Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #112

Hello All! Happy Friday! I hope you had a great week and are ready for the weekend. I know I am! I have some fun travel plans for the weekend that I have been counting down to for weeks! I am hoping this will be a picturesque fall weekend. 

This week was brought to you by an unexpected zoo trip before the end of the season

Before I get to my plans, I wanted to share some favorites of mine from the past week. I have some fall finds, some entertainment fixes, and a bit of seasonal fun too!

Let’s jump into it as I link up with Erika and Andrea 

New Candle Scent– Since September is a transitional weather month, I’m not quite ready to break out all the fall scents yet. Maybe in the next few weeks, but not today. I needed a new candle scent for my room and found the perfect transitional scent in French Vanilla. It’s a mix of vanilla, musk and amber and it’s from a local shop. One of my favorite things about this company is that in addition to the name and scent of the candle, they will tell you what scents make up the candle. I also love all the sizes the candles come in, this way you don’t have to commit to a scent long-term if you don’t love it. I have a mini size candle and it’s been perfect for me. I also couldn’t resist the cute mason jar it came in. This was a great choice as we transition from one season to the next.

Jewelry Pouch– This has been a recent life hack that has helped me immensely. I wear jewelry every day to work, but sometimes after work, I will go to the gym, for a run, or out for an activity and I don’t want to lose my jewelry in my car or purse when I take them off. Enter jewelry pouch! I always get these cute pouches from different pieces of jewelry that I purchase, but I never know what to do with them. Now, I keep a pouch in my car so whenever I get in my car and I need to take off my jewelry if I’m not going home right away, I can do it without worrying about losing it or it getting tangled. Then when I get home, I bring the pouch inside, unload the jewelry and put the pouch back in my car. Such a small change, but one that makes a big difference. 

Seasonal Fruit– As we say goodbye to the summer season, I have been doing my best to get all my favorite seasonal fruits in. Peaches have been a favorite of mine as of late. I have been eating them with my lunches, in salads, and on ice cream for dessert. They are such a sweet treat and I have been savoring them since I know we have such a short window for them. 

Wallet Switch– I carry a purse with me for work and for outings, but I also keep a wristlet with my credit cards, cash and keys with me wherever I go. I try to swap out my wallets each season so they don’t get overused. I have been using the same wristlets for year (usually a mix of Michael Kors, Kate Spade, Coach etc.) but when I was in Italy, I picked up a new one. It can fit everything I need and I love the light brown shade. It matches my purses perfectly and it’s a beautiful fall tone. Definitely a fall favorite!

Breaking Bad-This is by no means a new favorite, but my boyfriend and I started watching Breaking Bad and we are hooked. It took a little while for the show to get moving, but once it did we were sold. It’s a totally different concept than we are used to but we have been enjoying the drama and craziness that comes with the show. We just finished season one and now are onto season two. I’ll keep you posted on our progress.

That’s a look into life lately and some recent favorites. As we make our way through September, what are some things you have been loving? Let me know in the comments below! Have  fabulous Friday and fantastic weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #67

Hey guys!

Happy Friday! I hope you had a great week as we countdown to Thanksgiving and the holidays. This week was a bit busier with some work events and projects, but we made it to the weekend! The weather has been cooler, so I have been spending more time indoors hence a lot of my favorites this week!

A perfect fall day!

Today is a mix bag of Friday Favorites as I link up with  Erika and Andrea .

Here’s been some things I have been loving this week.

M&M Mixed Bag– I know Halloween is over, but I am still enjoying candy. I love M&M’s and all the different flavors and types. When I saw this mixed bag at the store I had to try it. Regular M&M’s, Peanut M&M’s and Peanut Butter M&M’s in one bag? Sign me up. I love how you can get a different flavor every time. I used some of them in some protein balls I made recently, and they really added to the flavoring. These would be a perfect pairing with popcorn or in a trail mix if you like that extra crunch and sweet and salty taste. 

A sweet hit!

All the Light We Cannot See– The miniseries, All The Light We Cannot See based on the book by Anthony Doer came out last week and I watched it over the course over the weekend and really enjoyed it. I read the book last year and although it was a heavier topic, I found myself hooked from the beginning. I was curious to see how the miniseries would be compared to the book. There were definitely some differences between the two. I enjoyed the book on its own and the miniseries on its own, but with any adaption of a book to the screen there were times when I was hoping for one thing and got something different. This article does a great job at comparing the two. However, I enjoyed the miniseries and glad I watched it.

A great mini series!

Pumpkin Black Bean Soup– I can’t remember where I saw this recipe for Pumpkin Black Bean soup, and I couldn’t wait to try it. We made it around Halloween. This was a delicious recipe that had a great mix of spice and savory. I know I will be making it again, especially in the fall. Plus, it’s very healthy too. I love how thick and creamy it was too! It was the perfect harvest soup!

Santa Clause Series Returns– I’m not in the Christmas mode yet, but I am excited to get into the spirit with season two of the Santa Clause Series on Disney Plus. I really enjoy the classic, original movies with Tim Allen and was excited to see how the series would go. I thought season one was good and a good way to get into the holiday season. I was excited to hear that the show got renewed for season two. I’m looking forward to seeing what this season brings. Plus, this will be a great way to get into the holiday spirit ahead of the season.

The Murdaugh Murders Season 2– I know I am late to the party on this one, but I finally got around to watching season two of the Murdaugh Murders season two. I watched season one when it came out and was hooked and when season two came out, I knew I had to watch. It may have taken me a little while to watch it, but once I did, I finished it in two nights. I had followed the trial this past year and was interested to see what things I could learn from the documentary series. I found the behind the scenes look so interesting. If you love a true crime that’s still happening, you will want to watch this. 

That’s a look into what I’m loving this week. A lot of shows and miniseries and somethings I’m planning on watching!

Tell me: how have you been enjoying the month of November? What do you have in store for the next few weeks? 

Have a great weekend!

Fabulous living

Things To Do on a Quiet Weekend

Hey Everyone!

Happy Tuesday!

I hope your week is off to a great start. I just got back from a very restful and much needed break at home. It was so good to get home for a while and rejuvenate for a bit. This is a big week, not only is it the last week before midterms but I am also leaving on Friday to head off to Rome, Italy for Spring Break!!!

So, why am I going to Rome?! I have been a part of a leadership program since I’ve been in college and one of the last components of the program is to learn and apply everything we have learned these past three years for a week in Rome. I travelled to Italy when I was in high school and I can’t wait to go back and get a new experience for this second time. I’ll be sure to post updates of my time abroad as well as several blog posts in the upcoming future. 

Now, moving on to today’s topic: we are talking all about things to do during a quiet weekend. Whether you are a college student like myself, a young working professional, or a parent with free little time to yourself, I hope this post gives you ideas on ways to relax or activities to do when you don’t have a lot to do on the weekends.  

As a college student, I often find myself busy through the week with classes, meetings, and commitments. However, during the weekends, everything tends to slow down, people head home for the weekend, there is not as many things going on, and the weekends are generally quiet. During my time in college, I’ve found many ways to occupy myself when things are quiet, there is only so much homework you can do and you can only get so far ahead in classes. Here are my favorite things to do on the weekend.

  • Binge watch the latest show on Netflix– I’m currently watching American Crime Story “The Assassination of Gianni Versace”, I’m obsessed with it. I loved watching “The People vs. OJ Simpson” a few years ago and was so excited when they came out with a second season. 
Such a good mini series
  • Pick up a book and escape to a new world for a few hours– Although it is hard to come across time to read in college, free time on the weekend gives me time to get ahead on reading and relaxing. I just finished Jessie James Decker’s book, “Just Jessie” and I loved it. It was so easy to read and a good escape from my college books. I’ll be posting my review of her book in the next few weeks. 
Such a fun book
  • Call up that friend you haven’t talked to in forever and catch up.-This is something I have been trying to do more this semester, I have been doing my best to reconnect with old friends, whether they are high school friends or childhood friends. There is nothing better than facetiming with a friend, swapping stories and sharing memories.
  • Self Care Night– After a busy week, take some time for yourself, whether it’s running a bubble bath and reading, doing a facemask, or painting your nails, pamper yourself with something special and make sure you are putting your best self forward for a new week ahead. 
Nothing makes me feel better than a fresh coat of polish. I wore this color for Valentine’s Day!
  • Take a walk or work out.-Not as relaxing but you will feel better after. Sometimes a walk outside is all we need to clear our heads and recharge our batteries. If a walk is not your thing then hit the gym and sweat the stress away. Get your blood pumping and heart racing and you will feel great after!
  • Do something productive– If you have checked all these things off your list of things to do, then tackle a project that has been needing your attention for a while, whether it is a junk drawer that needs cleaned out, a binder that needs organized, clothes than need laid out, or meal prepping for the week ahead, set time aside to get ahead for the week so you aren’t scrambling on Monday morning. 

I hope this list gives you some examples of things to do on a quiet weekend, although sometimes we crave the quiet and just need silence, it can also get boring and mundane. What activities to do you like to do on those few quiet weekends?

See you on Thursday for a new look of the day!

Fabulous living

Summer Recap

Well at the beginning of the summer I shared my summer bucket list and today I’m sharing everything I got accomplished! Let’s see how we did…

Summer List

–              Complete Internship-YES

I had a great summer internship experience, you can read all about it here

Practicing my reporting

–              Go some place new-YES

I went to Taylor Swift’s concert so that counts as something new, right!?

…Are you Ready for It?

–              Take a trip-YES

My family and a took a getaway to one of our favorite places, it was so nice to get away and unwind.

Getting away for a bit

–              Sleep in-YES

I was able to snag a few days to sleep in and take it easy during the weekend and a few week days when I was off of work.

–              See high school friends-YES

It was so good to see many friends from high school, we picked up where we left off-love them!

Fourth of July spent with my favorites

–              See one (or more) college friends-YES

I’m really proud that I pulled this off, I saw FOUR friends from high school. All my friends live at least 2 hours or more away so I was so happy I was able to see them

Much needed retail therapy

–              Read SIX book (one more than last summer)-YES

I really outdid myself with reading this summer. I’ll be posting a book review soon so you can see how many I read.

–              Watch SUITS-NO

I got through most of it this summer but still have a few more episodes to go. I really enjoyed this series. You can check it out on USA or Amazon Prime.


–              Watch Evil Genius-YES

I binged watched this while I was traveling and it was so good. I would recommend it for sure, plus who doesn’t like to watch a documentary about something that happened 5 minutes from their house…true story

–              Watch Comedians in Cars getting Coffee-YES

I watched one episode (episodes are only 20 minutes) every morning while getting ready for work. It was something super light and easy to watch.

my latest obsession

–              See Mamma Mia 2-YES

I loved this movie, I have been listening to the soundtrack nonstop. It was definitely a favorite movie for me.

such a good movie

–              See Oceans 8-YES

Loved this movie, it was so well done and the cast couldn’t have been better, girl power all the way.

Another movie I loved

–              See family and spend time with them-YES

I was so happy I was able to see both sides of my family, from grandparents, cousin’s and aunts and uncles. Family over everything!

–              Try something new-YES

Doing my internship counts right?!

–              Go to the beach-YES

I went a few times to cover stories for my internship, but I also went to watch the sunset.

Watching the sunset

–              Take more walks-YES

I did better at the beginning of summer, but I can’t wait to be back in the gym once school starts back

–              Eat at a food truck-YES

One of my best friends and I grabbed lunch one day downtown. It was delicious and a fun way to catch up.

Grabbing lunch with my girl downtown

–              Watch the sunset and sunrise-YES

My family and I went to the beach to watch the sunset and I had  a few early mornings where I watched the sun rise.

Watching the sunset

–              See a concert-YES

I saw both the Piano Guys and Taylor Swift. Both incredible shows. I absolutely loved them


We had great seats to see her perform on one of the smaller stages

–              Spend more time outside-YES

Whether it was swimming, tanning, reading or working, I spent a lot of time outside.

Soaking up the sun

–              Go swimming more often-YES

I wanted to go in more but I got in the pool more than last summer so that counts.

–              Do more free things (Zoo, parks, festivals)-YES

I did but I could have done better, hey I had a busy summer, I did make it to the zoo, beach, and relaxed so that counts

–              Trip to Pittsburgh-YES

I went a few times for some sightseeing, zoo, a concert. I did very well in this department

City lights at Night

–              Breakfast at iHop-YES

It was more of a brunch but I got my fill of iHOP.

–              Don’t rush as much and be in the moment-YES/.NO

I wished I slowed down more but sadly I was often on the go. Always more things to work on

–              Smile more-YES

This was the summer of me! I had such a good summer and smiled a lot.


–              Be spontaneous-YES

I was spontaneous but there is always room for improvement.

I truly had a wonderful summer. I lived a lot, learned a lot and really took care of myself and had some fun. Summer 2018 you were so good to me! Fall Semester, let’s get to work!