Fabulous living

Looking Ahead to a New School Year

Looking Ahead to a New School Year

Ahhh! A new school year. There is something special about fresh supplies, new classes, a full schedule and lots of new material to cover. I have always enjoyed school. I love learning new things and being in a school environment. Also, with a new school year also comes fall!

I started classes last week and although the first week seemed to drag on and take forever, Iā€™m really looking forward to this semester. I am excited for the classes I am taking as well as the things I am learning. Of course, I would be lying if I wasnā€™t a bit nervous about the amount of work and papers that will need to get written in the next 15 weeks. I seriously get so overwhelmed putting everything on my calendar for the semester, but I always need to remind myself to take it day by day and who isnā€™t up for a challenge?

In honor of a new semester, here are some of my goals/plans/ hopes/dreams for this semester.

1)Ā Ā Ā Ā  Work Ahead

With a busy semester full of classes and working, it will be crucial for me to work ahead and get stuff done early so I donā€™t have it hanging over my head when I have other things to do and commitments. I will have my calendar and planner to keep me on top of everything.

2)Ā Ā Ā Ā  Be Intentional

This is something new I want to try. I am an organized person and I always try to be productive, but I want to be intentional with what I am doing. So, if I am working on a paper I want to focus just on that and not be distracted by other things I have to do. I want to spend my time well, so I can work hard and play hard, which leads me to my last goal.

3)Ā Ā Ā Ā  Have fun

Although, this will be a busy semester and I have a lot going on, I still want to make it a point to have fun and hang out with friends. I have a few friends studying abroad and graduating in December, so I want to make it a point to create memories with them before things change.

I am hoping I can accomplish these goals this semester. I always like setting goals at the start of a new year or semester and see how I do at the end.

What are your goals for this semester or school year?

Fabulous living

Internships Do’s and Don’ts

With June almost through, something most college studentā€™s like myself have on their minds are internships. Whether they are in the process of completing them in the summer months or applying for them for the fall, internships are something every college student must endure.

Internships are not all that bad, they give students great experience for a career they may be considering, provide networking opportunities for college students, and may even lead to a job one day.

Off to a new day at work.

This summer I am completing my second internship and I am loving it. I am getting a lot of experience and learning things every day about a profession I am seriously considering. Last summer, I also completed an internship where I learned a lot as well. For both internships, I received college credit and they were nonpaid. Most internships only accept college credit and are nonpaid. If you have the opportunity to get a paid internship thatā€™s an added bonus-and you should accept it. Each internship is different in their own way.

I have complied a list of doā€™s and donā€™ts when it has come to internships. If you have worked or are currently working at an internship, please leave in the comments below any things you may add.


-Show up on time (whether it is your first or last day be sure to arrive on time or a few minutes early to start the day. Ā Arriving early is always the start to a good impression)

-Dress Professional (When applying or interviewing for internships be sure to ask what the appropriate attire is so you can plan ahead. As well as being professional, make sure you are comfortable. As cute as heels are they are not good for being on your feet 8 hours a day-ballet flats all the way.)

-Ask questions and take notes (Donā€™t be afraid to speak up or ask questions, you wonā€™t learn things unless you ask. It can be intimidating the first few days and you will get a lot of information thrown at you, be sure to take notes and write everything down to make sure you keep everything in order.)


-Be on your phone (Besides it being unprofessional to be on your phone while working, it takes away from the experience of what you are learning. If you find yourself with free time, try asking if there is anything that needs done or if there is anywhere you can help out.)

-Overstep or overshare (Keep in mind wherever you intern that you are an INTERN, you are not the center of attention- you are there to learn, observe, and help out where needed. You are not there to run the company but rather see how the company is run.)

-Just sit there and wait to be told what to do (Take initiative and see what you can do to help to do your part. Be a leader and show you are a go-getter and want to work hard. This will stand out to employers.)


These are just a few things Iā€™ve learned by completing two internships as well as asking employers as well as other friends who have interned at a variety of businesses. If you have interned someplace or hire interns what advice would you give to rising interns, leave them in the comments below! Good Luck with your summer jobs and internships.

Fabulous living

Let’s Get Real: Homesickness

Hello All!

Todayā€™s post is going to be a bit more on the serious side. Besides, showing you the latest trends and how to organize areas in your home, I like to be real and honest about what life as a college students is truly like. So, we are getting real about homesickness. What a fun topic for a Tuesday. In all seriousness, letā€™s get real.

Before I started college, almost two years ago, I was worried about being homesick. Many family and friends had assured me I would be so busy I wouldnā€™t be able to get homesick, or it would go away after a month, someone had even told me that by Fall break I wouldnā€™t even want to come home because I would be loving school so much.

They were all wrong.

Yes, I was enjoying school, and I was making friends and I was most certainly busy, but that didnā€™t change the fact that I was homesick. There would be times when I was lonely, or I craved a homecooked meal or I wished I was back in my own room. But, I didnā€™t let that stop me from enjoying college life. Christmas rolled around, and I was told that I wouldnā€™t want to be home for a whole month and I would soon get bored and I would be thrilled when I could go back to school.

Nope, it was still hard going back.

Spring semester brought more hope and more experiences. But I still had my moments of weakness and some tears. Once May rolled around, I was so proud of myself for making it through a full year. I thought, if I could accomplish that I could do anything.

A few months later, Year Two rolled around. It brought new experiences, new friends, new challenges and new beginnings. I didnā€™t get homesick as much, mostly when I was getting dropped off from being back home from a break. I had gotten used to falling back into my routines at home, it was hard to get adjusted back at school. There were times when I was overwhelmed and stressed and wanted a break from school and just to be home, but I had to push through. Thatā€™s the thing about homesickness, you can take a bad situation and make it better.

How can you handle those moments of weakness and homesickness?

  • Have a good cry (yes, we all need a good cry to let ourselves go and feel all our emotions that we keep buried deep within.)
  • Take that time to be alone but not too long, make plans to go out with a friend to grab dinner or go to study.
  • Share how you are feeling. It may be uncomfortable, but who knows you may find someone who feels the same way and doesnā€™t know who to talk to about it. You can be there to help each other through it.

Homesickness is different for everyone, others donā€™t have it all, some only have it until their first fall break, but for few like myself, it never goes away. As I close on my second year of college, I still have my moments where I am homesick. I donā€™t let that dictate my life. I push through the pain, sometimes I cry, sometimes I watch my latest binge show, sometimes a phone call homes helps. But, I carry on, and I keep on living life. As i look back on the past two years, I don’t remember being homesick or sad but rather the joy, the laughter, and the memories that came with friends and family.

Whether you are a first-time college student leaving home for the first time or you are gearing up to start your first job in the new world, we all miss home, it just means you feel so much love from home that it’s hard to be without it.

Until next time,


Fabulous living

A Day in the Life (2/28/18)

Hello All!

I hope your Tuesday is off to a great start. I’m on Spring break this week, so I’m taking full advantage of resting, relaxing and being home.

Last semester I shared a look into my life as a college student, with a new semester and schedule, I’m sharing an updated look at a day in the life. Last Wednesday, I documented my day and here’s a sneak peak into a “typical day”

I start my day at 6:15, bright and early.
I head to the gym around 6:50. This was the sky as I walked to the gym. It’s always so quiet and peaceful in the early morning.
This is my playlist at the gym. This best of the 80’s playlist has been on repeat for early mornings at the gym. Thank you Amazon Music.
After I got back from the gym I ate some trail mix and milk for breakfast.
After I ate, I did some journaling and did a daily Lenten reflection. I always try to set aside some time every day for prayer and reflection.
I did some work and reviewing for a few midterms I had this week before class.
I am currently binge watching Parks and Rec in my free time,so While I was getting ready< i got a quick episode in.
Outfit for this Spring-ish weather.
Heading to class at 10:00, nothing but blue skies this last day of February.
My first class was Digital Media, a video production and editing class.
At 11:30, I headed to Music Appreciation, where I had a midterm.
I grabbed a quick lunch with my friend Shay, and I forgot to snap a picture. After lunch, I headed back to my dorm to get some work done before my afternoon classes.
Taking notes and working ahead for a few classes in between classes.
I headed to Advertising Strategies at 3:00 for class, we worked on updating resumes in class.
After class ended at 4:15, I headed to the library to get some reading and notes done before dinner.
Dinner with my bestie, Shay! It was mac and cheese night which is a favorite. Fun Fact: we saw each other in the gym at 7 am, in class, at lunch, and dinner. This is why she is my unofficial roommate.
After dinner, It was homework time. Editing papers, reading, and preparing for class tomorrow.
After showering and getting ready for tomorrow. I chose to unwind by watching Seal Team at the end of the day.
Heading to bed, or so I thought…turns out 30 minutes later, the fire alarm went off since someone burnt something. After spending 30 minutes outside it was time to head back in and back to bed. So much for a typical day!

And there you have it, that’s a day in the life. No day is ever normal as you can tell by the things that can thrown at me throughout the day. I hope you enjoyed a peak into the day in the life of a college student. See you on Thursday!

Fabulous living

10 Fun Facts about ME!

Welcome! Welcome!

For those who have followed my blogs for months or whether this is your first time stopping by, Iā€™m going to share some fun facts about myself.

– I am sophomore in college. I am majoring in Communication with a minor in Creative Writing. I plan to graduate in 3 and a half years


-Following graduation my ā€œdream jobā€ is to work in broadcast journalism. Iā€™ve grown up watching the news from local, to national, and entertainment. I hope to follow in the footsteps of some of my favorite journalists.

Fun friday night working on a project for one of my favorite classes. Could this be the start of a career?

-I am a morning person. I like to get up early and I feel most productive in the early hours. On the other hand, I get very tired by night so Iā€™m not a party animal. This is one of the harder aspects of my job since I work late hours.

6:15 the alarm goes off and it’s time to start the day. Rise and shine

-I am fortunate to live in a place where I get to experience all four seasons. Spring is my favorite season, I love the smell of grass, fresh cut flowers, and it doesnā€™t hurt that my birthday is in Spring either.

One of my favorite pastimes is watching the sunset

-I love to read. As a young girl I was always happiest with a book. As I have grown older, I love to read autobiographies and memoirs. Some of my favorite books Iā€™ve read are: Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes, Going off Script by Giuliana Rancic, and Sisters First by Jenna Bush Hager and Barbara Pierce Bush. As an avid book lover, I prefer the hard or soft cover rather than reading them online.

-I love movies. Romantic comedies are my favorite genre. I always love a good ending but some of my favorite ends are the ones that are most unexpected.

-Besides watching movies, I am also a lover of tv. Iā€™m a die hard TGIT fan-thank you Shonda Rhimes, This is Us has been my latest obsession, and SEAL TEAM is my freshmen favorite series

Thursdays 8:00-11:00 (ABC)
Tuesdays at 9:00 (NBC)
Wednesdays at 9:00 (CBS)

-One of my favorite things to do when Iā€™m home is to shop, whether am looking for something in particular or Iā€™m just window shopping. I love to shop. You can most likely catch me at Marshalls, Home Goods or Francescaā€™s.

-I am an avid dog lover. I have three dogs at home and I am constantly counting down when I can see them when Iā€™m at school. My youngest dog, who I still think of as a puppy is one of my greatest joys.

My two older dogs. They are brother and sister
I still picture him as a 6 pound pup but he has certainly grown

-Lastly, I couldnā€™t go through this crazy experience we call life, if it wasnā€™t for the support of my family. My family and I are very close, we share lots of laughs, and smiles whenever we are together. They truly are my biggest supporters.


And thatā€™s a wrap! 10 (fun) facts about myself. I hope you learned something new about me or it was a bit of a refresher for you. Whatā€™s one fun fact about yourself? Let me know in the comments below!