Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #77

Hello All!

Happy Friday!

I hope you had a great week! I like this time of year since it really forces you to slow down and rest. I’ve been spending more time indoors, reading, cooking, and watching movies, however, I do miss getting outdoors for fresh air but right now, 32 degrees doesn’t seem too pleasant to enjoy. I’ve also been doing my best to catch up with friends after the holidays. I got to see friends before things got busy in December, but now that things have calmed down, it’s been good to get back into a routine of seeing my people.

Warm soup on a cold day

As we finish up another work week, I’m sharing a fun batch of favorites from the past week as I Iink up with Erika and Andrea for this week’s Friday Favorites.

I have a mixed bag of things I’m loving and using this week. 

Family Switch– Have you seen the Family Switch on Netflix? I had it on my watch list for a while and some of my family members and I watched it right after the holidays. I was really looking forward to seeing the movie since the concept looked cute and I liked the casting. The movie was good, but not great. There were some cheesy and unrealistic parts and lines, but the overall the message was cute. The movie follows a family whose bodies and personalities all get swapped with one another right before Christmas. The theme of the movie is all about living in someone else’s shoes and learning from each other. This would be a good family movie or a good movie to have on in the background if you are working on other projects. Tell me: if you have seen it, what did you think of it?

New Journal-New year, new journal. Every year I get a different journal and I take my time picking it out, based on what I want to reflect on or what I need it for. I got this journal for Christmas, and it fits exactly what I was looking for in a journal for this year. It’s organized a bit more like a planner, so you can use it as a planner if you choose,  but you can fill out your monthly goals and dreams, there’s a spot for daily musings or writings and there’s inspirational quotes and stickers found throughout the book. I always do my journaling in the morning and I’m looking forward to filling out this journal through the year.

New Room Scent– The Christmas scents are done and now it’s time for warm, winter scents. Snowflakes and Cashmere is my new wall flower scent. Like many scents I enjoy, this has a subtle, sweet scent that isn’t too overpowering. I did a post a while back, but I always like to have some scent in my room, whether it be a candle burning, a wall flower plugged in, or a diffuser going. I never have them all operating at one time, but I change them out depending on what I’m feeling and what scent I’m going for. I like the freshness a wall flower provides and how it can automatically elevate a space based on scent. 

Meet the Parents Series– This may seem like a silly favorite since it’s far from new, but it’s a favorite for me this week. My boyfriend and I have been making our way through the Meet the Parents series on Netflix. I have only seen parts of the movies, but we decided to sit down and watch them together over the course of a week after work and on the weekends. One of my favorite things about streaming services like Netflix or Amazon Prime is finding older movies to watch or re-watch. We have been loving watching these movies from the early to mid 2000’s, from the one-liners to the quirky family dynamics, it’s been such a fun watch. If you have any classic comedies or dramas that you enjoy, drop them below!

Green Concealer– I have red undertones in my skin complexion so I often use a green primer or concealer. I had been using NYX green concealer, but when the store didn’t have any in stock, I decided to give Maybelline’s green concealer a try and have been very pleased with how it’s been working. I like how smooth the stick goes on my face. It blends in really well and it works well with the other products I use on my face, from skin care to makeup. I’ll use this stick until it runs out and then I will decide if I want to go back to NYX or stick with this.

That’s a look into what I’ve been loving and what has been working for me. Tell me: what are some things you have been loving this week? 

 I hope you have a great weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #68

Hello All! 

Happy Friday!

This week flew by. November has been filled with work projects and events, seeing friends, preparing for the holidays and lots of deep cleaning and organizing. It’s been busy but I have been loving and embracing this slower season before the chaos of the holidays begins (which I love too).

Here’s a few things that I have been loving as I link up with Erika and Andrea or a fun roundup of Friday Favorites!

The Bodyguard-This is an older show, but new to me. Have you watched or heard of The Bodyguard. It came out in 2018 and is a limited series on Netflix. It’s all about a bodyguard for a government official in Great Britian, however, she starts receiving threats once he is assigned to her detail. She is targeted by bombings, shootings and car accidents, but the question remains, why? There’s only six episodes so you can easily binge through it in a week or over the course of the week. I personally finished it in a week but could have finished it sooner if I had more time. There were some major cliffhangers through the series and lots of plot twists. Themes of government corruption, espionage, PTSD, and love were all found in the series. Definitely worth the watch!

New Black Leggings– I have been on the hunt for some solid black leggings to wear around the house or when running errands. I found an inexpensive pair at Marshall’s, and I have been loving them. They are fleece-lined, but also thin so if you do decide to wear them in warmer weather, you won’t be sweating in them. They are soft and almost conform to your legs, so it doesn’t feel like you are wearing leggings. They one downside is that they aren’t high waisted, but I wasn’t necessarily looking for a high waited legging, but besides that, I love them!

Purple Sherpa-I have been on the hunt for a sherpa since the beginning of the fall, but never found what I was looking for when it comes to putting something on a chilly day. I popped into Old Navy last week and found lots of good deals (more coming in the next few weeks) but I finally found the sherpa I was envisioning, and it was a huge win for me! Here’s some of my favorite details, first, I love how warm and cozy it is, perfect to pair with leggings, jeans, or even sweatpants. It was a great price and style, and lastly, I fell in love with the color. I don’t have too much lavender, so I’m looking forward to bringing a new color in my wardrobe.

New Mascara– I am always trying out different brands when it comes to makeup. I have my favorite products that I use all the time (hello Sephora foundation and concealer), but for other products like mascara, I like to change it up and try new things. I saw this Maybelline mascara advertised on the TODAY show and wanted to try it. It has a thinner and smaller brush which I like since it lengthens your lashes and separates them more. I like the coverage it provides and how it doesn’t clump easily. I only need a coat or two and then I’m good to go. It’s fairly affordable and I can get it from most drugstores and big box stores. 

S’more Popcorn– Rounding up this edition of Friday Favorites is some S’more’s popcorn. We picked up a bag of this flavorful popcorn for a fundraiser and I was excited and intrigued to try it. In my opinion, there’s not a strong S’mores flavor found throughout the bag. There is seasoning on every piece of popcorn, but it’s not exactly marshmallow, graham cracker and chocolate. I would categorize this popcorn more as a sweet and salty mix. There’s a lot of flavors and it’s great to munch on during a movie night or for a post lunch snack, but I wouldn’t choose it if you just want the S’mores flavor. Regardless, it was still tasty and a great snack.

That’s a look into some of my favorite things from this week. Some snacks, some clothes and some beauty products!

Tell me: what are you looking forward for the final weekend before Thanksgiving? Let me know in the comments below!

Happy Weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #65

Hello all and happy Halloween weekend! I know Halloween falls on next Tuesday but I feel like this weekend will be a weekend full of celebrating. I know I plan on making some fun Halloween treats, popping some popcorn and enjoying a Halloween movie or two!

Fall out of my kitchen window is BEAUTIFUL!

As the week wraps up, I have a fun roundup of Friday Favorites for you as I link up with with Erika and Andrea .

Love in the Air– If you want a break from Halloween or fall movies and are searching for a light rom-com, I have just the pick for you! Love in the Air on Netflix is all about a woman who takes over her mother’s flight company in Australia. However, it’s on the brink of being closed and being bought by a larger company. After a rocky start when the potential new owner comes to visit, sparks begin to fly between the two. You can figure out the ending from here, but my favorite part was seeing all the beautiful sights in Australia, the entire continent looked gorgeous! If you are looking for a movie to escape for 90 minutes, this is it.

Such a cute movie!

Just Eat– Jessie James Decker’s new cook book, Just Eat, dropped last week and I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it. I love browsing through cookbooks and choosing recipes that look good and attempting to make them on my own. There’s so many sweet and savory recipes that I can’t wait to test out these for myself and my family. Just paging through the book has my mouth watering. I have really enjoyed getting more comfortable in the kitchen and trying new recipes. I grew up helping my mom in the kitchen with cooking and baking and as an adult I have enjoyed the process of attempting family-favorite recipes and trying new ones too. 

Latest cook book!

Fall Graphic T-Shirt– I briefly mentioned this shirt in my post on Wednesday, but I loved it so much I had to make it its own favorite! I browsed so many stores for a cute, fall graphic t-shirt and thanks to YOUR recommendations I found exactly what I was looking for on Amazon and I scored a great deal on it on Prime Days! I got this shirt. I love the fabric, how it fits and how it’s just enough fall cheer without going overboard, plus it was very affordable, what more could you ask for in a shirt? I already have a few graphic t-shirts for Christmas, but I may have to check out Amazon again to see if there’s any new styles.

Burt’s Bees Almond and Milk Hand Cream– I always have hand lotion or cream on me, whether it’s at my desk, in my car or in my purse. My hands get dry in the winter and even in the other months of the year, I like to keep my hands moisturized. I have been using Burt’s Bees Almond and Milk hand cream every day and have been really enjoying this lotion. Just be warned, it is a thick and heavy cream which is great if you have really dry skin. Because it is so heavy, you only need a little bit for your hands. I always feel better after applying some lotion at the start and end of the day and this has been a good product to try and use. 

My new favorite and cream!

Kerry Washington “Thicker Than Water” article on Shondaland- I talked about Kerry Washington’s memoir, “Thicker than Water” coming out a few weeks ago and her interview with Robin Roberts. I haven’t had a chance to read “Thicker than Water” yet, but it’s on my to be read list. Recently, Washington did an interview with Shondaland about how Shonda Rhimes encouraged her to write a book in the first place. I’ve really been enjoying seeing Washington on her press tour and all the different guest moderators at her events. This article gives more insight into why Washington decided to write the book in the first place and some of the things she reveals throughout it. After all this prep, I’m looking forward to reading Washington’s book soon.

That’s a look into some of the things I have been loving this week. Some fall stuff, some shows and books and beauty products! As we gear up for Halloween-weekend, how are you celebrating? Scary movies? Costume parties? Lots of candy? I hope you have a fun and festive weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #62

Hello all! Happy Friday and happy full first week of October! I hope you have had a great week and have something fun and fall-ish planned for the weekend. I know I will be enjoying some fall fun both in and outdoors on Sunday. I can’t wait!

As always, I’m linking up with Erika and Andrea or a fun roundup of Friday Favorites!

The Little Mermaid– I know this movie came out months ago, but I finally got around to watching The Little Mermaid on Disney Plus and really enjoyed it. I was a big Disney fan growing up and I have appreciated rewatching some of classics as an adult. I think Disney has done a great job with some of their live action movies, Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast are some of my favorites and I really enjoyed watching The Little Mermaid. I enjoyed the renditions of the classic songs, like “Under the Sea”, “Kiss the Girl” and “Part of Your World”, but I also enjoyed some of the new songs that were made for the new movie too. I know there were some mixed reviews for the new Little Mermaid, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. From the acting to the vivid colors and beautiful score, I think Disney did a great job. If you have seen it, what did you think of it and what movie do you want to see make next?

Such a cute movie!

Lume Deodorant– I’m always trying different products and when it comes to beauty and toiletries. I have been seeing lots of commercials and seeing lots of ads for Lume deodorant and decided to give it a try and have been happy so far with my purchase. I love the scent of it, the freshness and coverage it provides and the affordability and accessibility. I have found it at Target, Giant Eagle and Walmart. If you are looking to change-up it up, give it a try.

New Car Scent- Bath and Body Works is my go-to for fragrance. From wall flowers, lotion, body spray, and car refreshers. I love to swap out the scents from season to season or whenever I run out of a scent. I use Bath and Body Works for their car fragrance too. I love their signature scents and the refreshing scent they bring to your car. My latest scent in my car is Crisp Morning Air. It’s perfect for the fall season.

Nothing better than a new scent.

Fall Trail Mix– I love a good trail mix and when it’s a mix of seasonal flavors, I love it even more! I always get sucked into Target’s seasonal foods, I love to try their different combinations of sweet and salty snacks. Their new trail mix Apple Cinnamon Pecan is my new favorite. It tastes like fall in a bag. The trail mix includes apple flavored pecans, cinnamon yogurt pretzel bites, apple chips and cranberries. I love how the flavors blend together. They have been the perfect sweet and salty mix to enjoy with lunch. I can’t wait to enjoy more seasonal foods all through October.

A great mix of fall flavors!

Chicken Salad– I love a good salad to enjoy at lunch, add some protein and lots of flavors and I’m all in! My family and I enjoyed roasted chicken this past week for dinner and had lots of leftovers, so I used some to make some chicken salad for meal prepping for work lunches. It was a great way to use what I had and get a lot of meals out of it too. Here’s what I put in my chicken salad, if you are interested in trying it for yourself! I slice up the chicken and add a little bit of mayo and some pepper. I chop up some celery and onions for some extra veggies and then if I’m feeling fancy, I will add some crushed pecans or almonds for some crunch and some fruit like apple bits or grape halves for some flavor. In this salad, I added the grapes. All these flavors mixed together gives you a hearty and tasty lunch. You can eat it on a sandwich,  with crackers or by itself, which I tend to do.

That’s a look into life this week; some things to watch and read, a few meal options and a beauty product. As we wrap up the first week of October, tell me: what has brought you joy this past week?

Let me know in the comments below!

Have a fabulous weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #50

Hey guys! Happy Friday! I hope you had a great week and are gearing up for a weekend full of sunshine, long days, and some summer fun! After a busy last week of heritage festivals, a concert and time with family, and visiting friends out of town, I was ready for a calmer week and weekend. 

I have been finding new places to hike, getting outdoors is one of my favorite parts of summer!

As I get ready for this weekend, here’s a look at some of my favorite things from this week as I link up with with Erika and Andrea!

Scamanda podcast– If you think I’m a few weeks behind on this first favorite, Scamanda it’s because I am! I saw it listed on a few other Friday Favorite blogs a few weeks ago and realized that if everyone else was listening to this podcast and raving about it then it must be good, and it did not disappoint. There’s eight episodes and two bonus episodes. It’s all about a woman who started a blog about her battle with cancer, however, the more the blogs, the more her story doesn’t add up. I only listen to a handful of podcasts and this was the first crime/drama podcast I listened too, and I really enjoyed it. I listened to it when I went on runs, went out of town and just in the car. Once I started, I couldn’t stop. If you are planning on hitting the road soon for a trip, I highly recommend this podcast.

New Candle Scent– I feel like the past few weeks have been all about new scents, but I’m not complaining. It’s just the time of year where I am swapping out all the scents, from body sprays and lotions to wall flowers and candles. I promise I don’t use the wall flower and candle at the same time. This new scent is perfect for unwinding at the end of the day. In my opinion, lavender and lemongrass are such soothing scents that they immediately put you in a calming state of mind, hence the name. I typically light a candle in the morning when I am getting ready for work or at the end of the day when I’m relaxing or doing computer work and this scent has been the perfect companion to relaxing.

Lancome Setting Powder– One of my co-workers recommended this beauty product from Lancome, when I am on camera, and I have really been pleased with the results. I do my makeup at home, before I head into the office, but often touch up my makeup before I go on air. I have been using this setting powder every time to take away any sweat or shine and touch up my face and give it a fresh look. It only takes a few seconds to dab my face and takes away some of the shine on my cheeks. If you are looking for a product to take away some of the shimmer and shine, I recommend this one.

Hair Spray Protector– I briefly brought up this product from Ulta Beauty on Wednesday, but I wanted to share more about it today.  I tried this new sample UV heat protection spray from Ulta Beauty when I was on vacation and have continued to use it since I got home. I use a curling iron or straightener five days a week for work, so I am all about protecting my hair from heat. I love how with a few spritzes of spray I protect my hair and as a bonus it has a great smell. I use a lot of product in my hair daily from shampoo, conditioner, volumizer, hair spray and UV protection spray, so while it can be a hassle to add another product to the mix, I’m glad I’m using something that is adding an extra layer of protection. Plus, because this is a sample, if I didn’t love it, I didn’t break the bank by trying it.

Tennis Skirt– I never thought I would be a tennis skirt girl, but here I am. I have really grown to love tennis dresses and skirts this summer. They are so easy to throw on after a day of work or on a day off.  This pale blue tennis skirt is from Amazon and was super affordable and durable. The nylon material is great for hot days. You can dress it up with a cute blouse if you want, but I would tend to wear it dressed down with a workout shirt or regular t-shirt. I would pair this outfit with sneakers, sandals or my-go to this summer, Birkenstocks!

That’s a look into some of my favorite things this week. A little bit of beauty, something to listen to on the road, and some cute clothes. As we make our way through July (which needs to slowwwww down) tell me, what have you been loving this week? Let me know in the comments below!

Have a fabulous weekend!

Let's Look

Let’s Look: New Favorite Summer Finds

Hey everyone! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great week. Last weekend, I was in Pittsburgh to see Ed Sheeran in concert. It was my second time seeing him perform and loved it. I loved his set list, the atmosphere and the songs. I had been looking forward to seeing him again and it did not disappoint.

View from our seats
Always a good time to enjoy a concert in the summer
One more concert shot

It’s the second Wednesday of the month which means it’s time for another Let’s Look as I link up with Erika and Shay.

Here’s the past Let’s Look topics of 2023

In June, we talked about best travel tips, in May, we talked about our morning routines, in April, we talked about pet peeves, in March, we talked about Amazon purchases, in February it was about our medicine cabinets.

This month’s topic is all about New Favorite Summer Finds. I have found lots of things I have been loving this summer that I have shared a lot of with you in different posts. This post has all my favorite summer finds with links in one stop.

Without further ado, here’s my 2023 Favorite Summer Finds:

Super Goop– I wear Super Goop almost every day. It goes on super lightweight and it adds a bit of shimmer too. I love that the sunscreen protects you from the sun and acts as a primer for makeup which I found to be super helpful too. On days when I know I am going to be outside all day, I always apply it to my face, do my makeup and then I am good to go. From work days to weekends, this is always the first thing I put on after I wash my face.

White Baseball Cap– I love a good baseball cap and I have several in from different places and colors, but I was looking for a white one to wear with lighter colors and outfits. I happened to kill two birds with one stone when I found a white one in New York City. I loved the simple NYC logo and the fact it came in white. I wore it almost every day when I went to the beach and I have worn it out and about in the summer too. I love the lighter color for summer and it reminds me of trip to NYC too. 

Tennis Skirt– Another outfit favorite this summer has been this pale blue tennis skirt. I was influenced by Shay Shull for this skirt. It’s so easy to throw on after being out in the water or running errands. The material is Nylon, which is great for hot days. You can dress it up with a cute blouse or dress it down with a workout shirt or regular t-shirt. I like how you can wear it with sneakers, sandals or flip flops. Such a fun way to switch up an outfit. An amazon purchase for the win!

Tennis Dress– Seaking of Amazon wins, this tennis dress was another Amazon find courtesy of Shay Shull. This dress (which comes ith shorts) is  easy to throw on and it’s made from Nylon so it’s good for being around water. It comes in so many colors, but I love the light blue. I’ve worn it with sandals and my birkenstocks, but you can easily wear it with sneakers too. Plus, it goes great with a white baseball cap. I love the cut and style and runs true to size.  This was the perfect fun outfit to add to my fun clothes wardrobe. 

Birkenstocks–  Speaking of sandals, after seeing the trends for years, I finally decided to hop on the Birkenstock bandwagon and I’m so glad I did! I was on the hunt for a pair of sandals I could throw on if I had to run out to get the mail, hit the store, wear by the pool or just go for a walk and these were just what I was looking for. I love the rubber material (perfect for the pool) and white color. They are so comfortable too. I wear them multiple times a week, from watering plants to taking out the trash and running errands. They have been my go-to all summer.

New favorite summer shoe!

Dress Sandals– These have become my favorite summer dress sandal. I picked up a pair from T.J. Maxx and I am obsessed. I have worn them to work, to church and out to events and date night. I love the color, the straps and the best part is how comfortable they are! They have great support and you can wear them for hours. I know they are in style and a major trend and I am on board.

UV Hair Spray– I have talked about using new products or sample products when I am on trips or vacations and when I went to the beach last month, I tried this new sample UV heat protection spray from Ulta. I really liked how it added an extra layer of protection for my hair and how easy it went in. Plus, as an extra bonus, it smells really good too. I always like trying new products as samples before I purchase them to see if I want to invest in them. 

Those have been some of my favorite summer items over the past few weeks. Some clothes, some products and some items. Overall, these are things that I have been using weekly if not daily this summer. Tell me, as we make our way through July what are some things you are loving?! Let me know in the comments below!

I hope you are having a great week and a great July! See you in two days for a new edition of Friday Favorites!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #47

Hello all and Happy Friday!

I know I say this every month, but I can’t believe we are at the end of the month. June felt like it went by in the blink of an eye, but also felt slow and smooth at the same time. I’ve been having lots of fun over the past few weeks with day trips, time with family and getting outdoors as much as I can.

I’ve been finding new places to explore this summer.

It’s time for another Friday Favorites as I link up with Erika and Andrea! Today is a mix of beauty products and some fun entertainment and some sweets too. Let’s dive right in!

Hair Mousse– If you have read past posts, you know I love to use what I have, not waste, and be resourceful, when comes with food, beauty products, and household items. I came across lots of beauty and hair products and have been making my way through using them and seeing what works well for my hair. I had been using thickening spray by Kristin Ess from Target and when I finished it, I started using the Instant Lift Hair Mousse. I use it right after the shower with wet hair. I put a pump of mousse and work it through my hair and then brush it all out. The one thing I have noticed is that if you don’t really brush it through, it will harden which can make styling your hair the next day or later in the day a challenge, so make sure it’s thoroughly in your hair. Once I finish the mousse, I will let you know which product I prefer. 

Trying out this product

Air– We had a family movie night last week which was so fun! All six of us enjoyed dinner in the family room while we watched Air. You can find it on Amazon Prime. It tells the true story about Michael Jordan’s partnership with Nike. This was such a great family movie if you have older kids. They do use foul language, so be warned but everyone in my family agreed that it was a great film. I loved learning about how they came up with concept with the Air Jordans and all the effort it took to get Jordan to sign with Nike. One of my favorite parts of the movie was seeing all the iconic 80’s memorabilia and seeing some great Nike quotes too. Time spent with family all watching a movie together has been a favorite summer memory for sure!

A fun, adult or teen family movie

Honey Lemon Stirrers– I’m not sure if it was the smoke from the Canadian wildfires, allergies or a cold, but I was sick for a few days a few weeks ago and nearly lost my voice. These honey lemon stirrers were a saving grace. When I’m at home, I can make a cup of tea and add lemon, or honey or sugar if needed. But, when I am on the go or at work, I don’t want to bring lots of extra items for a cup of tea. These honey lemon stirrers add sweetness and flavor and are so easy to throw in your purse or lunchbox. I found them at Marshall’s, but I have seen them or similar ones at Home Goods or T.J. Maxx, even Target or Giant Eagle. These are great to have on hand in your cabinet.

Great for sick days!

The Lazy Genius Birthday Podcast- I know my birthday was last month, but this is such a great podcast episode to listen to if your birthday is coming up. The Lazy Genius podcast episode talks all about the importance of planning your own birthday and making it a day fit just for you. It also touches on expectations of birthdays and the pressures that come with it. I think this is such a good reminder that it’s your birthday and it should go the way you want it to be, not necessarily how others think you should celebrate it. Kendra Adachi, the host, gives examples of ways to celebrate your birthday and the importance of pampering yourself or making sure you honor the day and milestone. The episode is only 18 minutes but found it so interesting. I will definitely be listening to more episodes in the future. If you have a birthday or big milestone coming up, I highly recommend checking out this episode.

Definitely worth the listen!

Outlander’s New Season– Outlander season 7 is out on Starz. After a long hiatus I was so happy to see it back. The first episode was filled with lots of drama, suspense and intrigue. I know this is going to be a good season based on the first episode. A lot of questions got answered, but it also opened up the door to more questions. Episodes come out once a week and it’s the best way to unwind at the end of the day.

Outlander is back!

That puts a bow on another edition of Friday Favorites. From hair and skin to movies and podcast, I think this post has you covered. I hope you have something fun planned on this last full weekend and week of June. Summer needs to slow down! 

Tell me: what do you have planned for the weekend? Let me know in the comments below!

Have a fantastic Friday!

Let's Look Travel

Let’s Look: Best Travel Tips

Hi everyone! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great week so far!  It’s the second Wednesday of the month which means it’s time for another Let’s Look as I link up with Erika and Shay.

Here’s some of the past prompts. In May, we talked about our morning routines, in April, we talked about pet peeves, in March, we talked about Amazon purchases, in February it was about our medicine cabinets.

As we make our way through summer, one thing you may be doing is heading on a trip, so this month, we are talking about travel tips. I did a post about summer travel tips that you can read here. But here’s a bit of a refresher and some new advice!

I broke down my travel tips for a day trip, weekend away and week long trip. I have been going on lots of day trips recently, so I have it down to a science. All these tips are for road trips in a car, but can be altered for flying.

Day Trip

  • Make a list of everything you plan to bring (I always like to keep it on my phone, so I can reference it- write everything down-from wallet to snacks, even chargers)
An example of a packing list (mine are more detailed but this just an example)
  • Totes and smaller pouches are the best tools. I love to bring a big tote (some of my favorite brands are my new Barrington tote, my Longchamp tote and my Thirty One bags) and then store smaller items like chargers, ear buds, gadgets in the pouches.
  • Always bring the necessities in addition to the fun things. (I always bring extra medicine, a first aid kit, a book, my glasses, some backup makeup, a hoodie or sweater, sunscreen or sunglasses- in the summer, just in case I may need them.)
  • A good road trip isn’t complete without some good snacks and don’t forget bottle water and drinks in case you get stranded in a car.
  • I always pack a backup outfit or blanket in case something happens and a day trip turns into an overnight trip. 
  • I always have a go-bag with extra clothes, toiletries, a blanket and pillow in my trunk.

Weekend Away

  • A lot of the same advice applies to a weekend away as they would to a day trip, but here’s a few extra tips. 
  • I always like to use sample products from toiletries and beauty products when I go away. It’s a way to try different products, see what works, but you don’t have to worry about long-term uses.
An example of some free samples that I can’t wait to try when I go away.
  • If you are low on items, use them on the trip and then toss them so you don’t have to bring them back.
  • Don’t overpack, try to keep in mind what events you need to pack for and try and stick with a color scheme too, it makes planning outfits easier

Week Long Trip

  • Always keep a packing list with all the details of every item and every place, event, or activity you need an outfit for.
  • Pack back up items in neutral colors to mix and match for outfits ( I always pack a white shirt, a t-shirt dress, and an extra pair of shoes that can be worn with other outfits.)
  • Leave room for souvenirs or any items you may buy or bring back. 

I enjoy traveling for long and short trips and while packing can be stressful or overwhelming, breaking it down by making lists, keeping things simple and not overthinking always helps. Always remember, if you forget something, you can always pick it up at the store!

That’s just some travel and packing tips that work for me. Tell me, what travel tips do you live by? Let me know in the comments below! Happy Traveling!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #35

Hey guys! Happy Friday! We made it to the weekend and to the end of March! I can’t believe tomorrow is April, spring is flying by. 

Here’s a roundup of some of my favorite products, meals, and hobbies from the past week as I link up with Erika and Andrea!

Mary Kay Mint Lotion– I always love testing new beauty products. I got this Mint Bliss Energizing Lotion as a gift and I couldn’t wait to try it. Here’s some things that I love about this lotion. First, the smell is divine and so fresh, it provides a cooling sensation to your legs and feet. I also love the consistency of it, not too thick, but not too runny. It’s also great for dry skin which happens a lot in the winter.

Metal Straws– This year I have been doing my best to use more reusable products. From my reusable baggies to tupperware, but now I’m upping my game with my cups. I try to drink a lot of water every day and use a lot of reusable cups/water bottles and mugs. Many of the cups I use don’t have straws, so these reusable metal straws are a huge win! They fit perfect with most cups/thermoses, are easy to clean and I feel better that I’m doing my part to help the planet.

Chocolate Drizzle Popcorn– Most people in my family are huge popcorn fans and we have been trying different flavors and seasonings. We are currently loving this chocolate sea salt popcorn. It’s our own recipe, simply pop popcorn, (I typically do a cup of popcorn), melt chocolate chips (about ½ a cup) and then drizzle chocolate over the popcorn on a large tray. Add a pinch of salt over the chocolate and popcorn mixture and let it harden, I typically dry for about an hour or two and then serve! So tasty and a perfect mix of sweet and salty.

Lemon Poppyseed Muffins– I know I cheated with this box recipe, but I saw this at the store and couldn’t resist by trying them. They were the perfect mix of sweet and flavorful. I love the added taste of the poppyseeds. I know they are meant to be enjoyed as a breakfast treat but I think they could work just as well as a dessert. 

Love and Other Words– I am always reading and I just finished this book, Love and Other Words and loved it. It goes back and forth between the past and present with two best friends who reunite after almost a decade apart. Themes of friendship, love, and books are woven through the book. As a book lover myself, I loved all the references to books and getting lost in a story. My friend Sydney gifted me this book and I’m so glad she did. I’ll defintely be reading more Christina Lauren books.

That’s a look at some of my favorite things from this past week. Some products, some food and a good book. What more could you ask for? I hope you have a great first weekend of April!