Fabulous living

What I Learned From Two Years of Gardening

Hello All!

Happy Wednesday! We are in full on cozy season here, but I am still trying to get outdoors as much as I can even if itā€™s just for a walk with my dogs. 

A crisp morning where you can truly see all the signs of changing seasons.

Speaking of the outdoors, I am just wrapping my second summer of growing a garden and year two went very differently than year one.

Hereā€™s my post from the start of the season when I had high hopes for this summer.

This year I had a mix of seeds and plants for vegetables. I had plans to harvest pumpkins, squash, strawberries, onions, peas, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers (yes, I know, I had a lot of expectations).

I kept my plants in a mix of soil and pots in different areas. I checked on them every day and watered them consistently and made sure they had lots of sun.

Unfortunately, this yearā€™s harvest was not as plentiful as my first year. I found that the plants that I purchased did better than the seeds. 

Halfway through the summer

Some of my seeds did not even produce vegetables, which was a bit disappointing. 

The end of the season

I did get some vegetables like a tomato, a cucumber, and some strawberries and they were delicious and so flavorful!

Some of the tomatoes I grew
My cucumber!
More veggies

Once again, it was a fun experience, but a bit frustrating when I didnā€™t get the results I was hoping for.

Enjoying some of the fruits of my labor

My plan is to try and grow more vegetables next year and I goal is to buy plants instead of seeds.

Some of my fruits
Even more fruits, small, but mighty!

If you are an avid gardener, what advice would you give and did you have a successful harvest? 

The last of my harvest

I would love to hear about your experience so I can better prepare for next year.

Happy Gardening!

Fabulous living

Year Two of Growing a Garden

Hello everyone! 

Happy Wednesday! I hope your days are filled with sunshine, summer snacks, and sunrises or sunsets. Summer is in full swing, I can’t believe we are halfway through July, time needs to slow down. I have been doing my best to savor the summer days as much as I can without rushing through life.Ā 

Soaking up summer fun like by mini golfing!

For the second year, I decided to grow a garden. Last summer, I started small with carrots, peas, peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers. I learned a lot about over and under watering plants, daily plant checks, and most of all, patience.

A perfect salad with all the veggies from last year!

The best part was enjoying the fruits (and veggies) of my labor and sharing them with others. I was satisfied with my experience last year, that I decided to do it again this year, with some changes.

Cucumbers growing.
My tomatoes!

I thoroughly enjoyed the process and I was eager to do it again this year.

I decided to spread out my garden to two different spots, one in the same section, and the other in planters since I decided to add more veggies this year.

For summer 2024, I decided to grow cucumbers, peppers, carrots, onions, peas, strawberries, squash, pumpkins, and tomatoes. 

I planted the pumpkins, strawberries, squash and cucumbers in one spot.

Then I planted the carrots, peas, onions, tomatoes, and peppers in the raised beds. I did this method for this year to give more space for the vegetables to grow. 

This year I also got a mix of seeds and some plants that were already growing. I decided to do a combination to see how the vegetables would fair. I have noticed that the plants have been growing faster than the seeds for obvious reasons, but I have enjoyed the process of seeing them both grow and mature. 

Growing a garden has brought me a sense of peace and connecting with the earth. I always like to start or end my day by checking on and by watering my garden. It’s a few moments of peace before or after a busy day that brings me joy and contentment. I love getting the fresh air daily and I like seeing the hard work pay off, even if it takes a whole season. 

I am eager to see how my veggies and fruits do, especially the new ones that I planted this year. I am by no means an expert gardener, but I have enjoyed this new hobby and was happy that I could do it again this summer. Plus, it gives me more time outside, which I will never complain about. 

I really enjoyed year one of growing a garden and year two has been off to a great start as well.

Tell me: if you have a green thumb, what’s your advice for planting and growing?

Plus, if you started a new hobby, what have you enjoyed the most about it? Let me know in the comments below!

Happy Wednesday!

Fabulous living

Growing A Garden

Hello all!

Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great week! It’s starting to feel more and more like fall. The leaves are starting to change, it’s getting cooler and it’s almost time to start pulling out legging and long sleeve t-shirts. 

Today’s post is a bit of a different spin on the weather. One of my summer goals was to grow a garden. I have always wanted to get my hands dirty and see if I had a green thumb. I love vegetables and planned to challenge myself to see if I could grow my own. My first summer of being a gardener is in the books, so I wanted to share what I learned and a bit about my experience. I am by no means an expert gardener. This was my first year giving it a try and I’m happy with the results, even if it did have some ups and downs. I learned a lot and I will be taking what I learned this year and using it when I garden in the future.

I started the process back in May, with the help of my boyfriend, who has helped grow his fair share of vegetable. I did some research on what plants vegetables to try and grow. Since this was my first year, I decided to not go overboard and start small by planting seeds for tomatoes, peas, cucumbers, carrots and peppers. I got the seeds at our local nursery and went home to plant them.

I found a section of the garden, dug the holes, planted the seeds and covered them with fresh planting soil and gave them some water. 

The start of my garden

I like to be creative whenever I can, so I made signs for each plant so I could keep track of what I planted and where it was located. 

The signs

Then the tending began. I checked on my garden every day and watered them frequently. It was exciting to see the progress of my vegetables grow through the summer, what started out as seeds, turned into stems, blossoms, leaves and eventually fully grown vegetables. 

Just the beginning

The biggest thing I learned through the process of growing a garden this summer was the power of patience and accepting trial and error. It takes a while for things to grow sometimes things don’t always grow according to plan or grow at all.

My garden growing- peas, carrots, and cucumbers.

For example, I started out with a lot of peas, but they quickly died, after researching I think it was due to being overwatered. I also got blossoms on my pepper plants, and they grew a lot too.

Early pepper plants.

While it was frustrating and disappointing, I still had other plants to care for.Ā 

My first set of veggies! Peas!

Other vegetables did fairly well. I got a handful of tomatoes, while small, they were tasty, and I was very proud of them.

The fruits of my labor
My tomatoes!

I used them to make a Peach Caprese Salad.

A fresh salad with veggies from the garden

I also got a handful of cucumbers, I really enjoyed seeing them grow from week to week and lastly, I got carrots! 

My cucumbers!

I started the summer with the hopes to grow five different vegetables and ended up with three, for my first time growing a garden, I’m pretty proud of successfully growing different vegetables and being able to enjoy the fruits of my labor. 

My baby tomatoes

I will definitely be growing a garden again and I want to try my hand at some new vegetables too. I really enjoyed the process of growing vegetables, and my favorite part was having something to show for a hard summer’s work. Next summer, I may change where I grow my plants and may change my watering habits. I have a much better appreciation for fruits andĀ vegetables especially when I see how long it takes to grow the individual vegetables.Ā 

Cucumbers growing.

There’s no better feeling than accomplishing your goals and it feels pretty good when they are a success and taste good too.

If you have grown a garden, I want to hear about your experience! What did you learn and what have you grown?

Let me know in the comments below!

Happy Planting!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #45

Hi friends! Happy Friday! I hope you are in the midst of soaking up the days of summer. Although summer as an adult isnā€™t nearly as fun as summer as a child, I am still enjoying the sunshine, warm weather and family time! This past week, I got the chance to catch up with two friends, spent lots of time outdoors and went on some fun day trips!

My pup enjoying the sunshine!

This weekā€™s Friday Favorites has all things summer as we make our way through June! Letā€™s get started as I link up with Erika and Andrea!

Summer Garden– I teased this last week in my post and talked about it in my summer bucket list, but one of my goals for this summer was to plant a garden. Iā€™ve been looking for a creative outlet where I could have an end result and I found it by planting a garden. Since I am just a beginner, I decided to keep it simple and do some seeds and some plants. I decided to buy cucumbers, tomatoes, and pepper plants and then carrot and pea seeds. I wanted to have a variety of options in case they didnā€™t all work out. Fingers crossed, I get to see the finished product in a few months, but I did enjoy picking the seeds, tending the garden and making signs too. Iā€™ll keep you updated on my progress this summer!

My garden!
and signs!

Sure as the Sunrise– I mentioned this daily devotional by Emily Ley back in January and I have been reading it every morning and just finished it. Itā€™s 100 daily devotionals and reflections with space for thoughts too. I took a brief break during Lent to do another devotional and just finished Leyā€™s book in time for summer. I really loved how the book was set-up with daily scripture, reflection and questions. Then at the end of every week, there were a few questions you could answer. You don’t have to start on January 1, so if you are looking for a new devotional or morning reading companion, I highly recommend this one. 

My favorite way to start the day

Birkenstocks– This may be one of my favorite birthday gifts. After seeing the trends for years, I finally decided to hop on the Birkenstock bandwagon and Iā€™m so glad I did! I was on the hunt for a pair of sandals I could throw on if I had to run out to get the mail, hit the store, wear by the pool or just go for a walk and these were just what I was looking for. I love the rubber material (perfect for the pool) and white color. They are so comfortable too. I know these will be  a favorite all summer long!

New favorite summer shoe!

Chicken Kabobs– Another birthday related favorite! I decided on grilled Chicken Kabobs and veggies for my birthday dinner with pasta and fruit salad and it was delicious. I love grilled chicken with lots of seasoning and flavor and these were the perfect way to welcome 25! I am looking forward to trying new recipes with chicken kabobs and grilling this summer. I canā€™t wait to try new summer recipes. If you have any you love, drop them in the comments below!

Best birthday dinner!

Queen Charlotte– I finished a lot of series in May, so as June rolled around I was looking for a new show to start and I found that with Queen Charlotte! I love Bridgerton, so I was anxious to watch the prequel to the series. It definitely has the same feel of Bridgerton with the characters, clothes, one-liners and scenery, but has a heavier feel (if that makes sense?) I really have enjoyed learning about the Queenā€™s backstory and it has been such a fun way to escape our world and head back in time. The episodes are a bit longer, but there are fewer in the season. This would be a great summer binge!

Such a fun show to start!

Thatā€™s just a peak into life lately. Some fun new gifts, new shows, tasty food and hobbies! How have you been enjoying your summer so far?
Let me know in the comments below! 

Happy Weekend!

Fun Ways to Organize Let's Get Cooking

Meal Prepping Ideas

Hey everyone! Happy Wednesday! I hope your week is going smoothly and you were able to enjoy Galentineā€™s Day with your girlfriends or Valentineā€™s Day with your significant other.

I did a post last year with ideas for lunches. You can find it here. I am on the go during the work day, so having an easy lunch ready to go, makes my days smoother. I typically plan out my meals on my weekend. Iā€™ll see what things I have in my pantry and fridge to make meals from that before I go shopping. In addition to a main meal, Iā€™ll typically pack a few snacks and sides. 

In the winter months, it can be easy to get into a routine or rut when it comes to meal ideas. 

I tried a few different recipes and meals lately for lunch and I wanted to share them with you today! Hereā€™s some meals Iā€™ve been loving. 

Iā€™ve been making soup a lot recently, I can make a big pot and then save it and store it and then enjoy it for a week for lunch at work. So far this season, I made a Chicken Noodle Soup and then a Shrimp Avocado Medicine Soup both from Jessie James Deckerā€™s cookbook, Just Feed Me. Both have been tasty and hearty and fill me up during the work day.

Chicken Noodle Soup
Shrimp Avocado Medicine Soup

After I finished making my Shrimp Avocado Medicine Soup, I had some leftover frozen veggies and quinoa, so for the following week, I used the veggies and quinoa to make a stir fry that lasted me all week. Another nutritious, tasty and hearty meal.

Meal prepping! I make a big bowl and then divide it up for a week of meals.

Rice and veggies is always a go to for meals for lunches. I tried out a new recipe for Cilantro Lime Rice from Jessie James Decker’s cookbook, Just Feed Me. I added some broccoli and my divided it up for a week’s worth of lunches. Yum!

Flavorful and healthy!

Some weeks, Iā€™ll change up my meals and buy a few snack packs that are easy to throw in my lunch. My snack packs include grab and go guacamole with some carrots or cracker and some cheese or grapes. Itā€™s well balanced and is easy to eat on the road. 

A look at my meals for this past week.

In addition to my main meal, Iā€™ll include a trail mix, some crackers, or a granola bar, sometimes even a cookie or two.

A look at my storage for snacks and my meals.

Sometimes, I have all my ducks in a row and I am killing it at meal prepping, other times, Iā€™ll eat leftovers from the night before for lunch, but itā€™s all about balance and not wasting food. Thereā€™s nothing worse than throwing away good food that hasnā€™t been eaten. 

My storage bags I got for Christmas have come in handy!

If you are stuck in a rut when it comes to your meal prepping, I hope this post gives you some inspiration. 

What are some things you like to put in your lunch? Let me know in the comments below!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #4

Hey guys! Iā€™m back with another week of Friday Favorites where I link up withĀ ErikaĀ andĀ Andrea! There was so many things that I loved this week, it was hard to narrow it down to just five favorites. Without further ado, here we go!

  • Sephora Eye Shadow Palette-Iā€™ve shared before how Iā€™m trying new makeup samples and I got this eye shadow palette from Sephora. This is one of my first Sephora products and I am loving it! I love the colors and how well they blend and stay on. Really pretty shades for the fall and winter months.
  • Wall Flower– I had some coupons from Bath and Body Works and had to stock up on some body care items and had a coupon for a free wall flower. Iā€™ve always used a diffuser with essential oils in my room and loved them, so I never considered a wall flower. I decided to try one out and wow-I love it. The scent is long lasting and itā€™s not too powerful either. I will definitely be getting more scents for the different seasons. Right now I have Eucalyptus and Mint and itā€™s so soothing.
Look at the cute succulent plant, love it!
  • Healthy Lunch Options-With a new season and month here, Iā€™m looking to make healthier meal choices. One way Iā€™m doing that is by choosing better foods for my meals. Hereā€™s a look at my lunch from this week. A packet of guac, some multigrain crackers, cheese and carrots. It was well balanced, I got a mix of sweet and salty and it filled me up. Iā€™m on the hunt for more healthier lunch options. If you have any ideas, let me know!
A look at my lunches for the week!
  • Look Both Ways– This was such a cute Netflix movie that I watched last weekend. It tells the story of a young woman on her college graduation night and how one decision changes her life. The movie follows the two directions her life takes. Really cute movie and perfect for a girls night in.
  • Emily Leyā€™s New Book-Last week, I was talking about Emilyā€™s large note pads from Simplified and this week, I get to talk about her new book, Sure as the Sunrise. I was so excited to learn she wrote a devotional. I already pre-ordered it and I canā€™t wait to read it and incorporate it in my daily routine. You can pre-order yours here!

Thatā€™s another look at some favorites for this week! What have you been loving recently? Have a great weekend!