Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #75

Hello all! 

Happy Friday!

We made it through the first week of January! How was your first week of the New Year? Have you started chipping away at your New Year’s Resolutions or giving yourself some grace this first week of the year? I know I enjoyed getting back into a routine and doing some cleaning, we still have all our Christmas decorations up which makes our home feel extra cozy. Regardless of how you are spending this week, I hope it’s been a good one.Ā 

I saw this quote and thought it was so timely especially if you are embracing these next few months as a slower time.

Today I’m sharing some last of holiday fun and some new favorites from this week as I link up with ErikaĀ andĀ AndreaĀ for another roundup of favorites for the first week of the new year!

Books Beach and Beyond– I heard about this podcast, Books Beach and Beyond in the fall but didn’t have a chance to start listening to it until the Christmas holiday. If you are a book lover like me, then you will love this podcast. Author, Elin Hilderbrand hosts the podcast with Tim Ehrenberg, and they talk to different authors about their books, where they get their inspiration from and what projects they are working on. The two hosts have interviewed Taylor Jenkins Reid, Colleen Hoover, Ann Patchett and Kristin Hannah, just to name a few. This podcast is so informative, and it gives great insight into the literary world. I really have been enjoying this podcast and hope they bring it back for season two in the new year.

A new favorite podcast

Candy Cane Lane-We watched Candy Cane Lane for a family movie night over Christmas break. The movie stars Eddie Murphy and it’s all about a man who loves Christmas. He participates in a house decorating contest, but gets caught up in signing a deal in hopes of winning, which results in some magic getting out of hand. The movie follows the classic Twelve Days of Christmas song as each of the items comes to life. There are a lot of good one-liners and fun catch phrases in the movie too. This was the perfect family movie that held everyone’s attention in my house. If you are still in the Christmas spirit, you can watch it on Amazon Prime.

Such a cute movie!

Wordle party game– We got the Wordle party game for Christmas and it has been a huge hit in our home. A few of my siblings and I play Wordle every day, so this game takes it to the next level. Up to four people can play the game. One person chooses the five-letter word, and all the players have to guess the word using the same rules as the daily game on the New York Times. If you are a fan of Wordle, this game is definitely worth the buy, plus it forces you to really put your thinking cap on.

A great family game

Mighty Patch– As far as beauty products go, the Mighty Patch has been a new favorite for me. I tried using the Mighty Patches after I got them as a gift and have been impressed with how well they work. These clear patches go over any blemishes you may have for a faster clear-up of your face. You can get them for overnight wear or daily wear. I tried a sample pack of both and found that the overnight patches work better. This product won’t solve all your acnes issues, but it does help if you are looking for a quick fix here or there.

Chopped Pomegranate Salad– I love a good salad, but I’m not one to purchase bagged salads too often due to the expense, I would rather make a salad with vegetables I already have at home and on hand. However, we picked up a few chopped salads to go with some appetizer nights and they were a hit. I really enjoyed this pomegranate salad, it’s a perfect blend of flavors for fall and winter.  We enjoyed this salad with some other snack bites, but it could also go great with a pizza night or with a protein like chicken or steak.

 That’s a look into some of the things that I have been loving this week, from the last bit of holiday fun to games, beauty products and food, there was something for everyone. I hope you have a relaxing and cozy weekend as we begin a new month.

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #73

Hello all and Happy Friday! It’s the Final countdown to Christmas! 

Are your cookies baked and presents wrapped? I am ready for Christmas and now it’s just about enjoying the next few days with family and loved ones. I love this time of year, everyone in my family is home for the next few weeks and between work, it will be nice to have some time to spend together.

Ready for the big day!

I have one final Christmas round-up of Friday Favorites. Today, I’m linking up with Erika and Andrea for a very festive edition of Friday Favorites.

Here’s what I’m loving this week:

Red Lipstick-I’m not a big, bright and bold lipstick person, but I do tend to wear it around the holidays. I have been wearing and loving red lipstick this time of year. I like to use it as a pop of color to break up a solid outfit, like a black dress. I also like wearing a red lipstick with my red coat that I got at Old Navy last year. I break it out around Christmas and Valentine’s Day for a fun pop of color. My go-to color is from CoverGirl. It’s long-lasting and doesn’t smudge. Two wins in my book!

A red lip makes everything fun!

Gingerbread recipe– I have been doing a lot of baking and trying new recipes. I tried my first Gingerbread loaf recipe, and it was a success. I like gingerbread in small doses and this loaf had the perfect mix of warm spices and flavor. I may have overfilled the pan a bit, but besides that, the loaf was delicious. I found the recipe on Pinterest, that’s my go-to for coming up with ideas for recipes. Here’s the recipe if you want to try it for yourself. 

My first gingerbread loaf

Popcorn Bar– I talked about my popcorn bar in my post on Wednesday but wanted to share more about it today. A popcorn bar is such a fun and festive way to elevate your movie night or holiday part. Here’s how to do it, pop your favorite popcorn and then put out your favorite seasonings or add your own flavors. For our popcorn bar, we popped a big batch of popcorn and then divided it up. We did some chocolate sea salt (melt chocolate and drizzle over and add salt and let it harden), we also did a movie theater flavoring, we did a regular batch (some salt and then butter) and then my personal favorite, kettle corn (this was the hardest to make, I found a recipe on Pinterest that includes using sugar and oil, it wasn’t hard to make but it requires constant attention). You can choose to add your favorites seasonings and flavors or candies like mints, marshmallows or chocolate chips to add some fun to your next movie night or holiday get together.

Best Christmas Ever– I kept getting ads for Best Christmas Ever on Netflix and decided to give it a go and I am so glad I did. It’s all about a woman who through unexpected circumstances spends Christmas with a fellow friend from college who she is envious of due to her picture-perfect life. However, as the two women spend more time together, not everything is a perfect as it seems. This was a light-hearted movie that’s great for families, but there were a few mature scenes. Overall, it gets 5 stars from me.

Winter Stroll– I’m rounding this Friday Favorites up with Winter Stroll by Elin Hilderbrand. It’s the second book out of a five-book series. It follows the story of a large, interconnected family through Christmas year after year. When I picked up this book from the library, I didn’t realize it was the second book out of five, it took me a moment to get caught up with the characters, but once I did, I really enjoyed it and got immersed in it. It takes place over one weekend in Nantucket for the traditional island Stroll. There’s lots of Nantucket references and so much Christmas and holiday descriptions. This was a great book to get in the Christmas spirit, just make sure you start with the first book, haha!

That’s a look into the final week before Christmas for me. A lot of holiday cheer and final preps too. My gifts are mailed and everything is wrapped, now it’s time to relax and celebrate the holidays. I hope you and yours have a very Merry Christmas.

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #72

Hello all!

Happy Friday! I can’t believe we are halfway through December, this month has been flying by and I am trying to soak up as much Christmas cheer as I can. I’ve been checking things off my Christmas bucket list slowly, but surely. I have been watching Christmas movies, enjoying hot cocoa, and I’ve gone skating a handful of times already this season. I am here for all things holiday cheer.

Hot cocoa and a holiday movie!

I’m sticking with the Christmas theme for this week’s Friday Favorites as I link up with ErikaĀ andĀ AndreaĀ or a fun roundup of Friday Favorites!

Giant Eagle Holiday Mix-I am a sucker for a festive holiday mix. I saw this holiday trail mix at the entrance of Giant Eagle when I was picking up some groceries and I had to try it. It’s the perfect mix of sweet and salty and it’s festive too. I’ve enjoyed it while wrapping gifts, watching Christmas movies and just relaxing. This would be a great addition to a charcuterie board or for a night of appetizers. Yum!

A new favorite snack

Christmas Movie Countdown– Speaking of Christmas cheer, I have been trying to watch a Christmas movie or program a night or when I can. I have been mixing in the classics with some new releases too. Shawn Johnson East and her husband, Andrew work with a company called “Family Made” and they put out a Christmas movie countdown to Christmas. They are all family movies, but I have been watching them too and crossing them off my list of holiday movies. It’s been so fun to tap into the nostalgia of childhood memories too.

Brownie Recipe– I’ve been slowly baking my Christmas cookies for the season and trying new recipes along the way. I baked my first batch of homemade brownies and although they were not as good as the Betty Crocker box recipe, they were still tasty. I got the recipe from Mix and Match Mama, and they were super easy to make. I may tweak the recipe a bit and may try some other flavors like peppermint, but I was proud of my first homemade batch! Stay tuned for more holiday recipes in the coming weeks.

A new recipe for me!

Crown Returns– The final six episodes of the Crown dropped yesterday. I have slowly started to make my way through them, but I am savoring each episode since I know the end is near. If you haven’t started watching yet, here’s the trailer and more information from TVLine. I really am looking forward to seeing how everything wraps up even though we know what happens in real life. I will also be following along with Elizabeth Holmes’ podcast as well to hear her insights on the final episodes.

A Likely Story– I am in Christmas book heaven right now with all the cheesy and warm Christmas novels, but before I began, I read A Likely Story by Leigh McMullan Abramson. It follows the story of a young woman who is aspiring to follow in her father’s footsteps and be a writer, however she has some challenges getting there. When her mother passes away, she finds an old manuscript, but who wrote it and what will our protagonist do with it? This story follows the family through the years and through a web of secrets that slowly unravels through the book. This book kept me hooked so much so, I woke up early to read the last 100 pages. Definitely a great read for a cozy day in the winter.

A great book for the fall

That’s a look into life lately and some of my favorite things, lots of yuletide cheer this holiday season. I hope you do something fun and festive this weekend as we countdown to Christmas. 

Have a holly, jolly weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #71

Hello All and Happy Friday!

I hope you had a great first, full of December. I am savoring every day of this Christmas season or at least trying to. I am slowly crossing things off of my Christmas Bucket List and am doing my best to slow down and really be present this season.

Christmas movies and cozy nights in

Today’s Friday Favorites are all Christmas themed-buckle up, you are in for a festive Friday Favorites as I link up with Erika and Andrea .

Etsy Gifts– I have been having so much luck on Etsy when it comes to unique Christmas gifts. I love to support small businesses when I can, and I love it even more when I get a unique and meaningful gift out of it too! I checked several people off my Christmas list thanks to Etsy. One of my favorite things about using Etsy is you can just search a name, theme or idea with the word “gifts” and you get so many options. For example, if you are looking for a gift for a teacher, simply search “Teacher Gifts” and you will have so many items to browse from. The only downside to Etsy is that I find things that I want to buy and have to reign myself in. If you are looking for some different gifts, check out Etsy!

My go-to for Christmas gifts this season.

New Flannel– I’ve been doing my best to wear something festive whenever I can and that includes running errands. I picked up this red, festive flannel from Old Navy when I was doing a bit of a shopping spree a few weeks ago. It’s a thicker material so it’s great for layering. I love how it is Christmas-y, but it can be worn in the fall and winter too. You can pair it with jeans or leggings to dress up in a lounging around the house outfit or add it to a pair of jeans for a day of shopping. I know I will be getting a lot of use out of it this year.

Feeling festive this time of year.

Dashing Through the Snow- If you are looking for a new, cute, Christmas family movie this is it! Dashing Through the Snow is on Disney Plus and it’s all about a dad who doesn’t like Christmas until he meets a new friend, Nick, who needs some help on Christmas Eve. Ludacris stars in this family movie that has so many great one-liners and heartfelt moments. This was also a step-up from your classic Hallmark movie as there was more drama and had a heavier storyline. My mom and I watched it on a Friday night and agreed it would make for a perfect family movie night.

Holiday Get-Togethers– Something else I have been loving this time of year is holiday get together with friends. The season can get so busy and it’s so nice to catch up with friends and family around the holidays. Some of my close friends are in grad school so it’s been fun to catch up before they begin their Christmas breaks. I prefer a one-on-one meet up as opposed to a big party since you get to really catch up with the person you are visiting with. The holiday season goes by so fast, so I have found it’s best to set up a time in advance with friends whether it be for a gift exchange, activity or dinner and get it on the calendar, this way you aren’t stressing out about finding time between your Christmas to-do, daily to-do and other things that pop up to make time for friends.

Christmas Candle– I love a good candle to light when I am getting ready for the day or relaxing. With the Christmas season in full swing it was time to pull out a new candle. This was the perfect combination of fresh Christmas trees and fresh pine. I love lighting a candle to set a mood and between my tree in my room and the candle, I am in the cozy Christmas spirit.

That wraps up this festive, Friday Favorites! Tell me: how are you planning on spending the weekend? Doing something fun and Christmasy?!

Have a great weekend!

Fabulous living

Christmas Bucket List 2023

Hi All! Happy Wednesday!

It’s the first full week of December. I hope you are soaking up the Christmas cheer and magic of the holiday season, I know the big day will be here soon, so these next few weeks are all about enjoying the holiday season. To make sure I enjoy it to the fullest, I like to create a seasonal/Christmas Bucket List. A bucket list gives me ideas for things to do and makes sure I accomplish everything I want to do. If you are looking for some ideas this holiday season, I hope this list helps you.

2023 Christmas Bucket List

Decorate for Christmas (Swap Out Scents and Mugs and Cups)

Christmas Shopping

Set Deadline for Picking Out Gifts, Buying and Wrapping (to minimize stress down the line)

Give Back to Others (by donating time, gifts, and baked goods)

Try a New Christmas Recipe

Bake Christmas Cookies

Build A Gingerbread House

Enjoy Hot Chocolate

One Christmas Activity a Week

Go Ice Skating

See Christmas Lights

Read Christmas Books

Listen to Christmas Music

Family Christmas Card

Go to a Christmas Concert

Exchange Gifts with Friends

Spend Time with Family

Light a Fire 

Watch Traditional Christmas movies (Frosty, Rudolph, A Year Without a Santa Claus, Santa Claus is Coming to Town, Love Actually, Christmas Vacation)

Watch the Santa Clause Series

Watch Apple TV Christmas Special

Get a Christmas Tree and Decorate it

Celebrate Christmas and New Year’s

It may seem like a lot to do in 25 days, but I have already made a dent in my Christmas Bucket List. I hope this gives you some inspiration and ideas for some Christmas cheer over the next few weeks.

 I hope you have a festive week!

Currently Uncategorized

Currently #47

Hey Hey! Happy Wednesday! I can’t believe we are days away from December. This month was a slower month for me in terms of activities and events, but it still flew by. I think a lot of that has to do with the fact Thanksgiving was early this year. Regardless, I hope you had a great Thanksgiving and are ready for the Christmas season, I know I am. I have my holiday candles burning, my Christmas throw blankets are out, and I am using all the festive mugs, life is good!

All decked out for Christmas

As this month winds down, I want to share what I have been up to recently as we flip the calendar from November to December.

What I’m Up To-This month has been filled with fall walks, organizing, and lots of baking and cooking. We had some snow this month, but it has been mostly chilly, yet sunny. I have been trying my best to still get outdoors to enjoy the dry conditions for as long as I can. There’s nothing better than some fresh air and sunshine with the leaves changing in the background.

A beautiful fall morning!

I also have been doing a lot of baking and cooking as I have been trying both new and old recipes. 

Lots of time spent in the kitchen!

Finally, I spent almost every Thursday this month doing major cleaning and organizing. My mom and I tackled all the spaces, from cabinets to closets and storage areas. It was never out intent to do a big declutter, but once we started, we couldn’t stop. It felt great to donate a lot of things we weren’t using ahead of the holidays.

A look at some of our donations

I ended the month by celebrating Thanksgiving!

A delicious, Thanksgiving spread!

What I’m Wearing– I don’t have too many fun outfits to show off from this past month since my days off were spent in grubby clothes cleaning. However, after cleaning and reorganizing my closet, I was able to create some new winter outfits with items I have. I have been wearing this red jacket from Old Navy a lot. 

You can’t go wrong with red jacket!

I know I will be wearing a lot of the next few weeks.  I also did an Old Navy haul this past month. Here’s some of the pieces I got and I have been loving.

This is also what I wore for Thanksgiving last week.

What I’m Reading– Some months I have great reading months and other months they are not so great. I read a few books this past month and while they were good, they were great nor my favorites.

I started the month by reading The Girls of Summer by Katie Bishop. The story goes back and forth between the past and present about young college-aged girls in Greece who get wrapped up in some adult situations. They don’t realize the severity of their situations until they are adults and consequences happen. As grown women they work to try and make amends and come to terms with their young adult mistakes.  The book was very serious and dealt with a lot of heavy topics, I found parts of it interesting, but most of the book, I just felt bad for the characters.

Dirty Laundry by Disha Bose is all about a group of women in Ireland who are all trying to one up each other, but all have their own secrets and hidden agendas. When one of the women in the small-town winds up dead, everyone has a different motive for wanting her dead. The book follows each woman and their lives as mothers and wives and it turns out not everything is as it seems. I though the book was good but got confused as it flashed back and forth from past and present and jumped between characters. In my opinion, the book wrapped up way too fast, I was waiting for a who done it moment and it came and went so fast and then the book was over. 

 Love and Luck by Jenna Evans Welch is a companion book to Love and Gelato, you didn’t have to read Love and Gelato to read this book, but there are a few references to the first book. The story takes place in Ireland as a brother and sister in high school decide to take a road trip to a music festival instead of following a plan to take a trip to Italy. I really liked how the setting of Ireland was depicted and I liked seeing the relationship between the brother and sister evolve. I really enjoyed this book compared to the first two I read.

Every Summer After by Carley Fortune- This was the second book I read by Fortune, but the first book she wrote. It takes place in a small town in Canada. This book also goes back and forth between the past and present as a young woman goes back to the lake that she grew up spending her summers. She is reunited with a former friend/flame of her past and through the book, the reader sees how these two characters went from best friends to strangers. I really enjoyed this book, from the character development to the setting and storyline. It definitely had more of a summer feel to it but can be read during any time of year. I’m glad I ended this month reading wise on a high note. Next month will be all about the Christmas books.

What I’m Watching– This month marked the return of a lot of series. I kicked off November with Selling Sunset. I’m not a big reality tv fan, but I can’t help myself with it comes to Selling Sunset. I started this show for the houses, but stayed for the drama. It’s been interesting to see the dynamics between the women in the office change through the seasons. I really love how they have a reunion at the end of the season too.

My favorite thing that I watched this past month was The Crown. I had so many questions going into this season and found the first four episodes of Season 6 to be moving, somber, but also really beautiful. It was almost eerie to see what Diana’s life was like in her final weeks and how the world reacted to her death.

I also started to watch some of my favorite Christmas movies now that we are in the Christmas season.

Like Rudolph!

What Inspires Me– I have been inspired by all my time in the kitchen. I also have been scouring Pinterest and cooking blogs for new recipes to try.

Here’s some of the things I have been making in the kitchen

 Banana protein balls

Halloween candy cookies

Peanut butter cookies

Chocolate chip cookies, Double chocolate chip cookies, mint cookies

Chicken and Veggie stir fry

Lots of breakfast foods

What I Accomplished– I feel so accomplished after all the cleaning and organizing and donating my mom and I did this past month. 

A look into some of the spaces we organized

I also ran another 5K on Thanksgiving which was fun, despite it being chilly. It was my first Turkey Trot and I loved it.

Turkey trotting!

I also got to thoroughly enjoy the holidays with my family which is so nice.

Nothing says Thanksgiving than by watching the parade.
Our Thanksgiving Dinner at home

Goals from Last Month– I really got to enjoy quiet days at home before hustle and bustle of the holidays. It was the perfect time to recharge and get things down before life gets crazy around the holidays, but I’m really looking forward to my Christmas bucket list and doing all the holiday traditions. Plus, I started my Christmas list for others and I’m excited to start my shopping too.

Fresh fall flowers to brighten up a clean space

Goals for this Month- My goal for the last month of 2023 is simple, enjoy the holidays, enjoy the family traditions and be present in the moment. More times than not, I find myself trying to do all the things and not being present and enjoying the holiday moments. This year, I want to do a better job of planning things out, so I get them down but also really enjoying the moments and savoring them, whether it be holiday baking, making a gingerbread house, watching Christmas movies or wrapping gifts. My goal is to be intentional and present with my time and energy.

Someone is enjoying the holiday spirit

That’s a look into life lately. The calm before the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season.

Tell me: as we prepare to welcome December, what are you looking forward to next month? Let me know in the comments below!

Happy end of November!


Currently #36

Hi everyone! I canā€™t believe we are nearing the end of December. I decided to move up Currently a week earlier and do my end of the year recap next week. I am in full holiday spirit over here. From baking, to Christmas music and movies and starting gift exchanges. It has been a festive time. Hereā€™s a look into life the past month.

What I’ve Been Up To: Iā€™ve been doing all things Christmas the past few weeks. from watching Christmas movies, like the classics (White Christmas, Itā€™s a Wonderful Life, Home Alone), to new movies and shows, like The Santa Clause Series on Disney Plus and Spirited. Iā€™ve also been doing lots of Christmas activities, like decorating a gingerbread house, ice skating, and Christmas activities like seeing holiday lights.

Scrooged-a classic Christmas movie.
Spirited- such a cute new movie, great for families.
A new holiday favorite series.

What I’m Wearing: Since the holiday season only lasts so long, I try to wear my Christmas gear as much as I can, from graphic t-shirts to pajamas, and socks, the choices are endless. I also have been wearing lots of layers to bundle up for the colder weather. This time of year, I always believe warmth is more important than style. 

All the layers for Christmas shopping.
I’ve also been layering up for winter walks.
The best coat for the Christmas season.

What I’m Reading: Iā€™ve been reading lots of books over the past few weeks. Iā€™ve been reading lots of Christmas books. Hereā€™s a few books Iā€™ve been loving and maybe you will to:

Some of my Christmas reads so far!

Christmas Shopaholic– This story follows a young mother in England who is charge of organizing Christmas for her family. It’s very relatable to anyone who has had to host a holiday. There’s friendship, love, family drama, lots of shopping and Christmas cheer.

A Nantucket ChristmasĀ andĀ An Island Christmas. Both stories take place in Nantucket over Christmas time and have themes of family drama, cozy Christmas vibes and happy endings. I really appreciated the attention to detail about the island of Nantucket.

What I’m Watching: Besides lots of Christmas movies and shows. I watched the new season of Firefly Lane which I really enjoyed. I can’t wait to watch the new season of Emily in Paris. Lastly, like many others, I watched the Harry and Megahn documentary-series. I have been sharing my thoughts on it on my past few Friday Favorite posts. I was really pleased with, learned a lot and enjoyed seeing another side of Harry and Meghan!

It was so good to get caught up on this series.
Such a good documentary series.

What I’m Loving: I may sound like a broken record, but I have been enjoying all things festive for the holidays. This time of year brings me so much joy. From shopping, to present wrapping, exchanging gifts, baking, and seeing family and friends. I LOVE THIS TIME OF YEAR. 

Trees all dressed up for the season.
Tis the season for holiday fun!

What Inspires Me: Iā€™ve been inspired by all the acts of kindness this time of year in addition to all the Christmas tradition. Itā€™s been so wonderful to see so much generosity for others in need. Iā€™ve also been inspired by unique gift ideas too. Itā€™s always wonderful to see how creative people get with their gifts this time of year. 

Presents all wrapped and ready to be given out.

What I Accomplished: Iā€™ve been really enjoying crossing things off my Christmas bucket list. From solo activities to things with loved ones, family and friends.

Skating has been a favorite of mine this past month.
A trip to the city to enjoy the Christmas season.

Goals from Last Month: I got all of my shopping done fairly early this month which made life a lot calmer towards the end of the month. It also helped with various gift exchanges happening throughout the month. All the prep work certainly paid off. 

Some of my gifts under the tree for others.
Enjoying hot cocoa leading up to Christmas.

Goals for this Month: Iā€™m looking forward to coming up with my New Yearā€™s Resolutions. I have a few ideas so far, but Iā€™m looking forward to firming them up and working towards them in 2023.

Thatā€™s a look into life recently. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Iā€™ll be back next week for my 2022 Recap! See you then!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #18

Hello all!

Happy Friday!
December is flying by and I hope you are enjoying the holiday season in the midst of all the holiday to-dos! This week has been filled with Christmas spirit, Christmas shopping (both in store and online) and making plans with friends for the holidays.

A sweet treat by the fire.

Todayā€™s Friday Favorites are a mix of things to watch and eat! I have been watching different movies and shows as I order and wrap gifts, so if you are looking for some fun things to watch, hereā€™s some suggestions as I link up with Erika and Andrea for this weekā€™s Friday Favorites.

The Noel Diary-Iā€™ve been watching lots of holiday movies, new and old. I was excited to see The Noel Diary with Justin Hartley from This is Us and Barrett Doss from Station 19. The movie follows the story of a famous author who is forced to confront his past when a family member passes away. He uncovers secrets from his family and goes on a journey of self discovery. He also meets a young woman on his journey and they quickly learn how they are connected. This definitely has Hallmark vibes, but a bit more substance to it.

Spirited– Speaking of Christmas. I watched Spirited with Will Ferrrell and Ryan Reynolds and loved it. The movie is a modern day take on a Christmas Carol. Thereā€™s singing, dancing, drama and a little romance to this new movie. The characters were interesting, the one-liners were funny and the music is so catchy! Definitely a Christmas move to add to your watch list.

Christmas movie and hot cocoa!

Firefly Lane– The new season of Firefly Lane came out last week and Iā€™m hooked. The series follows the friendship between two girls through the decades. It bounces back and forth between the 1970s, 1990s, and early 2000s. Itā€™s based off a three book series and season two is broken up into two parts. Iā€™ve been watching an episode or two at night. Iā€™m looking forward to the second part of season two especially after the cliff hanger in the finale.

Harry and Meghan trailer for Netflix-Last week, Netflix dropped the trailer for the Harry and Meghan docuseries and it came out yesterday. I already started watched and am really enjoying it. Iā€™m looking forward to learning more about the couple and seeing some behind the scenes photos and videos. It’s been interesting to hear their side of the story about everything that’s happened over the past few years.

Chocolate covered Graham crackers-I whipped up this quick snack the other night as I was trying out new recipes. This recipe just requires Graham crackers, melted chocolate and any toppings you like. I made some plain, some with nuts, a few with marshmallows, and others with sprinkles. Everyone really enjoyed this quick snack that took less than 10 minutes to put together. Iā€™ll definitely be keeping it in mind for future snacks.

Thatā€™s just a look into life lately! I hope you get to enjoy this weekend do something festive! Happy Friday!

Fabulous living

Christmas Bucket List

Hello everyone! Happy December!! Itā€™s officially the holiday season and I am here for it. From the Christmas movies, to decorations, to the gift buying. I love spending the next few weeks seeing friends and family and celebrating Christmas and New Yearā€™s!Ā 

Today Iā€™m sharing my Christmas Season Bucket List. Iā€™m a girl who loves a good list and loves crossing things off of it even more. Iā€™m using this bucket list as a guide of things I want or hope to do. Iā€™m hoping that this gives me inspiration for date ideas and activities to do with friends or family. If you re looking for something fun to do during December, I hope this gives you inspiration or ideas.

Hereā€™s my Christmas Bucket List:


Watch the Santa Clauses on Disney Plus 

Watch the new movie Spirited

Bake Cookies 

Make a Gingerbread House

Christmas Shopping

Get a Christmas Tree and Decorate it

Exchange Gifts with Friends 

Play in the Snow

See Christmas Lights

Enjoy Hot Cocoa and a Hot Cocoa bar

Watch Classic Christmas Movies

Watch Hallmark Movies

Mark Christmas Bark

Do a new Christmas Activity

Read Christmas Books

Play Christmas Music

Board Game Night

Read by the Fire

Ice Skating

Celebrate Christmas and New Years

Thatā€™s just a few ideas for some fun Christmas fun! Tell me what are your favorite Christmas traditions or things to do over the holidays?


Currently #24

Hey guys! Happy December…the countdown is on until Christmas! I hope you are gearing up for the holiday season!

Quick check in time…How are you doing? Got everything wrapped? Checking off all those holiday traditions? Feeling overwhelmed with everything you still have to do? Weā€™ve all been thereā€¦while it may seem like this season will never end, it will. In the meantime, enjoy every moment and soak up all the moments, the big ones (like decorating the tree) or the little ones like looking at Christmas lights.

Onto todayā€™s post, can you believe that we are up to two years of Currently?!  This has been such a fun monthly post, not only does it keep you updated on my life but it also puts in perspective everything Iā€™ve done in 30 days or soā€¦without further ado, hereā€™s this monthā€™s Currently.

What Iā€™m up to: ALL the Christmas fun and cheer. From skating, to watching Christmas movies, listening to Christmas music at every opportunity, baking cookies and shopping and wrapping this month has been about enjoying all the Christmas fun!

There’s Christmas cheer all over the house.
We got our tree earlier in the month and it was perfect tree cutting weather.

What Iā€™m wearing: Besides work clothes, Iā€™ve been getting in the Christmas spirit by wearing Christmas sweaters, some cute graphic shirts and of course, Christmas socks!!! I canā€™t get enough of Christmas socks!

What Iā€™m reading:  I finished reading ā€œAll the Light We Cannot Seeā€, it was definitely a heavier read but it was so well done. This month I have been reading all the Christmas books. I read “A Shoe Addictā€™s Christmas”, which was super cute. I then read “Pride and Prejudice and Mistletoe”, this was the perfect mix of Christmas and a beautiful tribute to Jane Austen. Iā€™m currently reading “The Mistletoe Secret” by Richard Paul Evans, I read his series, ā€œThe Walkā€ during the pandemic and loved it, so Iā€™m very excited to read this one too. 

What Iā€™m Watching:Ā Besides watching classic Christmas movies and some Hallmark ones too.Ā Ā I have also been watching Selling Sunset on Netflix and like many other women out there, Iā€™ve been watching ā€œAnd Just Like Thatā€ā€¦the first two episodes were so beautiful and so poignant, but broke my heart. I canā€™t wait to see what else this season has in store. If you have watched them, what are your thoughts on the shows?

What Iā€™m Loving:Ā Christmas spirit all day, every day! I love this time of year, thereā€™s nothing better than having a candle lit, while wrapping presents and watching Christmas presents. Plus, making treats hasnā€™t been bad either. I made some Christmas bark this year and it was so good. Itā€™s super easy to make and itsā€™s easy to save and store. Hereā€™s the recipe I used, thank you Mix and Match Mama!

Look at all this delicious Christmas bark!

What Inspires Me:Ā The holiday season puts me in the best mood. I decorated my room at the end of last month and whenever I put on my tree and light a candle, Iā€™m automatically put in the Christmas spirit. I also canā€™t wait to spend time with family and continue our holiday traditions.Ā I went skating this month and had the best time.

Skating in the city
Buffalo was beautiful.

What I accomplished: Iā€™ve been doing a great job at being intentional and present during the holiday season. From the gift buying to the family time and holiday traditions. I wish this season was longer. Even enjoying a hot coco and cookie while driving back from ice skating made me so happy. 

Besides homemade cookies, I can’t resist some Pillsbury cookies too!
Even the shopping malls are all decorated

Goals Accomplished from Last Month I got all my Christmas shopping done by my deadline and I got almost all my gifts sent out or wrapped. It was a huge accomplishment! I love all the gift giving but it can be a lot to get everything organized. I donā€™t know how parents do it, they are the real super heroes during the holiday season!

My presents for others all wrapped up under my tree.

Goals for the New Month:Ā Ā Kick off 2022 with my New Yearā€™s Resolutions. I also canā€™t wait to break out my new Simplified planner and start getting ready for the next. As much as I hate to see the holidays come to an end, thereā€™s nothing quite like a fresh start.

Thatā€™s a look into my life this past month, lots of holiday fun and traditions. How are you spending the last few weeks of this year?