Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #74

Hello All! Happy Friday-the last one of 2023!

I hope you have been enjoying this week with loved ones and soaking up the Christmas season. The week between Christmas and New Years is always an interesting week, you either are busy visiting family and doing all the activities or you are enjoying quiet and slow days at home, or you may be working, and it may be a normal week. Regardless of how you are spending the week, I hope it has been an enjoyable one. 

A calm Christmas morning

For the final Friday Favorites of the year, I’m sharing some fun NYE looks with some sweet treats and a last dose of holiday fun before it’s back to reality next week. Here’s what I’m loving as I link up with with Erika and Andrea

Velvet Blazer and Pants– This would be a perfect look for New Year’s Eve! I love this black velvet blazer from Old Navy alongside these black pants with some simple velvet polka dots. You can add this blazer to a pair of jeans to dress up and outfit or you can add this blazer to a dress to stay warm. I loved this combination, and I wore it to work, and the look turned out perfectly. Definitely take a peek into Old Navy if you are looking for a new outfit this winter season.

A great outfit for New Year’s Eve

Gingerbread Cookie Recipe– I did a lot of baking over the holidays and for the holidays and I tried a lot of recipes thanks to Pinterest. I tried Gingerbread cookies for the first time, and I was surprised at how easy the recipe was. I was already baking a gingerbread loaf and these cookies required most of the same ingredients which made it even easier to make. These would be such an easy cookie to make next Christmas or in the winter if you are craving a warm spice filled cookie. Definitely take a look at Pinterest if you are looking to try a new recipe or two. 

First batch of cookies from the oven.

Bright Christmas Morning scent-I know Christmas morning is over but I had to share this scent, Bright Christmas Morning from Bath and Body Works that I got as a gift. I’m not sure if I will be wearing this scent now or saving it for next Christmas. Regardless, I love the sweet and warm scent the lotion, spray, and body wash brings. It’s not too strong of a scent but it does have a nice, subtle smell.

Such a festive scent

Christmas in London– I finished Christmas in London right before Christmas. I have read some of Anita Hughes other Christmas books and really enjoyed the Hallmark plot with some more drama to them. Christmas in London is all about a baker in New York City who gets the opportunity to be on a cooking show in London for Christmas. I loved the heavy description of London in the winter and around Christmas, it sounded magical. Plus, the details of all the recipes had my mouth watering. Such a fun book to read right before Christmas.

Such a fun read before the holidays

Jingle Blend– I picked up this holiday mix for a night of appetizers, but it would be great for a New Year’s Eve or Day party. I love the mix of sweet and salty that this blend provides. There’s chocolate, pretzels, nuts, and candies. My weakness are trail mixes especially when there’s both sweet and salty involved. Definitely worth the purchase from Target

The best mix for the holidays.

That’s a look into some of my favorite things as we wrap up the holiday season and get back into a routine next week. I hope you have an enjoyable New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day! I’ll see you back here in the new year. 

Have a safe and happy new year!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #72

Hello all!

Happy Friday! I can’t believe we are halfway through December, this month has been flying by and I am trying to soak up as much Christmas cheer as I can. I’ve been checking things off my Christmas bucket list slowly, but surely. I have been watching Christmas movies, enjoying hot cocoa, and I’ve gone skating a handful of times already this season. I am here for all things holiday cheer.

Hot cocoa and a holiday movie!

I’m sticking with the Christmas theme for this week’s Friday Favorites as I link up with Erika and Andrea or a fun roundup of Friday Favorites!

Giant Eagle Holiday Mix-I am a sucker for a festive holiday mix. I saw this holiday trail mix at the entrance of Giant Eagle when I was picking up some groceries and I had to try it. It’s the perfect mix of sweet and salty and it’s festive too. I’ve enjoyed it while wrapping gifts, watching Christmas movies and just relaxing. This would be a great addition to a charcuterie board or for a night of appetizers. Yum!

A new favorite snack

Christmas Movie Countdown– Speaking of Christmas cheer, I have been trying to watch a Christmas movie or program a night or when I can. I have been mixing in the classics with some new releases too. Shawn Johnson East and her husband, Andrew work with a company called “Family Made” and they put out a Christmas movie countdown to Christmas. They are all family movies, but I have been watching them too and crossing them off my list of holiday movies. It’s been so fun to tap into the nostalgia of childhood memories too.

Brownie Recipe– I’ve been slowly baking my Christmas cookies for the season and trying new recipes along the way. I baked my first batch of homemade brownies and although they were not as good as the Betty Crocker box recipe, they were still tasty. I got the recipe from Mix and Match Mama, and they were super easy to make. I may tweak the recipe a bit and may try some other flavors like peppermint, but I was proud of my first homemade batch! Stay tuned for more holiday recipes in the coming weeks.

A new recipe for me!

Crown Returns– The final six episodes of the Crown dropped yesterday. I have slowly started to make my way through them, but I am savoring each episode since I know the end is near. If you haven’t started watching yet, here’s the trailer and more information from TVLine. I really am looking forward to seeing how everything wraps up even though we know what happens in real life. I will also be following along with Elizabeth Holmes’ podcast as well to hear her insights on the final episodes.

A Likely Story– I am in Christmas book heaven right now with all the cheesy and warm Christmas novels, but before I began, I read A Likely Story by Leigh McMullan Abramson. It follows the story of a young woman who is aspiring to follow in her father’s footsteps and be a writer, however she has some challenges getting there. When her mother passes away, she finds an old manuscript, but who wrote it and what will our protagonist do with it? This story follows the family through the years and through a web of secrets that slowly unravels through the book. This book kept me hooked so much so, I woke up early to read the last 100 pages. Definitely a great read for a cozy day in the winter.

A great book for the fall

That’s a look into life lately and some of my favorite things, lots of yuletide cheer this holiday season. I hope you do something fun and festive this weekend as we countdown to Christmas. 

Have a holly, jolly weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #71

Hello All and Happy Friday!

I hope you had a great first, full of December. I am savoring every day of this Christmas season or at least trying to. I am slowly crossing things off of my Christmas Bucket List and am doing my best to slow down and really be present this season.

Christmas movies and cozy nights in

Today’s Friday Favorites are all Christmas themed-buckle up, you are in for a festive Friday Favorites as I link up with Erika and Andrea .

Etsy Gifts– I have been having so much luck on Etsy when it comes to unique Christmas gifts. I love to support small businesses when I can, and I love it even more when I get a unique and meaningful gift out of it too! I checked several people off my Christmas list thanks to Etsy. One of my favorite things about using Etsy is you can just search a name, theme or idea with the word “gifts” and you get so many options. For example, if you are looking for a gift for a teacher, simply search “Teacher Gifts” and you will have so many items to browse from. The only downside to Etsy is that I find things that I want to buy and have to reign myself in. If you are looking for some different gifts, check out Etsy!

My go-to for Christmas gifts this season.

New Flannel– I’ve been doing my best to wear something festive whenever I can and that includes running errands. I picked up this red, festive flannel from Old Navy when I was doing a bit of a shopping spree a few weeks ago. It’s a thicker material so it’s great for layering. I love how it is Christmas-y, but it can be worn in the fall and winter too. You can pair it with jeans or leggings to dress up in a lounging around the house outfit or add it to a pair of jeans for a day of shopping. I know I will be getting a lot of use out of it this year.

Feeling festive this time of year.

Dashing Through the Snow- If you are looking for a new, cute, Christmas family movie this is it! Dashing Through the Snow is on Disney Plus and it’s all about a dad who doesn’t like Christmas until he meets a new friend, Nick, who needs some help on Christmas Eve. Ludacris stars in this family movie that has so many great one-liners and heartfelt moments. This was also a step-up from your classic Hallmark movie as there was more drama and had a heavier storyline. My mom and I watched it on a Friday night and agreed it would make for a perfect family movie night.

Holiday Get-Togethers– Something else I have been loving this time of year is holiday get together with friends. The season can get so busy and it’s so nice to catch up with friends and family around the holidays. Some of my close friends are in grad school so it’s been fun to catch up before they begin their Christmas breaks. I prefer a one-on-one meet up as opposed to a big party since you get to really catch up with the person you are visiting with. The holiday season goes by so fast, so I have found it’s best to set up a time in advance with friends whether it be for a gift exchange, activity or dinner and get it on the calendar, this way you aren’t stressing out about finding time between your Christmas to-do, daily to-do and other things that pop up to make time for friends.

Christmas Candle– I love a good candle to light when I am getting ready for the day or relaxing. With the Christmas season in full swing it was time to pull out a new candle. This was the perfect combination of fresh Christmas trees and fresh pine. I love lighting a candle to set a mood and between my tree in my room and the candle, I am in the cozy Christmas spirit.

That wraps up this festive, Friday Favorites! Tell me: how are you planning on spending the weekend? Doing something fun and Christmasy?!

Have a great weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #17

Hey guys! Happy Friday! Today’s Friday Favorites is holiday themed! I have been full-on Christmas spirit over here and I can’t wait to share some of my favorite things! As always, I’m linking up with Erika and Andrea for today’s Friday Favorites. Here we go!

Holiday Decor– Per tradition, we always decorate for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving, it’s a lot of work, but the end result is worth it. I love bringing out seasonal throw blankets, pillows and lights and using festive mugs and cups. I picked up my free red cup from Starbucks a few weeks ago, I waited until after Thanksgiving to start using it. There’s nothing better than watching tv, visiting with family and friends or reading, than with all the holiday decorations up. 

Peppermint Brownie Brittle– I always love to see what seasonal products stores roll out. It can be tempting to buy everything, whether it’s food or decor, but I try to only purchase my favorites. When I saw this Peppermint Brownie Brittle, I knew I had to try it. It’s the perfect mix of chocolate and mint and it satisfies your sweet tooth with a few pieces. This would make a great hostess gift or a fun stocking stuffer too. This would even make a great addition to add to your dessert or snack menu.

New Winter Scent– I was due for a new lotion and made sure I got a winter scent for the month of December. Winter Candy Apple is my favorite holiday scent from Bath and Body Works. It reminds me of Christmas in a bottle. I love the sweet and peppermint mixture and it’s just another subtle nod to the holidays.

Christmas Books– I told myself I would only be reading Christmas books in the month of December and I’m doing well so far. I picked up a few from my local library and can’t wait to read more. I’m currently working on A Shopalcohlic Christmas and have A Nantucket Christmas on deck. If you are a big reader, let me know what your favorite Christmas reads are.

Pinterest Christmas Finds– I have been scouring Pinterest for different holiday inspiration and ideas for the month of December. I have date ideas, recipes, even different places all decked out for Christmas saved. Pinterest is such a fun place to get ideas and try new things out. It’s definitely a fun way to pass the time too.

That’s just a look into some of my favorite holiday things this week. Let me know in the comments below on how your Christmas prep is coming. Happy December!