
Currently #53

Hello All! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are all having a great week. Whether it has been a long week or its flying by, I hope this post is a nice midweek pick-me-up. We have been experiencing gorgeous weather over the past few days, it has been in the 80’s and I am here for it, especially in May.

My currently post is a bit earlier this month, due to a special post next week. 

Here’s a look into my life lately.

What I’ve Been Up To:

Since my last Currently post at the end of April, I hit a new running distance of six and a half miles.

Then I conquered my May goal of running 7 miles! I was especially proud of how much I have built up my stamina and I look forward to continuing to do so. 

I have also been enjoying the warm weather and we have been savoring lots of outside time, including eating meals outdoors. At the tail end of April, we ate dinner outside for three nights in a row and it was beautiful, less cleanup, more time outside and lots of fresh air and sunshine. 

Grilling outdoors makes me happy!

My boyfriend and I spent some time detailing cars this month which was hard work but definitely worth it.

I also got to enjoy my first baseball game of the season, the weather was absolutely perfect!

My mom and I celebrated Mother’s Day with a build your own bouquet which was so fun!

I have been enjoying lots of walks with friends outdoors too!

Lots of time outdoors

I made my way to the beach for grilling and to watch the sunset.

First sunset of the season

I made my way to Cleveland for a quick trip and had a delicious meal in Little Italy.

A night out in the city
Followed by a delicious meal!

What I’m Wearing:

In the cooler days of spring, this has been my spring uniform, leggings, slip on sneakers, and a neutral top.

I also got a fresh cut for summer

What I’m Reading:

Lessons in Chemistry– is all about a chemist who hosts a cooking show in the 1960’s. I loved the combination of science and cooking and how they were intertwined throughout the book. The romance between Calvin and Elizabeth made my heart soar, but my favorite part was the importance of women working in a male dominated field in the 1960’s.

Tom Lake- this was a harder one to get into but I’m glad I read it. It’s all about a woman who shares the story about a man she loved before her husband with her grown daughter. The book goes back and forth between the past and present. The theme of the book is all about the lives that parents have before their children. I found the book to be a bit slow at times, but after it was recommended to me by friends and I read about it online I am glad I read it.

The Seven Year Slip by Ashley Poston and it’s all about a young woman who falls in love with a man after they both end up in the same apartment, the catch? They are from different times, she’s seven years ahead of him. How does this relationship work and will they find each other in the future? You will have to read to find out. I loved the description, the setting, the characters and all the details about food which is a huge part of the book. Definitely a fun read!

The Women in Me by Britney Spears is a memoir by Britney herself. I’m glad I read it after it getting recommended to me and after hearing about it when it came out. I have never been a huge Britney Spears fan, but I did learn a lot about the pop singer. I thought she was very open and vulnerable in her writing and sharing of her story. I thought she shed a lot of light on different headlines, and it was interesting to get her perspective on things. However, I wish more things were explained and gaps were filled. Overall, I thought it was an interesting read and I did enjoy talking to my friends who had read it too. I would recommend this for a girl’s book club read if everyone is interested in the topic. 

Outlive– by Peter Attia was a book recommended by Shay Shull and it’s all about longevity from all different aspects of your life. The author focuses on fitness, nutrition, emotional health, mental health, sleep, and how they are all connected. There is a heavy science component to the book but it’s very easy to understand. I really appreciated how the author connects all these different aspects of your life and how you can make small changes for a longer and healthier life. It’s one of the best health and wellness books I have read in a long time.

What I’m Watching:

A lot of my weekly series wrapped up this month, from the Masked Singer to Grey’s Anatomy. 

I have watched a few series based on books I read like Dear Edward and Lessons in Chemistry which I enjoyed both.

I think both books and series could be consumed on their own, but it was nice to visually see the stories I enjoyed so much.

I also started watching the new season of Bridgerton and have been loving this season.

What I’m Cooking: It’s been a busy month in the kitchen filled with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. 

Air Fryer peanut Butter cookies-I started the month out by trying a recipe for air fryer peanut butter cookies. They turned out okay, but I think I will stick to my traditional peanut butter cookies in the oven.

Bacon Chopped Salad- This was super easy to assemble and was so healthy. I know I will be making this again in the summer. Make a salad with all your favorite vegetables, add in grilled chicken, corn, avocado, and chopped bacon and you are in for a flavorful and healthy meal. 

Homemade Chipotle Bowls- This was a super easy to prep and healthy meal. This was my own take on Chipotle’s bowls- just cook rice and your favorite protein and add your favorite veggies and toppings. I personally love corn, black beans, avocados, sour cream, and cheese.

Chicken Caesar Salad Pasta Bowls- Another easy bowl recipe. Cook your favorite pasta with grilled chicken and a caesar salad and combine for a hearty and tasty meal.

Shrimp Fried Rice

Shrimp Fried Rice came from Jessie James Decker’s cook book. I love how this dish was so easy and fast to make in one pan, plus it was filling. The best part was that there was no leftovers.

What Inspires Me:

The sunshine and spring weather!! Here’s a look at some of my favorite moments.

Plus who can resist ice cream?!
Fresh flowers and planting has made me smile!
Grilling by the water
A surf and turf for dinner

What I Accomplished: 

This was a busy month with end of school year fun, people moving home, graduations and celebrating birthdays and holidays.

My puppies enjoyed lots of sunshine!
And time indoors relaxing!

Goals from Last Month: In the midst of all the craziness I did my best to really be present and soak up the season I am in.

Perfect day for a walk this week…blue skies and not a cloud in sight
We got to view the Northern Lights this past month from our home which was such a cool experience.
It was beautiful at night!

Goals for this Month: Summer is officially here and that means it will soon be time for my summer bucket list. I’ll be sharing that soon with you all. 

So many signs of spring!
I also enjoyed some trips to the zoo!

That’s a look into life lately and what I’ve been up to this week. I hope you are having a fantastic week so far. See you back here on Friday!


Currently #52

Hello all!

Happy Wednesday! I can’t believe we are at the end of April. It feels like the month just began and now we are already looking towards summer plans. May is always a hectic month between the end of the school year, gearing up for a new season and wrapping things up as we transition from one season to another.

Here’s a look into life lately and what I’m currently up to. New this month, since I have been doing so much cooking, I added a cooking section to the currently posts, you can find out more below!

What I’ve Been Up To: The month began or technically ended with Easter! My whole family was home for the weekend.

Easter mass

Over a few days, we attended Church services, watched dyed eggs, ate lots of Easter chocolate, and enjoyed family traditions and dinner. We packed a lot into a few days together.

Egg dyeing
Easter dinner
Easter treats
And movies

I spent the evening in Cleveland for dinner in Little Italy, nothing better than a spring night in the city with delicious food!

Spring nights in the city
Delicious dinner!
And tasty appetizers!

April also brought the once-in-a-lifetime event of viewing the Total Solar Eclipse! It was an incredible experience that I got to witness at work.

Such a cool moment

I also enjoyed lots of spring walks and time outside.

Signs of spring!

What I’m Wearing:

I showed you this pink jacket for dressing up for work, but here it is for a casual look with jeggings, a crisp, white t-shirt and ballet flats.

Bright and cheery for the Solar Eclipse!

What I’m Reading:

The Sweeney Sisters was such a cute and fun read. It’s about three sisters who come home after their father dies. As they prepare for his funeral and to sell their family home, they learn they have a fourth sister. The three sisters grow closer and start to bond with their new sister. Each of the sisters are going through their own problems and stressors but they sort them out together. I loved reading about how a loss brings a family together. I also loved how one of the characters was named Elspeth, too funny! I have read other books by Lian Dolan and was excited to pick up this one too.

Wellness was a heavier read. I heard about Wellness from a few other blogs and was interested in the book about a couple who after being married for 15 years starts to drift apart. The book goes back and forth between the past and present. There are a few side stories that take place that I found to be a bit confusing and hard to follow at times. I also read the book on my phone when I had time, so that may have made my reading experience not as enjoyable. It was also very heavy with psychological themes, which isn’t what I’m used to reading. Overall, the book was good, but not my favorite. If you have read it, I would love to hear your thoughts on it.

Dear Edward was a book that I couldn’t put down once I started it. It’s all about a young boy who is the only survivor of a plane crash. He loses his entire family and is forced to start over with his aunt and uncle. The book goes back and forth between the plane crash and the present day as Edward grows up. I loved reading about his journey from a young boy to a young adult. This book was raw, emotional, beautiful and filled with so much hope. There’s a series on Apple TV based on it and I watched it once I finished it.

The Beginning of Everything- This was a charming book about a girl who is squatting in an old house that gets purchased. The owner lets the woman stay there as long as the woman promises to help renovate the home. The two become friends and toy with the idea of a relationship. I loved the relationship between the landlord and the tenant. I also loved all the references to the the United Kingdom culture. Definitely a cute book to curl up with.

The Good Part– This was a book that I finished on a rainy afternoon that I related to in so many ways. It’s all about a girl in her mid-20s who is feeling rundown and wants to skip to the good part of life when she has everything in order. She ends up waking up in her 40s with a life that isn’t her own. She must navigate her future life while she tries to get back to her old life. Such a cute book that takes place in the UK. I loved every minute of it.

We Run the Tides is by Vendela Vida. It’s all about a group of girls who after stop being friends after they disagree about an incident they witness. One of the girls ends up getting kidnapped and that changes everything. Themes of friendship, betrayal, coming of age, and seeking attention are all found in the book. It wasn’t my favorite book and I found certain aspects of the plot to be confusing and hard to follow, but overall, I’m glad I read it.

What I’m Watching:

Besides watching my weekly shows like Grey’s Anatomy and the Masked Singer, I have been making my way through books and watching the series or movies based on them. It’s been fun to do this as a comparison and to see which ones I enjoy over the other. I did this with Dear Edward (which I’ll get into more on Friday and I’m currently doing this with another book I’m in the middle of reading.

What I’m Cooking:

Taco Soup- I started out the month with a taco soup recipe I found on Pinterest. I have made variations of taco or tortilla soup, and this was a new one. You can cook it on the oven or in a slow cooker. I chose the slow cooker option and was happy with my decision.

Stir Fry- A shrimp stir fry was healthy and affordable and filling. Just mix rice and veggies you have on hand and a protein and you are good to go. I went with frozen shrimp and I was able to pull together this meal in 15 minutes.

Balsamic Chicken with salad and rice- Such a quick recipe when you marinate the chicken and then pop it in the air fryer for 20 minutes.I also added a salad with homemade croutons, and roasted chick peas and rice. Yum!

Homemade Peanut Butter Cookies

Homemade Lobster Bisque Soup with Crab Cakes and Salad- A delicious seafood night that had me dreaming of New England.

Air Fryer Bagel Bites-Such a super easy snack that’s healthy too!

Chicken Casserole, a meal that was filling and fast to make and was a crowd pleaser.

What Inspires Me- I have been inspired by all the spring vibes on Pinterest, from home decor to flowers.

Spring vibes!

I also have been inspired and working on gratitude instead of stressing. This past month has been a busy and stressful one and I have been TRYING to approach stress with a grateful mindset and focus on the good rather than the bad. I also have been working on finding pockets of joy every day (the sunshine, a walk with my dogs, a home cooked meal) to combat any outside stressors I can’t control.

A quote from Near in the Night by Emily Ley

What I Accomplished– I accomplished a lot this past month from family time at Easter, to meeting up with friends, a few fun date nights, and really being present in the moment. I also had a few big work projects get checked off my list which felt so good.

Even my dogs got in on the Easter fun!
Weekend date nights

Goals from Last Month-I really wanted to make more of an effort to get outdoors more in nice weather and I accomplished that. I also wanted to continue to check things off my Spring Bucket List and by and large, I’m doing a good job with that as well.

First ice cream of the season!
Spring walks

Goals for this Month– May is a busy month! Over the next 31 days, I have birthdays to celebrate (including my own), my brother’s graduation, siblings moving home for summer, the end of the school year and then Memorial Day and the unofficial start to summer. It will be a busy month but I’m looking forward to everything it brings.

That’s a look into life in April. I hope you have a wonderful month ahead!

Fabulous living

2023 Year in Review

Hello all! Happy Christmas week! I hope you had a wonderful day with loved ones and lasting memories.

A look at my tree on Christmas Day.

It’s the end of the 2023, this year flew by. I feel like just yesterday I was setting goals and resolutions for the next 12 months and here we are almost 365 days later with most of them accomplished.

Going into 2023, I anticipated it to be a year of change and new beginnings and while there was change and I tried new hobbies and went to different places, this year was filled with lots of routine and structure which I love and crave.

Over the past twelve months, I have kept in touch with friends from out of town and made it a point to touch base with them either in-person or via facetime. I traveled a lot this year by taking day trips or longer vacations with my family. I continued to grow in my profession by working on different long-form projects and challenging myself each day. The biggest things that stand out to me from this past year would be my newfound love of trying different hobbies. 

What a year for 2023!

Let’s take it back to January for a recap of this year before we get into my favorites of 2023:

The year began with lots of cozy days indoors and lots of cooking, I tried lots of new recipes this year from soups, to pizzas, and baked goods. 

A new recipe, Shrimp Avocado Medicine Soup
Fresh cookies too

Even though it was cold outside, I bunded up and took winter walks to some of my favorite spots, as much as I love the hygge vibes of being inside, there’s nothing quite like getting fresh air and exercise.

Winter walks in the snow

February brought a day trip to Cleveland for a day at the Art Museum and dinner and a show.

A show in the city at night!

The second month of the year brought Valentine’s Day and the first of many uses of my Kitchen Aid.

First time using my kitchen aid
The Kitchen Aid made baking them so much easier!

March was a continuation of testing out new recipes and getting outdoors more as the temperatures began to rise. 

First Zoo trip of the year

Spring finally made an appearance in April with Easter, family time and the start of sunshine.

First of spring walks
Our favorite Easter dessert-our bunny cake!

April also brought the start of my running journey.

Some of my early runs

May took me to Canada and my first visit to Niagara on the Lake, Ontario for a work trip.

Picnic season was back in May and I celebrated my 25th birthday.

Picnic season
Celebrating 25!

I tried to spend as much time outside in the summer. This summer I began to grow my first garden which saw success for its first season. I also began running consistently in preparation for my first 5K.

Runs at the beach!

June was a month of travel with day trips to Columbus and NYC for a day, which you can read about here.

The sights and sounds of NYC

I also got a chance to visit family in New Jersey which was well overdue. 

The beauty of the beach!

July began with the Fourth of July included lots of running, checking on my garden, walks, and reading poolside. 

Our Fourth of July spread
My first set of veggies! Peas!
Reading by the pool days
More running

August began fast and furious with my first 5K, then it was off to a day trip to Toronto.

Finishing my first 5K!
The iconic Toronto sign

My family and I got away for a few days to San Diego which was great to have quality time together and go to new places.

Hello San Diego!

Summer wrapped up with bonfires, ice cream and more success of my garden.

Summer S’mores!
Soaking up summer with every last ice cream!
The fruits of my labor

The fall was a time of savoring the outdoors as much as I could and seeing the seasons change. 

Hello fall walks!

As it got colder and I stayed indoors more, that meant more time in the kitchen by trying new recipes for baked goods and dinners. 

Back in the kitchen

November and December brought me my first Turkey Trot followed by Thanksgiving and getting into the Christmas spirit and celebrating all month long.

Turkey trotting!
Our Thanksgiving Dinner at home
All is calm, all is bright.
A very Christmas spread

This past year brought lots of favorites too.

Here’s some of my all-time favorite things from 2023:

Favorite Book: Spare-I know it was a controversial book, but I found it fascinating to read all about Prince Harry and his life from his perspective. I also have been a fan of the Royal family for years, so his autobiography was very eye-opening. Plus the timing between the death of the Queen in 2022, Charles’ Coronation in May and final season of the Crown makes his story even more prevalent.

Favorite T.V. ShowThe Marvelous Mrs. Maisel ended this year, I really loved following this show from the beginning and thought the ending was so fitting and fulfilling. A close runner-up would be Ted Lasso, another favorite from this year

Favorite MovieBarbie– This should be no surprise but I really enjoyed the Barbie movie this year. Although, I’m not a Barbie super fan, I thought it was very well done and had a great message.

Favorite Fashion Item– Tennis dress from Amazon– I wore this so many times this summer. It was so easy to throw on during a hot day or after work. It was fashionable and affordable and I loved the color, perfect for summer!

Favorite New PodcastThe Lazy Genius– I was introduced to this podcast and find it so helpful when it comes to life hacks and ways to streamline things in your life. Although, my all-time favorite podcast is the Simplified podcast.

Sometimes I listen to the Lazy Genius

Favorite App- Substack– I love using substack to keep up with some of my favorite authors and writers like Emily Ley from Simplified and Elizabeth Holmes for all things Royals.

Favorite New Hobby– My favorite new hobby from this year has been running. I never thought I would be a runner and love it as much as I do, but here we are. You can read about my running journey here.

One of my latest runs

I am also proud of my consistency with growing my first garden this year. 

My tomatoes!

Favorite Trip- Doing New York City in a day was exhausting but so worth it and I made so many memories with my family when we went to San Diego.

Memories from family trips!

This year was so full with new adventures, building relationships, growing in my profession, spending time with loved ones and trying new hobbies. The best way I can describe this year is by feeling fulfilled. 

Here’s a look at the resolutions I set out to accomplish this year. My top goals were to Eat healthier and run a 5K (which I accomplished big time), I wanted to take advantage of local spots and park (which I did a great job especially in the spring and summertime), Plan to do more things on days off (I accomplished this by doing day trips and making the most of my vacation days), and lastly, I wanted to continue to grow more in my profession (I achieved this goal by tackling different work projects and tasks).

I’m proud of myself of how I have grown and evolved this past year and I’m excited to see where 2024 takes me. 

Cheers to closing the chapter of 2023 and starting fresh for 2024.

Here’s to a new year!

Currently #38

Hey guys! Happy Wednesday. I know February is the shortest month of the year and it certainly flew by. This month has been filled with new recipes, unexpected sunshine and mild weather, lots of books and new shows. Here’s a recap of this past month.

What I’ve Been Up To: I’ve been keeping up with lots of my favorite hobbies. If you follow me on Instagram, you probably saw that I have been putting my new cookbook Just Feed Me by Jessie James Decker to good use by trying lots of recipes. 

Here’s a few that I have tried this month. 

I made Na’an Bread Pizzas
I also made Cilantro Lime Rice and broccoli
And Dirty Rice and Beans
Chicken Chili

We’ve also had such a mild February. With little to no snow, I’ve made the most of the sunshine by getting in lots of walks and outdoor time.

Winter walks in the snow
Followed by warm drinks, even with Santa mugs!

I also got some friend dates for dinners around Galentine’s Day. My boyfriend and I celebrated Valentine’s Day with dinner after work, and we also did a day date to Cleveland at the beginning of the month where we went ice skating, went to the Museum of Art and dinner and a show. It was a packed full day but so much fun!

Skating in the city!
An afternoon at the museum.
And a show at night!

What I’m Wearing: I’ve been wearing Valentine’s day colors all month long. From pink sweaters to red coats. I always love to break out some fun colors around the holidays. These bright colors also help me get in the spring feels which will be here soon.

All pink for the month of LOVE
My red coat made its way out for a date night

What I’m Reading: I got on a Colleen Hoover book train and read two of her books this past month. 

I also finished Part of Your World by Abby Jimenez, this told the story of star-crossed lovers who live in essentially different worlds. A country boy meets city girl, they fall in love but quickly realize they may not fit in each other’s worlds. Will they make it work or have a short-lived romance, you will have to read to find out. (I finished this almost 400 page book in a week-so worth it!)

Some of my books that I’ve read and still need to read.

What I’m Watching: New show to me, but I started watching Ted Lasso and love it. I know I’m late to the party but find it so creative and funny. I love all things Great Britian, so I can’t get enough of the British references.

Such a fun show, especially with snacks!

I love the casting and one-liners and can’t wait for the new season to debut this summer. I’ve also been making my way through some movies on my watch list on Netflix and Amazon Prime. I’ve been watching lots of rom coms. Here’s some of my favorites. Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris follows the story of a woman who works as a house cleaner and looks to fulfill her dream of wearing a designer gown. This movie takes her from England to Paris where she gets a newfound sense of confidence and makes some friends along the way.

About Fate follows the story of two people in different relationships, one serious, one not so serious, but they run into one another without their significant others and end up spending New Year’s Eve together overcoming one obstacle to another to get to their dates. They end up learning they have more in common than they thought and fate​ keeps bringing them together.

What Inspires Me: Spring will be here soon, or so I hope. As much as I am enjoying winter, I wouldn’t be lying if I said I am looking forward to spring. I am savoring the time indoors and being cozy and working on projects that I may not be able to accomplish in warmer weather.

Fresh flowers make me think of spring too!

What I accomplished: I have been making headway on lots of odds and ends projects, which is a huge accomplishment. I also spent time with family and and friends which is always a good thing!

Goals from Last Month: I was so glad I got to make time for my girlfriends for Galentine’s Day. I enjoyed having one on one time with friends in town and made time for friends further away with facetime calls. I also had a great Valentine’s Day that was filled with lots of baking and sweets.

Some Valentine’s Day treats!
And more treats!
Valentine’s Day fun!
Lots of sweets!

Goals from this Month: March is such a tease for spring with a mix of winter. I am looking forward to getting some warmer days, while savoring the days of winter. 

Cold days and warm drinks are the perfect combination!

That’s just a look into my life this past month, lots of baking, reading, binge watching and walking, throw in some work and family time then you have yourself a perfect month. I’m looking forward to see what next month brings. 

Fabulous living

Bringing Back Live Music

Hi everyone! I hope you are having a great December! I’ve been doing my best to soak up as much Christmas spirit as I can, between drinking lots of hot coco, doing shopping, having my Christmas lights on, and doing some fun Christmas activities too, like ice skating and watching ALL the holiday movies. I’ve been doing my best to get it all in between work and family time.

It’s been a long time since things have been normal since the pandemic began back in 2020. 

But slowly and surely, things are going back to normal. 

One step towards normalcy has been the return of events and activities including live music and concerts. 
At the start of December, my mom and I traveled to Cleveland for dinner and a concert. 

I didn’t take as many pictures as I planned but had the best time.

Here’s a quick recap:

We started the night meeting friends for dinner in downtown Cleveland at The Chocolate Bar.

If you know me then you know I have a HUGE sweet tooth, so this was the perfect spot.

We all enjoyed appetizers and shareable items from potstickers, to artichoke dip and chips, soft pretzels, deep fried raviolis, and then pulled pork sandwiches.

A look at some of the snacks.
The dessert line up was even better. Here’s a look at the menu.
Here’s what I got…the triple chocolate fusion. It was soooo good!

I also got a mug of a mint hot chocolate. It was the best warm cup of cheer.

After dinner we walked over to the show. My mom and I saw Andrea Bocelli. It was a beautiful show, from the choir to the orchestra, the soloists and Bocelli himself. We were blown away by the talent and the performances. He sang a mix of Italian opera, some songs in English and some Christmas tunes too!

Concert time!
A close up of the performances.

After the show, which included FOUR encores (!!!), my mom and I checked out some lights in the city before heading home.

My concert buddy! We’ve seen Matt Nathanson, The Piano Guys, Ed Sheeran and now Andrea Bocelli.

It was so nice to be able to have a sense of normalcy, even though we were masked the full time. After waiting for this show for months, I was so happy to finally see him live in concert especially after not being able to attend live music events in almost two years.

It was the best way to enjoy a night out and enjoy some live music too.