Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #47

Hello all and Happy Friday!

I know I say this every month, but I can’t believe we are at the end of the month. June felt like it went by in the blink of an eye, but also felt slow and smooth at the same time. I’ve been having lots of fun over the past few weeks with day trips, time with family and getting outdoors as much as I can.

I’ve been finding new places to explore this summer.

It’s time for another Friday Favorites as I link up with Erika and Andrea! Today is a mix of beauty products and some fun entertainment and some sweets too. Let’s dive right in!

Hair Mousse– If you have read past posts, you know I love to use what I have, not waste, and be resourceful, when comes with food, beauty products, and household items. I came across lots of beauty and hair products and have been making my way through using them and seeing what works well for my hair. I had been using thickening spray by Kristin Ess from Target and when I finished it, I started using the Instant Lift Hair Mousse. I use it right after the shower with wet hair. I put a pump of mousse and work it through my hair and then brush it all out. The one thing I have noticed is that if you don’t really brush it through, it will harden which can make styling your hair the next day or later in the day a challenge, so make sure it’s thoroughly in your hair. Once I finish the mousse, I will let you know which product I prefer. 

Trying out this product

Air– We had a family movie night last week which was so fun! All six of us enjoyed dinner in the family room while we watched Air. You can find it on Amazon Prime. It tells the true story about Michael Jordan’s partnership with Nike. This was such a great family movie if you have older kids. They do use foul language, so be warned but everyone in my family agreed that it was a great film. I loved learning about how they came up with concept with the Air Jordans and all the effort it took to get Jordan to sign with Nike. One of my favorite parts of the movie was seeing all the iconic 80’s memorabilia and seeing some great Nike quotes too. Time spent with family all watching a movie together has been a favorite summer memory for sure!

A fun, adult or teen family movie

Honey Lemon Stirrers– I’m not sure if it was the smoke from the Canadian wildfires, allergies or a cold, but I was sick for a few days a few weeks ago and nearly lost my voice. These honey lemon stirrers were a saving grace. When I’m at home, I can make a cup of tea and add lemon, or honey or sugar if needed. But, when I am on the go or at work, I don’t want to bring lots of extra items for a cup of tea. These honey lemon stirrers add sweetness and flavor and are so easy to throw in your purse or lunchbox. I found them at Marshall’s, but I have seen them or similar ones at Home Goods or T.J. Maxx, even Target or Giant Eagle. These are great to have on hand in your cabinet.

Great for sick days!

The Lazy Genius Birthday Podcast- I know my birthday was last month, but this is such a great podcast episode to listen to if your birthday is coming up. The Lazy Genius podcast episode talks all about the importance of planning your own birthday and making it a day fit just for you. It also touches on expectations of birthdays and the pressures that come with it. I think this is such a good reminder that it’s your birthday and it should go the way you want it to be, not necessarily how others think you should celebrate it. Kendra Adachi, the host, gives examples of ways to celebrate your birthday and the importance of pampering yourself or making sure you honor the day and milestone. The episode is only 18 minutes but found it so interesting. I will definitely be listening to more episodes in the future. If you have a birthday or big milestone coming up, I highly recommend checking out this episode.

Definitely worth the listen!

Outlander’s New Season– Outlander season 7 is out on Starz. After a long hiatus I was so happy to see it back. The first episode was filled with lots of drama, suspense and intrigue. I know this is going to be a good season based on the first episode. A lot of questions got answered, but it also opened up the door to more questions. Episodes come out once a week and it’s the best way to unwind at the end of the day.

Outlander is back!

That puts a bow on another edition of Friday Favorites. From hair and skin to movies and podcast, I think this post has you covered. I hope you have something fun planned on this last full weekend and week of June. Summer needs to slow down! 

Tell me: what do you have planned for the weekend? Let me know in the comments below!

Have a fantastic Friday!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #46

Hey Hey! Happy Friday! I hope you had a fantastic week! I am excited for a long weekend that includes lots of fun and adventures, plus time with family and my boyfriend! I can’t wait to share it all with you soon!

Nothing says summer like a day at the beach!

This week went by in the blink of an eye , but it was so productive-those are the best kinds of weeks, but I couldn’t wait for the weekend. 

It’s time for a new edition of Friday Favorites as I link up with Erika and Andrea!

Here’s some things that I am loving this week, from practical items to things I’m watching and reading, these are a roundup of things that have been on my mind.

Best Served Hot– I saw this book on display at the library and was immediately drawn in by the plot and checked all the boxes for a good read! Rom-com, takes place in a big city, and talks about food! The story follows a food critique and a food influencer as they try out different restaurants in NYC, first as competitors and then on a collaborators. The best and dare I say, worst part of the book was the details of all the foods they were tasting. The description was so vivid, which just made me hungry while I was reading. This is definitely a fun summer read by the pool or on a beach.

Water Bottle Holder– I have fallen in love with walks and hikes over the past few yeas, but it’s always important to stay hydrated. I was always taking a water bottle with me, but had to carry it all the time. For Christmas, I got a water bottle holder and I couldn’t wait to try it this summer. I went for a long walk a few weeks back and couldn’t wait to use this holder and it was perfect. It fits most plastic or reusable water bottles, keeps them cold and your hands free and there’s space to store your phone, money or keys. This would be great for long hikes and walks to keep your hands free and keep you staying hydrated. 

A water bottle holder that holds your drink and is cute too!

Summer Dress Sandals– I know I am late to the game on these trendy, summer, dress sandals, but I picked up a pair from T.J. Maxx and they have become my favorite summer dress sandal. I have worn them to work, to church and out to events and date night. I love the color, the straps and the best part is how comfortable they are! They have great support and you can wear them for hours. I can’t wait to wear them more this summer!

A view of the shoes on!

Stain Remover– I got this clothing stain remover that I keep at work and it has saved me so many times. It gets ink, food, oil, blood, grass, even sweat stains out of clothes in seconds. I always keep it in my desk and have used it so many times and even leant it to co-workers to use. I highly recommend it, however, I can’t remember where I bought it. So, if you have used this or heard of it and know where I can find it, let me know!!

Love, Sarah– I know this is an older movie, but it came up on my Amazon Prime suggestions and I was intrigued. Love, Sarah is all about a daughter, grandmother, and friend who open a bakery in honor of a loved one who dies. It takes place in London, which immediately drew me in, plus it’s all about creating delicious pastries and bakery items while working together and of course, there’s a bit of a love story tied in too. Definitely worth watching on a rainy day or for a girl’s night in!

There you have it! A few things I’m loving this week. From fun things to useful summer items. Tell me what has brought you joy this week? Have a great weekend!! I know I will be a having a great one!


Currently #41

Hi friends! Happy Last Day of May! This has been a packed month and I swear it flew by in the blink of an eye. I hope you had a fun and relaxing Memorial Day weekend and enjoyed the unofficial kickoff to summer.

A snapshot of our Memorial Day spread!

I had a busy weekend between celebrating the holiday, working and then celebrating my 25th birthday. It was packed full, but oh so fun!


Celebrating 25!
With my pup too!

Now, that I have got you all caught up on this weekend, as another month comes to a close, it’s time to recap this month with a new edition of Currently. Here’s what I’ve been reading, watching, and doing.

What I’ve Been Up To: May was a busy work month between traveling to Canada for a day trip to preview the Coronation of King Charles III, which you can read about here, Primary Night in Pennsylvania and kicking off summer events. 

Day trip to Niagara on the Lake!
Primary night in PA!

On weekends, I have been savoring the warm weather by spending as much time outside by taking walks or runs and making a point to get outdoors.

First sunset of summer!

From doing work outside to taking walks after work or on days off, I even have been making it a point to catch up with friends over the phone or in person over a walk. Spring and summer means eating meals outdoors, I always try my best to spend some time outside every day.

Enjoying a Saturday morning walk and coffee!

I also got to enjoy my first sunset and grilling of the season at the beach. It was a beautiful night to sit on the beach and grill! Looking forward to many more nights this like this through the summer.

First sunset and picnic on the beach

What I’m Wearing: On cooler days, I have been enjoying wearing cuffed jeans and graphic t-shirts and sneakers. I even have gotten to break out the shorts a few times this month too which is a huge win! I can’t wait for shorts season all the time come next month.

A weekend look, cuffed jeans for the win!

I also got a few new closet staples from J.Crew and Ann Taylor which I will be sharing soon. I have been looking for bright colors to wear in the warmer months. I got this bright, yellow dress from a friend from The Limited and it’s perfect for Spring and Summer. I love the color and the style, it would be great for a summer wedding, Sunday Church service or work.

Bright and cheery for spring!

Speaking of weddings, I went to a family wedding a few weeks back and wore this dress. Although, it’s navy blue, I dressed it up with gold accents.

A classic wedding look.

What I’m Reading: The end of April and start of May was a big reading month for me. Here are some of my favorites.

I read the sequel to “It Ends With Us” by Colleen Hoover. You do have to read It Ends With Us, before you read “It Starts With Us“, but I don’t think it’s necessary to read the sequel. It was definitely lighter than the first book and it was interesting to see how some of the relationships progressed and changed, but I don’t think you have to read the sequel.

I also made it my goal to read all of Taylor Jenkins Reid’s books. I read “After I Do”, “Forever Interrupted”, and “Maybe in Another Life”.

“After I Do” follows the story of a young couple who after being married for several years goes through a rough patch and agrees to take some time apart. The book follows what happens when they separate and if they decide if they are better together or apart.

 “Forever Interrupted” tells the story of a newlywed couple who are on Cloud 9 in marital bliss, until the husband is tragically killed just a week after they say, “I do”. The book goes back and forth between the grieving widow trying to move on and the start of the couple’s relationship. I really enjoyed the two perspectives it was told from and how the two storylines eventually get tied together.

The final Taylor Jenkins Reid book I read was “Maybe in Another Life”. This book follows the story of Hannah who moves back to California and when out with friends, she has to decide if she wants to go home with her ex-boyfriend or her best friend. The story goes back and forth between both decisions, if she plays it safe or makes a bold decision. I really enjoyed seeing both lives and perspectives.

The last book I read was “The Dinner List” by Rebecca Serle, it’s all about a woman who shows up to her birthday dinner with five people from her life. Through the course of the dinner, the purpose of each guest is revealed, and our heroine learns the importance of letting go, moving on, and growing from this special birthday dinner.

What I’m Watching: This past month, I wrapped up a lot of series. I finished The Mindy Project which was so good. I loved the casting, storylines and one-liners and truly didn’t want it to end, however, I was satisfied with the ending.

I also finished The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, which I loved from the get-go. I thought this season did a great job at wrapping things up and giving glimpses into the future of what happens with fan-favorite characters. I am going to miss the cast, the comedy and of course, the clothes! This article gave a great recap!

If you watched the show, what did you think of the final season and ending?

I also talked about Jury Duty a few weeks ago. You can find it on Amazon Prime and it was the perfect show to watch for a comedy filled 30 minutes. I thought the show was well done with the creative story of a group of people sitting in on a court case that’s being filmed for a tv show. The catch is, they are all in on it except for one jurors. It was such a fun show to binge watch.

I also finished The Diplomat which stars Keri Russell on Netflix. It’s all about a woman who becomes the new Ambassador in the United States. It’s a mix of politics, drama, intrigue and some romance too! I give it 5 stars! I’m already looking forward to the new season.

What Inspires Me: Spring and summer mean all the salads! I have been on a kick of making chefs salads. They are so easy to assemble and great to use what you have in your fridge. I often throw in any leftover vegetables I have plus any cheese or sliced meats or even fruit. I love that you can use what you have and get a hearty meal out of it too.

Besides making chef salads, I have also enjoyed making flatbread pizzas this summer and trying different combinations.

Plus in honor of Cinco de Mayo, I made chicken tacos! Yum!

Lastly, I have been inspired by picnics. There’s nothing better than enjoying a picnic after a nice long walk. I enjoy a classic sandwich and chips and fruit for a picnic, but love to switch it up with grilling too.

Summer picnics are back!

What I Accomplished: I’ve been really enjoying time outside, time spent with family and starting summer traditions and fun! If this month is any indication at how summer will look, we are in for a good summer!

Summer appetizers are back!
Bring on the fresh salads.

Goals from Last Month: This past month has been busy as I celebrated my 25th birthday, I accomplished a lot of things on my summer bucket list and I made lots of memories through the spring and did some things for the first time too, like being to a new part of Canada.

Day trips to the zoo are back!
The best part of family weddings-cookies!
And some sweet gifts too!

Goals for this Month: My only goal for next month is to kick off summer and begin my summer bucket list! I am already working on it and can’t wait to share it with you next week!

Whew, that was a lot! May has packed full in the best way. I can’t wait to see what June has to offer! I can’t wait to welcome a new month and summer! See you back here in JUNE!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #42

Hi friends! Happy Friday! I hope you have something fun planned for this weekend. I have been loving this spring weather. I have been trying to spend as much time as possible outside to soak up the sun! I’ve even been grilling and enjoying reading outdoors. Some of my favorite summer activities.

Summer grilling has begun!

I’m linking up with Erika and Andrea! for another edition of Friday Favorites. Here’s a roundup of some things I’ve been loving this week. 

Running– I can’t believe this is on my Friday Favorites list, but here we are. As the weather has been getting warmer, I’ve been running outside more. I’ve never been a runner, but one of my goals this summer is to run a 5K, so I’ve been preparing for it. I try to get longer runs on the weekends, and shorter runs on the weekdays. Slowly but surely, I’m getting there and I’m proud of myself for how far I’ve come.

Getting my runs in!

Coronation Behind the Scenes Video: Even though it’s been a few weeks, I’m still reading and following things about the Coronation of King Charles III. Last week, Will and Kate released a behind the scenes of Coronation weekend. You can watch it here. I loved seeing them getting ready for the big day and getting into the community for all the events. The video was so well produced, such a great recap of the weekend!

Such a good recap!

Jury Duty– Have you seen Jury Duty yet? It’s on Freevee through Amazon Prime and without giving too much away it’s about a group of people seated on a jury for a trial in Los Angeles, they are all actors who know the case is fake except for one of the jurors. There’s so many great one-liners and scenes, definitely worth the watch. 

Such a fun show!

Cuffed Jeans– As we are making our way through Spring, I have been wearing lots of transitional pieces of clothing that work for cooler mornings and hotter afternoons. Cuffed jeans and graphic t-shirts have been my go-to for the spring. Old Navy is a one stop shop for jeans, I love all the cuts and styles, but their regular cuts are my favorite. I have been wearing cuffed jeans non-stop this Spring.

A weekend look!

New Outlander Trailer- I am a big fan of the show, Outlander on Starz and the new trailer for Season 7 which airs this June dropped last week. This season brings us to the American Revolution. The trailer looks dramatic, intense and has some pretty big cliffhangers sprinkled throughout. I can’t wait to watch the new season. 

June can’t come soon enough!

So many favorite things this week, from shows to clothes and outdoor fun! I know I’ll be planning to soak up some sunshine this weekend and get some family time in too! How do you plan to spend your weekend? Let me know in the comments below!

Have a great weekend and a fantastic Friday!!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #38

Hi everyone! Happy Friday! I know it’s only mid-April but I am so ready for summer. Over the past few weeks, I’ve gotten to enjoy sunshine, 70 degrees, and all the clear skies. I even have indulged in ice cream on a few nights too. I know it’s not here to last, but I am soaking up as much as I can. I’m currently working on this post outside and it’s such a tease for summer.

Beautiful spring weather!

It was so hard to narrow down today’s Friday Favorites because I had so many things on my mind. But I think this is a good mix of things to read, watch and enjoy this week. Here’s this week’s edition of Friday Favorites as I link up with Erika and Andrea!

The Best Years of Your LifeThis book started out slow, but once it picked up, I couldn’t put it down. It’s told by the three main characters, a married couple and their college-aged daughter. Each character is going through different trials and tribulations and has their own secrets that they are dealing with. You can find themes of drama, relationships, family, honesty and integrity. It’s one of those books that will stick with you after you finish it. Another bonus is that the author is from my community-such a small world!

Simplified Spring Launch!-Emily Ley and her team at Simplified revealed their products and covers last week and they went on sale on Wednesday! All I can say is wow! What a collection! Their academic planners go on sale in the spring and their yearly planners go on sale in the fall. I’m a yearly girl, so I will buy my planner in the fall, but I already have my eyes on some new products too! If you like organization and desk and office supplies, you have to see what they have in stock. This is my pick for this year!

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Season 5– The new and final season of the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel returned last Friday! So far, a handful of episodes are available. I am really into the season and i don’t want it to end. There was a lot of shock after the first episode, you can read about it here if you want to learn more, but be warned, the article contains spoilers! I always look forward to Fridays when the new episodes drop and I can’t wait to see how everything wraps up. 

James Corden and the Kardashians– If you are a fan of the Late Night Show with James Corden or the Kardashian’s, you have to check out this video. Corden fills in as their assistants for the day and the end result is too funny! This is guaranteed a laugh for you.

New Library Books– After reading some great books, I couldn’t wait to head to the library for some new reads and my recent haul didn’t disappoint. I picked up a mix of rom-com, drama, and some that have been on my read list for a while. I can’t wait to share some reviews soon!

Well there you have it, that’s a look into what I have been loving this week. I hope you found something that you can love too! I hope you have a wonderful weekend filled with sushine and spring fun!


Currently #39

Hello all! Happy Wednesday and Happy end of March! I wish this month felt like more like spring, but it felt more like winter. To put it in perspective, we got more snow in March than in February and we didn’t even get that much snow.

A look at March in terms of weather!

That being said, I am ready to welcome spring with open arms. The sun has been out more, the days are longer, it’s just good vibes all around. Here’s a look into life recently.

What I’ve Been Up To: This month has flown by with a mix of slow days and busy weeks. This month, I’ve ventured out for the first local zoo trip of the year. I’ve also tried some new recipes, caught up with friends for dinners or long overdue facetime calls and enjoyed some time outdoors, even in the chilly weather. I’m looking forward to fewer layers, sneakers instead of boots for walks, and not heating up my car in the mornings in April, or I’m at least hoping.

First Zoo trip of the year
Weekend drives and breakfast sandwiches

What I’m Wearing: I have been making it a point to wear brighter colors to channel my inner spring even on the colder days. I got this soft green dress from Calvin Klein from Marshall’s and it’s already been a favorite of mine this year. I love the sleeves and the color, a great combo for Spring.

Green for Spring!

I’ve also been pairing neutrals with brighter colors for work, like a pink sweater with a tan skirt. It breaks up the neutral colors and makes you get in the spring spirit.

A spring skirt and top combo
Green has been in heavy rotation this month!

What I’m Reading: I’ve been reading lots of books over the past few weeks as I spend more time indoors. 

Here’s what I have been enjoying.

Carrie Soto is Back– I finished Carrie Soto is Back and enjoyed it more than I thought. It follows the story of a tennis player looking to return to the court to claim her title as champion. I learned a lot about tennis, endurance, and hard work. I really appreciated the relationship between Carrie and her father. There’s a lot about female empowerment, family ties, and some romance too. It’s a bit different than some of TJR’s other books, but I really enjoyed it.

It Ends with Us– I started another Colleen Hoover book. It Ends with Us is a serious drama which follows the story of a young woman who falls in love with a neurosurgeon, he seems like the perfect catch, but there’s more that meets the eye. This also comes as her first love comes back in her life. Will she choose her new love or first love? You will have to read to find out. In more good news, a few months ago, it was announced that it was being made into a movie with Blake Lively and Justin Baldoni. I can’t wait to watch.

What I’m Watching: A lot of shows that I follow released new seasons so I’ve been catching up on some of my favorite shows. I’m caught up on the new season of YOU, which was filled with murder, mayhem, mystery and of course cliffhangers.

I’ve also watched Daisy Jones and the Six on Amazon Prime which I really loved. From the music, to the character and plot lines, I think they did a great job going from the book to the screen. I was so sad when it was over, but was so satisfied with the ending, even with some changes.

The cherry on top was having the new season of Ted Lasso come out. I really enjoyed the first two seasons and have been loving season 3 so far. I’m so glad the new season is back! You can catch that on Apple TV.

What Inspires Me: I’ve been inspired by lots of cooking and baking. I’ve been trying to bake or cook something every week, I’ve mostly been aiming for new recipes but have worked to perfect some family favorites. Here’s a look at some of my favorites from this past month.

One pan chicken, sausage, potatoes and veggies.
Blueberry muffins
Cinnamon roll bars
Rice Krispy Treats
Chocolate drizzle sea salt popcorn
Taco soup!

What I Accomplished: This month has been so productive from getting yearly check-ups done, hair cuts, tackling big work projects, and catching up with friends who were home on spring breaks from university programs. I also got some quality family time in with both of my brothers home on Spring Break. It’s been a packed full, but such a good month.

Fresh cut for Spring
Hot cocoa and early spring drives.

Goals from Last Month: This past month, I wanted to do my best at creating memories both indoors and outdoors. I celebrated St. Patrick’s Day with our community parade.

St. Patrick’s Day parade in town

I enjoyed Maple Fest in our community, by heading to local sugar houses and enjoying lots of maple treats and of course, syrup!

Learning the process
Successful maple fest

I also went to see a performance of Riverdance. I tried to make the most of the month and I think I succeeded.

Time spent cozied up with my favorite for-legged friends!

Goals for this Month: I can’t wait to enjoy all things Spring, from Easter, to fresh flowers, outdoor walks and kicking off my Spring Bucket list. I’m so excited for the new season and month and everything it brings.

Goodbye Winter..hello Spring!

That’s a look into life recently. Lots of indoor time between reading and catching up on shows. Some time outdoors with walks with pups and friends and trying new things, like recipes.

Nights have been spent by the fire

Tell me: what’s something you’ve enjoyed and savored over the past month? Let me know in the comments below!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #31

Hey guys! Happy Friday or Fri-YAY! I hope you had a great first full week of March! This week was filled with work, doctor’s appointments and getting outside as much as I could.

The second part of YOU season 4 came out yesterday, so I’ve been making my way through that and plan to watch more of it this weekend.

Even though, I’m working this weekend, I have some fun activities planned which I’m excited for. Today, I’m linking up with Erika and Andrea for this week’s Friday Favorites. Here’s some things I’m loving this week!

Where the Crawdads Live– I’m so late to the party on this movie, but I watched Where the Crawdads Live a few weeks back and really enjoyed the movie. I heard about the book, but never got around to reading it. The movie kept showing up on my recommended watch list on Netflix and decided to give it a try. I’m so glad I did! Without giving too much away, it tells the story of a young girl accused of murder in a small town. The girl is an outcast to the town, so many people have already set their minds on if she committed the crime or not. The movie goes back and forth between the past and present. I was worried it would be a little dark, but found the story to be enlightening, beautiful and a story about life and death. Now, I want to read the book!

Etsy Finds– I am a huge fan of Etsy and have purchased some recent gifts from small businesses. I love how unique every item is, how you can talk to the shop owners and the best part is that you are supporting local businesses. If you are looking for unique and timeless gifts, I would highly recommend Etsy! I’ve had such great luck for anniversary gifts, birthday gifts, just because gifts and Christmas gifts! Definitely recommend checking them out.

Blueberry Muffin Recipe-I’ve been on a baking and cooking streak and have been trying new recipes left and right. I tried this new blueberry recipe and loved it! The muffins were full of flavor and so moist. I made them for my family and they were a big hit. I have Pinterest to thank for this recipe.

The best blueberry muffins I’ve made!

Daisy Jones and the SixDaisy Jones and the Six came out on Amazon Prime last week and I have been devouring this mini series. I couldn’t wait to watch the series after reading the book last summer. It’s been so cool to see the characters I fell in love with come to life on the screen. From the music to the costumes and casting, this has been such a fun show to watch. You don’t have to read the book to enjoy the show, but it’s been fun to compare the two. 

One True Loves trailer– Sticking with Taylor Jenkins Reid, the movie, One True Loves, based on her book is coming out soon and I’m so excited to see it. I really like the casting so far and the trailer looks really good and promising for a great movie. You know it’s a good Friday when you have two TJR favorites!

Whew, that was a jam-packed Friday Favorites and a good mix of things I’ve been loving. Tell me, what are some things you have been loving recently or looking forward to? Let me know in the comments below! Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #30

Happy Friday and happy first Friday of March! This week, we said goodbye to February and hello to March! I know it may not feel like spring yet, it certainly doesn’t feel that way to me, but this new month brings the promise that we are closer to spring than winter and that’s a major win! 

I have a fun roundup of favorite things this week. Let’s jump right in as I link up with Erika and Andrea.

Disenchanted– I watched this movie a few weeks ago and kept forgetting to share it until now. Growing up, I loved the movie Enchanted with Amy Adams and Patrick Dempsey and was so excited as an adult to learn they were making a sequel. I’m glad I saw Disenchanted, I thought it was cute and liked how they brought the same characters and had little Easter eggs from other Disney movies, but didn’t think they needed a sequel. But if you are looking to enjoy some childhood nostalgia, this movie wouldn’t be a bad idea.

Fun movie for the whole family!

Everything Seasoned Crackers– I was on the hunt for some different crackers to enjoy with lunch and tried these crackers from Walmart and loved them. They have so much flavor and seasoning and go great with cheese, fruit, even dips or spreads. Definitely worth picking them up the next time you are on the hunt for a new cracker. 

My new favorite cracker-so much flavor!

The Fableman’s– In honor of award season, I watched The Fableman’s and loved it. It’s based on the story of Steven Spielberg and how he fell in love with movies and directing. I’ve enjoyed so many of Spielberg’s movies and loved learning more about his backstory and childhood. Michelle Williams did a fantastic job and the cinematography was incredible. It may have been a long movie but it didn’t feel long at all, you totally get caught up in it. I loved every second and can’t wait to see how it does for the Academy Awards.

Apple Fitness Time to Walk– I have talked about some of Apple Fitness’ different workout courses and have really been enjoying their Time to Walk series, different actors, actresses, athletes and world leaders narrate different stories or share personal experiences while walking, it’s very similar to a podcast. I really love listening to different people’s stories and it makes walking in colder weather so much better.

Outerbanks Season 3- Anyone else finish Outerbanks season 3 yet?! It came out last Thursday and I’ve spent most of the past week catching up on it. There were definitely some surprises, cliffhangers and reunions this season but it was so good to catch up on this show. Not going to lie, seeing all the exterior scenes had me craving some warmer weather. If you have caught up on the new season, what did you think?!

What I’ve been watching this week.

That’s just a recap on some of my favorite things from this week. This weekend, I’m looking forward to watching Daisy Jones and the Six. I’ve been talking about it a lot from the book, to trailer and now the series. I have a feeling it will be one of my favorites next week.

Hello weekend plans!

I hope you enjoy this first weekend of March! Have a great weekend!

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #29

Hi all! Happy Friday! I hope you had a great week as we enjoyed the last full week of February!

It’s been a busy week of work, friends and family. As the week wraps up, I’m sharing some things that have caught my attention and I’ve been loving. Here’s a roundup of my favorite things as I link up with Erika and Andrea.

New Season of the Masked Singer– The Masked Singer is one of my guilty pleasures. I started watching the show when it premiered a handful of years ago and I’ve been an avid viewer since. I love seeing the talent, watching the cast members battle it out and seeing who gets unmasked each week. Season 9 premiered last week and the first few episodes did not disappoint. Some of the unmasking have definitely surprised me. I can’t wait to see what this season holds.

Romantic Comedy Books– I’ve been on a rom com kick when it comes to books. I talked about Part of Your World on this week’s Currently and really loved it.

I also read The Bodyguard after hearing great reviews about it and really enjoyed it as well. I fell in love with the characters, the unique plot line and the setting. If you are looking for some new books to read, these are definitely winners.

Ted Lasso Season 3 Teaser– I’ve been making my way through Ted Lasso and I’ve been loving it. The new teaser and synopsis for Ted Lasso season 3 dropped last week and I can’t wait to see what this season brings. This has been such a fun show to watch with my boyfriend. We can watch an episode or four and it doesn’t get old. 10/10 recommend if you haven’t watched it yet.

Daisy Jones and the Six Full Trailer– The full trailer dropped for Daisy Jones and the Six dropped and it looks so good. After reading the book last summer, I love seeing these characters come to life. The music sounds so good and the makeup and costuming looks phenomenal. You better believe I’ll be watching the series once it drops next week on March 3 on Amazon Prime.

Shotgun Wedding– I really enjoyed seeing all the promotions leading up to Shotgun Wedding on Amazon Prime. Jennifer Lopez and Josh Duhamel brought the perfect mix of humor and serious to their roles. The movie follows a couple who are getting married in a destination wedding, things start out smooth until their wedding gets hijacked by pirates. This movie is filled with great one-liners, romantic moments, beautiful destinations and a happy ending. If you have seen it, what did you think?

Such a cute rom com

That’s a roundup of some of my favorite things. Tell me what are some things you are loving today?

Let me know in the comments below! Happy Friday!


Currently #38

Hey guys! Happy Wednesday. I know February is the shortest month of the year and it certainly flew by. This month has been filled with new recipes, unexpected sunshine and mild weather, lots of books and new shows. Here’s a recap of this past month.

What I’ve Been Up To: I’ve been keeping up with lots of my favorite hobbies. If you follow me on Instagram, you probably saw that I have been putting my new cookbook Just Feed Me by Jessie James Decker to good use by trying lots of recipes. 

Here’s a few that I have tried this month. 

I made Na’an Bread Pizzas
I also made Cilantro Lime Rice and broccoli
And Dirty Rice and Beans
Chicken Chili

We’ve also had such a mild February. With little to no snow, I’ve made the most of the sunshine by getting in lots of walks and outdoor time.

Winter walks in the snow
Followed by warm drinks, even with Santa mugs!

I also got some friend dates for dinners around Galentine’s Day. My boyfriend and I celebrated Valentine’s Day with dinner after work, and we also did a day date to Cleveland at the beginning of the month where we went ice skating, went to the Museum of Art and dinner and a show. It was a packed full day but so much fun!

Skating in the city!
An afternoon at the museum.
And a show at night!

What I’m Wearing: I’ve been wearing Valentine’s day colors all month long. From pink sweaters to red coats. I always love to break out some fun colors around the holidays. These bright colors also help me get in the spring feels which will be here soon.

All pink for the month of LOVE
My red coat made its way out for a date night

What I’m Reading: I got on a Colleen Hoover book train and read two of her books this past month. 

I also finished Part of Your World by Abby Jimenez, this told the story of star-crossed lovers who live in essentially different worlds. A country boy meets city girl, they fall in love but quickly realize they may not fit in each other’s worlds. Will they make it work or have a short-lived romance, you will have to read to find out. (I finished this almost 400 page book in a week-so worth it!)

Some of my books that I’ve read and still need to read.

What I’m Watching: New show to me, but I started watching Ted Lasso and love it. I know I’m late to the party but find it so creative and funny. I love all things Great Britian, so I can’t get enough of the British references.

Such a fun show, especially with snacks!

I love the casting and one-liners and can’t wait for the new season to debut this summer. I’ve also been making my way through some movies on my watch list on Netflix and Amazon Prime. I’ve been watching lots of rom coms. Here’s some of my favorites. Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris follows the story of a woman who works as a house cleaner and looks to fulfill her dream of wearing a designer gown. This movie takes her from England to Paris where she gets a newfound sense of confidence and makes some friends along the way.

About Fate follows the story of two people in different relationships, one serious, one not so serious, but they run into one another without their significant others and end up spending New Year’s Eve together overcoming one obstacle to another to get to their dates. They end up learning they have more in common than they thought and fate​ keeps bringing them together.

What Inspires Me: Spring will be here soon, or so I hope. As much as I am enjoying winter, I wouldn’t be lying if I said I am looking forward to spring. I am savoring the time indoors and being cozy and working on projects that I may not be able to accomplish in warmer weather.

Fresh flowers make me think of spring too!

What I accomplished: I have been making headway on lots of odds and ends projects, which is a huge accomplishment. I also spent time with family and and friends which is always a good thing!

Goals from Last Month: I was so glad I got to make time for my girlfriends for Galentine’s Day. I enjoyed having one on one time with friends in town and made time for friends further away with facetime calls. I also had a great Valentine’s Day that was filled with lots of baking and sweets.

Some Valentine’s Day treats!
And more treats!
Valentine’s Day fun!
Lots of sweets!

Goals from this Month: March is such a tease for spring with a mix of winter. I am looking forward to getting some warmer days, while savoring the days of winter. 

Cold days and warm drinks are the perfect combination!

That’s just a look into my life this past month, lots of baking, reading, binge watching and walking, throw in some work and family time then you have yourself a perfect month. I’m looking forward to see what next month brings.