continue more baking in the next few weeks.

A beautiful first batch!

Bridget Jones New Trailer– I am a huge fan of rom coms and Bridget Jones Diary is one of my all time favorite movies. A new series was announced through Peacock following the three movies and the trailer just came out. You can watch it here. I was a bit sad to see the plotline and concept for it, but I will be watching. It’s a great example of moving on in life after loss.  It’s so fun to see a lot of the characters return and interesting to see how they have aged through the years. Will you be watching?!

Outlander Returns– Sticking with tv, one of my favorite tv shows returned for a new season. Outlander is back! I binged watched this show several years ago and have been watching it weekly ever since. The show is in its final season, so I can’t wait to see how it all wraps up. I may or may not have started it yet, depending on when you are reading this, but I can’t wait to get back to binging it.

Here– Have you seen the new movie “Here” yet? It stars Tom Hanks and Robin Wright. It’s all about a home and all the different people who live there through the years. The coolest part of the movie was the fact it was shot from one camera angle. It’s truly a cinematic masterpiece! I loved the concept, the storylines, and the casting. The message was truly beautiful too! It’s a must see for me!

That’s a look into what I’ve been loving this week. I can’t believe we are less than a week away from Thanksgiving! Time is going by too fast! Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #102

Hello everyone!

A happy Friday to you! I hope you are having a great week as we make our way through July! I am looking forward to a busier weekend between seeing some friends, a big picnic and hopefully some time outside. Let’s just hope the weather cooperates. Fingers crossed! It’s been a busy week, so I am looking forward to the weekend.

Everything is in full bloom and I am one happy gal!

It’s Friday which means it’s time for another Friday Favorites as I share some highlights from the past week with you as I link up with Erika and Andrea.

This is a mixed bag of food, sunshine and products! Let’s dive right in!

Family Walks– Family walks have been a favorite for myself and my family over the past few weeks. We have been trying to take advantage of the warm weather and walking at different parks and trails throughout the area. Whether it’s a long walk in the woods or a short walk on pavement, it’s been a fun way to get in some exercise, spend time together and get outdoors. It’s also been fun to explore the area and different parks too.

One of the spots we have walked

Happy Place Series Announced– Emily Henry is one of my favorite authors. I have read all her books and one of my favorites is Happy Place. It was released last summer and it was announced a few weeks ago that there’s talks about making it into a series through Netflix with Jennifer Lopez at the helm. You can find the article here. I’m really excited to learn more about the project. Although only a few details have been released, I’m itching to see how it compares to the book. I have mixed feelings about making books into tv series or movies, but this one I’m very excited about!

Such a fun, summer read!

Brunch with Babs Cookbook– I am really proud by keeping up with my new year’s goal of trying to cook one new meal a week. I get ideas from Pinterest, Cookbooks and blogs. I have really been having success with Celebrate with Babs cookbook. It’s from the online account, Brunch with Babs, which is all about lifestyle and homemaking hacks.

Here are some of the recipes I have tried and had success with.

Apricot ham and broccoli salad
Strawberry Salad with Grilled Chicken

New Car Scent– I did a recent car cleaning and decided it was time for a new car scent. I try to swap out scents every six to eight weeks. Since we are in full on summer mode here, I decided Tiki Beach was the perfect summer scent. It’s not too overwhelming or overpowering, but it does leave your car smelling fresher and like a pina colada. Yum! Thank you, Bath and Body Works!

Cocoa Oatmeal Treats– Another food related item for you this week. I am a big lover of Hershey’s and saw this recipe on their website for their cocoa oatmeal treats. They are super easy to make and would be perfect for a summer picnic. They are no-bake cookies and only contain a few ingredients like oats, milk, sugar, cocoa powder, and peanut butter. I thoroughly enjoyed them for a “healthier” treat.

That’s a quick roundup of what I am loving this week. Some snacks, new releases, and products. How has your July been treating you? Any fun plans? Let me know if the comments below!

Have a great weekend!


Currently #50

Hey! Hey! Happy Wednesday!

I hope you have had a great week so far. It’s crazy to think we are at the end of February, with one more day to go as it’s a Leap Year!

This month went by much faster than January, there were more things on the calendar, more time with friends, and much better weather-all good things in my book. Although I know we are not out of the woods yet with winter, knowing we are closer to the end than the beginning is a huge win! There’s more daylight, the days are getting longer, and the temperatures are slowly but surely rising. Spring, I can hear you knocking on my door.

As we get ready for a new month and season, I’m sharing some of the highlights from the past month for this month’s edition of Currently.

What I’ve Been Up To: The month started with some really warm days. Temperatures hit the 50’s and we had lots of sunshine. I didn’t realize how much I missed the sun until we got it back for a few days. I made it a point to get outside for lots of fresh air.  I always like to take advantage of the warm weather and stay active. One of my favorite ways to enjoy both is by taking long walks with my dogs and making phone calls. I love getting my steps in and catching up with friends or family on the phone.

We love a good coffee shop date!

I also have enjoyed time with family and cozing up on the winter days by watching movies or reading. Give me a blanket, light me a candle, and some form of entertainment and I am one happy gal!

Cozy afternoons on the couch

What I’m Wearing: This hasn’t been too much of an exciting month when it comes to clothes. I tried my best to wear my reds and pinks in honor of Valentine’s Day. I also got a lot of wear out of one of my favorite red coats from Old Navy. I love that you can dress up or down in an outfit with this coat. I have worn it out to dinners and work and with leggings and boots.

A look at an outfit for a night out.

What I’m Reading: This was such a good reading month for me. I read a variety of books and genres. 

 Lost and Found in Paris–  Lost and Found in Paris is about a young woman who travels to Paris for work after a major shift in her relationship. She’s hoping to find herself and deliver a piece of artwork to a client. When the artwork goes missing, she’s forced to go on a bit of a treasure hunt around Paris with someone she meets in the city of lights. Through the course of the book, she learns more about herself than she was ever anticipating. I loved this book and it’s in the running for a top book of the year.

Love and Olives– This is the third book in the “Love” trilogy. Jenna Evans Welch wrote two other books, one that takes place in Italy and another in Greece.  This book, Love and Olives follows a girl in high school who travels to Greece to work on her relationship with her dad and help him with a big project. While she’s visiting, she learns more about her father and why he left her for Greece. I loved the setting and the characters. After reading it, I want to book a trip to Greece.

The Unexpected Joy of the Ordinary– This book was more psychologically heavy. The Unexpected Joy of the Ordinary is all about finding the joy in everyday happenings. I was interested in the concept but sometimes got lost in the science behind it. I liked how the author brought in her own experiences to make it relatable but found some of her examples and stories to be a bit sad and dark. I learned a handful of things from the book, but it wasn’t my favorite.

The Little Italian Hotel-  “The Little Italian Hotel”  follows a talk show host who ends up taking her anniversary trip alone. Rather than go with her husband, she invites four strangers to accompany her. The five people bond over heartbreak and become friends as they create memories during their three-week trip abroad. I listened to the book as an audiobook in the car, while I was jogging, and while I was cleaning and doing things around the house. I like the narrator’s voice and she had me hooked the entire time.

Thicker than Water– “Thicker than Water” is by actress, Kerry Washington. She talked about her upbringing, getting into acting, and secrets about her childhood that she learned as an adult. Washington focused more on how she got to where she is today than her career in TV and film. I appreciated her candor in tackling different challenges as she grew up. 

What I’m Watching: I did my best to watch some of the movies and series up for awards this season. I also made some headway in my watchlist on Netflix and Amazon Prime including some older rom-coms. I have been enjoying watching or rewatching them the past few weeks. I did however start a new mini-series which has brought me great joy!

Sanditon PBS mini-series follows a young woman who goes to live with a family who has plans to build up a town by the water. There’s romance, drama, dealing with the class system, and of course, a beautiful backdrop where it all takes place. If you enjoy old British shows or movies, give it a try! There are three seasons, and each season has six to eight episodes. This has been holding me over until Bridgerton is back in the spring.

What Inspires Me: I have been keeping up with my cooking in the kitchen which has brought me lots of joy. I love researching to find a recipe for a meal and then I love taking the time to prepare it, but my favorite part is seeing people’s reactions to trying it. Some of my recipes have been wins, others have flopped, but that’s all a part of the process. I aim to try one new recipe a week if my schedule allows. I also have been using my air fryer more and have tried different recipes, thanks to Pinterest.  Here are some of the recipes I have made.

Air Fryer Blackened Chicken Caesar Salad

Air Fryer Chicken Caprese

Stir Fry

Brownie Truffles

Baked Chicken Fajitas

Air Fryer Potatoes

A Veggies and Rice Stir fry

Baked Chicken Nachos

What I Accomplished: This month started with the Super Bowl and a fun spread I put together for my family. We are Steelers fans, so we didn’t have a team in the game, but it was fun to watch, especially the ending in overtime! I enjoyed the commercials and half-time show and of course, all the snacks!

Just a few days later, we celebrated Valentine’s Day. I put together little treat bags for my gals who live by me and sent some cards to my friends who live out of town. I love doing little things to shower my people with love. I also made my some heart-shaped cookies for my family, which were a hit too.

Valentine’s Day cookies are always a must!

Valentine’s Day also fell on Ash Wednesday, so I started Lent with a new devotional that I got from my church that I will work my way through for the next several weeks.

Sweet Valentine’s gifts
Celebrating Valentine’s Day with some fondue

Goals from Last Month: I was happy that I got to celebrate my gals for Galentine’s Day by catching up with them in person for coffee, a meal, or a shopping trip, or via Facetime or call. The older I get, the more I want to make sure I continue to make time for my friends no matter the distance. I also enjoyed celebrating Valentine’s Day and making the most out of the winter months.

Sweet treats with friends

Goals from this Month: I am hoping this next month brings an increase in temperatures, more time outside, and more time doing what I love. I’m in a season of gratitude and being present in the moment and I’m working on not stressing about things out of my control. I hope I can continue with that mission in the coming weeks. I am also looking forward to some bonus family time with my brothers being home from school for Spring Break. I am also looking forward to a show at the end of the month. Spring is coming, I can feel it.

Fresh cookies to round out the month

That’s a look into life lately. 

Tell me: as we gear up for a new season, what are you looking forward to the most? Let me know in the comments below! Enjoy your bonus day of February! See you back here on Friday!

Fabulous living

Christmas Bucket List 2023

Hi All! Happy Wednesday!

It’s the first full week of December. I hope you are soaking up the Christmas cheer and magic of the holiday season, I know the big day will be here soon, so these next few weeks are all about enjoying the holiday season. To make sure I enjoy it to the fullest, I like to create a seasonal/Christmas Bucket List. A bucket list gives me ideas for things to do and makes sure I accomplish everything I want to do. If you are looking for some ideas this holiday season, I hope this list helps you.

2023 Christmas Bucket List

Decorate for Christmas (Swap Out Scents and Mugs and Cups)

Christmas Shopping

Set Deadline for Picking Out Gifts, Buying and Wrapping (to minimize stress down the line)

Give Back to Others (by donating time, gifts, and baked goods)

Try a New Christmas Recipe

Bake Christmas Cookies

Build A Gingerbread House

Enjoy Hot Chocolate

One Christmas Activity a Week

Go Ice Skating

See Christmas Lights

Read Christmas Books

Listen to Christmas Music

Family Christmas Card

Go to a Christmas Concert

Exchange Gifts with Friends

Spend Time with Family

Light a Fire 

Watch Traditional Christmas movies (Frosty, Rudolph, A Year Without a Santa Claus, Santa Claus is Coming to Town, Love Actually, Christmas Vacation)

Watch the Santa Clause Series

Watch Apple TV Christmas Special

Get a Christmas Tree and Decorate it

Celebrate Christmas and New Year’s

It may seem like a lot to do in 25 days, but I have already made a dent in my Christmas Bucket List. I hope this gives you some inspiration and ideas for some Christmas cheer over the next few weeks.

 I hope you have a festive week!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #53

Hey everyone! Happy Friday! I hope you had a great first week of August. These past few days have been fun with activities and adventures and the fun continues tomorrow as I am running my first 5K.

Getting in all the runs before tomorrow!

I’ll be sure to share all about it in the next few weeks. I’m excited, but a little nervous too. Every week for Friday Favorites, I love sharing some of my favorite things from the week with you and this week is a heavy food week of favorites! Grab your pen and paper as we dig into this week’s Friday Favorites as I link up with Erika and Andrea!

Cinnamon Chocolate Chip Cookies– I haven’t done baking in a long time simply because I have been spending so much time outdoors and because on warm days, the last place you want to be is in a hot kitchen. However last week, I was inspired to bake and wanted to try a new recipe. I found this recipe from Baked Abundance for Cinnamon Chocolate Chip cookies and I thought they were the perfect warm treat. Although they are not a traditional summer treat, I couldn’t resist trying them. Now, they didn’t turn out like the photos, they were still delicious. I love the mix of cinnamon and chocolate chip. These would be a perfect fall treat, but they would be great anytime of year. You can find the recipe here if you are looking to try them for yourself.

Fresh baked cookies are good for the soul and stomach!

Fox’ ‘Special Forces” Season 2 Cast– The season two cast for Fox’s “Special Forces” came out this week. If you remember, I watched this show last season and really liked seeing celebrities, athletes, and actors all compete in various obstacles to see if they have what it takes to be a special forces operator. I know I could not do all the different challenges that the recruits could do each day. The cast for this season looks really good. I’m excited to see if Tom Sandoval, Savannah Chrisley, Brian Austin Green and even Blac Chyna have what it takes to be a special forces operator. The new season comes out on Monday, September 25. I can’t wait!

Love and Gelato– This book was recommended to me by a friend and it was one of the cutest books I read in a long time. Love and Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch follows the story of a young girl who loses her mom and her mom’s dying wish is for her daughter to go to Florence and reconnect with people from her mother’s time when she lived there. This book checks all the boxes for a cute rom com book. Dreamy city, beautiful description, incredible Italian food and desserts, and a little romance too. I blitzed through this book and was so sad when it came to an end. After reading this book, you will want to book a trip to Florence.

The sweetest summer book!

Charcuterie Boards– I have been into Charcuterie Boards all summer long. They are so easy to put together for entertaining for friends and family or they are great for a one person meal. I love seeing what’s in my fridge and using what I have to put together a meal for lunch or dinner. You can add whatever you want to your board, I typically like to include some kind of fruit, some veggies, cheeses, some meats and then nuts or crackers. These boards are also great if you have had a long day and are looking to clean out your fridge too. Here’s an example of a recent board that my boyfriend and I enjoyed. So many delicious and healthy options on one plate.

A healthy and filling meal!

Wordle– I know I am way late to the party on this one, but this summer I started playing Wordle and I’m addicted. I never got hooked on it months ago when it first came out, but this summer, I got on the Wordle train. I try to do it in the morning before the day gets away from me, but sometimes it doesn’t always happen. I like the challenge of trying to figure out each day’s word. It’s been such a fun brain game to enjoy this summer. 

My recent stats!

And that’s a wrap on today’s Friday Favorites. Lots of food, a new read and some games. This weekend will be fun between my race and then time with family. Tell me: how are you spending your weekend? Let me know in the comments below! Have a great weekend!

Fabulous living

Kitchen Aid Review

Hey guys! Happy Wednesday! I hope you had a great first weekend of March. 

I have been doing a lot of experimenting in the kitchen with different recipes. For example, this is one of my latest recipes I made; chicken, sausage, peppers, onions and potatoes in a one pan skillet. It was DELICIOUS and the best part? So many leftovers!

I love the art of baking and cooking and love trying new things. It’s also a skill that I want to continue to get better at as I get older. I have been starting to invest in different pieces of kitchen equipment. 

Another recipe I tried, open faced quesadilla! Healthy and tasty!

I got a Kitchen Aid for Christmas and couldn’t wait to try it out. 

I recently used it to make cookies and cupcakes and wanted to share with you my thoughts on it. I’m still getting comfortable with it, so this is just a starter review.

First, I love the bright, red color of a red kitchen aid. It has been my dream color, so I was already on cloud nine.

I found the mixer super easy to figure out and navigate, I referenced the manual just to get a feel for it, but everything was pretty self explanatory, especially when it comes to the switches, knobs and attachments.

You can get dozens of different attachments to help make different recipes. I got two different mixers that you can attach for various recipes. 

For example, this attachment works better with thicker batter or butter based recipes.

On the other hand, this attachment works better for a liquid based batter or oil based.

It’s super easy to clean and put on and take off the different attachments. 

The only issue has been that the on and off switch took a second to work, but once it did, it was working flawless.

I‘ve only made a few recipes so far, but I have been pleased with how it’s worked. 

The finished product!

I can’t wait to try new recipes and use it for more dishes besides cookies and cupcakes. 

The Kitchen Aid made baking them so much easier!

If you have any recipes that I enjoy using your Kitchen Aid for let me know in the comments below! 

Happy cooking and baking!

Fun Ways to Organize Let's Get Cooking

Meal Prepping Ideas

Hey everyone! Happy Wednesday! I hope your week is going smoothly and you were able to enjoy Galentine’s Day with your girlfriends or Valentine’s Day with your significant other.

I did a post last year with ideas for lunches. You can find it here. I am on the go during the work day, so having an easy lunch ready to go, makes my days smoother. I typically plan out my meals on my weekend. I’ll see what things I have in my pantry and fridge to make meals from that before I go shopping. In addition to a main meal, I’ll typically pack a few snacks and sides. 

In the winter months, it can be easy to get into a routine or rut when it comes to meal ideas. 

I tried a few different recipes and meals lately for lunch and I wanted to share them with you today! Here’s some meals I’ve been loving. 

I’ve been making soup a lot recently, I can make a big pot and then save it and store it and then enjoy it for a week for lunch at work. So far this season, I made a Chicken Noodle Soup and then a Shrimp Avocado Medicine Soup both from Jessie James Decker’s cookbook, Just Feed Me. Both have been tasty and hearty and fill me up during the work day.

Chicken Noodle Soup
Shrimp Avocado Medicine Soup

After I finished making my Shrimp Avocado Medicine Soup, I had some leftover frozen veggies and quinoa, so for the following week, I used the veggies and quinoa to make a stir fry that lasted me all week. Another nutritious, tasty and hearty meal.

Meal prepping! I make a big bowl and then divide it up for a week of meals.

Rice and veggies is always a go to for meals for lunches. I tried out a new recipe for Cilantro Lime Rice from Jessie James Decker’s cookbook, Just Feed Me. I added some broccoli and my divided it up for a week’s worth of lunches. Yum!

Flavorful and healthy!

Some weeks, I’ll change up my meals and buy a few snack packs that are easy to throw in my lunch. My snack packs include grab and go guacamole with some carrots or cracker and some cheese or grapes. It’s well balanced and is easy to eat on the road. 

A look at my meals for this past week.

In addition to my main meal, I’ll include a trail mix, some crackers, or a granola bar, sometimes even a cookie or two.

A look at my storage for snacks and my meals.

Sometimes, I have all my ducks in a row and I am killing it at meal prepping, other times, I’ll eat leftovers from the night before for lunch, but it’s all about balance and not wasting food. There’s nothing worse than throwing away good food that hasn’t been eaten. 

My storage bags I got for Christmas have come in handy!

If you are stuck in a rut when it comes to your meal prepping, I hope this post gives you some inspiration. 

What are some things you like to put in your lunch? Let me know in the comments below!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #19

Hi everyone! 

Happy Friday! I can’t believe we are ONE week away from Christmas. I’ve been trying to soak up as much Christmas cheer as I can. This past week has been filled with mailing gifts, Christmas dates and holiday movies and I’m loving every second of it.

Here’s a few favorite things of mine this past week as I link up with with Erika and Andrea for another edition of Friday Favorites:

Gift Exchanges: I am so proud of myself for scheduling gift exchanges with friends and family before the month got away from me. Between dinner and lunch dates, I was able to spend one on one time with my friends, exchange gifts and catch up in between holiday commitments and it did wonders. One of the many instances where planning ahead pays off big time.

A little bit of Christmas cheer!

Ice Skating: Ice skating has become a winter favorite for me and over the past few weeks, I’ve been able to go a handful of times and have been loving getting back on the ice. Last week, I went skating with my boyfriend and we had the rink to ourselves with Christmas music playing…yes, I felt like I was in a hallmark movie and LOVED it. I’m looking forward to hitting the rink several more times through the winter months.

Daisy Jones and the Six First Look: If you have been following along this year on my blog then you know I’m on a Taylor Jenkins Reid’s kick. The first photos for Daisy Jones and the Six just came out a few weeks back and I’m so excited for more teasers and photos. The mini series comes out on March 3 and that is one thing getting me through a long winter.

Harry and Meghan Docu-series Part Two: Last week, I talked about part one of Harry and Meghan’s documentary series on Netflix coming out and this week, it’s all about part two. In between all the Christmas movies, I’ve been watching this mini-series and I have really found it enlightening, interesting, and true love story. My favorite part was all the little stories and behind the scenes photos and videos. I’ve really enjoyed seeing a different side of Harry Meghan than what we have seen in the media. This docu-series has me even more excited to read Harry’s book next month.

Nancy Thayer Christmas books: As I continue with my Christmas books, I read two great ones from Nancy Thayer. A Nantucket Christmas and An Island Christmas. Both stories take place in Nantucket over Christmas time and have themes of family drama, cozy Christmas vibes and happy endings. I really appreciated the attention to detail about the island of Nantucket and I ahve to admit after reading both of these books, it makes me want to travel to the island and experience it for myself.

Some of my Christmas reads so far!

That’s just a taste of life over the past week. My world has been work, family time, seeing friends, and all the Christmas cheer and I couldn’t ask for anything more. I hope you have a magical weekend full of Christmas cheer!

Happy Friday!


Currently #35

Hello everyone! It’s the last day of November. I don’t know about you, but I’m already in the Christmas spirit. I’ve already started to decorate and I have my holiday bucket list ready to go, I’ll be sharing that next week.

I’ve really enjoyed November. It’s been a mix of a flurry of activities and slow days at home. With that being said, I’m looking forward to the next month of holiday fun! Let me give you a recap in this month’s currently. 

What I’ve Been Up To: The month started with lots of time outdoors, from walks, to collecting leaves and time indoors with lots of baking. I enjoyed baking brie, peanut butter cookies, banana bread and soup. I can’t wait to start baking Christmas cookies. The month ended with celebrating Thanksgiving and getting ready for Christmas.

Hello fall walks!
This month was filled with lots of baking.
Thanksgiving with my Family.

What I’m Wearing: Nothing too exciting on the clothing front, it’s been colder and we have seen snow, so I have been wearing more long sleeves and layers. I scored a great deal on some jeans at Old Navy. I have been hunting for a pair of straight jeans and found them at Old Navy. If you are looking for a variety of styles and cuts, consider looking at Old Navy.

Layers have been my go-to. Also a look at my new jeans from Old Navy.

What I’m Reading: I’ve been on a roll with good books. I’ve read some mysteries, some thrillers and a handful of love stories. Here are a few of my favorites.

The Last Mrs. Parrish– The Last Mrs. Parrish is a suspenseful book with a touch of mystery and intrigue. It follows the story of a young woman who wants to befriend a wealthy woman to get close to her husband. The first half of the book is told from one point of view until it switches to another character’s perspective, and you see the story through an entirely different lens. This book will make you angry at some of the characters, but you won’t want to put it down at the same time. 

The Younger Wife– The Younger Wife by Sally Hepworth follows the story of a heart surgeon who decides to remarry even though his wife is still alive and has dementia. His grown daughters aren’t on board at first, but come around to the idea, that is, until they uncover some secrets about their parents. From the father and mother, to the young bride to be, and the grown daughters, it turns out, everyone is keeping secrets. 

One True Loves– This is another Taylor Jenkins Reid book. It follows the story of a young woman who loves her husband when his flight goes missing, it takes her a while, but she moves on and meets someone else, she’s happy and engaged until her husband is found and returns home. It’s up to her to figure out who her one true love is. This story is about love, loss, growth and finding yourself. I breezed through this book in four days. In fact, I finished the last hundred pages in one sitting. A cute, love story with a twist.

My goal is to just read Christmas books for the next month, I’ll let you know how it goes.

What I’m Watching: I finished watching season 5 of the Crown and LOVED It. I already can’t wait for the final season, but I don’t want it to end. I also have been watching Gilmore Girls in my free time, but I know I’ll be watching lots of Christmas movies soon. 

What I’m Loving: I’ve been loving everything that gets me in the Christmas spirit. Stores are already decked out with holiday displays, Christmas music is playing, snow is falling, these are just a few things that have me excited for next month. 

Fresh snow doesn’t hurt either.
Getting into the holiday spirit.

What Inspires Me: I’ve really been enjoying the quiet time before the busy season. I’ve read a lot of good books, I’ve enjoyed time with friends and lots of cooking and baking.  Leaning into some of my hobbies has centered me when things get busy or hectic.

The beautiful sunset as I was running errands last week.
I’ve also been enjoying lots of baking…here’s some pre Pumpkin pie mixture.

What I Accomplished: Despite the cold weather, I still managed to get in some outdoors walks when I could. I know I will have to rely on my indoor activities like yoga or more time at the gym, since I won’t be able to get out as much in colder temperatures.

My sweet pup after a morning walk.

Goals from Last Month: I really enjoyed slowing down and celebrating Thanksgiving with my family and some traditions. I also made my list of who I need to buy for Christmas, which makes me feel ahead of the game.

Enjoying some snacks with family.

Goals for this Month: I can’t wait to enjoy all things holiday and Christmas. My brothers will be home from college and I can’t wait to spend some family time with everyone. I also want to get a lot of my buying done early, so I’m not rushing around at the end when Christmas is here.

Hello holiday cheer!

That’s a look into life recently.  A mixture of work, hobbies, family time, traditions, and holiday cheer! I can’t wait to see what December brings.