Fabulous living

2024 New Year’s Resolutions

Hello All!

Happy New Year and Happy January!

I hope you and your loved ones had a wonderful Christmas and New Years. I thoroughly enjoyed my holidays with my family. We ate lots of food, enjoyed our favorite holiday traditions together and made some wonderful memories. I have no complaints about my holidays, everything was merry and bright and filled with joy.

A look at our New Year’s Eve spread

We are in a new year which means it’s time to start thinking about New Year’s goals and resolutions. I always enjoy the feeling of fresh starts and new beginnings. Get me a new planner, a fresh sheet of paper and pen and I am one happy girl. I am doing the 2024 Simplicity Challenge through Simplified this year again, so be on the lookout for a post on that in the coming weeks. As a new year begins, I also like to take some time to look back on how far I’ve come and what worked from the year before and what didn’t before I start plotting for the year ahead.

As a quick recap, my goals for 2023 were to eat healthier and run a 5K (which I accomplished), take advantage of local spots and parks (I did a good job with this in the spring and summer, but fell off the wagon a bit in the fall and winter), plan to do things on days off (I was really proud of how I used my vacation days and weekends to the fullest by planning things to do with friends and building in down time), and continue to grow in my profession (I accomplished this by tackling new projects and assignments through the year.)

My motto for 2023 was to “Embrace Change”, even though the year didn’t bring all the changes I was anticipating, I still did my best to be flexible and adaptable through the year and embrace whatever came my way.

As far as 2024 goes, my motto or phrase of the year is “Be Open and Aware of Change”. I am someone who loves and craves her routines and rhythms and doesn’t do well with change. This year I want to do better with being open to change and adapting to it and not fearing it. I also hope to be more flexible and not as rigid with a schedule, (we will see how that goes, but I am up for the challenge).

I really liked the routines and hobbies I established last year, and I want to continue and build off them in the new year. For example, I took on the hobby of running and grew to love it. I want to continue to run and work on my speed and distance this year. I also made sleep and self-care by establishing a good morning and evening routines and establishing better boundaries and I was to continue that in 2024 as well.

From 2023 to 2024, I have list of goals and resolutions for the next twelve months, here’s what I hope to accomplish in 2024:

-Donate Blood– I am not a fan of needles, but I have heard so many good stories about donating blood. I also know so many people who donate and who benefit from it. I want to give back more this year and this is one way I can achieve that.  I hope to get over my fear of needles but donating blood to help others and possibly save a life.

Do an 8K or 10K -This is building off my new hobbies from last year. I want to challenge myself and run an 8K or 10K. I really have grown to love running and I want to challenge myself this year by upping my mileage and doing more races. I have lucked out with fairly nice weather in the fall and winter to continue to run outside and I plan to do that for as long as possible until I have to run on a treadmill indoors. I’m hoping by setting these goals it will challenge me to run farther and faster.

Re-Learn Piano– Speaking of hobbies, I want to re-learn to play piano. I learned when I was in middle school but didn’t put in the time and practice that I needed to keep up with it. Now, that I’m an adult and I have a bit more freetime, I want to re-learn piano this year as a creative outlet and to challenge myself in a new way. I’m looking forward to seeing how this goes and how quickly I recall things from my earlier lessons.

-Learn how to braid hair-This may seem very silly, but I have never learned how to braid hair and I want to learn this year. This may only take a few YouTube videos and a few hours, but once again, I am looking for a creative outlet with this hobby and I;;m looking to learn a new skill

-Cook a New Recipe a week– I started doing this a few years ago and then I slipped but I want to get back to trying new meals each week and cook for my family. I love being in the kitchen whether it’s for cooking or baking and I want to continue to use my skills and learn new recipes, so when I am out on my own, I have plenty of recipes to cook. I also think cooking is a skill that you can always get better at, and I want to be savvy in the kitchen. 

These are some of my big goals and resolutions for the new year, I have a few others that are a bit more personal, but these are goals that I think are attainable and realistic. 

Tell Me: As we begin a new year, what are some goals or resolutions that you want to achieve? Let me know in the comments below so we all can hold each other accountable and lift each other up. Have a great first week of the new year.