I hope you all had a restful holiday! On Tuesday, I will be sharing my New Year’s Resolutions, but for today, I have a fresh new look for the new year. Today’s look it’s all about turning a simple black dress into a full outfit.
A perfect winter outfit
I got this simple black dress from Old Navy. It is a great dress that can be dressed up for Church, or a formal dinner as well as dressed down in a jean jacket and boots. I wore this ensemble to Church over the weekend. I decided to dress up this simple dress with black tights and shoe boots. I love the wedge/heel that these shoes offer.
A warm scarf and cute purse for the winter months
I didn’t want my whole outfit to be dark, so I brought in some pops of color. I got this scarf this past Christmas. I love the dark colors of brown, deep red, navy, and black. These are perfect winter colors to compliment the black dress. This scarf would also very nice to pair with a pair of jeans or a simple t-shirt or even with a more casual look of leggings and an oversized sweater.
Up close of the accessories
I also couldn’t help but not share this new purse I got for Christmas. I love anything monogrammed and this is the perfect size to hold your cellphone when you don’t want to carry a big purse. I got this small purse from Marley Lilly.
Perfect place to hold your purse
That’s a look into my closet for the new year. I have a lot of fun outfits planned for you these next few weeks. Stay tuned. See you on Tuesday for my New Year’s Resolutions!
How has your week been? Full? Stressful? Busy? Same here. I can’t wait to share this outfit for today. This outfit is perfect for traveling to see loved ones. Not only is it comfortable but it is also fashionable. Let’s start breaking down this outfit.
Casual and comfortable
I love this shirt. I got it from Marley Lilly last year. I love the tunic feel and the fabric is so comfortable. Plus, I love anything monogrammed so my initials in the corner is the perfect addition. Another great thing about this top is that its big enough that it covers your booty if you are wearing leggings like I am wearing in this picture.
Since I wore such a dark top, I wanted to break up the bottoms. I decided to wear these leopard print leggings with this top. I got these leggings from Old Navy, I had had them for a few years and they are still in great shape. The dark colors complement each other but it is not super overwhelming.
I wore a gray pair of boot socks to bring out the gray in the leggings. I also got these boot socks from Old Navy as well. You can wear these boot socks with leggings, a dress, or skirt.
My favorite fall boots
My boots are my favorite part of my ensemble. I got these boots last year at the end of the season on sale at DSW. I always try to get new things at the end of season sales. I had the same boots for about four years, so I knew it was time for an upgrade. I love the heel on these boots, you can really dress up an outfit with these boots. I have worn them with leggings, dresses, and jeans. Besides, how good they look, they are also super comfortable. I was on my feet for 10 hours in these boots and my feet were fine by the end of the day. That’s a major win for my book.
That’s a peak into my closet this week. I have a fun weekend planned ahead that I can’t wait to share with you all next week. I hope you all have a relaxing weekend.
How has your December been? Mine is finally slowing down more now that finals are over, now it’s just prepping for Christmas. I’m getting in as much Christmas movies, baking, and holiday activities in before Christmas.
The outfit I have for you all today, has been a favorite of mine these past few weeks. I wore it for Thanksgiving, but I have also enjoyed wearing this out to meetings, classes, and out to dinner.
A perfect outfit for the start of winter
My fuschia turtleneck is a huge statement piece for me. I love the bold color that contrasts with the dark skirt, tights, and boots. I got this top from GAP, a few years back. GAP’s clothes always stay in good condition for the past few years. I have worn this top with jeans, black leggings and skirts. It is a very versatile top.
A black skirt is a must for you closet. You can dress it up or down. You can wear it to work, out to dinner or even Church. I got mine from Marshall’s. I love how it is cotton, so it can be easily washed, packed, and worn.
The black tights are fleece lined, they are perfect for chilly days when you want to look professional. I got my pair from T.J. Maxx. These are a must for me especially when it comes to dressing nice for work or professional events.
These are my new favorite high black boots. I love the heel and the style. I got mine from DSW. They are comfortable but also versatile, I have worn them with jeans, leggings, skirts, and dresses. A high boot is a must for my wardrobe collection.
That’s a look into my closet. Enjoy the next few weeks of December and good luck with getting all your Christmas shopping in. I will be off on Tuesday for Christmas but will be back for another look of the day next Thursday. Have a Merry Christmas, enjoy the day with your families and loved ones.
What a semester it has been. That has been my catch phrase these past few months. Finals are over, I am home for a well-deserved break and I’m taking the time to reflect on this past semester. I was excited for the new semester to start back in August, I had interesting classes lined up to take, I was looking forward to spending time with friends and last year, I really felt that I had found my place and I was looking forward to growing more. For the most part, all those things came through. I certainly grew more this semester. This semester definitely tested me, I took on a heavier course load (18 credits) , took on a few more leadership roles (with clubs and Honor Societies and leading meetings) , got more involved with my school, and started a new job (I both work study for a professor and tutor). However, I quickly learned a new balance with all the new stuff going on and I really managed to get into a good routine that worked for me, I also made sure to take care of myself too. I managed to get all my classes done, work in, and still managed to have a social life.
This was my reaction when I realized how much I took on…yep, I may have taken on too much.
A few highlights of this semester include lots of fun memories, from inside jokes with classmates in classes, late nights at work, dinners out with friends, early mornings at the gym followed by breakfast, movie nights, staff bonding events, nights out in the city, and so many more.
Staff photos with Sharon to kick off the semester
Early morning trips to the gym
An Ed Sheeran concert in the middle of the semester was much needed
This is how I spent most of this semester, work, work, work
Early morning walks to class
Trips to fall fests
Halloween Dances
More Halloween festivities
I seriously don’t know where I would be without this girl. We may have met through work but she has become one of my closest friends, and yes, I have no idea what I’m going to do once she graduates.
Another one of the many things I did this semester was help work on our news program at school
One of us was working and the other one was supposed to be doing homework…yet we still managed to hang out on a Friday night
Light Up Night in downtown with the best
I think this describes our friendship and semester in a nutshell
Well that wraps up my semester. I learned a lot, made so many memories, grew more confident as a person and with my decisions and really did my best to be social and step out of my comfort zone. Through my time in college, I have learned that it’s most important to take advantage of every opportunity, make memories, and step outside of your comfort zone. Next semester will be different as many of my friends will be graduating, studying abroad, or student teaching. It will be different but I am up for the challenge. I’ll have another look for you on Thursday, then I will be taking next Tuesday off for Christmas. Have a great weekend.
Depending on when you read this I am either in the middle of taking my last final or have already finished it. Yay!! I have to stay for work until tomorrow and then it is home for Christmas break, I can hardly wait.
A little background about today’s look of the day. I wasn’t planning on sharing this outfit, but when I put it on I couldn’t resist sharing it. I apologize for the mirror selfie but this outfit screamed Christmas and with the holiday quickly approaching I think this would be the perfect opportunity to share this look.
Festive for the Holidays
This outfit is fairly simple. I am wearing my suede wedges from Shoe Carnival for this look.
These are my favorite dark wash, boot cut jeans from Old Navy. The boot cut looks works great with a low wedge.
This is my favorite long sleeve white t-shirt from Old Navy, I like how it is a simple V-neck so you can mix and match it with outfits. This may seem like a simple outfit of blue jeans and a white t-shirt but this scarf completely changes the outfit.
This is a blanket scarf but I tied it up so it can be worn over my top. The plaid is perfect for the holidays, and I always love a good monogram especially when its right out front. I topped off my outfit with a bright lip. I got this scarf as a gift a few years back and I always love to bring it out during the holidays.
I hope this look gets you into the Christmas spirit, we are getting closer and closer to the holidays. Good luck with all your last minute preparations for Christmas.
Hello All! Happy Tuesday. I hope your week has been going well. I am in the middle of finals week. I’m looking forward to finishing up these next few days and then enjoying some much deserved time off.
Today’s post is all about my review of 2018, now, you may think it’s a little early for this, but next week I have my semester recap, since I still have some things planned before I head out for the semester, then the next Tuesday is Christmas and the following Tuesday is New Years. I’ll be taking both of those days off to spend with family. Therefore, today will be a recap of 2018 and next Tuesday will be my semester recap. Makes sense? Let’s get to it!
2018, was such a good year for me. It included, job shadowing, an incredible internship, lots of new classes and hours of school work, taking on new roles and jobs, making new friends, saying goodbye to close friends, lots of family time, traveling, and countless memories
January started out with me job shadowing at a local news station where I had the best day, it led me to an incredible internship in the summer. My spring semester was filled with lots of learning, challenging classes, a new job, and many memories with friends, from dinners out, girls days, and late night adventures.
One of the late night adventures from last year, heading to the S.P., a hidden gem one of my friends found, it’s become an inside joke and loved place by our group of friends.
My two close friends Olivia and Bailey, we have had so many good times through this year.
From fall fests…
To light up night
and even walking to class, I wouldn’t be able to make it through college without them
My summer was filled with my summer internship, working at my part time job, spending time with family, seeing friends from high school, going to concerts, and accomplishing my to do list, which included some relaxing too. You can see my summer recap here.
Lots of family time. Family over Everything
Fourth of July spent with my favorites
…Are you Ready for It?. Taylor Swift was a hit this summer
The Piano Guys
Getting in front of the camera too
This fall semester was filled with A LOT of work, starting another new job, maintaining my old job, movie nights, building friendships, dinners out with friends, late night adventures, and not enough sleep. Haha! It was a very busy but successful semester. I’m excited to see what next semester has in store.
This is how I spent most of this semester, work, work, work
Tv Show- This new ABC show, A Million Little Things tells the story of a group of friends moving on when one of their friends commits suicide. It kind of has the same feel of This is Us. To see all the other shows I watch you can see that post here.
Album- Okay, I’m a little bias but these soundtracks were on repeat for weeks after I saw the movies. Now that Christmas is around the corner, I have a Christmas playlist on repeat.
Such a good soundtrack
such a good soundtrack
I also did a lot of reading this summer, I’m looking forward to reading a lot more over Christmas, if you have any suggestions, please feel free to let me know! My book reviews from this summer can be found here.
I loved reading this summer and I can’t wait to do more soon
Whew, I accomplished so much in 2018, it truly was an incredible year for me, 2019 will be an exciting year, I’ll be turning 21 and graduating college. I can’t believe how fast time is going. See you next week for my Fall semester recap. To any college kids out there, good luck with finals, we are almost there!
I can’t believe we are already in December!!! This year and semester has flown by. I honestly feel the older I get, the faster life goes by. Anyone else feel that?
The holiday season is in full swing which also means final season is right around the corner. I will be happy once finals are over so I can really enjoy the holiday season.
Today’s outfit is more for the professional. I wore it a few weeks ago, I had classes, a few meetings, and I needed something that was professional but also functional.
Looking professional on the go
I got this blue top from Francesca’s Boutique over the summer but it still works great in the fall and early winter. I love the dark navy color and it goes great with my dark jeans.
Speaking of my jeans, these are my favorite boot cut jeans from Old Navy, the jeans I had worn for years, recently had to go, but I was able to pick up a new pair from Old Navy on sale. They fit just like the first pair, that’s something I love about Old Navy, they are always consistent with their fit and style.
I am wearing my suede shoe boots. I got these a few years ago from Shoe Carnival. The low wedge is practical for a busy day but it is also cute to top off an outfit.
Lastly, although it is hard to see in the picture, I decided to wear a long gold necklace to tie the whole outfit together.
I decided to pull my hair up in a high bun, I keep my hair down 90% of the time, but sometimes I like to change it up and pull it up with a high bun.
I hope this gives you some suggestions of an outfit to wear when you have a packed full day.
Have a great weekend and do something fun especially with the holiday season just beginning!
Happy Tuesday! It is finally December, bring on the shopping, gift giving, cookie baking, and decorations. I am so ready for Christmas but first I have to make it through finals. The next few weeks will be busy with classes, papers, meetings, and wrapping up the semester. Stay tuned for my semester recap and best of 2018 in the next coming weeks.
For today I’m sharing my tips for when it comes to buying gifts, staying organized and being on budget. Here are my three tips for making it through the holiday season as stress free as can be.
Make a list (and check it twice 😉 )
Whenever I start my holiday shopping I always make a list of who I need to buy for, whether it is family, friends, gift exchanges etc. if I don’t write it don’t I wont remember it. I always keep a running list in the notes section of my phone so I always have it with me. I write down who I need to buy for and what I am buying/bought, the status of it and where I bought it, I do this to keep track of everything. Since I am still in school for most of December this helps me keep track of everything no matter where I am at. With that being said, I always set a budget for myself and try as hard as I can to stay on budget.
Just to preface, this is a FAKE Christmas gift list. None of these gifts are real, I just made this up to show you how I set up my gift list-who to by for, what I am buying, where it’s from, and the status of it.
Shop when it works best for you
I always love going in the stores to browse and get all my gifts but with school being super busy I have done a majority of my shopping online. Amazon has been my best friend this Christmas season. I have really utilized the Shopping list in Amazon. I have been able to put things that I like or am interested in in my list throughout the whole year and have it in one spot. For example, I was on Amazon in October and saw something that was a perfect gift for someone, I put it in my shopping list and ended up buying it a few weeks ago. The shopping list is private so only you can see it and no one else can see what you are buying. Since I have done so much online shopping something else that has helped me is sending gifts that I am buying to school or home. For gifts that I am buying for my friends I send it to school. For gifts for family, I ship them to my home. This way I’m not bringing things back and forth and all the gifts are in the right place.
Once again, another fake look at my shopping list, this is actually my list of things I want. Haha. But it shows the things you can add and when you added them. Super helpful!
Take Advantage of Sales
I am a sale lover and I have utilized sales so much this year. I did a lot of my buying depending on what sales were going on. I always try to keep my eyes open for discount codes, flash sales, and cyber Monday sales in order to stay on budget and keep my costs low.
I did a lot of shopping with sales from Cyber Monday. I always love a good sale
Whew, that was a lot. Overall, my tips are: Make a list, set a budget, take advantage of sales, and stay organized. What are your favorite tips or tricks to staying organized for shopping for the holidays? I would love any insight you have! Have a great week and wish me luck on a last week of classes before finals!
I am really excited to share this outfit with you today. I pulled this look together with different things in my closet. I love pulling outfits together and mixing pieces together. I wore this outfit when I was recently home. I was out running errands and I wanted something that was that both cute but also comfortable since I knew I was going to be busy.
Transitioning from fall to winter.
Due to my lighter hair (especially in the summer) emerald green is a color that I love to wear, it compliments my light hair and skin tone. I got this sweater for Christmas a few years ago. It’s from Polo Ralph Lauren. This sweater is so warm and thick. I also love the collar, it’s so unique and really adds to the outfit.Normally, I wear it with jeans, or a skirt, but today since I knew I was going to be out and about, I opted for leggings.
Speaking of leggings, these are my favorite black leggings from GAP. I love GAP’s leggings. They are thick, so they keep my warm and are also long lasting. The green and the black compliment each other well.
Lastly, with cold weather quickly approaching winter boots are a must. I got these Sperry boots from DSW a few years back. They were the best decision. I wear them in transition between the fall and winter and I always wear them in the winter. They are warm and durable. I like the shorter boot since I can wear them with jeans or leggings.
Overall, this outfit was put together with all things found in my closet. I love when I can wear a new outfit and not have to spend a penny on it. Sometimes, it just takes some creativity to put together a new outfit.
What fashion trend are you most looking forward to with winter approaching?
Today, I’m sharing about my trip to Pittsburgh Light Up Night last weekend. I went with my good friends Bailey and Olivia and a few other friends from school. Bailey and I met last year through mutual friends and work and the first time we hung out was at Light Up Night. Last semester we spent a lot of time together through work and this semester we practically spend every Tuesdays and Thursdays together since we have a lot of the same classes and schedules. I’m so glad we have gotten so close the past year. She has been the absolute best person to have in my life this past year.
We decided to get into the holiday spirit by going to Light Up Night together to not only celebrate Christmas but also out friend-aversy.
Here’s a look into our fun night together in Pittsburgh!
We started our night with burgers and shakes at Burgatory on the North Shore It was so good, Friday was definitely our cheat day and we took full advantage of it.
I got the Cookie Monster shake. So delicious
This burger was heavenly
After we ate we took the T (Pittsburgh’s subway system over to Market Square, we looked at all the little shops and stopped to see all the decorations.
So many Christmas decorations all over the city
Once we finished in Market Square we headed over to the PPG skating rink where the tree was and we stopped to get some pictures.
The tree all lit up around the skating rink
Our whole group
This was Bailey, Olivia and I last year
And this is us a year later…Love these ladies
Liv and I
Happy Friendaversay Bailey!!
There were concerts going on all around the city so we stopped to listen to some live music and got some drinks to keep us warm. We made our way back to the North Shore via the T and we watched the fireworks.
Beautiful fireworks
It was a 15 minute show and the fireworks were gorgeous over the water with the city in the background. That concluded our night in the city, we headed back to school with Christmas joy filled in our hearts.
I love the city at night
I love going to Light Up Night, I’ve gone for the past three years and it is my favorite way to kick off the holiday season. The city is gorgeous with all the decorations. I can’t wait to start decorating for Christmas after Thanksgiving.
If this doesn’t get you into the mood for Christmas then I don’t know what does
Speaking of Thanksgiving, I’m going to be taking Thursday off to spend some time with family and enjoy the holidays. I’ll be back here next Tuesday! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.