Let's Look

Let’s Look: How We Maintain Relationships

Hello all! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great week so far! This has been a busy, but fun week for me! We had the Super Bowl on Sunday, tomorrow is Galentine’s Day, but I have been celebrating all month long with friends but setting up one on one dates with friends and then this weekend is Valentine’s Day. I’ll be out of town for a weekend getaway which I’m excited about too! 

Here’s how I have been celebrating the month of love! 

Enjoying lots of sweet treats!
And baked goods too!

Love is the topic for today’s Let’s Look as I link up with  Shay and Erika!

In January, we covered low level goals.

Today the topic is How We Work on Our Marriage. Since I’m not married, I switched the topic to how I work on my relationships, with friends, family, and my boyfriend.

Let’s start with friendships! I cherish my friendships with my gals, whether they are near or far away. One of the biggest ways that I maintain my friendships is by being consistent with my friends with routine dates or check-ins. Besides sending random texts or check-ins with my friends, I try to set up weekly or monthly dates depending on our schedules. Life can get busy, but having something on the calendar is important for holding each other accountable. For example, my one friend and I have monthly facetime dates. We talk at the end of the month for about an hour and catch each other up on all our life happenings. We will still occasionally text through the month, but we save all the girl talk for our facetime dates since we live far away from each other.  When it comes to friends who live in town, my friends and I try to see each other once or twice a month for a walk, coffee date, or meal. For me and my friends, having something on the calendar keeps us in a good rhythm of visiting one another. 

When it comes to my family, I live at home with my parents and one brother (the other two are grown and out of the house or in college). Family dinners are super important to us, we always make time for each other and love to hear about each other’s days. I love the connection that sitting down for a meal offers. When it comes to my brothers who aren’t home, besides texting, I try to call and check in about once a week. We talk about our weeks, what’s new and life in general. I love the connection that a phone call or facetime offers as opposed to a text.

Lastly, my boyfriend. I keep my relationship pretty private. But we have been together for almost five years and every day is better than the last. We have grown and learned a lot through our relationship. We met through work and worked together for a few years, before he decided to make a career change and now we are going long distance. We have learned a lot by going the distance and grown in our relationship too. The biggest thing I have learned is the importance of communication, whether it’s something that’s good or bad, being upfront and honest with one another has been so helpful when we are hours apart. We talk and text through the day and try to visit each other once a month and when we are together we try to have a balance or doing things and just doing mundane things. Having good communication skills, putting each other first and giving our best effort are top priorities for us. 

Relationships are so vital to our lives, whether it’s friendships, family, or significant others. I try to maintain relationships the best that I can and in ways that works best for me. With Valentine’s Day just days away, how do you maintain your relationships? Let me know in the comments below! Have a wonderful ramp up to Galentine’s Day and Valentine’s Day! Sending you lots of love!

Fabulous living

What I’m Thankful For

Hello everyone!

Happy Wednesday!

It is the week before Thanksgiving and boy, is this month moving fast, even with Thanksgiving being a week late, it has still been a busy month. I just got back from a weekend away which was so nice to getaway. Plus, some holiday decor was already up which made me very happy and get into the Christmas spirit!

Airports all decked out for the holidays!

Today’s post is more reflective as I’m sharing what I’m thankful for. I do these posts every year and they are such a good time to share my gratitude for everything I have and the people and experiences I have in my life.

First and foremost, I’m thankful for my incredible family, supportive friends and compassionate boyfriend. I don’t have the words to describe how lucky I am to have such a strong and loving support system. 

My family is always there for me during big milestones or everyday moments. I am so lucky to have such a close-knit family that eats dinner together every day, calls and checks in with each other regularly, and loves to laugh and support one another. By working in my hometown, I am able to spend even more time with my family and it’s something I don’t take for granted.

My boyfriend is one my best friends and favorite people in the world. I don’t share too much about my relationship on my blog to keep things private, but he is one of the best things that has happened to me. He is so supportive, selfless, understanding, hardworking, funny, and pushes me to be my best in all that I do. He encourages me in work and is so supportive of my hobbies and interests. He celebrates the big milestones in life, but also acknowledges the importance of mundane moments. He loves my dogs as if they were his own and goes out of his way to make sure I feel valued and heard. I thank God every day that he came into my life five years ago on Thanksgiving Day (another reason to be thankful).

Montreal- one of the many places my boyfriend and I traveled to this year!

I’m also so grateful for my understanding and kind friends. I have stayed close with different friends from different stages and areas of life. Whether we catch up weekly in-person or over Facetime each month, I’m so lucky to have people in my corner who cheer me on, understand my fluid schedule with work and who put in the effort for our friendship.

Getting outdoors and taking walks with friends is so good for my soul

I’m so grateful for my good health and the health of my family and friends. This past year has brought losing loved ones and some illnesses and every day, I’m so grateful that I am healthy and so are my loved ones. I’m also thankful for medicine, good doctors and research and technology to help fight these diseases. 

When times get challenging, I’m thankful for my faith in God. I know that I can always depend on his unwavering love and that he will guide me through life’s most challenging and most joyful moments. I’m grateful for my parents for making sure a relationship in God was a priority in my life growing up.

In times of doubt, trusting in God is so important

This year has been a year of change for me and I’m grateful for the new people who have come into my life to show support and provide guidance. 

I’m thankful for a job that I love waking up and going to every day. I love that I have co-workers that have become friends to me. I’m also grateful for a job that challenges me, but also teaches me things around the world. Every day brings something new to my life and I’m so lucky that I get to call it my job. I also hit the jackpot by being able to work in my hometown and work in a community that means so much to me. 

My job has taken me to pretty cool places and experiences.

I am so grateful for all the adventures and hobbies that bring me so much joy every day. I have tried new things this year and continued to enjoy activities that give me a creative and freeing outlet. Things like running, reading, baking and cooking bring me so much joy and balance in my life. I have traveled a lot this year to new and familiar places and I’m so lucky for the opportunity to see so much of the world and create lasting memories with family and friends.

This past year has been filled with adventures, new beginnings, reconnecting, challenges and staying true to myself and I’m so grateful for it all.

I have much to be thankful for this year. 

With Thanksgiving just over a week away, tell me, what are you thankful for this year?

Fabulous living

What I’m Thankful For

It’s Thanksgiving Eve! Is it just me or did the holiday sneak up on you too?

These past few weeks have been the calm before the holiday rush. I have been spending days off doing lots of fall cleaning and organizing. I cleaned out, donated and sold so many items that I had outgrown or wasn’t using anymore. It feels good to have clean spaces before I bring out all the holiday decorations. More on deep cleaning tips to come in the new year.

Before we get to Christmas, we have to focus on Thanksgiving! I’m looking forward to spending time with my family. Everyone will be home for the weekend which will be great to get some quality family time and honor some traditions too.

As we look towards the holiday, I am reflecting on what I am thankful for this year.

As the year began, I didn’t know what the year would hold: change, new beginnings, things sticking to status quo? For the most part, this year has been filled with routine, new hobbies, travel, family time, friends, and creating memories.

I have so much to be thankful for and could list a hundred things, but to save both you and I from a litany, here’s the top things I’m thankful for:

Loving family– I don’t know where I would be without my family. I am so fortunate to have such a loving and supportive family and the fact I get to see them every day as an adult is something I don’t take for granted. I have gotten so much bonus time with my parents and younger siblings as an adult by living at home that I am truly grateful for. Whether we are on vacation together or just sitting around the dining room table, the memories made are ones I truly cherish. This past summer, my family and I all were home under the same roof and the older I get, I know that won’t be the case forever. However, no matter where I am or what I am doing I will always have the love and support of my family with me.

Memories from family trips!

My boyfriend– I have kept my relationship with my boyfriend pretty private over the past few years, but I am so lucky to have such an incredibly supportive and loving person in my life. He’s caring, hardworking, understands my job, gets my humor, is so accommodating and overall, supportive. He will get up early to read my blog every time I have a new post, he notices the little things and goes out of his way to find ways to being unexpected moments of joy to my day. He plans incredible dates whether it’s 24 hours in NYC or a lazy day of childhood movies and junk food. I couldn’t have asked for a better or more supportive boyfriend.

The sights and sounds of NYC

Supportive friends-Whether near or far, I’m so lucky to have such wonderful friends in my life. I try to be consistent with my friends by doing weekly check-ins via text or monthly meet-ups. I have different friends from different stages of my life and I know I can always count on them to show up when I need them most, whether it’s a funny meme, some advice, or just a good long walk, I know my friends are always in my corner.

Girls night with my friends!

My pets– Keeping this one brief, there’s no better feeling than coming home after a long day and sitting on the couch and petting a dog. They know what you need by just nuzzling their head on you. They provide instant love, they give the best kisses and they really allow you to let your worries fade away for however long you need.

My loving pups!

My faith- Life has its ups and downs, but my faith and trust in God is always there. I’m thankful for my parents for instilling a good faith in me at a young age. I’m so grateful for all the blessings he has given me and how he always, always, always, looks out for me no matter where I am in life. Even when the path may seem unclear, I always put my faith and trust in God.

A good education– From grade school to high school and college, I am so thankful for my educational foundation to get me to where I am today. From the practical skills in the classroom, to the life skills outside of the classroom, my teachers and classmates have helped shaped me into the person I am today. I also got my love of learning from the classroom. One of my favorite parts of my job is learning something new every day and I got that love of learning from going to great schools and having wonderful teachers and role models.

A job I love– I am so lucky that I get to wake up and go to a job that I am passionate about and love every day. I always tell people that I landed my dream job right out of college and that’s the honest truth. I get to do what I love, in a place that I love, with some incredibly smart and talented people. I find fulfillment and joy each day in my work and I couldn’t be more grateful that I found my niche. I have talked to friends who don’t have the same love or passion for their jobs as I do and in those moments, it makes me feel more grateful that I hit the jackpot doing something I love.

New hobbies– This year I have found so many new hobbies that have brought me so much joy. Besides my love of reading, I have developed a love of running (which I never thought would happen). I have gotten physically stronger over this past year and I’m proud of my endurance.

One of my latest runs

My garden was a labor of love this summer, but I loved being able to eat the vegetable I grew over the summer, and I loved the sense of accomplishment of seeing hard work pay off.

My last haul from the garden.

I also have enjoyed all my time in the kitchen whether it be baking, trying new recipes of dinner, or learning family recipes. Not only has it been a good skill to learn, but it’s also been so fun too!

Some of my creations.

Good health of myself, family and friends– My health and the health of my family and friends is something I don’t take for granted. There’s so many illnesses, diseases, and viruses in our world and I’m so grateful that I am healthy and happy along with my family and friends. I’m also grateful for doctors who do what they can to help provide answers to health problems. 

So much to be grateful for!

New opportunities to grow and push me out of my comfort zone– Even when things can get challenging, I am grateful for the hard and uncomfortable moments in life because that’s when we see the biggest growth in ourselves and others. I’m grateful for new adventures, new opportunities and experiences. Whether positive or negative, I’m grateful for every moment that got me to where I am today.

SO many moments of joy this year!

I have a lot to be grateful for this year. I don’t know what the next year will bring, but I’m thankful for every moment of 2023.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Give Thanks!

Fabulous living Let's Look

Let’s Look + Valentine’s Day Date Ideas

Hello all!

Happy Wednesday! Can you believe we are less than a week away from Valentine’s Day?! I feel like the holiday snuck up on me. I got some Valentine’s Day decorating last week and I plan on doing some Valentine’s Day baking over the next few days. I have been on a baking/cooking roll over the past few weeks, and I have been loving trying new recipes in the winter months. 

I have a double post for you today! First, I’m going to be teaming up with Erika and Shay for Let’s Look! The second Wednesday of the month they have a different prompt about different parts of your life for you to answer.

This month’s topic is What Your Medicine Cabinet Looks Like. I have been doing lots of organizing and cleaning lately and I just finished organizing my medicine box. Besides medicine, I like to keep back stock of makeup and beauty products along with travel products. It’s always helpful to have some go-to products on hand so whenever you run out of a product or medicine, there’s some always on hand. The key is to make sure you clean it out frequently and get rid of old products that have expired. Having a clean space with backup and hygiene products makes life much simpler.

A look inside my back stock

Now onto part two of this post! With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, I’m sharing some fun date ideas for you and your significant other. These are a mix of more traditional to unique ideas. If you are looking for inexpensive date ideas, you can find my post about it here.

Without further ado, here’s some Valentine’s Day Date Ideas:

Recreate a First Date-This is a sweet, romantic, and nostalgic way to celebrate the day. Whether you have been with your significant other for a few months or several years, try to recreate your first date. Go to the restaurant or pick up take out, maybe see if you can hunt down what you wore that night or find something similar, to bring back all the first date feels. If you went to the movies for the first time before or after dinner, see if you can find it on a streaming service to watch before or after dinner. This allows you and your significant other to take a romantic walk down memory lane on the sweetest holiday.

Head to an event or performance- Nothing says date night than a night on the town. If you are both into music or theater, see if there’s any local performances happening on or around Valentine’s Day. If you both like the sport scene, see if your local hockey or basketball team has a game. This is a great date idea if you are in the early stages of a relationship and still getting to know each other and one another’s interests or if you have been together for years and you both have a passion for the arts and culture or sports. Plus, it’s never a bad idea to enjoy an experience together.

Whether it’s a performance
Or a sporting event, you can’t go wrong with a night on the town.

Dinner at Home-This is personally my favorite one. I really enjoy cooking and baking, so trying a new recipe at home or enjoying a favorite one together sounds divine for Valentine’s Day. Light some candles, turn on a favorite movie or show and enjoy cooking a meal together. You get to enjoy an activity together and you have a delicious end result. You don’t have to worry about the hassle of reservations, crowded restaurants, or parking. Given that Valentine’s Day is on a weekday, you can celebrate with a nice meal at home the weekend before or the night of. I live for lowkey nights at home, so this is the best way to celebrate Valentine’s Day, also make sure you have a sweet dessert for after dinner.

Nothing better than a nice night in

Valentine’s Day Breakfast or Lunch– If you want to go out for meal, but don’t want to deal with the crowds or reservations, celebrate Valentine’s Day earlier in the day, head to breakfast for some one on one time before the work day begins, or set-up a time to break away from work and meet up for a fancy lunch. Both of these options still makes sure you are acknowledging and celebrating the day, without the stress of doing dinner. 

You can even do a fancy brunch at home.

Cliche Valentine’s Day Date– If you have been dating someone for a while and you aren’t stressed about setting impossible expectations, go all out with a cliche Valentine’s Day Date. Buy the big teddy bear or the heart shaped box of chocolates, a long stem rose or a few doesn’t hurt either and make your date into a Valentine’s Day date that’s fit for a romantic comedy. A few other ideas to include in your date: Heart shaped balloons or decorations, a card, a cheesy romantic comedy, your significant other’s favorite meal and lots of sweets and chocolates. This is a fun way to make a big gesture but, in a fun, young love kind of way.

Going all out for Valentine’s Day

I hope this gives you some date ideas for Valentine’s Day if you are looking to go all out for a date night. I know I would be happy with any of these date ideas. If you have other date ideas, let me know in the comments below! Happy Valentine’s Day!

Fabulous living

What I’m Thankful For

Hello everyone! Happy Wednesday! If you are able to enjoy some time off around the Thanksgiving holiday. I hope the next few days are filled with delicious food, time with family or loved ones, making core memories and a time to rejuvenate.

After Thanksgiving, I know Christmas will be on the minds of many, if it isn’t already. Before Thanksgiving, I always like to take some extra time to reflect on my blessings and what I’m thankful for.

I have so many things to be grateful for this year. I am so lucky to have a loving and supportive family with me. I love that I am able to work in my hometown and I’m able to see my family every day. There’s no greater joy than coming home and enjoying a home cooked meal and talking about our day’s. This year we have traveled to new places and visited old ones. One of the best things about this year was our time together from family dinners, to day trips and just conversations and laughs together. There’s nothing more special than time spent with family. I’m also grateful to my furbabies too!

A snapshot from our time spent at the beach this summer.
My favorite puppies!

I’m grateful for my boyfriend brings out the best in me every day. He who pushes me to work my hardest and supports me in everything I do. From my job to my blog, he’s an incredible supporter. We have created so many wonderful memories from walks to adventures, trying new recipes and long drives. Our time together is one of the things I treasure most of all.

One of the many places we have got walking.

I’m so lucky to have wonderful friends in my life. From friends from preschool, to high school friends and one from college. I’m grateful that I have stayed in touch and continued to create memories with. From meeting halfway for dinners, to monthly facetime dates, walks and coffee hangs. As an adult, life can get busy so I try to make a point to put friendships first by checking in on friends when they have busy weeks, or making a suggestion for a favorite book or movie. I always love when I have friends who check in on me and support me and lift me up when I need an extra hand.

I’m grateful for a job that I love. I enjoy learning new things every day and being challenged and growing every day. I love being able to work and live in my hometown and make an impact every day.

A glimpse into some of the places my job takes me.

After illness being a topic of conversation for the past few years, I am so grateful for my good health, my family’s health and my friend’s health. Waking up every day and being healthy is something I don’t take for granted. Life can get busy and our priorities can shift but reminding ourselves what’s important is something we need to remind ourselves more.

Savoring the little moments in life, like fall drives.

I’m thankful for all the challenging moments in life, for the long or stressful moments because it makes me stronger and makes me a better person. I know I wouldn’t be where I am today if it weren’t for the growing pains or the rollercoaster moments. All those little things got me to where I am today.

I am grateful for all the things that bring me joy! From curling up with a good book, to baking food for ones that I love, and enjoying heartfelt conversations with family and friends. I’m grateful for how I feel when I finish a hard workout or a long walk. I’m grateful for the satisfaction I feel when I prepare a meal or dessert for my family. I’m grateful for the experience of getting lost in a book or a movie. I’m grateful for resting after a productive day. I’m thankful for seeing the sunrise every morning and watching it set. 

Finding hobbies like cooking and baking bring me so much joy!

Life is so precious and it’s made up so many little moments. At the end of the day, that’s what I’m most grateful for, all the moments, big and small. 

Feeling extra grateful this year!

Over the next few days, I hope you take the time to reflect on what you are most grateful for.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Fabulous living

Valentine’s Day and Gift Guide

Happy Wednesday! I hope your week’s are moving along well.

I have a two for one today as we are talking about Valentine’s Day which is next week!

Today’s post is a mix of gift ideas and date ideas for you and your sweetheart if you are celebrating a day filled with love on Monday.

Let’s start with gift ideas. 

Valentine’s Day Gifts

You can always go for a box of chocolates or something sweet and flowers. As someone with a big sweet tooth, I would love a big box of chocolates, but if you want to be a bit more creative, here’s some ideas.

-An Experience

If you want to combine gifts and a date in a gift, maybe splurge on an experience or an activity. It can be anything from tickets to a show (movie or concert) or a favorite sporting event (it’s Hockey season!) to maybe a unique date like wine tasting, candle making or a painting night. This gift allows you both to spend time together and do something a little more special or fun that you may not typically do during your date nights. 

-A Memento 

This gift allows you to flex your creative muscles. Maybe try getting your significant other a memento from your relationship. This can be as easy as getting a new frame and printing some of your favorite pictures to put inside. Maybe you saved a special receipt or a hand written letter, consider framing them. Another idea is adding a few keepsakes to a scrap book or even make up a memory box to put some of your favorite memories that make you think of the other person.

-A “Couple” Favorite Things

This is another fun gift idea, put together a little box of gift of some of your favorite things you both like to enjoy. This can be your favorite candies, snacks, or drinks, maybe a favorite movie or activity or a gift certificate to a favorite restaurant or a place that you went to on a favorite or memorable date. Put it all together and gift it. This allows you both to enjoy something together and enjoy some things you have grown to love together. A perfect walk down memory lane together.

Date Ideas

-Home Cooked Meal

I always love this as a date idea. This date allows you and your girlfriend or boyfriend to enjoy a more relaxing night at home and avoid the craziness and crowds of restaurants. Maybe try a new recipe or meal together, you can bond in the kitchen and can enjoy a delicious end result. To make it extra special, use some nice plates and dishes, light some candles and set the mood for a dinner date for two.

-Night on the Town

Even if you have to work during the day, enjoy the big night after work. You can enjoy a favorite spot to eat at or try a new spot to make it special. Then head out to enjoy the rest of the night, whether it’s with a show or maybe a walk in a park or even a drive. . As fun as it is to enjoy the actual day, to avoid the hectic-ness of Valentine’s Day, maybe head out to celebrate the weekend before or a few days after to enjoy a quiet night.

– Day Trip

Even if you don’t celebrate the day of, plan a day trip to either someplace new or a favorite place that holds meaning to you both. During the winter months and being coped up for so long, it’s exciting to try something new and head out for a day trip. Start the day early and get some snacks and hit the open road, set a destination, and make some stops along the way. It doesn’t matter where you end up, what matters is the journey and the memories you make along the way.

These are just a few ideas to enjoy Valentine’s Day. Whether you like to go all out or like to keep it low-key, what’s most important is showing the people in your life that you love them. And yes, these ideas work just as well for a girl’s night out too!