Well at the beginning of the summer I shared my summer bucket list and today I’m sharing everything I got accomplished! Let’s see how we did…

– Complete Internship-YES
I had a great summer internship experience, you can read all about it here

– Go some place new-YES
I went to Taylor Swift’s concert so that counts as something new, right!?

– Take a trip-YES
My family and a took a getaway to one of our favorite places, it was so nice to get away and unwind.

– Sleep in-YES
I was able to snag a few days to sleep in and take it easy during the weekend and a few week days when I was off of work.
– See high school friends-YES
It was so good to see many friends from high school, we picked up where we left off-love them!

– See one (or more) college friends-YES
I’m really proud that I pulled this off, I saw FOUR friends from high school. All my friends live at least 2 hours or more away so I was so happy I was able to see them

– Read SIX book (one more than last summer)-YES
I really outdid myself with reading this summer. I’ll be posting a book review soon so you can see how many I read.
– Watch SUITS-NO
I got through most of it this summer but still have a few more episodes to go. I really enjoyed this series. You can check it out on USA or Amazon Prime.
– Watch Evil Genius-YES
I binged watched this while I was traveling and it was so good. I would recommend it for sure, plus who doesn’t like to watch a documentary about something that happened 5 minutes from their house…true story
– Watch Comedians in Cars getting Coffee-YES
I watched one episode (episodes are only 20 minutes) every morning while getting ready for work. It was something super light and easy to watch.

– See Mamma Mia 2-YES
I loved this movie, I have been listening to the soundtrack nonstop. It was definitely a favorite movie for me.

– See Oceans 8-YES
Loved this movie, it was so well done and the cast couldn’t have been better, girl power all the way.

– See family and spend time with them-YES
I was so happy I was able to see both sides of my family, from grandparents, cousin’s and aunts and uncles. Family over everything!
– Try something new-YES
Doing my internship counts right?!
– Go to the beach-YES
I went a few times to cover stories for my internship, but I also went to watch the sunset.

– Take more walks-YES
I did better at the beginning of summer, but I can’t wait to be back in the gym once school starts back
– Eat at a food truck-YES
One of my best friends and I grabbed lunch one day downtown. It was delicious and a fun way to catch up.

– Watch the sunset and sunrise-YES
My family and I went to the beach to watch the sunset and I had a few early mornings where I watched the sun rise.

– See a concert-YES
I saw both the Piano Guys and Taylor Swift. Both incredible shows. I absolutely loved them

– Spend more time outside-YES
Whether it was swimming, tanning, reading or working, I spent a lot of time outside.

– Go swimming more often-YES
I wanted to go in more but I got in the pool more than last summer so that counts.
– Do more free things (Zoo, parks, festivals)-YES
I did but I could have done better, hey I had a busy summer, I did make it to the zoo, beach, and relaxed so that counts
– Trip to Pittsburgh-YES
I went a few times for some sightseeing, zoo, a concert. I did very well in this department

– Breakfast at iHop-YES
It was more of a brunch but I got my fill of iHOP.
– Don’t rush as much and be in the moment-YES/.NO
I wished I slowed down more but sadly I was often on the go. Always more things to work on
– Smile more-YES
This was the summer of me! I had such a good summer and smiled a lot.

– Be spontaneous-YES
I was spontaneous but there is always room for improvement.
I truly had a wonderful summer. I lived a lot, learned a lot and really took care of myself and had some fun. Summer 2018 you were so good to me! Fall Semester, let’s get to work!