Fabulous living

Countdown to Christmas

It’s officially December and the Christmas season! Cue all the Christmas lights, music, and gifts! Last week, my family and I decorated for Christmas but I’ve been listening to Christmas music for the past few weeks and I already have some gifts purchases but still have a ways to go!. But it really feels like the Christmas season, we have already gotten some fresh snow, my Christmas flannel sheets are on, and I already have Christmas candles burning. 

With, the Christmas season upon us, it’s time to highlight some things on my Christmas to-do list.

  • See Christmas lights (This is perfect for a nighttime drive with some hot coco and sweet treats)
  • Get a tree and decorate it (We always cut down our tree a few weeks before Christmas and its one of my favorite traditions)
  • Make cookies (I am a big baker so I can’t wait to bake some of my favorite cookies and holiday treats, and I love sharing them with others)
  • Christmas movies (This is super easy and obvious but I can’t wait to watch all the classics, from family movies to cartoons, nothing says the holidays then Christmas movies, family and friends and holiday snacks)
  • Hot cocoa and Christmas music (Again, so simple, but enjoying a warm drink while I’m working or watching tv or getting things done. Plus I love listening to Christmas music on my way to work, or when I’m doing things around the house. I like the mix of classic songs with a mix of new covers. It’s the little things that make the Christmas season so special)
  • Christmas cards ( We always send out Christmas cards, it’s so fun to see how we have grown and changed through the year)
  • Buy gifts and Support Local (I love gift giving, I always try to stay organized and get the best deals. This year, I am looking to only shop and support small businesses or local businesses. I have already gotten some gifts from Etsy as a way to support small businesses. I plan on shopping other local spots this year to help them during what has been an unprecedented year)

That’s just a starting block for my Christmas to do list. I love taking advantage of Christmas activities. Above all, the most important part of the holidays is to celebrate Jesus’ birth and spend time with family! What are some things on your Christmas to do list?

Fabulous living

New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Year!! 

Christmas morning spent well, the tree all lit, a warm cup of hot chocolate and time spent with family

It is good to be back. I have been posting a few looks to wear when you are out and about but today it is back to normal with blogging. I hope you all had a restful and relaxing breaks, whether you are still on break from school or you only got a few days off, I hope they were restful and filled with loved ones, good food, presents, and joy. It was so nice to spend some quality time with family, although I did work a bit over break it has been so refreshing not having to worry about school work and just be present in the moment. It’s crazy how fast my time home went by. I am headed back to school on Thursday, time to gear up for another semester. These past few weeks have been restful and rejuvenating and its time to get back to the school work. 

Today, I’m sharing my New Year’s Resolutions with you. These were my goals last year. For the most part I accomplished them well. I was busy during the day at school so that snacked way less than normal. I also tried to eat much better at school. I’m going to try to do the same when I head back to school. I got a lot of reading done over the summer and over Christmas break. My Christmas book review will be up next week so stay tuned for that! I was more flexible and spontaneous towards the end of the year especially when it came to going out with friends but I am still very much into my schedules and being on top of things.

Heading into 2019 with the right mindset

I’m calling this year-2019- “My senior year”. Since I will be graduating next December, I thought it would be appropriate to call 2019, my senior year of college, with only two semester left of college, I hope to make lots of memories, try new things, and live up my senior year. I also decided to pick a word that I want to center around this year.

After a lot of thought, I decided to choose the word… “Patience”. I want to try and be more patient this year with others, myself, and life in general. I have often felt being rushed with everything I do and getting stressed and overwhelmed by it. I want to strive to be more patient this year, everything will get done, it always does, sometimes we just need a little more patience in our lives. I will keep you updated this year with how it goes. 

My mindset for the new year….patience and positivity

Now, moving onto my resolutions. I have set three for myself, all pratical and easy to incorporate into my life each day. 

Be more positive– I have often found myself complaining about the trival things in life whether it be about too much homework, being busy or having too much on my plate. This upcoming year I want to focus less on the negative and more on the positive, and if there is stuff bothering not talk about it all the time rather just find a solution.

Don’t sweat the small stuff-This goes along with the first one, I want to try to not stress over the little things in life, rather focus on the big picture. I am going to not let the little things get to me since they don’t matter in the grand scheme in life, I really want to work on bettering myself this year and not get overwhelmed with the small day to day things. 

Be more social– This is going to be a more challenging one this year. One of the great things about college is making friends with people older and younger than you, however, it can also be really rough when all your friends graduate early/study abroad/ start work. This year will be an adjustment with so many of my friends leaving, I never thought I would have to make new friends as a junior in college, this year I am determined to step out of my comfort zone and still be social and see friends and do things on nights and the weekends. I’ll keep you posted on how this goes. 

That’s an update about what’s going on with me these past few weeks and what’s to come with this upcoming semester. As I embark on my senior year, I want to thank you all for being a part of this journey with me. See you back on Thursday!