Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #66

Hello all!

Happy Friday! We made it through Halloween week! This has been a busy week for me, so I was ready for the weekend. I finished a big project on Monday, celebrated Halloween on Tuesday and had some doctor’s appointments spread throughout the week too. These next few weeks will be busy between some big work events and projects, Thanksgiving and the start of Christmas shopping, so I’m trying to take the slow and steady days where I can. 

We had some days in the 70s and I had to take advantage by enjoying the outdoors.

Anyways, let’s not get ahead of ourselves and focus on the here and now and some fun favorites for this fall week as I link up with Erika and Andrea or a fun roundup of Friday Favorites!

New Fall Candle- I typically get my candles from Marshall’s, T. J. Maxx or even Michael’s. However, thanks to a sale and being a rewards member, I got a candle for a great price from Bath and Body Works and I am obsessed. This three-wick candle was perfect for October and is even better for November. The pumpkin-apple scent is like fall in a cup. It’s not too strong and the scent lasts even after you blow out the candle. I have been burning it in the morning and when I am unwinding or relaxing and it has been such a fall treat. I don’t always use holiday scented candles, but I know this one will last me all through the next month, just in time for a new scent for Christmas!

My new favorite candle.

New Lotion and Spray Scent– This candle wasn’t the only new scent I was smelling this week. It was time for a change for my body lotion and spray from Bath and Body Works. I’m enjoying the last of the Gingham series with Gingham Fresh. So far, I like that Gingham Fresh is subtle and not too strong which is helpful if you just want a little refresher.  You may remember I have enjoyed Gingham Gorgeous and Gingham Vibrant so far this year. I will have to use this one for a bit before I decide which is my favorite. Stay tuned! Next month, I will be breaking out the Winter Candy Apple for the holidays! I can’t wait!

New scent for the next few months.

Quaker Oats- From new scents to foods! I can’t believe this is a favorite for me, but never say never. I never liked oats or oatmeal growing up, but I have been trying a lot of new foods over the past few months and that includes quaker oats. I’m not a fan of oatmeal, but I have been enjoying it in cookies and protein balls. I used quaker oats to make chocolate and peanut butter no bakes and then apple oatmeal cookies which were both so tasty and healthy too. I also took a try at making protein balls off a recipe I found on Pinterest and have been loving them too, again the perfect mix of healthy with some sweet and salty. I’ll be on the lookout for more recipes to use oats, if you have a favorite recipe, please feel free to share with me!

New favorite treats!
And cookies

Pumpkin Pop Tarts– We are still in full on pumpkin season over here and I have been trying all kinds of pumpkin flavored foods. I was never a big fan of pumpkin, only in moderation, but it has been growing on me this season. I tried pumpkin pop tarts this season and really enjoyed them. The pumpkin flavoring wasn’t overwhelming, it was subtle but had that pumpkin spice feel and taste to it. I only tried them in room temperature and not heated up, so the flavoring could change, but if you are a pumpkin fan, consider picking them up the next time you are out and about.

Fall in your mouth!

The Crown Trailer– Any Crown fans out there? The new trailer for season 6 dropped last week and I can’t wait for part one. You can watch the trailer here. I am interested to see how they depict the months leading up to Diana’s death and the aftermath of it. I think the series has done a great job of staying true to the story. As much as I can’t wait for the final season, I also don’t want the series to be over. It has been such a good show to watch over the years and I’ll miss it when it’s over.

You never know what your favorite things will be, some weeks it’s fashion, other weeks, it’s food and scents. I hope you are recovered from Halloween and are still enjoying some candy as we make our way into a new month!

Have a great weekend!


Currently #46

Hello hello and happy end of October!

We have less than a week to go until Halloween, how is that possible? I feel like the month flew by! I always enjoy all the holidays and this time of year. I know the next few weeks will be busy, so I’m soaking up all the slow days while I can. This month was all about fall fun, seeing friends and spending time with family. The past few weeks were filled with chilly mornings and cozy nights.

Here’s a look into what’s Currently going on in my world. 

What I’m Up To: I’ve been crossing all the things off my fall bucket list. I’ve gone to a pumpkin patch and did some fall window shopping and browsing.

Pumpkin patches
Fall window shopping

I went to an apple orchard, picked lots of apples and made lots of tasty recipes including an apple pie and apple oatmeal cookies. 

Fresh Apple Pie
And a fresh slice
And fresh cookies

I got to see the leaves change through the month by going on lots of fall walks, at home and around the region. 

Nothing prettier than leaves on the ground!
New places to hike!
Beautiful fall days!

I also got the chance to see two of my brothers as they came home for breaks over the past month.

What I’m Wearing: After being on the hunt for a fall graphic t-shirt, I got one from Amazon and love it. It fits true to size, the design is too cute and I got it on sale on Amazon Prime Days-wins all across the boards!

Hello Fall!

I also have been transitioning to darker colors as the seasons have changed. I’ve worn this Calvin Klein dress a few times and love the material and style. It’s a runner up for a Thanksgiving dress this year! 

Also as much as it pains me, I have started to break out the jackets and sweaters, I tried to hold off for as long as a I could, but Mother Nature forced me to wear all the layers. 

What I’m Reading: October was a good reading month for me. I made my way through lots of books that were on my “To Be Read” list. Here’s a breakdown of what I read:

Hello Beautiful- Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano is a modern day take on Little Women. It follows four sisters and their lives from children to adults and how they grow close and apart, evolve and change. The book is told from four different perspectives and spans across decades. This book was so moving and really leaves you reflecting on the power of family and relationships. It was definitely worth all the hype.

Before I DoBefore I Do by Sophie Cousens. This was a book that drew me in based on the cover. Sometimes, you judge a book by its cover and it’s worth it. The story follows a bride on the days leading up to her wedding day. She’s with the perfect guy and the wedding is expected to be a spectacle. All is right in the world until someone from her past shows up as a plus one. This causes our bride to spiral when everything starts to go wrong and bad omens start appearing. Will the wedding go off without a hitch or is it a love story gone wrong? you will have to read to find out.

Counting the Cost by Jill Duggar Dillard focuses on Jill’s life, how she’s grown and evolved and her perspective about her family and a lot of the events that transpired in recent years. I really love that I could hear her telling her story through the audiobook. I feel that she really pulls back the curtain on a lot of big moments in her life which I appreciated. She was real and vulnerable throughout the whole book. I learned so much more about her and her family situation. I thoroughly enjoyed the book and finished it in less than a week.

The Layover- The Layover by Lacie Waldon is all about a flight attendant who plans on taking her last trip, but not all goes according to plan. An unexpected layover causes her to re-evaluate her life when she has to work with a co-worker that she doesn’t particularly enjoy. It’s a fun and light read that will have you craving a vacation.

What I’m Watching: I have been making my way through fall tv shows and some binge-watching too. To be honest, life has been so busy I haven’t had as much time to watch tv since other hobbies have been taking up my time. However, I have been enjoying a few shows recently. 

I am all caught up on the latest season of Lupin. This was a fast watch for me. There were only seven episodes this season and several cliffhangers spread throughout the season, so I was able to finish it in a week. This season involved heists, even more disguises and learning about Lupin’s past and his family. This is definitely worth the watch if you are on the hunt for a new show.

A great show to binge watch!

I’ve also been watching Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test and The Masked Singer on FOX. I give the recruits major props for some of the challenges they have to complete on World’s Toughest Test because I know I couldn’t handle some of them. Plus, it’s fun to see who steps up and rises to the top and who quits.

The Masked Singer has also been a feel-good show to enjoy. I love to guess who’s under the mask and who can sing and who is doing it just for fun!

It was way overdue, but I finally finished Virgin River this month. The finale left me with me and so many others with cliffhangers. I’m glad we have the holiday episode to tide us over. If you watched the show, what did you think of this season?

What Inspires Me: Besides my Pinterest fall boards, I have been inspired by lots of new recipes for fall and winter. It has been a goal to try a new recipe a week and while most have been sweet over savory, it’s been so fun to try new recipes. 

Here’s been some of my favorites:

I’ve made Apple Muffins

S’mores Cookies

Apple Oatmeal Cookies

Peanut Butter and Chocolate No Bakes

Protien Balls

Pumpkin Roll

I love every opportunity I get to be in the kitchen and try new recipes.

What I Accomplished: This past month I was able to see so many friends which is always good fort the soul. Whether it was on facetime or in person, it’s always good to catch up with your people. I try to talk/ do something with friends once a month and I always feel better after I get some friend time in.

A pumpkin patch and fall fest with friends is always a good idea!

Even as the weather got cooler, I tried to spend as much time as possible since I know the days of warm weather is fleeting. I always feel better after I get fresh air outside, even if it’s just for a quick walk to get the mail or to get some exercise with my dogs, there’s nothing better than time spent outside in the changing seasons.  

A beautiful fall morning!

I also had some fun picking leaves to bring indoors for some seasonal decor. We used to collect leaves all the time as kids and do art projects with them, so it’s been fun to continue the tradition as an adult. 

Fun fall decor!

Goals From Last Month: My goals from last month were to enjoy all things fall and I certainly did that. I still want to enjoy some Halloween fun and bake some festive treats, so that’s what’s on tap for me this weekend. Plus, even though we don’t get any trick or treaters, I can’t help myself and not buy some Halloween candy to enjoy too. You can never be too old for Halloween candy. This weekend also calls for some Halloween movies too, I’m thinking the classics like Hocus Pocus or Halloweentown. 

Beautiful day for a train ride
A trip to the zoo is even fun in the fall.

Goals for this Month: As far as goals for next month, I want to continue to enjoy the fall like weather for however long it lasts. Thanksgiving will be here soon, and I love all the sides and food, plus seeing family. Everyone in my family will be home for a few days, which will be such a treat. The last time we were all together was back in August! 

On a more practical note, the holidays will be here soon, so I have to start making up my lists of who to buy for. I like to start shopping around Thanksgiving, but I like to have a game plan going into the shopping season. 

That’s a look into life over the past month. All things fall, all things family and friends and of course, festive fun too! As October winds down, how was your month? Cozy? Busy? Packed full? I hope it was everything you hoped for and I hope November brings new adventures and opportunities. Have a spooky rest of your week!