
Leading A Healthier Lifestyle

Hi everyone! Happy Wednesday!!

I hope you are all having a great week!! I donā€™t know about you, but this summer has flown by! I canā€™t believe we are getting ready for back to school. Itā€™s certainly different not to be heading back to school when my friends who are younger than me are heading back or when my sibling are getting back in the classroom. 

One of the things that has been on my summer to do list was to live a healthier and balanced lifestyle. This was something I wanted to aim for in 2020, but then the pandemic hit, so things got put on the back burner. This summer, as more things opened up, I wanted to continue to live a healthier lifestyle. Throughout 2020, I have wanted to work out more, eat better and get more fresh air, and this summer I have been doing a great job of accomplishing all that.

Just for a quick recapā€¦in the early months of the year, (January and February)Ā Ā I was working out five days a week, it felt great to be back in the gym, then during the early time period (March-June) in the pandemic when everything was closed, I would try and get some walks in a few times a week, and tried to eat healthier.Ā 

Finally, in the summer, once the gyms opened up (June!!!) , I was back in the gym five days a week (and I still am!!!), I also try to go for a walk every day, whether itā€™s a few hours or a few minutes, I love getting a good workout in followed by fresh air outside.

I also have been doing better by being more intentional with what I am eating and when I am eating, not just eating to eat but eating because I am hungry. In my life and schedule right now, it works out better to eat two meals a day, again, it may not work for everyone but in my life and my schedule its better for two health meals and no snacking. I also drink a lot of water, sometimes going through several bottles of water a day.Ā 

My energy levels are been up and I have been feeling more energetic too! 

In life there are a lot of things we canā€™t control, but the simple things like eating healthier or getting a work out in or more fresh air are easy ways that I can do to make my life a bit smoother. What are things you do to make your life a bit more smoother or peaceful or ways that you promote self care in your life?!

I hope you all have a wonderful week and soak up the last few weeks of summer!!!


Currently #7

Hey gang!!Ā Ā Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great week. I canā€™t believe we are almost to the end of July! Summer is going by so fast but it has been so good to me. Being outside every day has been the best. Itā€™s time for aĀ currently update.

What Iā€™m up to: July has been getting back to normalish, Iā€™ve been able to see some family and friends, all socially distant, but it has been nice to see familiar faces. I have been able to spend a lot of time outside which has been so nice, from walks, to hiking, and swimming, it has been so nice to soak up sunshine. 

Morning out kayaking

What Iā€™m wearing: I have been loving summer dresses, and short sets. Iā€™ve been  wearing more dresses for work since they are easier to wear in the heat. But on days off I love a good matching short set. 

What Iā€™m reading: I have not been the best at reading, but that is mostly because I am spending more times outside or doing things and spending time with family. This summer has been great for extra family time.  

What Iā€™m Watching: Iā€™m still watching 30 Rock as a do work or get ready for the day. I also just started watching The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. It is soooo good, its fun and light with a bit of drama too. Plus I canā€™t get enough of the set design and the costumes. Itā€™s the perfect summer show. 

What Iā€™m Loving: I have been so happy with making the most of summer on my days off and before or after work. I am also in a great routine where Iā€™m working out consistently, eating better, being outside and feeling accomplished. Not every day is like this but I love a finished to do list after a long day.  

What Inspires Me: I have been loving everything fresh, I have been cutting fresh flowers every week during my walk. I also have been eating more fruits and veggies outside, there is just something peaceful about being outside, I have also been inspired about just finding happiness in the little things. 

Fresh flowers to start the day

What I accomplished: Iā€™ve been really happy with working out five days a week, I was doing great in the winter and then the pandemic hit and everything was put on hold, but since things have reopened, I am back to the gym and feeling better and stronger. I have also started to read more and learn more about finances and budgeting. Budgeting is something that I want to learn more about and get better at it following graduation and working full time.   

Obviously Im not 30 but I thought this was funny since this is how I spend my days off

Goals Accomplished from Last Month: I have done a really good job at seeing friends and also making the most out of every day, whether itā€™s my day off or a work day. I also feel better after being productive while also relaxing too. I am really happy that July felt like a true summer month.   

Goals for the New Month: I want to still see some more friends and continue to get outside and soak up as much summer whether itā€™s time in the pool, ice cream stops, or more hikes. Hiking has become one of my favorite new hobbies and I am trying to get out as much as I can.

Thatā€™s just a look into this past month, a mix of work and getting outside and making summer memories. This has been a different summer but I am really enjoying it and making the most out of it. I hope you are having the best week. 


I Didn’t Work Out for an Entire Summer and Survived

Hello All!

Happy Tuesday!

I hope your week is off to a great start. These past few weeks have been busy but productive. I always feel the first weeks of school are all about getting into a new groove and routine! I think I have established a good routine that will help me this semester!

You may have noticed that I have been quiet about fitness on here for the past few months. Iā€™ll let you in on a little secretā€¦I didnā€™t work out for the entire summer and I survived. Yes, for the person who tries to workout 5 days a week during the school year, I didnā€™t hit the gym once and to be honest I was okay with that.

From my pervious posts, you guys know that I had a busy summer between my job and internship, so I wasnā€™t able to get to the gym as much as I would have wanted to. However, I still took walks at night, swam, and did physical activities outside like playing soccer with my siblings, or running around, so I was still active this summerā€¦just not as much as I would have liked.

I tried to eat healthier in the summer but that isnā€™t always easyā€¦I like to indulge myself, especially in the summer. Overall, this wasn’t the healthiest summer for me, but a lot of good things happened this summer so it was a good trade off.

I took three months off from the gym, so where does that leave me for this school year? Back in the gym 5 days a week of course! The first day of classes, I was in the gym at 7:00 am. It was so good to get back in the gym and start getting healthier in the gym. Don’t get me wrong, it was hard at first and I had to push myself the first week or so, but it was worth it.

30 minutes of cardio to start my day

This year I plan on changing up my routine in the gym by doing 30 minutes of cardio (either on the bike, treadmill, or elliptical machine), followed by 15 minutes of weight machines, and 15 minutes of Ā free weights, and then a cool down. I have more time in the morning this semester, Ā so Iā€™m devoting more time to working out. I plan on using this same routine on the weekends too.

Strengthening my legs with the leg press

Also, I have learned that it can be hard to eat healthy as a college student when you have limited food options. Iā€™ve been trying to incorporate more fruits and salads in my diet daily and less processed foods. We are only a few weeks in, so Iā€™ll let you know how this plan works out.

Have you ever struggled after getting back in the gym after being away for so long? What pushed you to get back?