Hi everyone!
Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great week as we make our way through April. This month has been flying by in the blink of an eye. Easter being at the beginning of the month has certainly made this month go by faster.

One of the things I have gotten back into the habit of doing this year is trying new recipes once a week. I started this practice a few years ago, but fell off the wagon, due to life getting busy. At the start of 2024, I wanted to get back in the habit of cooking a new meal once a week again. I know how to cook and bake and I would say I’m pretty decent at both, but I really wanted to expand my skills in the kitchen.

I’ve been trying new recipes regularly since January and wanted to share an update of what I have learned over the past four months. I keep track of the meals I have made and tested, you can find them on my Instagram stories and I have them saved too!
Here’s some of the biggest things I’ve learned over the past four months:

-Always be looking for recipes-There are some days when I know what meals I want to try and other weeks, I am looking for ideas. I am constantly scouring Pinterest, blogs, cookbooks, and even asking family and friends what meals or recipes they would be interested in trying. I’m always open to trying new dishes and sides and mixing and matching different flavors too. You never know what will stick, so I always try to keep an open mind.

–Build in extra time when trying a new recipe- I always try to budget extra time when I am making a complicated recipe. I like to take my time to make sure I am following the directions to a tee and I’m giving everything enough time to properly cook. There’s nothing worse than having your taste testers wait on food or have things not be cooked fully. I also want to build in time for errors or mess-ups.

–Be open to feedback and criticism- This is easier said than done, but I always ask my family or judges about what they think of the meal. Sometimes, the meals are successes and everyone’s happy, other times, I get recommendations to try other sides or flavors. I try to be open to feedback because I know that’s the only way I will get better.

-Portions- This is more of a technical side of things, but I still haven’t mastered portions for servings. I try to make enough for six people, I have been making just enough for six, but there’s not always enough for leftovers or seconds. I need to do a better job of cooking bigger portions so there’s more than enough food for seconds or leftovers.

-Not Getting Intimated by Complicated Recipes- A lot of the meals I have made can be made in under an hour and are fairly easy to cook. They include using kitchen gadgets like the Air Fryer, are made in one dish or a crock pot. There are a few bigger recipes I want to try but they take a lot more planning and time in the kitchen, I want to work on trying recipes that may scare or intimidate me to build my confidence in the kitchen.

-Getting Better at Familiar Recipes-While I am all about trying new recipes each week, I also want to make sure I am getting better at recipes I have tried before. It can be great to try new things, but I also want to get more reps in making some of my favorite family recipes like roasted chicken, spaghetti, homemade soups. I also want to have a few recipes that I can call my own and that will only come with more practice in the kitchen.

–Have fun and be creative-One of my favorite parts about cooking is getting creative and trying new foods. I am a huge foodie and making different dishes brings me joy and confidence. I also love to serve my family and friends something that I know I put time and effort into researching, buying ingredients and preparing. Not only is cooking and eating something that you need to do to survive, but I love that I have come to truly enjoy it.

My cooking and baking journey is just beginning. I tend to make my meals on days off when I have more time to cook and prepare a meal, I know that won’t always be the case. Some nights, a quick dinner of salad will have to do, but other nights when I have more flexibility for a more detailed meal, I know I will be taking advantage of it.

Tell me: what advice do you have for a novice in the kitchen looking to expand her knowledge? Let me know in the comments below!