
Currently #14

Hey guys! Happy Wednesday! This past month was packed and I can’t wait to update you all with all the new things going on. 

What I’m up to: This past month has been busier for work, I just finished a big project which was happy to get it done and see the end result. It’s been a cold month, so I have spent a lot of time inside, watching tv and doing lots of reading and doing some projects around the house as well as catching up with friends too!

My finished work project

What I’m wearing: It all depends on how bad the weather is. If it’s super cold, then it’s pants and sweaters and lots of layers. If it’s warmer, and by warmer, I mean above 30 degrees, then I brave the weather with a dress and tights. On days off, it’s a lot of leggings and hoodies or sweaters. 

What I’m reading: I have been doing so well with my reading this year. I have read 5 books so far. I keep a running list of books of my story called 2021 Books. If you are looking for new books to read this is a starting spot. I also have been doing a book club with my two high school friends, Maddie and Ryan, we have been making our way through a different book each month. We just finished Pride by Ibi Zoboi, which is a modern twist of Pride and Prejudice. It’s been so fun to read new books and share them with friends too!

I have also read, Make Room for What You Love by Melissa Michaels, it’s a book about organizing your home, keeping it clean and establishing new routines too. I already do many of the practices in the book, but it was still fun to learn new things.

Another book I read was, Traveling Light by Max Lucado. It broke down Psalm 23, “The Lord is my Shepherd” and had guided meditations and stories to go alongside them. Stay tuned for what I’m reading this month.

What I’m Watching: I finished Virgin River which was a lighter show to watch. It was nice to watch something that didn’t require my attention the full time.

I have been watching some movies here and there. I just started a new series, Lupin, on Netflix. If you are looking for mystery, suspense with lots of twists and turns, this is the show for you.

What I’m Loving: I’m loving reconnecting with old friends. This past month, I have gotten coffee with lifelong friends, I’ve been staying close with high school friends thanks to our book club, I have also stayed close with college friends with monthly facetime dates. Staying consistent with friends has been a new year’s resolution and I’m happy to report that I’m doing very well with it so far this year.

What Inspires Me: I’m inspired by food, not trying to be funny, but I have been doing a lot of cooking and have loved finding new recipes and trying them out. I have made soups, pastas, chicken dishes, and more. Every time I try something new, I love the sense of accomplishment with cooking and trying something new. My Let’s Get Cooking Posts has all the recipes there.

My latest pasta and shrimp recipe

What I accomplished: My work schedule has changed a bit, so I had to get adjusted to a new routine. One thing I really like about it is getting more family time. It’s the little things like that make the cold and gloomy days filled with sunshine. I also have really enjoyed getting started with my new year’s resolutions too!

Goals Accomplished from Last Month Last month was all about establishing new routines, I added some new rhythms in my daily schedule, and I am loving the results I’m seeing so far. By adding more reading and friend time, it has made me more well-rounded and lead a more balanced life. I also wanted to start cooking more and I have found a real passion and love for it. I can’t wait to try new recipes.

Baking on days off

Goals for the New Month: I know it’s still cold outside, but I want to make a point more to get outside and get more fresh air. I am also looking for a new project to tackle, I’m not sure what it will be yet, but I love getting creative with different projects. 

Fabulous living

Summer Book Review

As promised, my summer book review. My goals was to read 20 books. Let’s see how I did.

My spring and summer melted together so around May was when I started reading summer books.

Inspire Your Home by Farah Merhi

I have followed Farah’s Instagram account for years. I love anything fashion and interior design and that’s exactly what Farah’s personal and professional pages are. When she announced she was writing a book I knew I had to get it. It covers all different rooms in her home and how to decorated them all. She also talks about decorating on a budget, for different seasons and different seasons of life. Although, I am still living at home and don’t have my own place yet. I know this will come in handy when I am on my own and decorating my own space. The book is filled with pictures, text and explanations. If you are looking for home inspiration or design help, this is the book for you, plus it doubles as a great coffee table book.

Grade: B

The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey

Since I graduated and have been working, saving and budgeting have been areas that I have wanted to work on. I have been saving money by living at home, but I wanted to be educated on a basic overview of finances. After asking around, Total Money Makeover was recommended time and time again. I decided to give it a try. I found the book to be very informative with lessons when it comes to saving, spending, and getting out of debt. It provided a general idea of finances without getting too deep. I do think it would be a better read for someone who may be struggling to get out of debt, rather I just read it to get a lay of the land when it comes to money.

Grade: B-

The Paris Seamstress by Natasha Lester

I got this book for my birthday back in May and finished it at the end of August. It took me a while to sit down and read it but once I did, I loved it! In one afternoon I finished half of the book. The book takes places in the 1940’s and then in the present day and it goes back and forth between two seamstresses. In the 1940’s, the main focus is about the war and spies and the transition from France to America. In the present day, it’s all about uncovering the past and connecting the pieces. There are love stories found in both the past and present, so it’s hard to choose a favorite. It’s hard to read it during multiple sittings. So, I recommend getting a cup of tea or coffee, sitting down and getting into the world of fashion and love and Paris. 

Grade: A

The Royal We by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan

I have heard about this book a lot from other blogs and I couldn’t wait to try it for myself. It’s modern day Cinderella story with the Royal family. Imagine a mix of Will and Kate and then Harry and Meghan. The heir to throne in England meets an American in college and they fall and in love. The book covers eight years of their life from meeting, dating, breaking up, getting engaged and preparing for a wedding. There’s a lot of characters so you need to pay attention, but I really fell in love with this book. You definitely need to sit down and read it, you can read it in bits and pieces but I enjoyed it even more when I could really sit and enjoy it. I loved all the references to the royals and London, England. I did find myself thinking of the Royals and The Crown a lot as I was reading it. The sequel just came out and I can’t wait to read it. Overall, this was the perfect book to end my summer reading list. 

Grade: A 

I clearly did not get anywhere near my goal of reading 20 books. I thought I would have more time to read before work or on my days off in the summer, but life got very busy. I am hoping to get more reading done in the fall and winter when I am inside more. Overall, I was very happy with the books I did get to read and how they were all very different and unique in their own ways. 

What are some books you read this summer? 

What recommendations do you have for me?


Currently #5

Hey, hey! Happy Wednesday! I can’t believe we are almost to June. The weather is getting warmer, I’m spending more time outside and life is slowly getting back to a new normal. This past month has been so filled with so many new and exciting things, I can’t wait to share what I’ve been up to and what’s currently going on in my life.

What I’m up to: Besides work, I have been spending more time outside, whether it’s going for walks or spending time by the pool, the weather is warmer and it’s good to get a change of pace and scenery.  

What I’m wearing: I’ve been breaking out all the blues, pinks and greens. Here’s one of my latest outfits, I’ve worn to work recently. I wanted something both professional but also versatile, so I can handle whatever the day brings. I love the combination of green and blue. I got these dress pants from The Limited. I got this green sweater from Gap. My lunchbox (!!!) matches my outfit which I didn’t even plan. I love the bright colors and how the solid colors coordinate so well.

What I’m reading: May was a great month of reading for me. I read, “In Five Years”, I saw it on four different blogs and I knew that I had to read it. I finished it in 3 sittings, it was so good. Without giving too much away, it tells the story of a young, driven, hard working professional in New York City, she has her life together, from a great job, loving boyfriend, dream apartment, however, when she has a premonition about her future, it causes her to reevaluate her life. It’s a story about friendship, love, relationships, and following your dreams. I would definitely recommend it for anyone looking to get lost in a book for a few hours. 

What I’m Watching: Last fall I read, Little Fires Everywhere, you can read my review of it here, after reading the book I couldn’t wait to watch the mini series. I loved seeing faces to the people and story I read about it. There were a few differences between the book and the mini series, like with any adaptations. But overall, I was happy with how it was going from book to screen. The ending in the mini series took me by surprise, if you read/watched it. What were your thoughts?!

What I’m Loving: I’m loving the spring weather, life is slowly getting back to a new normal, I’m looking forward to more time grilling and swimming, hopefully seeing more friends and getting outside more. I’m looking forward to more walks, runs, and family time.  

What Inspires Me: If you know me, you know I am a positive person, who always looks for the good in every day. This quote immediately spoke to me. Mindset is everything especially during in trying times.  

What I accomplished: I’ve continued to focus on leading a healthy lifestyle, by eating healthier and working out more and getting more exercise, I’ve continued to have a more balanced lifestyle. I also just finished a big project at work which I was very happy with the outcome. 

Goals Accomplished from Last Month: I was very happy with getting some projects and presents purchased and sent, I had many friends who graduated from college and I loved sending them a little something to let them know I was thinking of them. I’ve also done a good job of getting more routine things done, (like cleaning my car weekly, doing more sanitizing of things, and just continuing with little things daily to make my weeks go more soundly.  

Goals for the New Month: This month was great for getting things done and being productive. I’m looking forward to hopefully seeing some friends and family in June. Hoping more rules get lifted so we can get to a more normal and we can enjoy some of the summer season. 

This was a great wrap up of May, I don’t know about you, but this month has flown. I have a few things planned for next week which I’m looking forward to, and then I’m eager to welcome a new month.

Have a beautiful week and Memorial Day weekend. 

Fabulous living

THREE Years of Blogging

Hey hey everyone! This weekend marks three years of blogging!!! Where has the time gone? I started this blog as creative escape and something to do during my downtime and boy has it turned into something else. It has given a creative escape, but it’s held me accountable, it’s helped me become a stronger writer, it’s allowed me to be more open, and it’s led me to lead a more reflective life.

I started this blog after my first year of college and now I’m in almost five months into working my first job. SO much has changed, from meeting new people, MANY looks of the day, travel journals, book reviews, semester recaps, and now currentlys. It’s been incredible to see how I have grown and changed. Although, my posts have shifted a bit since I started working, it has opened up new doors and opportunities to write about different things. My little blog corner has also given me the opportunity to connect with people in ways I didn’t think it was possible. It’s been cool to see what I was feeling during my junior year of college compared to what I am feeling now. It’s been fascinating and a good way to appreciate everything in life especially in these uncertain times. 

Now, to round up some of my favorite blog posts:

I love any post where I talk about travel so both of my travel posts about Rome are included:

I love when I can share some of my favorite blogs with you:

It was a joy to share my college experience with you all:

I love reading and sharing my love of reading on here has held me accountable as well as gives me suggestions of new things to read:

I have loved my new series Currently, it’s the perfect Monthly Update, new one coming next week, until then, here’s April’s!!

There have been SO many look of the day’s and I’m excited to be bringing them back. But here’s one of my favorite ones:

Lastly, I love any post where I talk about the good in every day:

This is just a wrap up of some of my favorite posts or topics. I can’t wait to see what this new year of blogging brings, thank you to everyone who have followed me or read my posts, whether you have been reading since I started 3 years ago or just last month. THANK YOU! 

Let’s see what this next year has in store!

Fabulous living

Summer Book Review

Hi friends! With summer winding down and school starting back up again I wanted to take this time to share all the books I read this summer and a quick review on them My goal was to read between 12-15…let’s see if I achieved it?!

  1. Rising Strong by Brene Brown

I had watched Brene’s Netflix special and I loved it. I found it so informative and powerful. After watching it, I wanted to read her previous works. I thoroughly enjoyed Rising Strong, it is all about being vulnerable and opening up to others whether it be in the workplace, at home, or with friends. She also shares personal stories of her being vulnerable in her own life which I loved. There were a lot of valuable lessons in the book and I plan to read more of Brene’s other books. I did find it at times to be a bit heavy and contain a lot information which could be overwhelming, but overall, I found the book to be eye opening and a good read. 

Grade: B

2. Sex and the City and USby Jennifer Keishin Armstrong

I have no shame in admitting I am a fan of Sex and the City, I’ve seen the series and movies and I love the message the shows has about women, friendship, New York, fashion, and love. This book documents everything from the book that inspired the series, the behind the scenes of creating the show, as well as interviews with writers, crew members, and cast members. I love learning all the behind the scenes facts when it comes to my favorite shows. This was a fun and light read and it made me want to rewatch the series again! LOL! For any Sex and the City fan-this is a must read. Fall in love with Carrie Bradshaw all over again!

Grade: A-

3. Bossypants by Tina Fey

I loved this book by Tina Fey. I love her as a comedian and find her funny in anything I watch, whether it’s SNL, 30 Rock, or one of the many comedies she has starred in. I found this book to be very light and easy to read. I got it done in two sittings. Fey shares her early childhood, making it into the industry, her time working on SNL and 30 Rock. As I was reading, I found myself laughing to myself about some of the antics she was encountering. I found the book to be very real and relatable. I would recommend it for a beach read or something light between more intense reads. You will find yourself laughing along the way. 

Grade: B+

4. Daring Greatlyby Brene Brown

After reading one of Brene’s books, I wanted to try and read another. I found this one to be enjoyable and informative. Once again, she shares her vast knowledge and research when it comes to shame and vulnerability. I loved how she shares her personal stories about dealing with shame in her life. I would recommend reading this book before Rising Strong. Overall, I was happy I continued to learn more about the importance of being vulnerable since it is something that I don’t think we talk about enough. I did find it to be a bit heavy with the research so it took some extra time to read and comprehend it. I would definitely recommend it to a friend. 

Grade: B-

5. Whiskey in a Teacup by Reese Witherspoon

I absolutely loved this book. I finished it in two sittings by the pool after work. I have always been a fan of Reese Witherspoon, I find her so down to Earth and charming. In this books she shares everything she learned from growing up in the south and how it made her into the person she is today. She shares family recipes, tips for decorating, family photos, and gorgeous photos. I learned so much about Reese and how she incorporates her southern roots into her life in California. I also love the layout of the books, she has her favorite recipes mixed in with photos of her home, family, and life down south. I would highly recommend reading this book or evening having it for a coffee table book. It’s bright, colorful, sweet and charming just like Reese is!

Grade: A+

6. How to Date Men When You Hate Men by Blythe Roberson

This book kept popping up on different blogs I read as well as suggested books. I was intrigued and decided to give it a try. I will be honest with you, it was okay, but I could have definitely bypassed it. Overall, it was funny and had a lot of good one liners and pop culture references which made the book relatable and easy to read. However, I found it to be negative towards dating, love, and relationships. I was hoping it would be more reflective and positive about relationships and dating but I was let down by it. Some things were relatable and resonated with me, but for the most part it was hard to get through it. It was okay but definitely not my favorite…oh well, you win some, you lose some. 

Grade: C-

7. Swear on this Life by Renee Carlino

I loved this book! It was one of my favorites that I have read this whole year. It tells the story of a young women who reads a book and realizes it’s a book based on her whole life by her childhood best friend and first love. This book goes back and forth between her present day life and the book based on her childhood. She must decide if she wants to track her best friend or leave the past in the past. It’s so well written and sucks you in immediately. Once I started reading it, I couldn’t put it down. I finished in two sittings. I enjoyed it so much I looked into other books by this author. I loved the concept of how one’s first love, maybe one’s only love. I would highly recommend it. 

Grade: A+

8. The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch

Another favorite book I read this summer. I have heard about The Last Lecture for years but never got around to reading it. Once I started I couldn’t put it down, I finished it in one day. It tells the story of Pausch’s last lecture that he gives before he dies of cancer. He talks about achieving his childhood dreams and what lessons he wants to leave behind to his children, family, friends, and students. I was incredibly moved by this book, I often found myself writing down quotes that I loved. I found this book to be so inspiring and reminded me never to take anything for granted. Highly recommend.

Grade: A+

9. Before We Were Strangers by Renee Carlino

I enjoyed Carlino’s other book so much, I decided to read another one by her and thoroughly enjoyed it as much. This story follows the lives of college lovers and what happens when they see each other after 15 years apart. The book goes back and forth between college life in the past and the present day. It fills in the blanks of what happened in those 15 years apart.  I loved the story it told about how special one’s first love is and how time doesn’t mean anything when you truly care about someone. There are laughs, heartfelt moments and a few shockers. I would definitely recommend this book if you are looking for a beach read or something to read before bed. We all could use something light and filled with love in our lives. 

Grade: A

10. Love What Matters

I came across this book at the library and was immediately intrigued. It is based off a Facebook Community group. People can go on and post small acts of kindness or love they witnessed or that happened to them. I’m a firm believer in positivity and not focusing on the negative. This book was a collection of many stories from people all over witnessing love and kindness. I read it in two sessions, half by the pool and then the second half inside during a rain storm, both ideal places for good reading! What I enjoyed most about this book was how little acts can make a huge impact on others. Definitely worth the read and your hearts will be moved!

Grade: A

11. A Reporter’s Life: Peter Jennings

I was really excited for this book going into it, however, it just ended up being okay. I liked the content and reading about Jennings’ life and the stories he covered during his time as a reporter. But, it was hard to get into the book. I liked the way different people who were friends, family, and colleagues of Jennings contributed to the book. I learned a lot about what it means to be a good reporter as well as the impact Jennings made on the world. I found the book to be informative, but I wasn’t changed after reading it. When it comes to books, you win some, you lose some. 

Grade; B

12. The Royal Runaway by Lindsay Emory 

This story follows the journey of a young princess who gets left at the altar. Thea must uncover what really happened to her fiancĂŠ Christian and who to trust in her royal family. She meets Nick, who also wants to help her find out what happen to her lover, but with his own agenda. I love anything British and Royals so this was the perfect summer read. This book was the perfect mix of romance, mystery, and adventure, all things I look for in a good book. I would definitely recommend it if you are looking for a light and carefree book. 

Grade: B+

13. Go Ask Ali by Ali Wentworth

Last summer I read Happily Ali After and I found it funny and an easy read. When I saw this book sitting on the shelf, I knew I wanted to try it. I’m so glad I did. Ali shares personal funny stories about her family, her life, and sweet memories that go along with them. Her topics range from family vacations, her daughters growing up, her girlfriends and her husband. She is real and honest and basically says what everyone is thinking. I finished her book in one weekend. After reading her second book, I feel like I could have a cup of coffee with her and just talk about life and funny stories. Was it the best book I read this summer? No, but It was a fun pool read and I learned more about her than when I started it. 

Grade: B

14. My Favorite Half Night Stand by Christina Lauren

I was recommended this book from Shay Shull of Mix and Match Mama, she always shares her monthly reads and this one stood out to me. It tells the story of a young woman the her guy friends, she ends up falling for one of them and the two of them hook up a few times. When her and her group of guys all try online dating, she ends up getting matched with her best friend who she hooked up. There are some twists and turns but a happy ending. I love how they showed the relationships she has with her the guys but most importantly finding herself through the course of the book. It was such a fun book and you will get sucked in. I finished it on vacation and I couldn’t put it down. I would definitely recommend it. One of my favorites for the summer. 

Grade: A

15. Radical Kindness by Angela Santomero

My final book of the summer ended on a positive note. This book stood out to me at the library and I thought there were was no better way to start senior senior year than by being reflective. This book is based on Fred Rogers and is written by the woman who started Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood. She talks about being kind to yourself, others, and the world. I’m a firm believer in how a simple act of kindness can change someone’s life. There was also a few references to Brene Brown and the power of vulnerability. I finished this book in two days, and although it wasn’t the best book I read, I thoroughly enjoyed it and was inspired by it.

Grade: B+

Whew, that was a lot of reading and I learned so much from all the stories and genres. I love getting lost in the books and finding new authors. I reached my goal for the summer and although, back to school will be busy I am determined to read more. My top books for the summer are Swear on this Life, The Last Lecture and My Favorite Half-Night Stand.

What books have you read this summer? Any suggestions for fall book reads?

Fabulous living

Book Review: Just Jessie and Rediscover Catholicism

Hi All! 

Happy Tuesday! It is finals week for me, thankfully my finals aren’t too strenuous, I am looking forward to easing my way out of the semester. With summer right around the corner, one of the things I’m looking forward to is reading a lot. I have always loved to read but being in college doesn’t always give me the time to read for fun. Don’t get me wrong, I read a lot for my classes, for example, in one of my classes, I was reading a novel a week. I was definitely getting in my 30 minutes of reading a day. However, I didn’t have a lot of time to read for fun. I was able to complete two books for fun through the Spring semester.  Although, I wish it was more I was happy to get in a little bit of fun reading.

Such a fun book

I first read Jessie James Decker’s book, Just Jessie.I have always been a fan of Jessie James Decker. I loved following her show on E, listening to her new albums, and following her sweet family on social media. In her book she opens up about growing up, dreaming of becoming a singer, her career in music, meeting her husband, starting a family, creating her fashion line, but above all being herself. It was such a fun and light read, especially when I needed a break from reading textbook material all day. I read a few chapters every night so it took me a few weeks to read it, but you could finish it in a few sittings. I love when artists, actors, or influential people, write books and open up about how they got to where they are today. I find it inspiring and it encourages me pursue my own dreams. If you are a fan of Jessie James Decker I would highly recommend reading her book. She also just released a new song, Roots and Wings, which is beautiful. You can listen to it here. 

Grade: A-

Another great read

I also read Matthew Kelly’s book, Rediscover Catholicismover Lent.  It was another eye-opening book that made me reevaluate my faith and my relationship with God. This is the third book I have read by Matthew Kelly, I have also read Perfectly Yourselfand The Greatest Lie in the History of Christianity. Although, I liked the other books more than this one, I enjoyed digging deeper into my faith. The books really breaks down the Catholic faith, from The Seven Pillars of Catholic Spirituality, living the authentic life, and how we should live our lives as Catholics. I read a little bit every night and I took me the whole duration of Lent to read it, it could definitely be read in a few sittings, but I wanted to reflect on what I was reading. After reading it, I wanted to challenge myself to make my faith more a priority and be more intentional with my relationship with God. I would strongly recommend this book to anyone struggling with their faith or looking to deepen their faith. 

Grade: B-

If you are looking for new books to read I hope this gave you some insights on different books to try. Now, with summer rapdily approaching, I need your help picking out some new books that I should read this summer. What are your current favorites?! I need all the suggestions. Leave them in the comments below! Have a fantastic week!

Fabulous living

Three Favorite Things

Hey guys!

Happy Tuesday. I found this fun quiz/ survey from Mix and Match Mama’s Blog. I love learning things about other people, especially fun or unique facts and I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to do one for myself. I borrowed some from Shay’s blog and made up a few on my own. Let’s get to my three favorite things!

MOVIES (This one is soooo hard-but current favorites)

A Star is Born

Such a good movie

Life Itself

Again, another life changing movie

Love Actually

One of my favorite movies of all time especially around Christmas time.


                                     Year of Yes 

Another life changing book

                                     Grace not Perfection

Grace Not Perfection- an inspiring book for all

                                     Pride and Prejudice 

A romance that never gets old

                                     TV SHOWS (OF ALL TIME)


One of my favorite shows of all time

                                      Grey’s Anatomy 

Old photo but I can’t get enough of this show

                                     This is Us

Another fantastic show

                                     RESTAURANTS (FAST FOOD-ISH)



                                     Chick-Fil -A

                                     PLACES I’VE VISITED

                                     Rome, Italy

                                     Hershey, PA

Getting away for a bit at my favorite place-Hershey, PA

                                     New York City, NY

One of my last visits from NYC, can’t wait to go back soon

                                     PLACES I WANT TO VISIT

                                     Paris, France

                                     London, England

                                     Dublin, Ireland

                                     FAVORITE HOLIDAYS


Christmas morning spent well, the tree all lit, a warm cup of hot chocolate and time spent with family


Forever thankful for family on Thanksgiving

                                     Fourth of July

Rocking my Red, White, and Blue for the 4th

                                     THREE THINGS I ALWAYS HAVE IN MY PURSE

A closer look at what’s in my purse


                                     Phone Charger


                                     FAVORITE DESSERTS

My favorite fall dessert made by my mom

                                     Warm, homemade chocolate chip cookies

                                     Chocolate cake

                                     Apple Crisp

                                     FAVORITE WAYS TO MAKE TIME FOR MYSELF


I always like to read after a long day

                                     Do my Nails

Nothing makes me feel better than a fresh coat of polish

                                     Watch a movie/latest tv show I’m binge watching

Such a good mini series that I just finished watching

Well there you have it, some of my three favorite things. If you guys liked it, let me know and I will do it again, this was so much fun and it really made me think about my favorite things. Pick a few things and add your responses to the comments below! Have a great start to your week!

Fabulous living

Winter Break Book Review

Happy Tuesday. How is your week looking? Hectic? Calm? Too early to tell? The past few weeks have flown by for me, I think between getting into a new schedule for the semester and working the past few weekends the weeks have gone by much faster. 

Today, I am finally getting around to sharing my Winter Break Book Review, I know it’s way overdue, but better late than never right? During my month home I read two books. I wish I read more but time got away from me. I read â€œMy Oxford Year”by Julie Whelan and â€œThe Biggest Lie in the History of Christianity”by Matthew Kelly. Both were very good books but very diverse in the subject matter and genre. Let’s dive into these tales.

My Oxford Year

“My Oxford Year” tells the story of a young American student, Ella Duran who is studying in Oxford. She meets Jamie Davenport, a handsome date who turns out to be her lecturer. She has high dreams and aspirations and doesn’t want to be derailed by a romance abroad. There are many unexpected twists and turns, especially the ending. There were so many times when the book changed directions that I never would have expected. Overall, this book tells the story of hard work, pursing your dreams, making friends with people who never expected and putting your goals on hold for those you love. I had seen this book on many book reviews over the summer and I was so excited I could finally read it, I was not disappointed at all.

One thing that was different about my experience with this book is that I tried the audiobook of it instead of reading it. I’ve heard many people make the transition from reading books to listening to them, and at this point, I hate to say I am not one of them. It was nice to listen to the book while I did other things such as clean, wash, or computer work, but I still like the feeling of reading for leisure. Now, I know people listen to the books while they drive and I haven’t tried that yet, so I plan on giving it another try soon but for now I think I’m going to stick to the reading of books. 

The Biggest Lie in the History of Christianity

The next book I read was “The Biggest Lie in the History of Christianity” by Matthew Kelly. Last summer I read â€œPerfectly Yourself”by Matthew Kelly and I loved it so I couldn’t wait to read this on and it didn’t disappoint. Here’s my book review with Perfectly Yourself.“The Biggest Lie in the History of Christianity” is all about living life to the fullest and doing things and making choices that truly make us happy. It also shows us what things we can do to make our lives happier and be more content and not be overwhelmed by so much noise. I found this book to be therapeutic and relaxing. I read a chapter or two a day and I loved the positive message that it spread. I loved it so much I went on to gift it to two other people. I read this book as opposed to listening to it and I preferred it much better, especially when I was reading it with a candle burning and a warm cup of hot coco, can you think of anything better?!

One of my favorite quotes from Matthew Kelly’s book

That’s a bit of a recap of two great books I read over break. Although, I am back to school and in classes, I’m trying to carve some time every day to read, even if it is just a chapter. 

What are you guys currently reading? I love new suggestions? Also, do you guys prefer to listen to books or read them?

See you on Thursday for warm and toasty outfit for the winter months!

Fabulous living

Summer Book Review

Hello Everyone and Happy First Week of School!

I started classes yesterday and it was so nice to get back into a routine!

In honor of the first week of school, I’m sharing the  books I read this summer. My goal was to read 6 books and I exceeded my goal by reading 11 books! I feel very accomplished. Today, I’m going to share a small review for each book, now I am not an expert  on book reviews but this is just a little something reflecting on what books I read and if I enjoyed them. Let’s get to it!

Perfectly Yourself- Matthew Kelly

This was such an inspirational book, it allowed me to reevaluate areas of my life that needed work. I would recommend getting your own copy and highlighting it or making notes. The biggest thing I took away from this was “Thriving Not Surviving”

Grade: A-

Who Do You Love-Jennifer Weiner

This was such a good book, it was about a boy and a girl who meet at different times all through their lives. There were some twists and turns but I loved the ending. It was a fast book to read and I was hooked throughout the whole reading. This was a favorite of mine this summer.

Grade: A

This is Me-Chrissy Metz

Any other This is Us fans out there?! I loved getting to learn more about my favorite actors and actresses. I love to learn about where they come from and how they go to where they are now. This was a very moving book and I love Chrissy even more now if that’s possible! I cant wait till season 3 of This Is Us is out!!

Grade: A-

Talking as Fast as I Can-Lauren Graham

This was such a fun and light read.  I finished it in two sittings and laughed a lot.  I love when writers get candid with their readers! Once again, I loved getting to learn more about Lauren Graham. Also, after finishing her book, I want to watch Gilmore Girls, I have never seen it before and I am very eager to watch it.

Grade: B+

The Nanny Diaries- Emma McLauglin and Nicola Kraus

I had high hopes for this book, it was a good book but it did have an unexpected ending. My heartstrings were pulled a lot while I was reading it. It told the story of a college student nannying for a young boy and all the responsibilities that come with it. It was a good story but wasn’t what I thought it would be.

Grade: B-

Happily Ali After- Ali Wentworth

This was a funny book, I really enjoyed it. I have seen Ali do comedy so it was great to read about her from her point of view. Although it was funny, she talked a lot about parenting and her children which was great but it was hard for me to relate too. I know mothers would really enjoy it, overall it was a light read.

Grade: B-

Paris: A Love Story- Kati Marton

This was such a good read. It was a true story about how a women has to move on after her husband’s death and find herself again. She tells her story starting from her childhood to present day. It was inspirational to see how she continues on after life without her husband. It was a heavy read but it was worth it.

Grade: A-

Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?- Mindy Kailing

I love Mindy Kailing and I have read her other books. This book was so funny, raw, and honest! I felt like she was reading it too me. This is a perfect book for the young adult. It was super treatable and had a great message. It was a fun summer read.

Grade: B+

Love Letters of Great Men-John C. Kirkland

Any Sex and the City fans out there?! This is the book Carrie is reading in the first movie. I loved reading these beautifully written letters. It was a perfect read to break up a stressful day.

Plus you may recognize this page

Grade: B+

The Star Attraction- Alison Sweeney

I read this while on vacation and it was  a fast. It’s all about a publicist in LA and how she balances work, her relationship, and herself. It was a chick flick read and although it was predictable, it was fun to read a different genre. I could see this being made into a movie if it isn’t already.

Grade: B+

Ed Sheeran: A Visual Journey-Ed Sheeran and Phil Butah

I have always been a fan of Ed’s music so it was great to read about his journey. This pictures that accompained his words were beautiful. This was a quick read perfect for a day by the pool. Once again, I always like to learn more about people that I look up to or I am a fan of.

Grade: B+

Whew, that was a long one. Thanks to those who stuck through till the end! I read a lot in the summer, which I was so pleased about. Not sure how much reading I will get done in the school year but if I do get some reading in, I’ll be sure to review it. Do you like the reviews and would you want more of them? What books did you read this summer.