Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #53

Hey everyone! Happy Friday! I hope you had a great first week of August. These past few days have been fun with activities and adventures and the fun continues tomorrow as I am running my first 5K.

Getting in all the runs before tomorrow!

Iā€™ll be sure to share all about it in the next few weeks. Iā€™m excited, but a little nervous too. Every week for Friday Favorites, I love sharing some of my favorite things from the week with you and this week is a heavy food week of favorites! Grab your pen and paper as we dig into this weekā€™s Friday Favorites as I link up with Erika and Andrea!

Cinnamon Chocolate Chip Cookies– I havenā€™t done baking in a long time simply because I have been spending so much time outdoors and because on warm days, the last place you want to be is in a hot kitchen. However last week, I was inspired to bake and wanted to try a new recipe. I found this recipe from Baked Abundance for Cinnamon Chocolate Chip cookies and I thought they were the perfect warm treat. Although they are not a traditional summer treat, I couldnā€™t resist trying them. Now, they didnā€™t turn out like the photos, they were still delicious. I love the mix of cinnamon and chocolate chip. These would be a perfect fall treat, but they would be great anytime of year. You can find the recipe here if you are looking to try them for yourself.

Fresh baked cookies are good for the soul and stomach!

Fox’ ‘Special Forces” Season 2 Cast– The season two cast for Fox’s “Special Forces” came out this week. If you remember, I watched this show last season and really liked seeing celebrities, athletes, and actors all compete in various obstacles to see if they have what it takes to be a special forces operator. I know I could not do all the different challenges that the recruits could do each day. The cast for this season looks really good. I’m excited to see if Tom Sandoval, Savannah Chrisley, Brian Austin Green and even Blac Chyna have what it takes to be a special forces operator. The new season comes out on Monday, September 25. I can’t wait!

Love and Gelato– This book was recommended to me by a friend and it was one of the cutest books I read in a long time. Love and Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch follows the story of a young girl who loses her mom and her momā€™s dying wish is for her daughter to go to Florence and reconnect with people from her motherā€™s time when she lived there. This book checks all the boxes for a cute rom com book. Dreamy city, beautiful description, incredible Italian food and desserts, and a little romance too. I blitzed through this book and was so sad when it came to an end. After reading this book, you will want to book a trip to Florence.

The sweetest summer book!

Charcuterie Boards– I have been into Charcuterie Boards all summer long. They are so easy to put together for entertaining for friends and family or they are great for a one person meal. I love seeing whatā€™s in my fridge and using what I have to put together a meal for lunch or dinner. You can add whatever you want to your board, I typically like to include some kind of fruit, some veggies, cheeses, some meats and then nuts or crackers. These boards are also great if you have had a long day and are looking to clean out your fridge too. Hereā€™s an example of a recent board that my boyfriend and I enjoyed. So many delicious and healthy options on one plate.

A healthy and filling meal!

Wordle– I know I am way late to the party on this one, but this summer I started playing Wordle and Iā€™m addicted. I never got hooked on it months ago when it first came out, but this summer, I got on the Wordle train. I try to do it in the morning before the day gets away from me, but sometimes it doesnā€™t always happen. I like the challenge of trying to figure out each dayā€™s word. Itā€™s been such a fun brain game to enjoy this summer. 

My recent stats!

And thatā€™s a wrap on todayā€™s Friday Favorites. Lots of food, a new read and some games. This weekend will be fun between my race and then time with family. Tell me: how are you spending your weekend? Let me know in the comments below! Have a great weekend!

Fabulous living

Apple Watch Review

Hey guys!

Happy Wednesday! I’ve held off on this post for a while but I’m excited to share it with you today. 

I always love reading people’s different reviews of products. Whenever, I’m on the fence about buying a product reading someone’s review always gives me the push or pull into getting a product.Ā I’ve always been a HUGE fan of fitness trackers, especially Fit Bit. You can read my past Fit Bit reviews here and here.

For Christmas I got an Apple Watch and while it took a little bit of getting used and trying it out, I’m excited to share my review with you today!

My new Apple Watch SE.

A few notes, this post is not sponsored at all, this is just my own thoughts and opinions on Apple Watch.

For starters, I got the Apple Watch SE.Ā 

It took a little bit of getting used to compared to my Fit Bit Versa Lite (the set-up, the notifications and the look) but once I did , I automatically fell in love with it.

For my job, I’m always on my phone, so having my calls, texts, emails, and social media all synced to my watch is huge!

I love that I can see who’s calling or texting me from my watch without picking up my phone.Ā  The Fit Bit Versa Lite had these features too, butĀ I like how on the Apple Watch you can read the full text message and not just the preview compared to the Fit Bit Versa Lite. You can also respond to texts through Siri or microphone or by writing a message out. I typically donā€™t respond to too many texts unless itā€™s a one-word or short response that I can quickly type or speak using Siri.

With the Fit Bit Versa Lite you can see when someone is calling you, but on the Apple Watch SE you can answer calls from it as well. I also like how you can get way more notifications from different apps. I can see when I get notifications from social media, to emails, calendars and emails.

I am always using my Apple Watch to set timers or alarms. I also use Siri a lot more on my Apple Watch compared to my phone. I also can get a quick check of the weather without going on my phone. Major wins for me!

Besides work, I really enjoy working out. I try to workout at least five days a week if not more. I use my Apple Watch to track my work out sessions, track how many calories Iā€™ve burned, see how many steps Iā€™ve gotten and see how long Iā€™ve stood. There’s different programs you can start tracking when you workout from yoga to walking, running or lifting weights. Closing my rings is always a highlight of my day.Ā 

If you have been following for a while, you know how I have started to incorporate mindfulness and meditation in my daily routines. One of the apps on my Apple Watch tracks Mindfulness, another favorite! I practice Mindfulness at the start and end of every day.

Now that I have raved about the Apple Watch, hereā€™s a few things that I have noticed that I donā€™t love about it. 

The battery goes faster on the Apple Watch compared to the Fit Bit Versa Lite. If I start the day with 80 percent by the end of a 12 hour day, itā€™s around 30 percent. It makes sense since Iā€™m using it constantly and since I sleep with It on at night, but it still go faster than the Fit Bit. I typically charge it when Iā€™m showering at night or when Iā€™m sitting down or doing my hair in the morning.

You also need a specific charger and charger block for the Apple Watch, so thatā€™s something else you should be aware of.

The other thing that makes it questionable is the price, or more accurately is it worth it? In my opinion ā€¦yes! Since I use it for multiple reasons, all day every day. It’s definitely worth it. But if you are on the fence about investing, I would suggest maybe starting with a Fit Bit and working you way up to an Apple Watch, just a suggestion.Ā 

The pros outweigh the cons but A LOT! Overall, I am thrilled with my Apple Watch and I use it all day, every day! In next weekā€™s post, Iā€™ll be sharing some of my favorite accessories. Until then, if you have an Apple Watch, what are your thoughts on it? Let me know!


Favorite Health and Fitness Apps

No matter how long you have been following my blog, fitness and staying healthy is a huge part of my life. Whether itā€™s eating healthy or working out several times a week, I make my health a priority. One of the ways that I keep my health in order is with the help of fitness trackers and apps. Last year, I did a review of my Fit Bit, you can find that here.Today, Iā€™m sharing my favorite health and fitness apps. 

Fit Bit App

Ā Iā€™m going to keep this short and sweet, first, you donā€™t to have a fit bit to have the app, I used the app before I had the watch. This is by far my favorite fitness app. It tracks your steps, miles walked, calories burned, and how active you are. It also sends you all notifications whether itā€™s calendar reminders or text messages or phone calls, itā€™s super helpful. The app also allows you to track your food and water intake, your weight, and then one of my favorites, your sleep. Tracking my sleep is super important to me. When you wear your fit bit to bed, it monitors how long you are asleep for, and how much time you spend in light sleep, deep sleep, REM, and are awake. It gives you a sleep score every night too. I always find it interesting to see how rested I am. If these are all priorities for you, then this is a great investment.Ā 

The Fit Bit home page with all your stats
Here’s the sleep tracker

Health (Apple version)

If you are Apple die-hard fans and like to utilize everything with Apple, then this would be the App for you. You can use it with the Apple Watch, like the fit bit app, it tracks your steps, miles walked, sleep and how active you are. You can still utilize this app without having the apple watch, I did the same but found it wasnā€™t as accurate without having the watch on you. For example, my fit bit is more accurate with my steps and working out because I always have my watch on, however, since I donā€™t have an apple watch the health app isnā€™t always up to date. If you are an apple lover or have an apple watch, this is the route for you.

The Health app through Apple

Sleep Cycle

The sleep tracker through Sleep Cycle

This falls into the health section of apps. Like I said, I am always intrigued about measuring my sleep. This app is great for tracking sleep, you just turn it on before you go to bed and make sure itā€™s near you when you are sleeping. It will track how awake you are and how restless you sleep. It also doubles as an alarm clock too. This app is free and itā€™s simple to use. If you donā€™t care as much about the fitness and want to focus more on sleep, this is the app for you. 

These are my favorite apps for health and fitness, I will admit that I use the Fit Bit app the most since it meets all my needs and I utilize everything it offers. What are your favorite health and fitness apps? 

I hope this post encourages you to get out there and be active. Have a fabulous week!

Fun Ways to Organize

What’s on My Phone?

Hi Guys!

Happy Tuesday! I hope you all had restful weekends! My weekend was pretty busy between homework, work, and the semester full underway, it was hectic to say the least. I am looking forward to this coming weekend as it will be filled with activities, family, and some R&R!

On todayā€™s agenda, I wanted to share how I organize my phone and some of my favorite apps on my phone that make my life easier and more efficient. Now, as 20 year old, I do use social media a lot on my phone both for my blog and for my own personal use. However, I am just going to focus on apps, that make my life easier and more organized. This post is not sponsored or an advertisement, Iā€™m just sharing what apps work best in my life and how I keep my phone organized.

What’s on my iPhone?

On the first screen, I keep most of my apps in their original place. I donā€™t like to move my apps around too much because I like to keep it simple and not complicated. My phone, safari, mail, music, messages, and notes are all near each other so I can access them easily.

First screen

On my second screen are the more speciality apps.

Second Screen

My first row are my apps for social media which include Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and the E News app where I get all the scoop from Hollywood. I use these every day even multiple times a day.

The second row are apps that I use that are clustered based on use. (minus pinterest- another form of social media but I ran out of room on the first row). My first cluster is for school. Outlook is great for collecting my school emails, GroupMe is so helpful for group messages, Schoology keeps all my assignments in one place, Cam Scanner is great for copying notes, and Remind is a great Reminder app.

School Apps

My second cluster is for work which include Linkedin, Facebook, and Messenger all used for work purposes not fun.

Work Apps

The last cluster is all the other apps that I donā€™t use all the time including Contacts, Stocks, Files, Compass, any other apps that I donā€™t use all the time.

Extra Apps

The third row includes my personal apps which include my online banking app, my Fitbit that tracks everything on my Fitbit, my Countdown app for important days, and Sprinkle of Jesus, a great app full of inspiration.

My last row includes three clusters.

The first for entertainment; which include Amazon Music and Video, Netflix, Pandora, and Podcasts, they are tucked away so Iā€™m not distracted.

Entertainment Apps

My second cluster Ā has my favorite shopping and food apps which include Apple Wallet, Amazon Prime, and Panera Bread and Chipotle, my favorite eateries.

Food and Shopping Apps

Lastly, photos and videos which includes Layout, VSCO, Followers, and Repost all important for blogging.

Photos and Video Apps

Now onto my favorite apps.

–Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Notes

Everyone with a smart phone has some kind of notes app and it is so helpful. I use my notes every day. I keep To-Do lists, Reminders, Movies that I want to watch, and Books I want to read, Passwords, and anything else I need to be accessible at all times. I use my notes all the time and it is so helpful to have it be synced with laptop and ipad to I have all my notes with me on any device. Notes keeps me on top of anything that gets thrown my way through the day.

–Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā GroupMe

This is one of my most used apps. It is an app just for group messages. It is so helpful to keep all my group messages in one area and not mixed in with all my other personal messages. For my job at school, we use GroupMe to communicate fast and efficiently. GroupMe is also super helpful when it comes to group projects, work meetings, or just friends making plans.Ā  This app is free and can be found in the app store. Overall, GroupMe has made my life at school much more organized

–Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Sprinkle of Jesus

Not an organizational tool but this app sends you positive reminders and mantras throughout the day. Whenever, I need a pick me up, Sprinkle of Jesus is always there. Some of the quotes hit close to home. They also have great content too. This is free and found in the app store.

Whew, thatā€™s a look into my phone and what apps Im totally hooked on. Also, I keep my background fairly simple so Iā€™m not distracted with a busy background. What apps are you hooked on and what tips do you have when it comes to organizing your phone?