Fabulous living

When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Gets Going

We have all had those bad days where nothing goes right, we spill our coffee, our hair gets majorly messed up, or we forget a deadline; it seems like it’s never going to get better. Have you been there? Yep, me too. Whether it’s about school work, work-work, or family drama. We have all gotten to a point where we need to just stop and let go, whether it’s going for a long drive,taking a short walk, or even having a good cry. We all have experienced our moment’s of weakness.

A few weeks back, I was not having a good day, after not getting a good night’s sleep and different  new projects getting put on my plate at work, and nothing going my way. I gave a good cry for myself. I allowed myself 10 minutes and then I knew I had to keep moving forward. These projects weren’t going to get themselves done and just because things weren’t going my way doesn’t mean it will be like that forever. So after a minor breakdown, I still had a full list of things to get done. So, what did I do?

I dried my eyes, reapplied mascara and got back to work. Yes, nothing seemed to be going my way so I decided to let go of everything, but I realized I had to keep moving forward and get stuff done.

We all have those horrible days when we see no light at the end of the tunnel. Whether it’s working an extended shift, not doing too great after midterms, or your boss making you work overtime. Yes, you can get upset, but you have to get up and get back to work.

I know this may seem a bit more personal of a post, but I think this is something that we all deal with, we may not all handle it the same way, yet, we all break down and eventually need to get back up.

So the next time you lose it for a few minutes, dry your eyes and reapply your mascara.