Fabulous living

Where I’m At…

Hi all!

Happy Wednesday!

It’s warm and sunny out, we are officially in the spring season! There’s a sense of hope every day as we get closer and closer to summer and brighter days ahead. 

One of my goals for 2021 was to have more balance in my life and even though it’s only March, I’m so proud for how far I have come this year.

Last year, between starting a new job (one that I love but that can be unpredictable) and the pandemic. I felt rundown by the end of the year and I was looking for new outlets for creativity and hobbies and I have found that these past few months.

I am so happy where I am in terms of my work life and personal life especially when it comes to hobbies and activities outside of work. 

I have added a few hobbies to the mix and it has made my life much more fulfilling. 

A fun and productive activity that I have gotten into is cooking! I love to bake and cook, but I don’t always have the opportunity to bake or cook. This year, one of my goals was to cook one new meal a week. It’s a way for me to practice my cooking skills and I get to see my hard work payoff with a meal. I love cooking for my family, it’s a small way for me to give back to my family as a thank you for all the things they do for me. I have made soups, and sandwiches, pastas, and many more different dishes. Not every dish is a winner but I love being able to try new things and learn as I go. Cooking has been a great creative outlet for me this year and I know the things I’m learning now will help me greatly down the line. 

My latest dish…spicy shrimp and pasta

One of my other goals was to be more consistent with friends. Thanks to my book club, I am talking to some of my best friends from high school every week over facetime since we all live in different places. We talk about the books we are reading, we talk about how our work is going and what’s new. It so fun to consistently talk and catch up. Also, this helps so much with my goal to read every day. Whether it’s a chapter of a book or 30 mins of reading, I am accomplishing my goal of reading every single day and I absolutely love it. There is nothing better than books and good friends. 

Book Club!

Speaking of friends, I have started to go on weekly coffee dates and walks with one of my childhood friends. Every week for about a month now, we have been getting coffee from local shops and then going for a walk or browsing little shops or stores. We haven’t seen each other consistently for 5 years! It’s been soooo fun to catch up consistently. 

These three outlets have brought me so much joy! From learning new cooking skills and saving them for future use, or reading a lot more and being able to share that love of reading with friends or just getting outside and supporting local places with childhood friends. It’s amazing how much these little or mundane things bring so much joy and purpose into my life!

What are some things you do or have done to make your life more fulfilling this past year?