Fabulous living

Friendships First

Hey guys! Happy Wednesday and Happy February!

 I love the second month of the year, purely to celebrate Valentine’s Day! When the winter months seems to drag on with no need in sight, it’s always fun to celebrate love and get into the holiday spirit in the midst of a long and cold winter. Whether you are celebrating February 14 with your sweetheart of Galentine’s day on February 13 with your girlfriends, there’s always a reason to get into the holiday spirit and celebrate the big and little things in life. 

Speaking of girlfriends, today we are talking about prioritizing friendships!

One of my goals for 2021 was to prioritize my friendships, the pandemic made it hard to see friends and catch up in person, but no matter how far the distance, it’s still important to  make those friendships a priority and I think I did my best to make thta happen for the past year and I plan to keep it going in the year ahead. 

Here’s three ways to make sure you are getting the must-have friend time in:

-Set up FaceTime dates
This is a great idea for long distance friendships. It can be hard to make a trip for a day or a weekend getaway to visit friends especially if your days off don’t line up. However, setting up a monthly or biweekly FaceTime date or call is an easy solution. During the pandemic, I was really good with doing regular FaceTime calls with friends but as things got back to normal peoples schedules got busier too and it was harder to have regular FaceTime dates. However by finding a time that works good for you and friend whether it’s monthly or weekly and sticking to it, ensures you are staying in touch with friends and getting that quallity time in with them. My one friend Sydney and I started doing monthly FaceTime dates in January of 2021. We’ve been great at following through on this and only missed one month! We decided on the last Friday of every month we would FaceTime to catch up with our jobs, actviites, and adventures. In the summer, we did a few meet ups in person which was so fun, but monthly FaceTimes have worked great for us. I put it in my calendar on my phone and the event repeats every month, so I know on Friday nights, once a month, it’s FaceTime date time with Sydney!

-Scheduled coffee or dinner dates
For friends a bit closer to home, maybe a coffee, dinner or walk date is more convenient. Whenever I’m planning out my months and weeks, I always write a list of monthly goals, from work, to personal. One of my goals is often friend dates. For some of my local friends, I always like to make it a point to see them in person once a month,  whether it be a coffee break in the morning, a after work dinner date, or even a walk when the weather is nice. Schedules can get busy so it’s important to make a point to get it on the calendar for friend dates. I’ll even set a reminder for send a text to remember make plans with friends. My friends and I love to support local, so we try to make it a point to shop local when it comes to our food choices. Even with friends who live just a few blocks away, work schedules can become hectic which is why getting a plan set-up early on is key. Even if you have a big group of friends and can’t get everyone to meet up at the same time, a one on one date, or a smaller group is better than none, plus it also allows you more quality time with friends.

Grabbing a meal with a friend is a perfect way to catch up.
If you don’t have enough time for a meal, maybe a coffee break is better!

-Find common activities

This is such a fun way to stay in touch with friends and try new things out. FInd common activities or hobbies for you and your friends. Last year, a few of my high school pals and I did a book club, we would each choose a book, read it and discuss over Facetime. This was a great way for us to catch up and get our reading in (a goal we all had last year-read more!). This activity opened my eyes to new genres and authors. If reading isn’t for you, maybe try a fitness class if that’s one of your resolutions. You can try out new workouts, get a good sweat in and enjoy time with friends. The best of both worlds. If you are looking to get a big more creative, maybe try tackling sewing or scrapbooking, for find a hobby that you and your friends can enjoy and get a finished product at the end.

Finding a common interest, like reading among friends is what worked for me.
Or if you are looking for a way to get exercise, try going for a walk.

How do you put your friendships first?

Fabulous living

Fall Favorites

I saw this Q&A for fall on two other blogs I follow, The Blended Blog and A Little Bit of Everything Blog. I love fall and everything that comes along with it. Thanks so much for the great fall idea questions. Here are a few of my favorite things about fall.

  1. Favorite Fall Sweet Treat?

Candy apples or apple crisp

2. Red, yellow, or green apples?


3. Favorite Fall Sport to Play?

I don’t play but I will watch countless soccer games or go to football games.

4 .Best drinks for Fall?

Hot Apple Cider

5. Favorite Fall Activity?

Going on walks with the leaves fall or going to any fall festival

6. Must have Fall Purchase?


7. Pumpkins? Pick your own or Store bought?

I would love to pick my own but I don’t always have the time, so store bought it is.

8. Real or fake pumpkins?

A few real pumpkins but more fake ones.

9. Favorite Halloween Costume?

Last year I went as Sandy from Grease. BEST. COSTUME. EVER.

10. College Football of NFL?

I watch both but you will find me rooting more for the Pittsburgh Steelers.

11. Fall or Halloween Decor?

Fall decorations. They last longer, I shared my fall decorating tips so you can see more here.

12. Raking Leaves or no Leaves to Rake?

Raking Leaves

13. Favorite Soup?

Nothing says fall like chicken noodle soup.

14. Favorite Fall Candle Scent?

Anything Apple and Cinnamon,

15. Love or Hate Pumpkin Spice?

Not a fan, I will have a small slice of pumpkin pie but that’s about it.

16. Short booties or Tall booties?

Short booties all fall long!

17. Favorite Halloween Candy?

M&M’s. I don’t feel as guilty eating them. HAHAHA

18. PSL (Pumpkin Spice Latte) Yes or No?

Nope, not a starbucks or coffee fan. Sorry.

19. Hayride or Cornmaze?


20. Favorite Fall TV Show?

I can’t choose just one. I’m a big lover of tv, I would rather watch it live then binge watch it. This fall I’m watching This Is Us, SEAL TEAM, and the TGIT lineup which includes Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal, and How to Get Away with Murder. My tv time is my me time.

Tuesday 9:00 NBC

Wednesday 9:00 CBS

Thursday 8:00 ABC

Well, there you have it. My favorite things about fall. What are some of your favorite things about fall?