
Currently #53

Hello All! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are all having a great week. Whether it has been a long week or its flying by, I hope this post is a nice midweek pick-me-up. We have been experiencing gorgeous weather over the past few days, it has been in the 80’s and I am here for it, especially in May.

My currently post is a bit earlier this month, due to a special post next week. 

Here’s a look into my life lately.

What I’ve Been Up To:

Since my last Currently post at the end of April, I hit a new running distance of six and a half miles.

Then I conquered my May goal of running 7 miles! I was especially proud of how much I have built up my stamina and I look forward to continuing to do so. 

I have also been enjoying the warm weather and we have been savoring lots of outside time, including eating meals outdoors. At the tail end of April, we ate dinner outside for three nights in a row and it was beautiful, less cleanup, more time outside and lots of fresh air and sunshine. 

Grilling outdoors makes me happy!

My boyfriend and I spent some time detailing cars this month which was hard work but definitely worth it.

I also got to enjoy my first baseball game of the season, the weather was absolutely perfect!

My mom and I celebrated Mother’s Day with a build your own bouquet which was so fun!

I have been enjoying lots of walks with friends outdoors too!

Lots of time outdoors

I made my way to the beach for grilling and to watch the sunset.

First sunset of the season

I made my way to Cleveland for a quick trip and had a delicious meal in Little Italy.

A night out in the city
Followed by a delicious meal!

What I’m Wearing:

In the cooler days of spring, this has been my spring uniform, leggings, slip on sneakers, and a neutral top.

I also got a fresh cut for summer

What I’m Reading:

Lessons in Chemistry– is all about a chemist who hosts a cooking show in the 1960’s. I loved the combination of science and cooking and how they were intertwined throughout the book. The romance between Calvin and Elizabeth made my heart soar, but my favorite part was the importance of women working in a male dominated field in the 1960’s.

Tom Lake- this was a harder one to get into but I’m glad I read it. It’s all about a woman who shares the story about a man she loved before her husband with her grown daughter. The book goes back and forth between the past and present. The theme of the book is all about the lives that parents have before their children. I found the book to be a bit slow at times, but after it was recommended to me by friends and I read about it online I am glad I read it.

The Seven Year Slip by Ashley Poston and it’s all about a young woman who falls in love with a man after they both end up in the same apartment, the catch? They are from different times, she’s seven years ahead of him. How does this relationship work and will they find each other in the future? You will have to read to find out. I loved the description, the setting, the characters and all the details about food which is a huge part of the book. Definitely a fun read!

The Women in Me by Britney Spears is a memoir by Britney herself. I’m glad I read it after it getting recommended to me and after hearing about it when it came out. I have never been a huge Britney Spears fan, but I did learn a lot about the pop singer. I thought she was very open and vulnerable in her writing and sharing of her story. I thought she shed a lot of light on different headlines, and it was interesting to get her perspective on things. However, I wish more things were explained and gaps were filled. Overall, I thought it was an interesting read and I did enjoy talking to my friends who had read it too. I would recommend this for a girl’s book club read if everyone is interested in the topic. 

Outlive– by Peter Attia was a book recommended by Shay Shull and it’s all about longevity from all different aspects of your life. The author focuses on fitness, nutrition, emotional health, mental health, sleep, and how they are all connected. There is a heavy science component to the book but it’s very easy to understand. I really appreciated how the author connects all these different aspects of your life and how you can make small changes for a longer and healthier life. It’s one of the best health and wellness books I have read in a long time.

What I’m Watching:

A lot of my weekly series wrapped up this month, from the Masked Singer to Grey’s Anatomy. 

I have watched a few series based on books I read like Dear Edward and Lessons in Chemistry which I enjoyed both.

I think both books and series could be consumed on their own, but it was nice to visually see the stories I enjoyed so much.

I also started watching the new season of Bridgerton and have been loving this season.

What I’m Cooking: It’s been a busy month in the kitchen filled with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. 

Air Fryer peanut Butter cookies-I started the month out by trying a recipe for air fryer peanut butter cookies. They turned out okay, but I think I will stick to my traditional peanut butter cookies in the oven.

Bacon Chopped Salad- This was super easy to assemble and was so healthy. I know I will be making this again in the summer. Make a salad with all your favorite vegetables, add in grilled chicken, corn, avocado, and chopped bacon and you are in for a flavorful and healthy meal. 

Homemade Chipotle Bowls- This was a super easy to prep and healthy meal. This was my own take on Chipotle’s bowls- just cook rice and your favorite protein and add your favorite veggies and toppings. I personally love corn, black beans, avocados, sour cream, and cheese.

Chicken Caesar Salad Pasta Bowls- Another easy bowl recipe. Cook your favorite pasta with grilled chicken and a caesar salad and combine for a hearty and tasty meal.

Shrimp Fried Rice

Shrimp Fried Rice came from Jessie James Decker’s cook book. I love how this dish was so easy and fast to make in one pan, plus it was filling. The best part was that there was no leftovers.

What Inspires Me:

The sunshine and spring weather!! Here’s a look at some of my favorite moments.

Plus who can resist ice cream?!
Fresh flowers and planting has made me smile!
Grilling by the water
A surf and turf for dinner

What I Accomplished: 

This was a busy month with end of school year fun, people moving home, graduations and celebrating birthdays and holidays.

My puppies enjoyed lots of sunshine!
And time indoors relaxing!

Goals from Last Month: In the midst of all the craziness I did my best to really be present and soak up the season I am in.

Perfect day for a walk this week…blue skies and not a cloud in sight
We got to view the Northern Lights this past month from our home which was such a cool experience.
It was beautiful at night!

Goals for this Month: Summer is officially here and that means it will soon be time for my summer bucket list. I’ll be sharing that soon with you all. 

So many signs of spring!
I also enjoyed some trips to the zoo!

That’s a look into life lately and what I’ve been up to this week. I hope you are having a fantastic week so far. See you back here on Friday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #94

Hi everyone! Happy Friday! 

I hope you had a great week and are ready for the weekend. I have a busy weekend with family, friends and graduation celebrations. It will be a packed full, but fun weekend.

Signs of spring and soon to be summer!

Before we get to all the fun and entertainment, I wanted to catch you up on what I’ve been loving this week as I link up with  Erika and Andrea 

Photo A Day  Challenge– Kicking this off with Erika, if you have been following along on my Instagram you may have noticed I have been participating in the #PhotoADaywithShayandErika Challenge with her and Shay. They do this challenge every May and it’s all about posting a different photo every day of the month with a different theme. It’s been fun to do this daily challenge and it encourages me to be more present in my life and it forces me to slow down a bit too. Here’s the prompts in you want to follow along too!

Bridgerton Back– Depending on when you are reading this, I am hoping to have started the new season of Bridgerton. I couldn’t wait until it came back and I’m so excited to see what this season brings. I am intrigued to see how some of the characters develop and how relationships evolve. One of my favorite things about this series is how it completely transports you back in time and you can truly escape the world for a bit. Now comes the hard part about deciding to binge it all at one time or take it slow. If you are a fan of Bridgerton, have you started watching? If so, what do you think of the season so far?

Yasso Bars– I am gearing up for all things summer full steam ahead and that includes summer treats. I love a good ice cream in the summer especially when I am looking to indulge. I picked up these ice cream bars from Yasso from the store and I have really been enjoying them. I love the sweetness of the chocolate, but also that it’s a healthier option to ice cream. A sweet treat that you don’t feel too guilty about. 

Clean Car– One of my favorite things that I do once a year with my boyfriend is deep clean and detail our cars. It takes a few hours, but we do everything, from the mats, to the seats, the steering wheel, even the dashboard. We had a sunny, Sunday and took advantage of it by cleaning our cars. There is nothing more rewarding than having a clean space especially after you did all the hard work yourself. Definitely a favorite this week!

The Seven Year Slip– I finished The Seven Year Slip by Ashley Poston this past week and I loved it. It was recommended by Ashley Brooke’s book club. It’s all about a young woman who falls in love with a man after they both end up in the same apartment, the catch? They are from different times, she’s seven years ahead of him. How does this relationship work and will they find each other in the future? You will have to read to find out. I loved the description, the setting, the characters and all the details about food which is a huge part of the book. Definitely a fun read!

That’s a look into life this past week. I hope it’s been a fabulous week and you have something fun planned for this weekend.

See you back here on Wednesday!