Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #134

Hello All!

Happy Friday! I hope you had a full and successful week! February is flying by which is good for me. January felt wayyyyy longer than I wanted, but February is flying by. I think a lot of that had to do with the fact I have more things on my calendar to look forward to. I got back from a weekend away last weekend and it gave me the energy I needed to make it through the second half of winter. As much as I love to travel, it’s always good to come home and get settled after time off.

My go-to look, all bundled up for winter. Hat, scarf, and puffy jacket!

As we look towards brighter days, here are some things I have been loving this week as I link up with Erika and Andrea

New Candle Scent– I finished my Emily in Paris candle which I loved and it was time for a new one. I decided to switch it up with a lavender scent to relax and unwind to the start and end of the day. I got this candle from a local candle company. I love to support local businesses whenever I can and this was a great opportunity to do so. The candles come in different size Mason jars which I find so cute. I also love how the scent lingers after you blow it out. This has been a favorite of mine these past few weeks.

Hair Shine Mist- I use a lot of different products in my hair every day and I always like experimenting with new products. I have been trying this shine mist after I’m done doing my hair, before I head out the door. It gives my hair a nice clean look and it smells great too. But I do notice that it adds some shine and volume too. Definitely a win for me when it comes to hair products!

New Apple Watch Band– As i mentioned in my post a few weeks ago, I LOVE my apple watch and wear all day, every day. I typically keep the generic, athletic band on it at all times, but sometimes for work, I want a more professional look. I decided to purchase a gold/leather watch band from Amazon and I have been loving it. It definitely elevates my look and I feel more sophisticated when I wear it. An inexpensive purchase that makes me feel more put together and fashionable.

Back in Action- Have you seen the new movie on Netflix, Back in Action?! It stars Cameron Diaz and Jamie Foxx. My boyfriend and I recently watched it during a virtual watch party and both really enjoyed it. Was it the greatest movie of all time? No, but was it a good thriller with some good one-liners on Netflix to enjoy for a date night?! Absolutely! The movie follows two spies who get out of the business to start a family only to get pulled right back in years later. Definitely a fun movie to watch for your next night in.

Virtual watch party for the win!

Pomodoro Timer- My friend recommended I try the Pomodoro Timer for work and house projects and it has been super helpful when staying on task. Sometimes, I, like many can get distracted when I’m trying to a task or work and the timer is a great motivator to stay focused and catch your breath every few minutes. This is a great tool if you spend hours at a desk and need a reminder to get moving too.

That’s a look into life this past week and what I’m loving! Some shows, movies, accessories, and beauty items, truly a little bit of everything. I hope you have found something that brought you JOY this past week. Have a fabulous weekend! See you back here on Wednesday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #129

Hello everyone! Happy Friday! I hope you had a successful week and are ready for the weekend. 

These past few weeks have been quiet after the holidays, it can be nice to not be busy and booked all the time, but a part of me does miss the hustle and bustle. I’ve been trying to do an activity or something different every week just to change things up. As we wrap up another week of January, I wanted to share some favorites of mine from the past week as I link up with Erika and Andrea for Friday Favorites.

Lazy Genius Playbooks– I mentioned a few weeks ago that I started using my new planner from Simplified, but I also started using these playbooks from The Lazy Genius. They are to be used as a companion to a planner and they are organized by season, so you have one book for every season. The books are broken down by a looking back and looking forward section, a brain dump spot, have to and hope to list, and then week by week. This has been a great tool for me to use with my planner every day.

Desk Calendar– Speaking of every day, I got this calendar for my desk or motivational quotes for work and it brings a smile to my face whenever I look at it. It’s a fun little countdown and have positive and uplifting quotes that I like to read through the day. A small but, personalized touch at my work station.

New Scent– I shared a few months ago that Bath and Body Works released an Emily in Paris line and I got some of the scents for Christmas! I got some body lotion, body spray, candles, and car refreshers, so I will be set for a while. I am currently wearing this combo for body lotion and spray. The spray is a bit stronger but found that it lasts longer, which I appreciate since I don’t have to keep reapplying it through the day. The lotion is more subtle which I enjoy. I’m eager to try the other scents soon.

With Love, Meghan– Meghan Markle announced at the beginning of the year that she will be launching a show on Netflix. You can catch the trailer here. This week, the show was supposed to premiere but got pushed back to the wildfires in California. I really liked the trailer and can’t wait to get started with the series. Do you plan to watch it? If you have, what are your thoughts?

Juror #2– This was a movie my family and I watched over the holidays and we all enjoyed it. It’s all about a juror on a trial about a homicide. Through the course of the trial, he’s faced with moral dilemmas that could affect the entire case. It was dramatic, intense, and very thought provoking. Definitely a heavier movie, but worth the watch. You can find it on Max. Clint Eastwood did the movie and did a fantastic job on it!

That’s a look into what I have been loving this week, some organizational tools, some entertainment and some beauty products, something for everyone!

As we gear up for the weekend, tell me, what are you looking forward to? I would love to know! Have a great Friday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #124

Hello everyone! Happy Friday! I hope you are having a great week and are doing something festive this December weekend. 

Last weekend, I went to see a Christmas show and a dinner out and it was so much fun and got me in the Christmas spirit. 

This got me in the Christmas spirit!

I have been making my way through Christmas shopping and wrapping and baking. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year.

I baked lots of gingerbread, YUM!

This week’s post is full of holiday favorites as I link up with Erika and Andrea.

Let’s dive right in!

Christmas in Notting Hill– I have been on a Christmas movie kick. I started on Thanksgiving afternoon/night with the Netflix movie, Christmas in Notting Hill. It’s about a young woman who goes to visit her sister in England. She falls for a cute guy, only to realize he’s a pretty big deal and has a connection to her sister. This is your classic, cheesy, Hallmark-esque movie. But I loved it and it got me in the Christmas spirit.

Festive Accessories– Speaking of the holiday season, I have been picking up some festive, but subtle accessories to add to my wardrobe. I got this cute red barrette, which can dress up any outfit. I love the festive pop it can bring to a look. I wore it with blue and white, but it can be worn with black, white, green and of course, red!

Wall Flower Scent– As I was decorating for Christmas, I had to break out a new wall flower scent from Bath and Body Works. This is fresh balsam from Bath and Body Works and it smells like Christmas in a cup, the perfect mix or peppermint, a fresh cut Christmas tree and snow. It’s the perfect scent to get you in the Christmas spirit.

Rosemary Cashews– I found this recipe from Ashley Brooke’s blog. I love a good salty mix and this is the perfect snack for an appetizer spread. You can eat it on its own or add it to a fruit, cheese, and meat tray. I love the salty and flavorful taste the rosemary brings. We enjoyed it with other snacks after decorating and it was so tasty!

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Pie– Another recipe that I made over the holiday weekend. I found this one on Mix and Match Mama’s blog. I love anything with chocolate and this was such an easy pie to make and can be enjoyed in the fall and winter. It tastes like a warm chocolate chip cookie. I would recommend it with some vanilla ice cream or a glass of milk. You can find the recipe here. Yum!

That’s a look into what I’m loving this week. Lots of holiday cheer and goodness. How are you enjoying the holiday season? I would love to hear from you in the comments below!

Happy Friday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #123

Hello all! Happy December!

I hope you are having a lovely December so far! I have been doing my best to savor the Christmas season in between the daily to-do lists and the to-do lists that come with the holiday season.

My pups getting into the holiday spirit with all the snow.

This is truly one of my favorite times of the year, so I’m trying to soak it all up. I have some fun holiday fun planned for this weekend which I’m very excited about. 

As I wait for the holiday fun to begin, I wanted to share some things I have been loving this week as I link up with Erika and Andrea.

Special Forces Casting and New Season– Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test announced the casting for their new season and launched the trailer. I’ve enjoyed watching this series over the last few years and I’m always excited to see who joins the cast. Some of the challenges seem pretty daunting and I know I could never tackle them, so it’s always interesting to see who makes it out on top. You can watch the trailer here. It comes out next month!

Geek Girl– Have you seen Geek Girl?! It’s been on Netflix for a while, but I just got around to watching it. So far, there is only one season, but it’s super cute. Episodes are only about 30 minutes so they are easy to watch. It’s all about an average looking girl who gets picked to be a model and her world turns upside down. It takes place in London and I love all the references and the setting. Definitely a cute show to watch if you are looking for something new to watch. 

Pandora Broadway Tracks-Besides listening to Christmas music 24/7. I have been on a Broadway kick lately on Pandora. I am a big podcast listener, but have been changing it up with Pandora. Broadway hits has been my go-to after seeing the new Wicked movie last week. I love the variety of music and genres the station plays and it has even introduced me to some new shows and artists. 

All The Colors of the DarkAll the Colors of the Dark by Chris Whitaker came out in August and I have been wanting to read it after hearing rave reviews about it. I finally got a chance to check it out at the library and finished it in two days. One because it was so good, and two because there was a wait list for it and I couldn’t renew it. It starts out with a murder and kidnapping in the 1970’s, but follows the characters through decades of their lives as they grapple with different things thrown their way. There were beautiful moments, heartbreaking scenes and times where you want to throw your book across the room. But overall, I loved it and would recommend it to anyone who asks. It’s in the running for my favorite book of the year. 

New Holiday Scent- Are we surprised this is a Friday Favorite?! The holidays mean seasonal scents and it was perfect timing to break out my new holiday scents from Bath and Body Works. You may remember I got these scents as a gift last year and I saved them for this holiday season. I’m so glad I saved them and had them to look forward to for this Christmas season. I love the scent and the holiday cheer these holiday scents bring.

That’s a look into what I’m loving this week as we are in full on Christmas mode. I hope you have a great weekend and are doing something fun and festive! See you back here on Wednesday as I share my Christmas Bucket List!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #114

Hello all! 

Happy Friday! 

I hope you had a wonderful week and are ready for the weekend. It’s the first weekend of October and it certainly feels like October. Fall is settling in which means several weekends of pumpkin patches, apple picking, leaves falling and cooler temperatures.

First signs of fall with the changing leaves

I’m excited to start crossing things off my fall bucket list. 

Before we get to a weekend of fall fun, I wanted to share some things that I have been loving this week as I link up with Erika and Andrea 

Midnight at the Pera Palace– The second season of Midnight at the Pera Palace came out towards the end of September and I have been slowly making my way through the season. It picks up right where season one end as storyline goes back and forth between the past and present. Although it can be hard to follow since it’s in a different language, the English dialogue does help, so do the subtitles.

Dot Pretzels-I was influenced by Erika and Shay to try these Dot pretzels and they are so good! I have only tried the original flavor, but I love the extra bite and zest they have. Definitely more flavorful than your average pretzel, but so delicious. I plan on trying on the other flavors too!

Large Lavender Lotion– I love lavender lotion and use it every night. I had been getting small bottles of lavender hand cream and lotion, but kept having to purchase refills more often than I would have liked. I decided to buy a large bottle of lavender lotion from Bath and Body Works. I love using a pump every night, it not only is softens my skin but soothes me as well. Definitely worth paying more for more product.

A Family Affair– Have you seen A Family Affair on Netflix? It stars Nicole Kidman and Zac Efron. It’s all about a widowed mom who falls for her daughter’s boss and let’s say things become quite the family affair. Although the storyline is for mature audiences, I really enjoyed watching it and I think the casting and chemistry was well done. Definitely a movie with adding to your watch list for your next movie night.

People We Meet on Vacation Casting– I’m a big fan of Emily Henry and I have read all of her books. Some are currently in the works to be made into movies or mini series, including People We Meet on Vacation! This is one of my favorite books by Henry and I can’t wait to see the adaptation. I’m familiar with some of the actors and actresses but I can’t wait to see them bring these characters to life. 

That’s a look into what I’m loving this week! As we fully embrace fall, tell me what’s on your bucket list for this month?! Let me know in the comments below! Happy Fall Friday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #111

Hello All! Happy Friday! I hope you had a great week as we make our way through September and transition from one season to the next. Life is starting to calm down and my fall routine is finally taking shape. Although the fall season is only a few weeks away, the weather is still gorgeous and I’m trying to soak up as much of it as I can. 

Beautiful days as we transition from summer to fall

Today, I’m linking up with Erika and Andrea  for another weekly roundup of Friday Favorites. Here’s some things I have been loving this week.

Emily in Paris Season Four Part Two– The second half of Emily in Paris dropped yesterday. Depending on when you are reading this, chances are I have already started it. I really enjoyed the first half of the season and the second half takes Emily to ROME! I was giddy when I saw the trailer and Emily was at so many iconic spots I had just visited myself. I do have to say, after watching the trailer, I was a little jealous that Emily didn’t have to deal with any tourists. Haha! I’m looking forward to the season and where it takes Emily. 

Outer Banks Season Four Trailer– Are you a fan of Outer Banks? I started the series during Covid and have stuck with it since. Even though it is more on the tween and teen side of things when it comes to the plot lines, I enjoy the mystery behind the storylines and the hunt for the treasure. I felt like last season really wrapped things up nicely and was surprised when it got renewed. The trailer looks good and I’m excited to see what adventures are in store for the group.

Atomic Habits– I have heard about this book, Atomic Habits for ages and I have had it on hold at the library for weeks. When it was my turn to check it out, I couldn’t wait to start reading. James Clear discusses the importance of building habits, creating routines, and starting small. He goes in-depth about the science and psychology of habits. He also gives real life examples of how to start small and build up to making life changes. I love and thrive off a good routine and rhythm and found this book fascinating. I learned so much and it really helped me better understand some of my habits and how I can build off them. Whether you are looking to create better habits or work on your current ones, I would highly recommend this book. 

New Room Scent and Plug-In– My current wallflower ran out, so it was time for an upgrade. I decided to go with one of the scents from the Bridgerton collection from Bath and Body Works. The scent I chose was Queen Charlotte’s Tea. The best way to describe it is a floral scent that’s very feminine, but not too strong or overpowering. This would be a great scent to use in a bedroom or bathroom, but not a living, room, family room or kitchen where a lot of people could be in and out and may not care for the scent. I also swapped out my plug-in with a bee from the Bridgerton collection too! Too cute, just a small change for the upcoming season. 

The Perfect Couple– I have been on an Elin Hilderbrand kick lately. Without planning it, I’m currently reading one of her books, listening to different one in an audiobook, and watching the third as a series. Plus, I listen to her podcast, Books, Beach and Beyond…can you say I’m hooked?!  Reviews on those will be coming soon, but I have been loving the Netflix series, The Perfect Couple, based on her book. I read the book when it came out and couldn’t wait to watch the series when it was announced. I really think the series was fairly close to the book. It was interesting to see how characters were portrayed. I LOVED the setting and costumes and appreciated seeing the plot unfold on the big screen. I binged my way through the series and was sad when it ended. I love when movies or series stay true to the books.

There you have it, a fun roundup of favorites from this past week, some books, life hacks, and shows I’m loving! Tell me, what’s bringing you joy this week? Let me know in the comments below! Happy Friday! Enjoy the weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #110

Hello All! Happy September. It feels so weird to be writing that…the summer months truly flew by. By now, you are probably back into a back to school routine or getting there. I know these past few weeks have been an adjustment for me. But, we are slowly finding a new groove and routine.

These past few weeks have included lots of walks

As we kick of a new month and new season in the next few weeks, I wanted to share some things I have been loving and have been favorites of mine as I link up with Erika and Andrea for another round of Friday Favorites!

This week it’s a mix of entertainment and beauty products with some treats too.

Wonka– I know this movie came out last year, but I just got around to watching Wonka and it was such a cute movie. I have seen previous versions of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Willa Wonka, but this one had some unexpected twists to it. It could definitely be viewed as a family movie or you can watch it on your own. I loved the creativity, new characters and all the different kinds of chocolate and candy. Add this to your next family movie list.

Homemade Vinaigrette– I am always looking for new recipes and things to try in the kitchen. I came across this video about how to make your own homemade vinaigrette and I tried it for myself and it turned out great. It was a great way to use things I already had in my kitchen and enjoy something homemade. I know I will be using this trick in the future too.

The Second Chance Hotel– I loved the Second Chance Hotel by Sierra Godfrey! I read it on vacation and it was the perfect travel read. It’s all about a young woman escaping her life and traveling across Europe, she’s about to end her trip in a small town in Greece, that is until the hotel she is staying at falls into her and another guest’s lap. They decide to run it for the season, but when her old life is calling her back, she must decide if she wants to stay in Greece or return to America. It was such a fun, travel read and so good to enjoy in the summer! 

Bliss sunscreen– I am a big advocate for sunscreen. I always wear it in the summer and Super Goop is my go-to brand. Without sounding like a broken record, I tried this bliss sunscreen on my recent trip and really loved the consistency and how smooth it went on. It was mineral based, so it really blended well on my skin. I may not invest in a full bottle, but I will be using it the next time I travel. 

Dressed in White Body Spray– I promise this is the last beauty favorite for a while. But I’ve been using this travel body mist, Dressed in White from Bath and Body Works, all summer on the go. Whether, I’m traveling for a long trip, a day trip or just have a long day, I have been throwing it in my purse for a refresher. I love how light the scent is. Not too overpowering but feminine and refreshing, two things I always look for in body spray. This has been the best travel companion over the last few weeks.

There you have it, some of my favorite things from this week, some entertainment, beauty products and kitchen hacks. As we get ready to welcome in a new season, what are some things you are loving this week? Let me know in the comments below! 

Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #108

Hello all! Happy Friday! I hope you all have had a great week and are excited to do something fun as we start to say goodbye to summer! This has been such a fulfilling summer filled with checking off bucket list items, continuing summer traditions, and new adventures. I’m not ready to say goodbye to summer, but all good things must come to an end.

I’ve been capitalizing on lots of walks over the past few weeks.

As we get ready for the weekend, I’m linking up with Erika and Andrea for another round of Friday Favorites! Here’s a list of things I’ve been loving!

Yoga– I’ve tried yoga a few times over the past month. I am used to more high intensity workouts with strength training, lifting and cardio, so this was a change in pace for me, but I’ve enjoyed it the past few times. I did a yoga on the beach which was a slow and gentle flow yoga for beginners. Then a week later, I did a sunrise yoga which was gentle, but more intense yoga. Both lasted an hour and I felt relaxed, refreshed, and stretched out. I don’t know if I’ll be incorporating yoga into my weekly workout sessions, but it was fun to change it up for a few weeks. 

Yoga to start the day

It Ends with Us– The movie, It Ends with Us starting Blake Lively and Justin Baldoni is now out. I haven’t seen it yet, but I am anxious to see it. I read the book and the sequel by Colleen Hoover and I really loved it. I’m anxious to see how the movie compares to the book. I have read some reviews, but no spoilers. I did hear that Hoover makes an appearance. I’m hoping to see it in the theaters soon! I’ll report back with a review once I see it.

New Bridgerton Scent– As we say goodbye to one season of life and say hello to another, my body lotion and sprays are changing. I got some of the new scents from the Bridgerton collection from Bath and Body Works for my birthday and I’m finally getting around to using them. I really love this scent and the design on the bottle. The scent is called Diamond of the Season and it’s a subtle, vanilla scent with some hints of floral. The perfect smell to use when at the end of summer and start of fall!

Packing Cubes-I’m officially on the packing cube train. I have read about packing cubes for years from Mix and Match Mama and before my family trip, I purchased a set for my mom and I to share and they were a huge help. I used two cubes and they fit nine days worth of clothes tight and compact. On the way home, I used one for clean and one for dirty clothes. They gave me so much more space in my carry-on. I would definitely recommend getting them if you are a big traveler. I would even consider using them if you are using a tote bag if you don’t plan on using a suitcase to keep everything organized and neat. I know I will be using them for future travels. I got mine off Amazon!

Satin Lips Scrub and Balm– I’ve mentioned this numerous times, but whenever I go on vacation or go away, I always like to try new beauty samples to see if I want to invest in them. When I went on my trip, I tried Mary Kay’s Satin Lips Scrub and Balm. I used the scrub every night after I washed my face and used them balm through the day. The scrub felt good after a day of lip balm and glass. I found myself having to reapply the balm a lot through the day, but that also could have been due to the heat and drinking lots of water. I will definitely be using the samples on my next trip, but I think I will be sticking to my Sara Happ Lip scrub and balm at home every night.

That’s a look into some of my favorite things from this past week! What are some things that have caught your eye this past week? Let me know in the comments below! Happy Friday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #107

Hello everyone! Happy Friday! I hope you have had a great week. These past few weeks, especially this one, have been a bit of a whirlwind, between getting back from time away with my family, returning to work and getting my life acclimated once again. Needless to say, I am ready to get my life back in order and in a new routine.

One of my goals for this month was to run new places and this was the first spot I chose, by the water! It was beautiful!

As we get ready for the weekend which will be filled with fun, I am sharing some favorites this week as I link up with Erika and Andrea

New Candle Scent- I was looking for a new candle scent for the month of August and settled on Iridescent Glow. It’s by far the most subtle candle scent I’ve had in a long time. It is very subdue and not powerful. For lack of a better description, it’s a clean scent that’s not too perfumey or florally. I am using this scent as a good palate cleanser of scents as we transition from summery scents to fall scents.

Wick Trimmer- Speaking of candles, this wick trimmer is a great tool for candles, especially if you are a big candle user. I typically burn a candle in my room every day as I get ready and I have found that by using this wick trimmer it makes my candles burn longer. I got it on Amazon and it has been a great investment. Definitely worth it if you are a big candle user. It would also make a great gift to give someone with a candle as a housewarming gift. 

Shower Steamers– If you are looking for a way to heighten your shower experience, I may have just the thing for you. I got these shower steamers from Bath and Body Works for my birthday and have used them a handful of times in the shower. The scent is lavendar and vanilla. Some may prefer a bath to a shower, but these are a great and fast way to relax while washing up. The scent isn’t too overpowering and whether you use them in the morning or at night, I’m sure you will feel relaxed when you are done. 

Blueberry Lemonade Dark Chocolate Bar– I am a sucker for trying new things on display at grocery stores. I talked about a peanut butter trail mix last week in my Friday Favorites and this week I am sharing a new candy bar. The flavor is unique, but it’s so good. I picked it up from Giant Eagle and it has been a tasty treat to indulge in at the end of the day. It’s mostly dark chocolate with a hint of lemon and blueberry, unique, but so tasty. 

Homemade Chocolate Croissants– We were big fans of the Olympics this year and that included watching the Opening Ceremonies and many events. My mom and I made homemade chocolate croissants. They were super easy to make and tasted delicious! We purchased mini croissants from the grocery store and sliced them and put mini Hershey bars inside, we cooked them for about 10 minutes and took them out and then drizzled melted chocolate on top. After letting them cool, we all thoroughly enjoyed them. These were such an easy and sweet treat to enjoy. I will definitely be making them again for breakfasts, desserts and coffee. Yum!

Today’s post was definitely more of a home goods/sweet treats post, but you never know what you are going to get when it comes to Friday Favorites! I hope you had a great week and have something fun planned for this weekend. Happy Friday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #102

Hello everyone!

A happy Friday to you! I hope you are having a great week as we make our way through July! I am looking forward to a busier weekend between seeing some friends, a big picnic and hopefully some time outside. Let’s just hope the weather cooperates. Fingers crossed! It’s been a busy week, so I am looking forward to the weekend.

Everything is in full bloom and I am one happy gal!

It’s Friday which means it’s time for another Friday Favorites as I share some highlights from the past week with you as I link up with Erika and Andrea.

This is a mixed bag of food, sunshine and products! Let’s dive right in!

Family Walks– Family walks have been a favorite for myself and my family over the past few weeks. We have been trying to take advantage of the warm weather and walking at different parks and trails throughout the area. Whether it’s a long walk in the woods or a short walk on pavement, it’s been a fun way to get in some exercise, spend time together and get outdoors. It’s also been fun to explore the area and different parks too.

One of the spots we have walked

Happy Place Series Announced– Emily Henry is one of my favorite authors. I have read all her books and one of my favorites is Happy Place. It was released last summer and it was announced a few weeks ago that there’s talks about making it into a series through Netflix with Jennifer Lopez at the helm. You can find the article here. I’m really excited to learn more about the project. Although only a few details have been released, I’m itching to see how it compares to the book. I have mixed feelings about making books into tv series or movies, but this one I’m very excited about!

Such a fun, summer read!

Brunch with Babs Cookbook– I am really proud by keeping up with my new year’s goal of trying to cook one new meal a week. I get ideas from Pinterest, Cookbooks and blogs. I have really been having success with Celebrate with Babs cookbook. It’s from the online account, Brunch with Babs, which is all about lifestyle and homemaking hacks.

Here are some of the recipes I have tried and had success with.

Apricot ham and broccoli salad
Strawberry Salad with Grilled Chicken

New Car Scent– I did a recent car cleaning and decided it was time for a new car scent. I try to swap out scents every six to eight weeks. Since we are in full on summer mode here, I decided Tiki Beach was the perfect summer scent. It’s not too overwhelming or overpowering, but it does leave your car smelling fresher and like a pina colada. Yum! Thank you, Bath and Body Works!

Cocoa Oatmeal Treats– Another food related item for you this week. I am a big lover of Hershey’s and saw this recipe on their website for their cocoa oatmeal treats. They are super easy to make and would be perfect for a summer picnic. They are no-bake cookies and only contain a few ingredients like oats, milk, sugar, cocoa powder, and peanut butter. I thoroughly enjoyed them for a “healthier” treat.

That’s a quick roundup of what I am loving this week. Some snacks, new releases, and products. How has your July been treating you? Any fun plans? Let me know if the comments below!

Have a great weekend!