Fashion Fun Ways to Organize

Outfit Planning

Hi guys!

Happy Tuesday.!!!

Boy, September is flying by. It started out super slow but now as I am making my way through the semester, time is going so fast. This semester has been the busiest by far for me. Between working a few jobs, classes, being involved, and hanging out with friends, I am always looking for ways to be more organized and save time to be more efficient. One thing that I have started to do this year is outfit prep. Fashion lovers out there will lover the double fashion post this week.

Laying out my clothes for the gym and for a new day the night before saves time and stress

From grades K-12, I always wore a uniform to school, so I never had to worry about what I was going to wear every day until I came to college. My first two years of college, I would just choose an outfit each morning but I often be rushed with figuring out an outfit with accessories.

A real peak into my closet at school. It’s much more organized than my closet at home, probably because I only have a quarter of the clothes I own here. Hahaha

This year, I decided to not only lay out my clothes the night before (like I did for many years in the past) but also plan out what I am going to wear for the full week. On Sunday’s I look at the weather for the week and choose outfits for the whole week along with shoes, accessories, and jackets. I had plenty of time on Sunday to plan my outfits  and then hang them all up. The night before I just grab the outfit and lay it out for the next morning. I am not as rushed in the mornings getting ready now that I have this system in place. It is not only a time saver but it allows me to really think about what I want to wear each day.

One of my outfits I chose for wearing this week

Now, whether you have this time or not, even just by laying out your outfit the night before saves time in the morning. On Sunday it takes less than a half hour to plan all my outfits for the week.

Another outfit I chose for this week…you may see it coming soon

What time saving tactics do you include in your week?


Look of the Day #69


Happy Thursday friends!

Thursdays are my favorite day of the week…want to know why? Because the week is almost over and there is only one more day till the weekend. Speaking of the weekend, I am getting excited for the weekend with the help of this cute outfit. By this point, you all know how I love to mix and match outfits. I love to mix and match more than I like buying new stuff…almost. I love coming up with different looks and create new outfits with things I already have in my closet. Who doesn’t like to show off a new outfit without spending a penny?

Let’s get to the details.

All smiles for the weekend

Last week, I talked about transiting my wardrobe from summer to fall, although it is still very warm outside, I am starting to wear darker colors to start getting in the fall mood. The colors I chose for my outfit are burgundy and black, even though I am in shorts and a short sleeve shirt, it still felt like a good mix of fall and summer.

I got this Fri-Yay shirt from Francesca’s Boutique. It is such a staple in my closet especially on Fridays when I have plans for the weekend. This black top can go with any outfit whether it is jeans, shorts, or leggings. I’m obsessed.

These scalloped shorts are also from Francesca’s Boutique, I have worn them a lot of this summer and last summer and I loved how well they worked with this top. The colors blended so well.

There was a bit of a chill in the air so I wore this long black sweater to keep warm, and I love the fall(ish) look it added to my outfit. I got this sweater from Tilly’s. 

For shoes, I put on my favorite black sneakers. I got mine from Target and wore them a lot this summer but I’m looking forward to wearing them in the fall even more. Not only are they comfortable but also stylish.

I don’t often post selfies, but I wanted to show off my burgundy choker and how it complements my shorts.

That’s the latest out I am wearing. I know it may seem crazy but I’m really looking forward to some cooler weather so I can really get into the fall mood.

Happy fri-yay

Have a fantastic weekend!


Look of the Day #68


It’s September!!

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE summer but once September hits, I can’t wait for fall. The only problem with that is even though it’s September, it’s still super warm where I live. Although, I want to break out all the flannels, jeans, and boots, its still 80 degrees outside. Haha! Therefore, I am still wearing shorts, t-shirts and summer styles of clothing for the next few weeks but don’t worry-my white is put away until next year. Haha!

With that being said, here is what I am wearing today.

Getting in all the summer outfits

I got this fun silk-like blouse from Old Navy a few years ago and I love to wear it with shorts (black or white), capris, or even a pair of jeans in cooler weather.

Since it reached mid-80’s today, I decided to wear a pair of black shorts from Old Navy with it. I chose black to darken the outfit a bit since we are getting closer to fall weather and moving away from summer weather.

There was a bit of a chill this morning, so I wore this fuchsia sweater over this spaghetti strap top. The pink sweater also brought out the pink accents in my top. Don’t be surprised but I also got this sweater from Old Navy...shocker right?! Haha!

To continue to transition this outfit to fall, I decided to wear these fun dressy sneakers with my outfit rather than a pair of sandals. I got mine for sale at Target.

Although the weather is still so nice, and I am trying to enjoy it as much as I can, I still try to try to transition my wardrobe. I transition in simple ways like by wearing darker colors, closed toe shoes, or adding sweaters or long sleeves or pants to my wardrobe.

I can’t wait for fall to be in full swing.

When do you start to transition your wardrobe from season to season?

Fabulous living

Looking Ahead to a New School Year

Looking Ahead to a New School Year

Ahhh! A new school year. There is something special about fresh supplies, new classes, a full schedule and lots of new material to cover. I have always enjoyed school. I love learning new things and being in a school environment. Also, with a new school year also comes fall!

I started classes last week and although the first week seemed to drag on and take forever, I’m really looking forward to this semester. I am excited for the classes I am taking as well as the things I am learning. Of course, I would be lying if I wasn’t a bit nervous about the amount of work and papers that will need to get written in the next 15 weeks. I seriously get so overwhelmed putting everything on my calendar for the semester, but I always need to remind myself to take it day by day and who isn’t up for a challenge?

In honor of a new semester, here are some of my goals/plans/ hopes/dreams for this semester.

1)     Work Ahead

With a busy semester full of classes and working, it will be crucial for me to work ahead and get stuff done early so I don’t have it hanging over my head when I have other things to do and commitments. I will have my calendar and planner to keep me on top of everything.

2)     Be Intentional

This is something new I want to try. I am an organized person and I always try to be productive, but I want to be intentional with what I am doing. So, if I am working on a paper I want to focus just on that and not be distracted by other things I have to do. I want to spend my time well, so I can work hard and play hard, which leads me to my last goal.

3)     Have fun

Although, this will be a busy semester and I have a lot going on, I still want to make it a point to have fun and hang out with friends. I have a few friends studying abroad and graduating in December, so I want to make it a point to create memories with them before things change.

I am hoping I can accomplish these goals this semester. I always like setting goals at the start of a new year or semester and see how I do at the end.

What are your goals for this semester or school year?


Look of the Day #67


Hi All!

It’s officially back to school season as well as the last week of August. Boy, did the summer months fly by! I have to admit, with classes back in session, I am looking forward to fall. From the fall outfits, festivities, and warm treats I am ready to start transitioning to the fall season. I love all the seasons but the transition from one season to the next is my favorite.

Since there is only one more week left in August before Labor Day, I’m trying to wear white as much as I can. This outfit is perfect for one last summer event or heading to class if you are back to classes like me.

Wearing all the white I can before Labor Day

You may recognize this top and that’s because I have worn it before with this outfit. I love to try and find clothing that can be reborn in any season and this top is the perfect example of something that can be worn all year round. I love the material as well as the small striped pattern.

The top is dark so I decided to balance it out with these white shorts-one last hurrah before Labor Day-yes, I am a firm believer of not wearing white after Labor Day. I love how the two materials and colors balance each other out.The top is from Francesca’s and the bottoms are from Marshall’s, both from a few years back but still in great condition.

Lastly, to top of this fun outfit, I decided to wear my slip on fashionable sneakers. I got mine from Target for a great price. I love how I can wear them transitioning from summer to fall. I  wanted to change it up to accommodate the warm weather instead of wearing sneakers or converse. These shoes are more dresses and not as casual. They are also supportive for walking around campus all day.

That’s a peak into what I am wearing this last week of August. With Labor Day coming up, what are your plans for the weekend? I’ll be at school relaxing and catching up on homework. Have a great weekend!



Look of the Day #58


Hello Friends! It’s Thursday, only one more day till the weekend! Woo Hoo!

Earlier in the summer, I mentioned how I would be sharing more professional and business casual outfits for the intern, college student, or new employee. Today, I have a new outfit that is cute, colorful, professional, and affordable. What more could you ask for?!

Ready for a new day at work

Let’s break down this outfit. I got these cute pants from GAP. This year I have really been struggling to find dress pants, so many pants on the market today are skinny, tight and almost look like leggings-not what I am looking for in a dress pant. I found these at GAP and not only did I love the cut, form but the color is too cute to pass up. The rose-colored pink breaks up the neutral colors that I wear to work daily. I have a few other print and neutral tops for work that I often wear with white or blue pants, so these pink pants will break up the colors. I’m positive you will be seeing these pants more this summer.

I got my blouse from Francesca’s Boutique. I love the sleeves. The blue and pink go so well together. I like how you can wear this top with a blazer or sweater or by itself. Because it is a solid top, I knew I had to dress it up with some jewelry.

I like the simplicity of this necklace but at the same time it adds dimension and character to this outfit. Silver is also a great color that can tie outfits together. Another reason why I chose to add it to my outfit.  I decided to wear a simple pair of blue drop earrings to finish off my jewelry.

As much as I love heels, it’s not always smart to wear them at the workplace where you could be running errands and on your feet all day. These simple, black, pointed toe ballet flats from GAP are perfect for the office setting. They are professional but also comfortable.

No matter where you work, you can always spruce up your wardrobe while not breaking the bank. Just remember not to go overboard as you are still in the workplace and are representing the place you work.

Have a great weekend!

Fabulous living

20 Things I’ve Learned in My 20 Years of Living

New day, new year, new beginnings. Today, a new decade begins for me. Yes, I am turning 20! I’m really excited for not only this new year but also this new decade. A whole lot can happen from 20 to 30.

I’m also excited for new adventures and beginnings with this new year ahead. Besides looking forward to this new chapter, I am reflecting a lot on these past 20 years.

After careful consideration, I have complied a list of twenty things I have learned in my twenty years of living. Some big things, others not so big and in no particular order. But, all these things have shaped me into the person I am today. Here we go!!


Always share. Whether, it’s your toys, talents, or thoughts. Share with others.

Always Smile. A smile can go a long way and even change someone’s day or life.

It can be easy to get caught up with routines and schedules in life. But don’t forget to be spontaneous and go on adventures.

You can learn something new every day. Learn about the world around you.

It doesn’t hurt to ask questions. Always ask whether you are sure or unsure.

Yes, eating healthy and working out are important but get the dessert, I promise it will be worth it.

Work smarter, not harder.

Don’t be afraid to jump into the unknown. Always be open to trying new things.

A favorite movie or good book is always the answer to having a rough day.

It’s okay to say No in life, sometimes it may even be for the better.

Doing small things in life, like doing your nails, or changing your hair or spending more time on your makeup, can make you feel like a different

When in doubt, take a long drive and put the music on high to clear your mind.

The hard work you put in now will benefit you in the future.

The tough times in life will make you a stronger person.

Self-care is so important, you can’t take care of others if you don’t take care of yourself.

Tell the people in your life that you love them.

Be sure to check in and make time with your friends. Tell them how much they mean to you.

Family is the most important thing in life. Don’t take them for granted.

Live life to the fullest and make a difference along the way.

Live, Love, Laugh, Dance.

Well, I’m off to celebrate with some friends and family for my birthday. See you all on Thursday!!



Look of the Day #51


Hi All!

I’m super excited for today’s post….wanna guess why?! First, I’m hours away from being done with my sophomore year of college. Only one final today and although, I am working till Saturday it will good just to hang out with friends for a few days before summer starts. Second, it FINALLY feels like Spring. Yes, this whole week has been in the 70’s and 80’s. I am so happy, to be finally wearing shorts and short sleeve shirts. This winter has been too long! Spring is here and have never been happier!

Springing into Spring

Now, onto this springy outfit. I wanted to wear an outfit that could work both in the chilly morning but warm afternoon. I got these shorts from Old Navy. I love Old Navy’s shorts. There are not only comfortable, but they are a good length. Not too long and not too short. I got these pair in black and tan, so I can wear them with a variety of tops. I got my black and white ¾ length shirt from Old Navy as well. I have worn it with jeans or leggings in the past, but I love wearing it with a pair of shorts. I am always cold and try to wear a sweater with most outfits, this long sleeve shirt does the trick for solving that issue.

Lastly, my shoes are my go-to converse for spring. They are not only cute but also comfortable. And matched my outfit great for my black and white combo.

I am so happy spring finally sprung, its time for good vibes only once I am done with this last final. I cant wait to start dressing more springy now that it is finally acting like spring. To all the moms out there have a wonderful and hopefully relaxing day with your kiddos!

See you next week for a VERY special post.


Look of the Day #50


Happy Thursday or as I like to call it…Friday EVE!

I’m super excited about sharing this outfit with you today mostly because it’s a perfect weekend outfit.  This is my last official weekend on campus before the end of the semester. How I will be spending it??? Preparing for finals and hanging out with friends!

It’s friday eve!!

This outfit is perfect for some fun weekend vibes. First, I love this shirt. It most definitely screams weekend!! I got it from Francesca’s a few years ago so they may not sell it but I love how simple it is and you can’t beat the cute FRI-YAY!

I have worn this shirt previously with shorts in the summer or jeans in the fall. I can’t wait to wear it more in the summer. Although, it is May, it has been still pretty chilly out…c’mon! I am beyond ready for spring!! I wore these fun Aztec print pants from Francesca’s as well. Rather than wearing jeans or leggings I wanted to bring in a new pattern to my outfit.

Of course, no outfit of mine would be complete without a sweater…yes even in May I am always cold especially in air conditioned buildings. I got mine from Tilly’s and I love the big sweater feel it gives but I am on the hunt for some cute cardigans for summer. I also wore my converse to top the outfit off.

Although, I love my whole outfit put together, the shirt is my favorite. What is your weekend necessity? Here’s to hoping the weather gets warm and stays warm!!!

Have a beautiful weekend!!




Look of the Day #49


Happy Thursday! It’s crazy to think we are in the last week of April. Like every Thursday, I am sharing what’s in my closet and what I’m wearing. The weather is slowing warming up, but I am more than ready for Spring and Summer. Right now, the weather by me is in the 50’s so it’s still a bit brisk. With weather like this, I like to still dress in lighter layers in case it gets warmer or cooler.

Happy Spring (is it safe to say that?!)

My favorite part of my outfit is this shirt. I got it from Simply Southern. If you haven’t heard about their company, go check them out. They have the cutest clothing for summer. Not only is the quote on the sleeve cute, but the back is my favorite. Even though it was still cool out, I brought spring vibes out with this shirt.

Love the back

I decided to layer this top with this light blue vest from Francesca’s Boutique. I have worn it in the fall with flannels, but I love how it can go with any outfit. It also kept me warm against the cool breeze.

I am wearing my favorite jeggings from Target. They not only kept me comfortable but warm. As much as I love to wear leggings, I am looking forward to putting them away for Spring and Summer.  I am in desperate need of sun and some rays.

Finally, to top off my outfit, I wore my favorite simple converse. I love my converse, I wear them all the time in the spring weather it’s with shorts, leggings, or even a t-shirt dress. They are a staple in my wardrobe come spring.

That’s what I am wearing today, here’s to hoping the weather stays nice and warm. Have a wonderful weekend loves!

Wish Upon A Star
