Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #78

Hello all!

Happy Friday!

I hope you had a great week and have something fun planned for the weekend. I can’t believe we are looking ahead to the last weekend of January. This month went by so fast, I have a love/hate relationship with January. I love the clean slate and freshness that comes with a new month, but I don’t like the cold and how after the holidays there’s not as much to look forward to. I try to put things on the calendar or make plans so I have something to look forward to in the winter months. That being said, I am looking forward to February and a new month.

Fresh cookies on cold, winter days

This week’s roundup of Friday Favorites is giving me something to smile about and look forward to. 

Here’s some of my favorite things this week as I link up with Erika and Andrea.

New Candle– There’s no better pairing than a cold, snowy, day and a warm, burning candle. I have been using this candle, Winter, from Bath and Body Works all month long in the morning and night. It’s hard to describe the scent, it’s not overpowering with fragrance. It has a subtle, natural scent, that’s perfect for a fresh start. It definitely smells like nature with some of the notes. Although I use it in my room, it would be great in a common space like a living room or dining room too. I don’t often purchase candles from Bath and Body Works due to the cost, but I couldn’t wait to try this one I got for Christmas.

 Maestro– Have you watched Maestro yet on Netflix? It tells the story of American composer, Leonard Bernstein. Bradley Cooper, directed, produced, and starred in the movie that has already gained nominations at several different award shows. I heard a lot of mixed reviews about the movie, and I was anxious to see it for myself. I learned a lot about Bernstein; his life, his music, his marriage and personal life. I thought there would be more about his music and work as a composer, but the movie focused more on his marriage and the relationships he had. The movie was interesting, and I learned a lot about the man that had a lot to do with the music we still listen and recognize today. My biggest takeaway was how much Cooper transformed into the character. He deserves all the awards for this role. 

Favoriting Photos– This isn’t a new concept by any means, but I found a new life hack and wanted to share it with you. Favoriting photos on my iPhone has been such a game changer for me. I use my camera a lot not only for taking planned photos, but also for taking photos of things that are important and don’t want to forget. Having important photos saved in one spot makes it so easy to find things. I also create folders for my photos for projects too. But, if I need to save a password or username or important photo, I know it’s saved in one spot. This is a great tool for helping organize your photos.

Mini Notebooks– By now you probably know I am a huge fan of Simplified. I use their planner daily and some of their products too. I have several of their mini notebooks but didn’t know the best way to use them in my life. At the start of the year, I finally came up with a great system to use them. I was constantly finding myself grabbing scrap paper or post-it notes to write down to-dos or reminders and would either end up losing the papers or I would end up with several post it notes. I decided to use one of the notebooks to put all the lists in. Each week I start a new page and write down any extra to-dos that need done over the course of the week. In my planner, I write down specific to-dos for each day, but I use my mini notebooks almost as a brain dump for all the extra things that need done. I have a running list in one spot and I’m not constantly writing down notes on random pieces of paper. This has been a huge help for me this year.

Matching mini notebook and planner

New Car Scent– I promise this is my last favorite thing of new scents, but it turned out that all my scents got swapped through this month. It seemed like the theme was new year/month, new scents. I always like a fresh and refreshing scent in my car. This Eucalyptus and Spearmint scent was just the thing I was looking for when I wanted to update my scent from Bath and Body Works. The scent is a bit stronger which I prefer especially if I’m driving around or if I have food or something heavily scented in my car. I always love a refreshing smell and this didn’t disappoint.

That wraps up another round of Friday Favorites. As we wrap up this month, I hope you find something that brings a smile to your face. I always try to remind myself that we can find joy and happiness in the smallest and most mundane things in life.

Have a fabulous weekend!

Let's Look

Let’s Look: Top Comforts

Hello All and Happy Wednesday!

It’s the second Wednesday of the month which means it’s time for our final Let’s Look of the year as I link up with Erika and Shay

This has been my first year participating in Let’s Look and it’s been so fun. Not only do I love sharing glimpses into my life, but I enjoy reading about other people’s lives too. Here’s a look at all the topics we covered for the past year.

Last month, in November we talked about stocking stuffers, October we discussed our biggest fears, in September, we talked about evening routines, August, we talked about our worst habits, in July, we talked about new favorite summer finds, in June, we talked about best travel tips, in May, we talked about our morning routines, in April, we talked about pet peeves, in March, we talked about Amazon purchases, in February it was about our medicine cabinets.

Today’s topic is perfect for this time of year, we are talking about favorite comforts. I love every season for different reasons, but there is something special about the Christmas and winter season that makes you want to cuddle up and get cozy.

Whether you are getting cozy for Christmas or looking to stay warm in the winter, here’s my top comforts.

Flannel Sheets in the Winter– A few years ago, I picked up a pair of flannel sheets to use in the wintertime and they are a comfort that has brought me so much joy. I only use them around the holidays, so when I take them out, it makes them even more special. They provide extra warmth; they make my bed feel a bit fancier and they make my bed look a bit more festive too. We spend hours every day sleeping in our beds, so it’s important that we make that space comfortable and cozy. 

Fuzzy Blankets– If I’m curled up on the couch with a good book or movie, chances are I have a warm blanket to go with it. I love a good throw blanket, not only are they practical, but they also make a great decor item. I have them draped over chairs, beds and couches. I use them all twelve months, but I get the most out of them in the winter months.

Throw blankets can add a lot to a space.

Seasonal Candle– Another way to make a space comfortable is by lighting a candle. Although, I light candles year-round (typically florals in the spring and summer and harvest/festive in the fall and winter) candles make a space extra cozy when it’s chilly outside. A candle sets the mood in a space and can make it more inviting, festive, or cozy. It also cancels out smells and odors which is a game changer if you have pets or just finish cooking a meal that has an aroma that lingers. I love to light a candle in my room when getting ready or relaxing, in the family room when people are visiting or watching a show or in the kitchen after cooking. You can purchase a candle without breaking the bank and it adds a lot to the ambiance of a space.

Festive Drink- If I’m looking to create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere, a warm drink will most likely be included. I enjoy hot chocolate in the winter, hot cider in the fall and then in the summer I enjoy a flavorful tea. Hot cocoa is my favorite holiday drink, I add some peppermint or candy canes for some extra flavor and to make it a bit more festive.

All festive drinks this time of year.

Good Book or Movie in the Background– After you have your drink poured, blanket handy and candle lit, it’s time to enjoy all these comforts. I like to enjoy them by reading a good book or watching a movie or tv show. I tend to get comfortable and cozy at the end of the day after the chores are done and work is on pause until the next day. Whether it’s for an hour or fifteen minutes taking time for yourself is so important and getting cozy and comfortable can only make it better.

That’s a look into my top comforts, nothing to exciting or special, a lot of things you probably have around your home, but they are little ways to elevate your space and help you relax and unwind a little especially this time of year when it can get extra busy.

Tell me: what are your top comforts? Let me know in the comments below! Have a great Wednesday and I’ll see you back here on Friday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #66

Hello all!

Happy Friday! We made it through Halloween week! This has been a busy week for me, so I was ready for the weekend. I finished a big project on Monday, celebrated Halloween on Tuesday and had some doctor’s appointments spread throughout the week too. These next few weeks will be busy between some big work events and projects, Thanksgiving and the start of Christmas shopping, so I’m trying to take the slow and steady days where I can. 

We had some days in the 70s and I had to take advantage by enjoying the outdoors.

Anyways, let’s not get ahead of ourselves and focus on the here and now and some fun favorites for this fall week as I link up with Erika and Andrea or a fun roundup of Friday Favorites!

New Fall Candle- I typically get my candles from Marshall’s, T. J. Maxx or even Michael’s. However, thanks to a sale and being a rewards member, I got a candle for a great price from Bath and Body Works and I am obsessed. This three-wick candle was perfect for October and is even better for November. The pumpkin-apple scent is like fall in a cup. It’s not too strong and the scent lasts even after you blow out the candle. I have been burning it in the morning and when I am unwinding or relaxing and it has been such a fall treat. I don’t always use holiday scented candles, but I know this one will last me all through the next month, just in time for a new scent for Christmas!

My new favorite candle.

New Lotion and Spray Scent– This candle wasn’t the only new scent I was smelling this week. It was time for a change for my body lotion and spray from Bath and Body Works. I’m enjoying the last of the Gingham series with Gingham Fresh. So far, I like that Gingham Fresh is subtle and not too strong which is helpful if you just want a little refresher.  You may remember I have enjoyed Gingham Gorgeous and Gingham Vibrant so far this year. I will have to use this one for a bit before I decide which is my favorite. Stay tuned! Next month, I will be breaking out the Winter Candy Apple for the holidays! I can’t wait!

New scent for the next few months.

Quaker Oats- From new scents to foods! I can’t believe this is a favorite for me, but never say never. I never liked oats or oatmeal growing up, but I have been trying a lot of new foods over the past few months and that includes quaker oats. I’m not a fan of oatmeal, but I have been enjoying it in cookies and protein balls. I used quaker oats to make chocolate and peanut butter no bakes and then apple oatmeal cookies which were both so tasty and healthy too. I also took a try at making protein balls off a recipe I found on Pinterest and have been loving them too, again the perfect mix of healthy with some sweet and salty. I’ll be on the lookout for more recipes to use oats, if you have a favorite recipe, please feel free to share with me!

New favorite treats!
And cookies

Pumpkin Pop Tarts– We are still in full on pumpkin season over here and I have been trying all kinds of pumpkin flavored foods. I was never a big fan of pumpkin, only in moderation, but it has been growing on me this season. I tried pumpkin pop tarts this season and really enjoyed them. The pumpkin flavoring wasn’t overwhelming, it was subtle but had that pumpkin spice feel and taste to it. I only tried them in room temperature and not heated up, so the flavoring could change, but if you are a pumpkin fan, consider picking them up the next time you are out and about.

Fall in your mouth!

The Crown Trailer– Any Crown fans out there? The new trailer for season 6 dropped last week and I can’t wait for part one. You can watch the trailer here. I am interested to see how they depict the months leading up to Diana’s death and the aftermath of it. I think the series has done a great job of staying true to the story. As much as I can’t wait for the final season, I also don’t want the series to be over. It has been such a good show to watch over the years and I’ll miss it when it’s over.

You never know what your favorite things will be, some weeks it’s fashion, other weeks, it’s food and scents. I hope you are recovered from Halloween and are still enjoying some candy as we make our way into a new month!

Have a great weekend!

Fabulous living

Creating Your Own Candle

Hi everyone! Happy Wednesday. I hope your week’s are going well. I was going to include this in Friday’s edition of Friday Favorites but felt it deserved its own post. 

Let me preface this by talking about my love of candles, I love the aroma, the mood it sets and all the different scents you can choose from. I even did a post about wall flowers, diffusers and candles. You can read more about it here.

I’ve heard about different candle making workshops and was thrilled to learn we had one locally. If you are from the Erie region, it’s called Wicks and Wax Studios. When I learned about it, I knew I wanted to give it a try. Here’s a bit about my experience. At this particular spot, you must RSVP to secure a spot. My mom and I went on a Thursday night and we had the most fun.

You start by trying a variety of scents for creating your own candle. You can go with one scent or blend scents. I chose to mix a spa and lemon scent.

A look at our set-up with the supplies to make the candle.

After you chose your scent, you chose your container. Everyone is given all the supplies they need to create a candle and you truly do it all yourself with instruction from the organizer. You add a wick to the jar, then measure and mix your oils, followed by measuring and stirring the hot wax, once it reaches the perfect temperature, you combine the two and stir. After stirring for several minutes and waiting until it cools, you pour it in the jar and then you let it settle and cool.

The combination of the wax and oils.

While it cools, you can choose your lid and design your label. The cooling process for the candle takes about 45 minutes, then you can take your candle home.

My completed candle and label.

I wish I took more photos, but I was having too much fun! If you are local, you should give it a try, if you don’t want to create a candle, you can buy them already done, but I think it’s fun to do your own. This would be a great bachelorette or girls day activity. 

My mom and I with our candles.

I had so much fun getting creative and getting a fun gift to take home. 

I hope this inspires you to get creative and do something for yourself, I know I’m glad I did! Have a great rest of your week!


Currently #22

Hey guys! We are almost to my favorite time of year; all the holidays…from Halloween to Thanksgiving and rounding things off with Christmas! I love this time of year. I have been embracing the fall with all the leaves and the cooler temps. Here’s a look into what I’m currently into. 

What I’m up to:  I’ve been enjoying all the fall activities, I’ve been trying to go on long walks every week. Whether it’s near or far, I love a good walk. To read about some of my favorite walks, check out my latest post. I’ve also been spending lots of time with family. I’m also slowly getting ready for the holidays by decorating for Halloween and fall! 

A rainy day and a nice walk was the perfect combination for a Friday

What I’m wearing: I hate to say it, but my wardrobe hasn’t been too exciting. I’ve been wearing hoodies and sweaters and jeans on days off. For work days, It’s been a mix of long sleeve dresses and pants with blazers too. Layers has been key when it feels like winter in the morning but summer by the afternoon. 

Jacket in the morning…
Not needed by the afternoon…hello fall weather!
Long sleeves and straight hair for cooler mornings on the desk

What I’m reading: Reading every morning has been the best way to start my days. I really enjoyed The Silent Patient, it was the perfect mix of a mystery and a psychological thriller.

Here’s what I started my month with.

For romantic mystery, What if You and Me was a great pick. There’s also a spooky twist to it, which makes it perfect for Halloween.

Another cute one story with a cute twist

I just finished reading The Last Mona Lisa, it was one of the best books I read in a long time. I loved the historical mystery and the two different time period parallels.

One of the best books I’ve read in a long time.

I’m currently reading, Nantucket Threads, which is a summer beach read, it’s definitely lighter compared to my past few reads. 

What I’m Watching: Besides my weekly shows like Grey’s Anatomy and A Million Little Things, I’ve been watching Community, which is perfect to watch in the mornings when I’m getting ready or at night if I want to watch something to unwind. The all-star cast makes it so fun to watch! I’m also on the to watch season 3 of You on Netflix. I’m hooked on it. 

What I’m Loving: I’ve been loving fall walks, seeing the leaves falling, doing lots of  reading and warm mornings and nights. I have been starting my mornings between the gym and work by lighting a candle and sipping some hot cider while I get ready for the day. I do some reading and meditating before I head out the door. It’s the best way to start the day. 

Another fall walk in the books.

What Inspires Me: I’ve been inspired by the slow and steady of daily life mind you, not every day is slow and calm, I have plenty of busy days but I savor the calm ones. I’ve also been doing lots of baking to which satisfies a sweet tooth and it gives my family a sweet treat to enjoy.

A fall trail mix on a day off

What I accomplished: I’ve been getting things done on my fall bucket list, from walks to fall treats, cider, and cozy nights in. I’ll be sharing my full bucket list recap in the coming weeks. 

Fall pumpkins for some pretty decorations.

Goals Accomplished from Last Month I’ve done a good job at slowing down. After a busy summer of travel, it’s been nice to have more lowkey days off. Last week, I spent the day reading, watching some shows, baking, meal prepping and running a few fun errands. It was the perfect mix of balance on a day off.  

First Time making s’mores cookies,

Goals for the New Month: Did someone say holidays?! I can’t wait to start getting ready for the holidays, between gift giving, seeing family, treats and decorating….I can’t wait

That’s a look into the past month. What have you accomplished in the past few weeks?

Fabulous living

Simple Christmas Decorating

Hello! Hello!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving spent with family and friends. I know I spent my break seeing family, eating, and sleeping; refueling before its back to school and finals are upon us. While I was home, I did some decorating for Christmas. Today I am going to showcase some easy and affordable Christmas decorations that can work in a dorm, at home or even in an office.

Here are some home ideas:

These glass jars filled with bright and colorful candy and sweets and make a great centerpiece. They also make a great discussion piece. The jars are in different shapes and sizes. In my jars, I have peppermints, ribbon candy, marshmallows, red hots, and candy canes. Fun and colorful!

This sleigh was from an old floral arrangement but I am reusing it for decoration. I got these colorful ornaments from Target. Put them together and you have a great table decoration. The book behind it adds a child aspect to the arrangement.

I love making a home feel cozy. By pairing together a candle with a candy dish and a floral arrangement turns a house into a home.

Here are Dorm Ideas:

I got this stocking for sale last year and it was perfect to bring some Christmas Cheer in to my dorm room. I have it hung on my bed so it’s one of the first things my guests see when they enter.

I love dressing up a room with festive pillows and blankets, I got this pillow as a gift last year and it goes perfect on my chair.

Gel clings are inexpensive and can dress up a window. Not only does it dress up your window but people passing by can get a taste of Christmas Cheer!

I got both the Christmas Lights and Santa’s sleigh from Target for $1.00 each!

These are a few easy and affordable ideas for Christmas decorating. All these decorations can work at school, work, and home. What are your favorite places to decorate? What decorating tips do you have?