Fabulous living

Book Review: Just Jessie and Rediscover Catholicism

Hi All! 

Happy Tuesday! It is finals week for me, thankfully my finals aren’t too strenuous, I am looking forward to easing my way out of the semester. With summer right around the corner, one of the things I’m looking forward to is reading a lot. I have always loved to read but being in college doesn’t always give me the time to read for fun. Don’t get me wrong, I read a lot for my classes, for example, in one of my classes, I was reading a novel a week. I was definitely getting in my 30 minutes of reading a day. However, I didn’t have a lot of time to read for fun. I was able to complete two books for fun through the Spring semester.  Although, I wish it was more I was happy to get in a little bit of fun reading.

Such a fun book

I first read Jessie James Decker’s book, Just Jessie.I have always been a fan of Jessie James Decker. I loved following her show on E, listening to her new albums, and following her sweet family on social media. In her book she opens up about growing up, dreaming of becoming a singer, her career in music, meeting her husband, starting a family, creating her fashion line, but above all being herself. It was such a fun and light read, especially when I needed a break from reading textbook material all day. I read a few chapters every night so it took me a few weeks to read it, but you could finish it in a few sittings. I love when artists, actors, or influential people, write books and open up about how they got to where they are today. I find it inspiring and it encourages me pursue my own dreams. If you are a fan of Jessie James Decker I would highly recommend reading her book. She also just released a new song, Roots and Wings, which is beautiful. You can listen to it here

Grade: A-

Another great read

I also read Matthew Kelly’s book, Rediscover Catholicismover Lent.  It was another eye-opening book that made me reevaluate my faith and my relationship with God. This is the third book I have read by Matthew Kelly, I have also read Perfectly Yourselfand The Greatest Lie in the History of Christianity. Although, I liked the other books more than this one, I enjoyed digging deeper into my faith. The books really breaks down the Catholic faith, from The Seven Pillars of Catholic Spirituality, living the authentic life, and how we should live our lives as Catholics. I read a little bit every night and I took me the whole duration of Lent to read it, it could definitely be read in a few sittings, but I wanted to reflect on what I was reading. After reading it, I wanted to challenge myself to make my faith more a priority and be more intentional with my relationship with God. I would strongly recommend this book to anyone struggling with their faith or looking to deepen their faith. 

Grade: B-

If you are looking for new books to read I hope this gave you some insights on different books to try. Now, with summer rapdily approaching, I need your help picking out some new books that I should read this summer. What are your current favorites?! I need all the suggestions. Leave them in the comments below! Have a fantastic week!


Look of the Day #101


Hi All!

Happy Thursday!

It’s officially the last week of classes. I’m wrapping up my LAST spring semester and getting ready for summer. The end of the school year for graduating seniors means lots of ceremonies, celebrations and fun activities. Since, I am graduating in December, I am able to participate in a lot for the fun festivities. From Honor’s induction Ceremonies, to Senior Department Dinners, these past few weeks have busy but so fun! With all these events means lots of outfits. Today, I’m sharing a business casual look that could work for one of these events as well as a job interview or day at the office.

A preppy and spring business casual outfit

I wore this look for an Induction ceremony, I didn’t get a whole lot of pictures of my look since I was busy, but let’s break down the look. 

I love these navy blue dress pants from The Limited. They are perfect for the spring and summer since they go to the ankle. Also, with a solid pant, you can wear fun and bolder tops. 

I decided to wear the bright pink top. I got it from Francesca’s Boutique. I love how versatile this top is, I have worn it with jeans, leggings, a skirt, or dress pants. I really liked how it brought out the spring colors with the navy blue pants.  I love to wear it with business casual outfits.

A more up close picture of the outfit

It was a bit breezy outside when I wore this wore this outfit and I wanted something to cover my shoulders. I was debating on wearing a blazer with it, but opted for a long white sweater to bring more color to the outfit. This is my favorite long sweater, I got it from the Scandal collection from The Limited. I loved how all these pieces worked well together. 

I finished the outfit off with a pair of nude heels from DSW a few years ago. These shoes are comfortable, versatile, and long lasting. I have worn them for years. There is nothing better than having a good pair of heels. 

A quick picture with my parents who came out to support me!

I hope this gives you some inspiration for your next business casual outfit. Don’t be afroad to step out of your comfort zone when putting outfits together. 

I’m off to soak up one last weekend with my friends before we all go out separate ways for the summer. Have a great weekend! See you next Tuesday!

Fabulous living

10 Fun Facts About Me Round 2

Hey guys!

Happy Tuesday!

I hope you all had a relaxing weekend! I’m going into my last week of classes and then it’s finals week! This semester has flown by, my finals week shouldn’t be too bad, so I’m hoping to soak up as much time with my friends before many of them graduate. I always feel that  pack them most into the last few weeks of school since that’s when everything is winding down. Last year, I did a fun facts post and it was so fun to do. You can read it here. Today, I decided to update it and share 10 more fun facts about me. Who knows maybe you will learn something new!

  • I journal every day and when I am stressed out or overwhelmed or have a problem, I always turn to journaling. I have several journals filled with thoughts or multiple word documents with thinking things out. I feel best after I write out a problem or talk it out with someone.
Journaling is the best way for me to unwind and be intentional every day
  • My biggest pet peeve is when people cancel plans on me, I’m always understanding especially when something unexpected comes up and someone has to reschedule consistently but it still bothers me
  • I love anything British, whether it’s books, movies, music, actors, the culture. I love everything about Great Britian. London, England is on my list of top three places to visit. One of my best friends is going to London this summer and I’m super jealous, I’m making them take lots of pictures for me. Haha!
  • Speaking of music, I have no favorite type of music, my playlists are all over the place from Praise and Worship, to 70’s hits, 2010’s workout music, top 40’s pop music, even country music and movie scores, it’s a mess. Whenever, I am out with friends, I let them pick the music since my taste is all over the place.
Just a peak into my pandora playlist…my amazon playlist is even more different
  • If I wasn’t a Communication major I would probably be an Education major. When I was growing up I always wanted to be a teacher growing up, but ultimately decided communication was the right path for me and I’m so glad I did since I love what I’m learning and doing.
  • I always have a bottle of water and gum with me, whether it’s in the car, going to class or running errands. I drink a lot of water during the day and even through the night, I keep water by my bed and typically finish a bottle of water through the night.
  • I prefer sweet over savory, I would rather have a big dessert than a steak dinner. Chocolate is my weakness so I will always indulge in something sweet.
I would prefer this over a huge dinner any day
  • I love hanging out and doing activites with friends, my friends and I go bowling and have a ton of fun even though I am probably the worst bowler…no joke, last time I went I think my score was 33…yeah, not the best score but I have a ton of fun when I’m with my friends and that’s what matters right?!
  • Although, I spend more time texting, I prefer calls over texts/DM’s/ snap chats etc. I find calls to be more personally and I can express myself more over a phone call than a long text or a direct message.
  • I love the simple things in life, for example, flowers. I love having fresh cutflowers in my room or on my desk. I love how such a small gesture can change your mood. I love the scent they bring into a room and how they can make a space feel warm and inviting.
Fresh cut flowers are a favorite of mine

And there’s 10, I hope you found this fun and enjoyable to read. These are always my favorite posts to read on other blogs since everyone is so different and it’s always fun to learn different things about each other.

How many did you know? What’s one fun fact about yourself? Leave them in the comments below!

Have a great week!

Fabulous living

Lenten Sacrifice

Hello All! 

Happy Easter! I hope you all had enjoyable Easter Celebrations if you celebrate. It was so nice to get home for more than a weekend. During my time home, I was able to see family, get errands done, and relax for a few days. Today, I am back to school and ready to finish out the semester strong with the last few weeks. 

Today, I wanted to take the time to share with you something that I have been working on for the last 40 days. Every year, I was always try to make my Lenten sacrifice something meaningful, whether it’s giving up fast food, desserts, or a certain thing I use every day. This year, I wanted to make a big change not only for the spiritual sacrifice but for my health. I decided to give up carbs. Now, that might seem huge and vague so let me explain it down more. 

I kept this posted in my room as a reminder every day

I wanted to really challenge myself, but I also wanted to see a change in myself. While I was in Rome over spring break. I kept saying how hard it was going to be from eating delicious authentic, Italian food to go back to eating American food. I also indulged a lot while I was in Rome and I wanted to change my eating habits when I returned. I realized this would be the perfect opportunity to make changes in my diet. 

When I returned from Italy (although it was a few days after Lent had started), I cut out a lot of things from my diet. I cut out bread, pasta, chips, crackers, and potatoes (I love potatoes whether it’s baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, French fries, tater tots, waffle fries etc). That’s all I cut out, so yes, I did eat a cookie here or there, some popcorn when I went to the movies, or cereal in the morning. I didn’t cut out all carbs but certain foods that I would eat daily.

It was quite a challenge. The bread and the pasta were the hardest things to not eat especially since it is in so much of our food, I couldn’t eat pizza, sandwiches, waffles, donuts, pancakes, Mac and cheese, and more foods that I would have grabbed without taking a second thought. This challenge did force me to step out of my comfort zone by eating more vegetables, fruits, and meat. With all this food out of my diet what did I eat? 

For breakfast, I would often eat fruit or a bowl of cereal (yes, I know that has carbs but I needed to find a balance), for lunch in the past would typically get a grilled chicken wrap-but during Lent I would opt for just grilled chicken and lettuce instead of a wrap. For dinner I would often have a big salad with grilled chicken, or soup, or another type of meat. Although, the options of food choices would sometimes get boring, I would try to change up my meals with different fruit or vegetables. 

Through the 40 days of Lent I did notice a change in myself, I had more energy and I felt more full by eating cleaner and not having a lot of processed foods in my diet. I also noticed that by reaching for water instead of a sugary drink made me feel more healthier.  I also attempted to take pictures each week to see my progress but that stopped after the second week. Plus, I didn’t necessarily do this to lose weight, but rather to sacrifice something and be healthier.

Now that my 40 days of no carbs will I go back? Yes and No. Yes, if I want waffled fries and a burger, I’m going to get waffle fries and a burger. But I want to try to eat more greens and lean meats instead of turning to bread and pasta all the time. When I am at school I eat healthier since I am on the go more and busier, however, when I am at home, it’s hard to resist homemade meals, but with summer approaching I’m going to try my best to keep choosing healthier options in my diet. 

I hope this inspires you to try to make changes in your diet, it doesn’t have to be as extreme as this but maybe opting to cut out soda or fried food from your diet, you will be amazed at how you feel at the end of it. What did you give up for Lent? Would you be interested in giving up something this major?


Look of the Day #98


Hi guys!

Happy Thursday!

I hope you all have had a fulfilling and productive week! Today’s look of the day is going to be a bit different since I am going to be talking about a fashion trend and making it your own. 

One trend that never seems to go out of style is concert t-shirts. They are a great piece of memorabilia from going to your favorite concert and you can wear them time and time again, the one problem I have with concert t-shirts is knowing where and when to wear them. Just with jeans? With sweats around the house or to the gym? It can be a hard piece of clothing to wear with outfits. After collecting t-shirts from a lot of concerts, I think I found the solution. Make a statement outfit with you t-shirt.

Favorite mantra-favorite concert

I’m going to show you an outfit I styled a few weeks ago, that still looks put together even with a t-shirt. Let’s get to it!

We will start with the central part of the outfit-the concert t-shirt. Last summer, I went to see The Piano Guys in concert in New York, for those of you who aren’t familiar with The Piano Guys, you should totally check them out they started on YouTube, perform covers of hit songs as well as write their own songs. They are still an up and coming group but already have a large following. I got one of their t-shirts when I saw them over the summer, their shirt is a quote from one of my favorite songs from them. You can listen to it here-seriously such an uplifting and motivating song. 

Now, back to the outfit details, I paired this shirt with a new pair of black leggings that are fleece lined! Your girl is officially in heaven, not only are these leggings comfortable and long lasting but are now extra warm-perfect for cool evenings or chilly days. Believe it or not, I got these leggings for Christmas from the Hallmark store- you never know where you are going to find a new piece of clothing to add to your collection. 

Up close of the outfit

I paired the dark leggings with my go to high black boots from DSW, which as much as I hate to say it, I think this might be my last time wearing them for the season since Spring is around the corner, as much as I am ready and here for Spring, I’m going to miss these staple shoes in my winter collection. 

Closer look at one of my favorite parts-the fleece lined leggings!

Since it was still a bit chilly out, I decided to wear my long off-white sweater just to have an extra layer on. I’ve talked about this sweater time and time again but it truly is a go-to sweater for my wardrobe in every season. The sweater is from the Scandal Collection at The Limited. 

This outfit is the perfect compromise for making your favorite concert t-shirts into an outfit. What are your favorite ways to wear your favorite concert t-shirts?!

Let me know in the comments below!

Have a fantastic weekend!


Look of the Day #97


Hi All! 

Happy Thursday!

 I hope you have a great week. Are you ready for the weekend? I know I am. This semester has been so busy yet so good. By the time the weekend rolls around, I am definitely ready for a rest!  

Today’s outfit is perfect for the transitional weather. The days when it is cold in the morning but warm in the afternoon. The colors I am wearing are also warmer cools, perfect for fall, and winter. Although, the weather is still chilly I am more than ready for Spring, I am ready for lighter colors, less layers, and more time in the sun. It has been a VERY long winter. Haha! Let’s get to today’s look of the day. 

Transitional clothing for the win

I decided to first put together this outfit by mixing and matching different pieces that I typically don’t wear together. I first started to put this outfit together by matching a simple pair of jeans and a white shirt. I got these regular jeans from Old Navy, my go to place for jeans. My plain white t-shirt is from Gap. Old Navy and Gap are my go-to places for affordable but good quality clothes. I love to pop in whenever I’m home just to see what things are new and in stock.  

I love this burgundy sweater from American Eagle. I don’t wear it often, but when I do, I love what it does to an outfit. It is big and bulky, but it keeps me so warm and cozy. Especially during transitional weather, I don’t even need a jacket to wear when I am out and about with this sweater. Plus, I love the pop of color it brings to an outfit. It really breaks up the simple blue jeans and white shirt look. 

Lastly, I am rocking my go-to black boots from DSW. When I got these boots last spring I never would have guessed that I would be wearing them so much and putting them with so many outfits. They have been easily my favorite and most worn purchase in a long time. 

A perfect outfit for fall, winter, and early spring

That’s a look into what I have been wearing these in between days. My fingers are crossed for some consistent weather soon. See you on Tuesday for a look into what’s been going on in my life. Have a great weekend!


Look of the Day #96


Hi everyone!

Happy, happy Thursday! I hope you all had a great week. It’s crazy how fast this week went by. I am headed home for the weekend to see my family since I haven’t seen them since coming back from Rome. It will be nice to relax for a bit since I have been going non-stop these past few weeks. 

Last weekend, I went to a semi-formal dance with my friends from school. It was the last one for me and so many friends since they are graduating in May and I’ll be graduating in December. My good friend Bailey and I made a weekend out of it and had the best time. We started out with dinner, hung out with friends, went to the dance, and hit up the gym and breakfast the next day. It was by far one of my favorite weekends of the year. I wanted to share the details of my outfit for today’s look of the day. I can’t wait to share this more formal look with you all. 

Starting out night out with the dance
I don’t know what I would do without this girl. Truly the best friend I could ask for!
My friend Danielle was also at the dance and we had a blast dancing the night away
Bailey and I along with our friend Olivia hit up the gym early the next morning
Followed by brunch, I love these girls to death, not sure what I’m going do without them next year.

I have been going to all my semi-formals in college and I haven’t bought one dress, I’ve reworn all the dresses from past homecomings or other formal occasions. I will admit, I look much better in the dresses in college than I do in high school, it’s amazing what a few years can do. HA! Here’s a look down memory lane…

First, let’s start with the dress. I got this dress a few years back and I wore it for Christmas. I loved it when I wore it then and I was so excited to wear it again. The cream-colored dress was perfect for spring and the scalloped neckline was my favorite part of the dress, not to mention the unique material. I got this dress from Francesca’s Boutique.

All ready for a night out

Since the dress is very simple, I knew I needed a few pops of color, that came in the form of my red shoes, jewelry and makeup accents. 

Up close of the dress

I got these red pumps from DSW last year and although they aren’t my go-to shoes, they are great to have to add a pop of color to an outfit. I got them last year to wear with my all black dress I wore for Christmas, you can see that outfit here.  I always think it’s important to have a fun shoe to add a pop of color to a neutral outfit. 

I also opted for a bit of colors in my jewelry. Since the neckline was unique, I didn’t want anything overpowering.  

I also made the decision to wear more neutral make up but add a pop of color with my lip choice of a bright red. I wanted the accent color of red to stand out without being too over powering.

I always love the opportunity to dress up for a fun night out and last weekend was the best. After a busy week, I’m looking forward to a quiet weekend at home. See you all on Tuesday!


Look of the Day #95


Hey guys!! 

Happy Thursday! I hope you have had a great week! With March more than half way done, we are getting closer and closer to warmer, spring weather. I’ve already been on the lookout for spring clothing and accessories. One thing that I have seen in a lot of stores are bold, floral patterns. I’ve already picked up a few pieces that I can’t wait to incorporate into my spring and summer wardrobe. Even though Spring is on my mind, I still have a few more outfits that are geared towards transitional weather. Today’s look of the day is more on the casual side but with a pop of business casual. Let’s get to this preppy look. 

Modern yet classic style for today’s look of the day

Starting with the jeans. I love these boot cut jeans from Old Navy. I’m currently keeping my eyes open for a pair of jean capris or skinny jeans. Until then, I am sticking to my regular cut jeans, and boot cut jeans for the remaining weeks of colder weather. 

I love to dress up jeans or add a pop of color with a pair of dark jeans. However, with today’s outfit I wanted to go with neutral colors and tones. I decided to go add just a plain white long sleeve shirt. I got my plain white shirt from Gap. I love the quality of their clothing for a good price. There is nothing like a crisp white shirt and a pair of navy jeans to make a simple outfit look clean and preppy. 

Up close of the details

Since the weather is still chilly, I wore my high black boots when I was out and about. Although, these have been my go-to shoes for the winter, I am looking forward to bringing in some lighter and brighter shoes for the spring and summer. 

I decided to polish off this look with a navy blazer. Not going to lie, I borrowed this from my mom’s closet and never returned it…opps! What can I say, it’s a very good quality blazer, that is well fitted and can work with many outfits. You can wear it with dresses, skirts, dress pants, and jeans. This blazer is from Talbots, it is more of a traditional or classic women’s clothing store, the clothing never goes out of style. For this outfit, I opted for more of a casual look, wearing it with jeans and a white shirt. I’m looking forward to wearing it with more professional pieces of clothing in the future. 

All ready for a day out

That’s a look into my latest outfit. I hope this gives you inspiration for your next look. Have a super weekend!


Spring Break Trip to Rome, Italy Part 2

Hello All! 

Happy Tuesday! I hope your week is off to a great start. This past weekend was so nice to catch up on school work and sleep from coming back from my time in Rome! Today, I’m recapping part 2 of my trip to Rome, Italy during Spring Break! To read my recap of the first half of the week, you can find it here. 

We are picking up ‪on Wednesday morning. It was Ash Wednesday so we were up bright and early for mass. During our time in Rome, we had mass in English, Italian, and Latin. It was interesting to hear all the variations. We went to mass at San Clemente. The church was a 20 minute walk from our hotel so it was a great way to start the day. After mass we were able to tour the Church, San Clemente is unique because it is three churches built on top of one another, the first a secret Church, the next one from several hundreds years later and the last one is the one still used today. It was so cool to be in a Church with so much history. Due to the history of the Church, we couldn’t take any photos. After we left San Clemente, we headed to St. Mary’s Major, one of the four major basilicas in the world, all of which in Rome. They include Archbasilica of St. John Lateran, St Peter’s Basilica, St Paul Outside the Walls, and Papal Basilica of St Mary Major. This one was by far my favorite, from the details, to the artwork, and all the history. Something else that was special about this Church, because myself along with others had the opportunity to go to Reconciliation in Rome on Ash Wednesday to start off Lent. How cool is that?! It was a highlight of my trip. I felt so connected to my faith even more on this day.

After we finished at St. Mary’s, myself along with a few friends went to do some shopping and see some other sites. We first went to the Trevi fountain to make a wish, three years ago, I made a wish to return to Rome and it came true, so let’s hope this next wish comes true.

The Trevi Fountain
Making a wish at the Trevi Fountain
Making wishes at the fountain

We then got lunch at a small Italian restaurant, after eating pasta for the past few days, we all opted for something lighter. I got a Caprese salad, which was perfect to snack on. I also got the most divine chocolate mousse.

After we had a nice lunch we went to see the Spanish steps and do some shopping. We then headed back to our hotel. The Pope was supposed to be saying mass at the Church right next to our hotel, we waiting outside to see if we could see him. We saw him arrive but didn’t get a look at him saying mass. We then went to discussion for the night and then went to dinner.

We had a delicious dinner with pasta and fish. Yum! We then called it a night to get some sleep before a day trip the next day. 

On Thursday morning we were up early and ate a quick breakfast before getting on a bus to head to Monte Cassino for the day. It was an hour and a half bus ride away. We had been going non-stop for the week so everyone slept on the ride down. We were all pretty tired. When we arrived in Monte Cassino, the view was incredible. It sits on top of a mountain so the drive up was beautiful. Monte Cassino is one of the places were St. Benedict lived and died and where he is buried. Since, I come from a Benedictine college, this was simply incredible to be here. The whole time we were in Rome, the weather was warm and in the 60’s, but being so high up in the mountains, the temperature dropped to the 40’s, it was such a drastic change. We were able to celebrate mass with a few monks and seminaries that travelled with us from school to Rome, which was incredible. We were also given a tour and then able to spend some time taking it all in. After spending the morning there, we boarded the bus back to Rome.

The view from Monte Cassino
The view of Monte Cassino
Monte Cassino
In Monte Cassino, there are plaques of all the schools associated with St. Benedict and my school was up there
The original floor at Monte Cassino from when St. Benedict lived there
St. Benedict’s tomb at Monte Cassino

We stopped for lunch on the way back and had a delicious lunch of light appetizers, pasta, and a light fruit cake.

Once we came back to Rome we made a stop to see a third major bascilica, St. John’s. It was more simple compared to St. Peter’s and St. Mary’s, but still beautiful.

We made our way back to the hotel where we were able to have some downtime to relax before we had an earlier dinner at 7:30 instead of 8:00. For dinner we had appetizers of different pizzas, a simple cheese pizza and an everything pizza. We then had a stuffed ravoili and pasta for our main dishes. For dessert we had a lemon sorbet shake. It was so light and perfect to finish off a big meal. We made it back to our hotels to get some rest for out last full day in Rome. 

Roof top views from our hotel at night

On Friday, we woke up and ate breakfast before making our way to the fourth and final major bascilica, St. Paul’s outside the Walls. I loved the gorgeous ceiling and how they have all the Popes in history’s displayed. I loved how this Church was quieter since it was outside the downtown of Rome.

St. Paul’s Outside the Walls
St. Paul’s…stunning

After we spent some time here, we boarded a bus to drive to Ostia Antica, about 45 minutes outside of Rome. Ostia Antica used to be a major port thousands of years ago. Ostia Antica was also the place that St. Augustine spent some of his time and it is where his mother, Monica died. This brought back lots of memories from reading Augustine’s Confessions in my First Philosophy class. We had about two hours to walk around and take it all in, it was huge and amazing to see all the ruins and how most are still standing.

Ostia Antica
Another view of Osta Antica
We LOVED Ostia Antica

After out morning there, we headed back to Rome. We stopped for lunch and shopping at Eataly. I had been to Eataly when I traveled to Chicago last spring, but it was so cool to be in the original one in Italy. For those you don’t know or haven’t been to Eataly, it is basically a four-story grocery store/market/shopping center with many small places to get a bite to eat or get drinks. It was incredible. We were able to get, shop, and hang out for the afternoon on our own just as long as we were back for discussion. It was so nice to have free time on our last day. My friend Olivia and I got some gelato and browsed before getting pizza for lunch, yes we both ordered full pizzas and ate the whole thing…when in Rome, right?! After we picked up some gifts and food to bring home we made our way back to our hotel. Now, comes story time, Eataly is located outside of the Roman ruins, so we were a little out of our element. Olivia and I had a GPS to make sure we got back to the hotel, we knew that once we were inside the walls of Rome, we would be good.

I may or may not have eaten the whole pizza
These desserts were to die for
Look at all the foods covered in chocolate

After a slow and steady walk, we made it back inside the walls and did some window shopping and one last stop for gelato before we went back to our hotel room to freshen up before our last discussion and dinner. It was bittersweet knowing this would be our last time together in Rome. After a great last discussion and a few toasts we made our way to dinner. We had a large fish dinner about 30 minutes from our hotel. We had great appetizers, pasta with seafood, salmon and vegetables and a delicious cake for dessert. It was so fun to be all together and celebrate our last night in Rome. After a fun dinner we made our way back to our hotel to pack since we had an early flight the next day. 

On Saturday we woke up bright and early, grabbed breakfast and headed to the airport. It was a bit stressful getting everyone from the hotel, to the airport, through TSA and security and ironically we weren’t all together until we were at the gate boarding our plane back to Newark. We took off at 10:00 am and had a 10 hour flight home. I kept myself occupied by journaling about my fantastic trip, getting some work done for school, and watching lots of movies, my friends and I sat near each other so we kept each other company and watched the same movies together. I watched A Star is Born, Book Club, Mamma Mia 2, and some episodes of Friends. The flight was long but we made it through.

A view of the Alps from the plane

Once we landed in Newark, we had to go through Customs, TSA, recheck our bags and security. It took a while but we made it. When all was said and done, our group knew we needed to eat, we all were craving some super unhealthy American food, so Wendy’s it was. Haha! Nothing says welcome back to America than fried food. Haha! We then boarded our plane from Newark to Pittsburgh, an hour and 10 minute flight was nothing compared to our last one. We grabbed our luggage drove back to campus, we got back around 9:30 and I was exhausted, I guess that’s what happens when you have been traveling for 22 hours! I went straight to bed when I got back to school.

Wow, that was a lot. For those of you who stuck with me, congratulations. I wish I could have taken you all with me to explore Rome and see all the sights, sounds, and tastes of the beautiful Italian lifestyle. This was by far one of the best trips I have ever been on, it was the perfect balance of academics, religion, leisure, fun and fellowship. I am forever connected to the people I travelled with. No matter where life takes us, “All Roads Lead to Rome”. Ciao Roma! You will always hold a special place in my heart!


Look of the Day #94


Hello All! Happy Thursday! I am back from my trip in Italy! I will be sharing outfits I wore while I was away in the upcoming weeks and I have slowly been getting back into a routine and a back to school rhythm . When I was home a few weeks ago, I had a few things planned so it was the perfect opportunity to try some new outfits and mix a few pieces up too! Be prepared for a lot of fun fashion these next few weeks!

Let’s get to this first look of the day!

Full outfit

I first want to focus on my pants. I got these black ripped jeans from Francesca’s Boutiquea few years back and I have worn them in many different ways, fromdressy looks, to more casually and edgy looks,and now for more of a glitz and glam look. These jeans have become so versatile and such a staple in my wardrobe to change up an outfit. I’m so glad I keep finding new ways to wear them with my collection of clothes. 

Casual yet confident look

Since these jeans were so dark I wanted to add a lighter color, enter this fun top. When I was home after Christmas I was on the look for new pieces on sale. I came across this velvet gold top at Old Navy. I love how it ran a bit large and wasn’t skin tight. I also liked how you could make it look professional for work or dress it down for a night on the town. I opted to wear it for a dressier look compared to a professional. I wore my high black boots to top off my footwear and to add one more pop of sparkle, I wore gold jewelry as accents and my Michael Kors belt from Marshalls.

Up close at the details

I’ve had this shirt for a few weeks now and I was so happy I could finally wear it and create a fun outfit out of it.

What other outfits would you wear this outfit with?!

I’m going to hopefully catch up on sleep this weekend. See you next week for more posts about my trip abroad! Have a great weekend!